
Lori is currently involved with research projects, graduate students, and mentorship.


Prior to Lori’s retirement and subsequent appointment as Dean Emerita and Sr. Scholar, she was a professor, academic administrator, and program designer and evaluator. Formerly an instructional designer in the private sector, she joined the UM in 1984, and subsequently served in a number of leadership and executive roles, including Sr. Instructional Designer, Director of Distance and Online Education, and Dean of Extended Education. 

Major goals of her work have been to develop innovative programs for adults and non-traditional learners, and increase accessibility and student mobility through online/blended learning and credential laddering. Her scholarship has focused on institutional policy for online/blended learning, online student characteristics and interaction, and the educational and employment outcomes of Indigenous and disadvantaged learners. 

Lori has extensive national and international experience in instructional design, program development, quality assurance, and governance. She continues to serve on several boards of directors, and is a Certified Training and Development Professional (Canadian Institute for Performance and Learning) and Instructional Designer.


B.A., M.Ed., Ph.D.


Select peer-reviewed publications:

Wallace, L. (in press). An old buffalo speaks. In Ives, C., and Walsh P. (Eds.) Women in Leadership in Distance Education. Athabasca: Athabasca University Press.

Recruitment and retention of Indigenous male students in post-secondary studies: An exploratory discussion from the Manitoba Perspective. Herman., R., Smith, D., and Wallace, L. Centre for Higher Education Research and Development (CHERD) Nov 15, 2023.

Wallace, L., Shen, Y, and Lastra, R. (2018). University Indigenous Research Project: Final Report. University of Manitoba

Wallace, L (2015). Distance and Online Education Student Demographics 2010-2015. University of Manitoba.

Author. (2011). Online University Education in Canada: Challenges and Opportunities, V. Busch (lead), L. Wallace (contributor). Human Resource Development Canada.

Wallace, L. (2013). Online versus blended learning: Strategic considerations. International Journal of Excellence in e-solutions for Management 4 (12).

Wallace, L. and Young, J. (2010). Implementing blended learning: Policy implications for universities. Online Journal of Distance Learning Administration 13(4).

Wallace, L. (2004). Dealing with digital copyright issues in higher education: “No” is not a helpful institutional response. Journal of Distance Education, 19 (1), 92-104.

Wallace, L. (2007). Moving courses online: Return on investment, learner demand, and strategic planning. In Pasian, B. and Woodhill, G. (Eds.), Plan to Learn: Case Studies in E-Learning Project Management. Halifax: CeLEA

McCullogh, P. and Wallace, L. (2004). Utilizing Technology: Digital Copyright Clearance. In Kristjanson, C., Radi, D., and Tittle, A. (Eds.), University of Manitoba Faculty of Medicine Teaching Handbook.

Wallace, L. and Tittenberger, T. (2004). Online technologies and university academic policy: Addressing the disconnect. Proceedings of the Beyond Boundaries Conference: Integrating Technology into Teaching and Learning.

Sloane-Seale, A., Wallace, L. and Levin, B. (2004). The post-secondary education of disadvantaged adults. In Gaskell, J. and Rubenson, K. (Eds.), Educational Outcomes for the Canadian Workplace: New Frameworks for Policy and Research (pp. 118-137). Toronto: University of Toronto Press.

Wallace, L. (2004). Do students really want to interact? In Murphy, D. and Walker, R. (Eds.), Case Studies of Teaching with Technology (2nd Ed) (pp.21-27), London, UK: Kogan Page.

Wallace, L. (2004). University of Manitoba Digital Copyright Project: Year-end Report; and 2003 Interim Report. Submitted to Vice-Provost (Academic Programs).

Miller, J. and Wallace, L. (2002). An analysis of online access rates and student interaction in online courses. Proceedings of the North American Web-Based Learning Conference.

Wallace, L. (2003). University of Manitoba Learning Objects Project: Final Report. Industry Canada.

Wallace. L. (1999). Responding to changing learner demographics. In Brown, B. (Ed.), Distance Education and Web-based Training (pp.51-53). Columbus, OH: University of Ohio/ERIC Clearinghouse on Adult, Career, and Vocational Education.

Wallace, L., Lastra, R, and Shen, J. (2024). Multiple jeopardy: A research report on Indigenous first-year students. Canadian Journal of Native Studies, 41(2), 89-108.

Select conference presentations:

Wallace, L., Shen, Y., and Lastra, R. (2018). Using big data to inform advising with Indigenous and first-generation students. National Academic Advising Association (NACADA).

Wallace, L., Shen, Y., and Lastra, R. (2017). Indigenous University Students: Academic Choices, Persistence and Outcomes (Phase 2). Canadian Association for Adult and Continuing Education.

Wallace, L., King, H., and Campbell, K. (2011). Dean’s panel: Negotiating the tug-of-war between university continuing education’s academic mandate and requirements for cost-recovery. Canadian Association for Adult and Continuing Education.

Greer, J., Kanuka, H., Owston, R., and Vaughn, N., and Wallace, L. (2010). Key issues in blended learning: addressing quality, cost and sustainability. Collaboration for Online Higher Education & Research (COHERE).

Wong, K, Wallace, L, and L. Niemela, L. (2010). Improving Distance and Online Advising Practice. Canadian Association for Adult and Continuing Education.

Ives, C., Wallace, L. and Tarswell, G. (2010). Pedagogy, Instructional Design, and Organizational Change: Ramping Up for Online Learning. Canadian Network for Innovation in Education.

Wallace, L. (2009). Policy recommendations for blended delivery. The Future of Online and Blended Learning.

Archer, W., Wallace, L. MacDonald, M., and McMannus, K. (2009). Forces of change workshop. Canadian Association for Adult and Continuing Education.

Wallace, L. (2009). Policy issues arising from blended delivery of a graduate program. Canadian Society for Studies in Higher Education.



University Indigenous Research Fund, University of Manitoba (2016-2018)

Canadian Association for University Continuing Education Research Fund (2016)

Strategic Initiatives Fund: Blended Learning and the Redesign of a Graduate Program (M. Atleo, J. Young, K. Matheos, and L. Wallace)


Canadian Network for Innovation in Education: Leadership Award

Senior Women Academic Administrators of Canada: Emerita member

Canadian Institute of Management: Award for Innovation, Service, and Excellence

Canadian Association for Distance Education: Research Award