Emerging Topics Speaker Series

  • Emerging Topics - Kelsey Taylor
  • Don't miss the opportunity to hear from Kelsey Taylor, winner of the 2022 Associates Fellowship on Wednesday, August 7 at 5 pm. 

    Drake Centre room 530

Previous events

Hiring and Digital Technologies: New Barriers Faced by Job Applicants with Deep Diversity Traits

Digital technologies, such as Artificial Intelligence and social media, have significantly transformed organizational hiring processes, such as recruiting and selection. While convenient, these digital technologies can introduce new barriers of employment for job applicants with deep diversity traits, such as mental health challenges, that are not readily visible.

In this talk, Wenxi will share his work on potential negative impacts of digital technologies for job applicants with mental health challenges and other deep diversity traits. He will discuss the implications of such negative impacts and potential strategies to create a more friendly employment environment for people with deep diversity traits.

Dr. Wenxi Pu - Emerging Topics Series

The new corporate activism: The promise and pitfalls of business speaking out on social issues

Businesses are increasingly speaking out on social issues such as climate change, reproductive rights, LGBTQ+ matters, gun control, and immigration. However, this kind of corporate sociopolitical activism may pose risks to businesses in certain instances. 

In this talk, Dr. Sean Buchanan provides an overview of the emerging research on corporate sociopolitical activism and describe the conditions under which it may be harmful or helpful to businesses.

Drawing from research on Patagonia clothing, Dr. Buchanan highlights the importance of “value congruence” between a business and its key stakeholders and demonstrates how Patagonia works to achieve ongoing alignment with its stakeholders in pursuit of its own sociopolitical activism. 

In doing so, Dr. Buchanan aims to generate insights for managers on how to engage in sociopolitical activism that benefits rather than harms their business.

Poster for event with a male professor smiling.

ADHD in finance and entrepreneurship

Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is characterized by inattentiveness, hyperactivity, and impulsivity, and has an aggregate economic cost of more than $6 billion in Canada due to workplace productivity loss. Given the rise in ADHD diagnoses, it is critical to understand both the positive and negative implications of ADHD for business. 

In this talk, Dr. Chi Liao will draw on her publications to provide an overview of the emerging research on how and why ADHD affects individual-level financial and entrepreneurial outcomes. She will also share what we currently know about the efficacy of various treatments and interventions for mitigating the negative outcomes associated with ADHD.

Image of a woman with long black hair.

Asper School of Business Research Webinar Series

The Asper School of Business is proud to host internationally acclaimed researchers in a range of fields to present their work to a global academic audience to encourage discussion between scholars and the business community.

For more information about how to register for an Asper School of Business Research Webinar please contact the Asper Research Facilitator at ASBevents@umanitoba.ca.


Human Readability of Disclosures in a Machine-Readable World
May 17, 2024
Dr. Andy Call, School Director & Professor, Accountancy Professional Advisory Board Professor, School of Accountancy, Arizona State University


Market Feedback: Evidence from the Horse’s Mouth
February 3, 2023
Dr. Liyan Yang, Professor of Finance and Professor of Economics, and the Peter L. Mitchelson/SIT Investment Associates Foundation Chair in Investment Strategy at the Rotman School of Management, University of Toronto

Leadership in Turbulent Times: Making Sense of Events
December 8, 2023
Dr. Geoffrey Wood, Dancap Private Equity Chair in Change and Innovation, Chair, DAN Department of Management & Organizational Studies, Western University


Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) and the Workplace: Systematic Review and Feminist Conceptual Analysis
February 4, 2022
Dr. Michelle Greenwood, Associate Professor in the Department of Management at Monash Business School, Monash University, Australia

Me-Search: A Path to Relevant Research with Impact and Meaning
December 9, 2022
Dr. Johan Wiklund, Professor & AI Berg Chair in Entrepreneurship at the Whitman School of Management, Syracuse University


Balancing the Bright and Dark Side of Digitization - Dr. Alain Verbeke
February 5, 2021
Dr. Alain Verbeke, Professor and Research Director on Strategy and Organization
McCaig Research Chair in Management, Haskayne School of Business, University of Calgary

How Subtle Feelings Shape Judgement and Choice - Dr. Norbert Schwarz
February 26, 2021 
Dr. Norbert Schwarz, Provost Professor of Psychology and Marketing, University of Southern California

Security Analysis: An Investment Perspective - Dr. Kewei Hou
April 30, 2021
Dr. Kewei Hou, Ric Dillon Endowed Professor in Investments, Fisher College of Business, Ohio State University and Editor of the Journal of Empirical Finance

Competition and Product Quality: Fake Trading on Crypto Exchanges – Dr. Evgeny Lyandres
November 19, 2021
Dr. Evgeny Lyandres, Professor of Finance at Tel Aviv University and Head of Hogeg Blockchain Research Center

Stu Clark Distinguished Speaker Series

The Stu Clark Distinguished Speaker Series is supported by a generous endowment from Asper School of Business alumnus Stu Clark [BComm/76]. The Series features prominent researchers from outside of the University of Manitoba to give research seminars and interact with faculty and graduate research students.

Guest speakers considered for the Series must be distinguished or up-and-coming in their area(s) of research, external to the university, be good presenters and have a strong appeal to Asper faculty and graduate research students.

Past events


Unraveling the Puzzling Risk-Return Relationship: Distinctive Roles of Government Involvement in Venture Capital Investment
Qian (Cecilia) Gu, Associate Professor, Robinson College of Business, Georgia State University

Roe v. Rates: Reproductive Healthcare and Public Financing Costs
Runjing Lu, Assistant Professor of Finance, University of Alberta

Span of Control and Salesforce Performance: An Empirical Investigation
Dr. V. Kumar, Professor of Marketing, Goodman Academic-Industry Partnership Professor, Goodman School of Business, Brock University

Techno-nationalism and Cross-Border Acquisitions in an Age of Geopolitical Rivalry
Jing Li, Professor of International Business, Beedie School of Business, Simon Fraser University


Prior Environmental Disclosures and the Likelihood and Extent of Climate Change-Induced Financial Risk Disclosures
Dr. Andrew W. Stark, Emeritus Professor, Alliance Manchester Business School, University of Manchester 

Risk-Sharing Pricing of Variable Annuities within a Principal-Agent Framework
Dr. Bin Li, Associate Professor, University of Waterloo

Boundary Spanning in Social Impact Supply Chains: Improving Lives Through Coffee (Joint work with Madeleine Pullman)
Dr. Eugenia Rosca, Assistant Professor of Operations Management, University of Groningen

Moral Identity and Workplace Meaning: The Role of Organizational Virtuousness and Prosocial Behaviour
Dr. Luke Zhu, Program Director, Master of Management, Associate Professor of Organization Studies, Schulich School of Business, York University

Consumers’ Reactions to Corporate ESG Performance: Evidence from Store Visits
Dr. Tinghua Duan, Assistant Professor of Finance, IESEG School of Management

What Drives B2B Service Innovations? A Machine Learning-Based Empirical Analysis
Dr. Venky Shankar, Ford Chair Professor of Marketing & E-Commerce, Director of Research, Center for Retailing Studies, Mays Business School, Texas A&M University

Developing Theoretical Insights in Entrepreneurship Research

Dr. Yong Li, Lee Professor of Entrepreneurship, University of Nevada Las Vegas

Understanding Customer Emotions towards Service Robots

Dr. Zhibin Lin, Professor in Marketing, Durham University Business School

Search Systems over Enterprise Databases for Business Users
Dr. Mehdi Kargar, Associate Professor, Ted Rogers School of Management, TMU

The Plight of People Living with HIV: Consequences of HIV Stigma in Organizations
Dr. Simon Lloyd D. Restubog, Full Professor of HR & Organizational Psychology, School of Labor & Employment Relations, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

When Do Corporate Parents Matter? Disentangling the Corporate Effect
Dr. Daniel S. Andrews, Assistant Professor, Global Strategy, Ivey Business School, Western University

Digitalization of Inventive Records and Startup Innovation
Dr. H. Dennis Park, Associate Professor, University of Texas at Dallas

Passive Investing and the Rise of Mega-Firms
Dr. Hao Jiang, Associate Professor of Finance, A.J. Pasant Fellow

Managing and Tuning-up Big Data Systems
Dr. Jarek Szlichta, Associate Professor, York University, Faculty Fellow, IBM Centre for Advanced Studies

The Spillover Effect of Product Quality Failures in Multi-tier Buyer-Supplier Networks
Dr. Kersi Antia, George and Mary Turnbull Faculty Fellow, Professor of Marketing, Ivey Business School, Western University

Focused Learning from Big Enterprise Data
Dr. Morteza Zihayat, Associate Professor, Ted Rogers School of Management, Toronto Metropolitan University, Faculty Member, IBM Center of Advanced Studies

An Examination of the Chief Audit Executives’ Reporting Standards for Handling Artificial Intelligence Design Ethical Decision-Making Processes
Dr. Waymond Rodgers, Chair Professor, University of Hull, Professor, University of Texas, El Paso


Inventory in Times of War
Juan Camilo Serpa, William Dawson Associate Professor, Desautels Faculty of Management, McGill University

Do Pensions Have Teeth? Evidence from the State Government Borrowing Costs
Ting (Jeffrey) Zhang, PhD, Professor of Finance, Department of Economics & Finance, School of Business Administration, University of Dayton

Analytical Solution to a Partially Observable Machine-Maintenance Problem
Dr. Hao Zhang, PhD Associate Professor of Operations & Logistics, Sauder School of Business, UBC

Blockholder Mutual Fund Participation in Private In-house Meetings: Evidence on Social Bonding and Stock Return Volatility
Dr. Pengcheng (Phil) Zhu, Professor of Finance, University of San Diego School of Business

Physician Staffing and Shift Scheduling at Emergency Departments with Time Varying Productivity
Dr. Alireza Sabouri, Assistant Professor, Operations & Supply Chain Management Area, Haskayne School of Business, University of Calgary

Heterogeneous Response: An Extension of the Fama-MacBeth Regression
Dr. Guofu Zhou, Frederick Bierman & James E. Spears Professor of Finance, Olin Business School, Washington University in St. Louis

Hurting Those We Mean to Help? Startup Boards, Conflict and Entrepreneurial Success
Dr. Laura Huang, MBA Class of 1954 Associate Professor of Business Administration, Harvard Business School

Supply Disruptions: Complex Effects of Supplier Shirking Opportunism, Sourcing Relationship Investments and Cross-Functional Information Sharing
Dr. M. Johnny Rungtusanatham, Canada Research Chair in Supply Chain Management, Professor & Area Coordinator, Operations Management &

Information Systems, Schulich School of Business, York University
Asset Pricing with Attention Guided Deep Learning
Dr. Ruslan Goyenko, Professor of Finance, Desautels Faculty of Management, McGill University

The Psychology of User-Generated Content
Dr. Shiri Melumad, Assistant Professor of Marketing, The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania

Asper Research Events


2023 Rod Senft Family Business Conference

The Rod Senft Family Business Conference is an opportunity for business and academics to connect and collaborate to strengthen the family enterprise footprint in Manitoba and Canada.

The 2023 conference theme; Succession Planning in Family Enterprise-Align the Family and the Business will Follow, focused on the intricacies of succession planning, whether it be management or ownership succession.

The 2023 Rod Senft Family Business Conference was co-sponsored by the Senft Family Fund for the Advancement of the Study of Family Business and the Asper School of Business.  

2023 CPA Manitoba-Asper School of Business Accounting Research Conference and British Accounting Review Special Issue Workshop

The CPA Manitoba-Asper School of Business Accounting Research Conference was the first hybrid conference held both over Zoom and in person since the pandemic, and brought together international academics and local practitioners alike, all of whom were focused on bridging accounting and finance with entrepreneurship, from business and social perspectives. 


Quadrant Behavioural Finance Conference

The Annual Quadrant Investor Behaviour Conference is a top level academic conference that brings leading international academics and practitioners in the investment field together to examine and discuss cutting edge academic research in investment finance.

This conference provides enhanced learning experiences for student and research opportunities for professors, as well as provides exposure to new trends in investment finance to practitioners.

Bill Moir Marketing Speakers Series

The Bill Moir Marketing Speakers Series is supported by a generous endowment from Asper School of Business alumnus Mr. William (Bill) Moir [BComm (Hons)/72].

Speakers invited for the Series will generate meaningful discussions around emerging themes in marketing, covering a wide range of marketing specializations and industry backgrounds. Each event will reflect a mix of academics and practitioners.


Brands in the Labor Market: How Brand Differentiation Impacts Pay and Profits - Dr. Christine Moorman

The Effect of Opening of Discounted Stores on Customer Behavior: Evidence from a High-End Department Store Retailer - Dr. Ram Janakiraman

Approach Behavior Affects Social Categorization - Dr. Nicholas Lurie

Using Text Analytics Models to Examine Consumer Mobility Patterns - Dr. Ning Zhong Assistant Professor, Marketing Smeal College of Business Pennsylvania State University

Video Influencers: Unboxing the Mystique - Dr. Prashant Rajaram Assistant Professor, Marketing Ivey Business School, Western University

Annual Research Events