
Why this program?

The Truth and Reconciliation Commission’s Final Report and its 94 Calls to Action are just one of many reminders of the urgent need to foster better relationships between Indigenous and non-Indigenous people in Canada. In order to respond to Call to Action 92, which focuses specifically on the business community, businesses in Manitoba and across the country are rethinking their policies, practices, and processes, and are taking steps to engage meaningfully and deeply in the challenging work of change.
In this program, you will have an opportunity to consider truth and reconciliation in both your personal and professional life, examining yourself and your workplace as you learn ways you can address the Calls to Action personally and in a corporate environment. You will identify strengths, gaps and misconceptions in your own learning that will help you lead your colleagues on this journey. Recognizing the role that systemic racism plays in the oppression of Indigenous peoples in the past and present, this program also includes learning opportunities around anti-racist practices that will lay the foundation for meaningful action towards reconciliation.
Through holistic, experiential, innovative and engaging facilitation, you will leave this program with a deeper sense of personal and professional purpose, and a plan not just for reconciliation, but for reconciliACTION.


Through this program we will work together to:

  • Understand the meaning of truth and reconciliation and the necessity to respond to the Truth and Reconciliation (TRC) Calls to Action and the United Nation Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP: United Nations Declaration of Indigenous Peoples)
  • Describe our personal position regarding systems of oppression such as colonialism, settler colonialism, and racism, and identify personal commitments to work towards dismantling these systems
  • Assess existing workplace practices to better meet the needs of Indigenous and non-Indigenous communities
  • Apply short-term and long-term reconciliation-related actions to your workplace, such as land acknowledgments, cultural safety protocols, and accountable workplace processes

Who should attend?

  • This program is recommended for employees, managers and executives who are interested in bringing truth and reconciliation into the workplace in meaningful ways that reflect both personal and professional commitments to change
  • The program may be of particular interest to individuals and groups charged with leading truth and reconciliation initiatives in their offices, and/or EDI-focused facilitators interested in learning about the distinction between EDI (Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion) and reconciliation initiatives


  • Executive-Education-Instructor-Jerilyn-Ducharme
  • Jerilyn Ducharme, Manager, Learning with Indigenous Engagement and Communications, University of Manitoba

    Jerilyn is a member of the Métis Nation in Manitoba with roots embedded in the Red River region. Family, community, and ceremony is where she finds her strength and inspiration. Jerilyn was raised in a small, rural community southwest of Winnipeg and at present she resides outside of Winnipeg with her family. She is the proud mother to a six-year-old daughter who helps to keep her spirit young at heart.

    In 2010, Jerilyn graduated from the University of Manitoba ACCESS Programs with her BA, BEd, where she began working for the following nine years in the field of Adult Education at the Centre for Aboriginal Human Resource Development (CAHRD), which focuses on providing employment services, education, and training opportunities for Indigenous peoples in Winnipeg. Jerilyn began her teaching career at CAHRD where she moved into an administrative role as the Assistant Director of Education.

  • In 2020, Jerilyn began working at The University of Manitoba at The Centre for the Advancement of Teaching and Learning as an Indigenous Initiatives Educator alongside her predecessor in providing consultations, research, resources, and workshops related to Indigenous education, methodologies, pedagogies, epistemologies, and support in approaching reconciliation in teaching and learning for faculty and graduate students at the UM. 

    In the Fall of 2022, she accepted the role of Manager of Learning with Indigenous Engagement and Communications at UM. In her current position she is co-developing the evaluation framework and processes for projects supported through the EleV partnership with the Mastercard Foundation. In the spring of 2023, Jerilyn graduated with her master's from Brandon University in the Educational Administration program.

  • Executive-Education-Instructor-Robin-Attas
  • Robin Attas, Educational Developer: Equity, Diversity and Inclusion, The Centre for the Advancement of Teaching and Learning, University of Manitoba

    Dr. Robin Attas works as an educational developer focused on equity, diversity, inclusion, and accessibility at the University of Manitoba. Robin works tirelessly to support individual and institutional transformation towards more inclusive and equitable practices, offering a variety of programming and consultative support. Most recently, she has been leading an initiative at the University of Manitoba to develop and launch a stand-alone course and micro-certificate in equity, diversity, inclusion, and accessibility for everyone in the campus community.

  • Prior to her shift to EDIA facilitation, Robin was a full-time faculty member in music theory, and maintains an active research agenda focused on decolonizing and anti-racist music theory pedagogies and practices. She holds a PhD and MA in music theory from the University of British Columbia and a BMus from Queen’s University. 

Upcoming sessions

Navigate through the tabs below for more information on each session and to register.

Fall 2024 session

  • Date: October 2-3, 2024
  • Time: 8:30am-4:30pm (CST)
  • $1,575 +GST

Register now

Winter 2025 session

  • Date: February 19-20, 2025
  • Time: 8:30am-4:30pm (CST)
  • $1,575 +GST

Register now

Have questions?
Our team is happy to help! Contact us for more details.

You can also find additional details, including our cancellation policy, on our frequently asked questions (FAQ) page.

Custom program

  • Do you have 10 or more team members who would benefit from taking this program? Many of our open enrolment programs can be customized for your team and delivered exclusively to your organization. Find out more about our custom programs by contacting us today at 204-946-0232 or via email at ExecEdInfo@umanitoba.ca.

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James W. Burns Executive Education Centre
2nd floor
177 Lombard Avenue
Winnipeg, Manitoba  R3B 0W5
