Do you have 10 or more team members who would benefit from taking this program? Many of our open enrolment programs can be customized for your team and delivered exclusively to your organization. Find out more about our custom programs by contacting us today at 204-946-0232 or via email at

Why this program?
This program will enable you to step confidently onto any stage, and hold the room with an unmistakable presence that distinguishes you as a seasoned speaker and strong leader. You will come away with the ability to represent your organization in a way that is engaging, persuasive and memorable.
Through this program you will learn how to engage others through listening techniques, a warm and empathetic tone, and political savvy - skills that are demonstrated so frequently by executives, and that are necessary for anyone who aspires upward in their organization.
Delivered in partnership with The Humphrey Group, you will be led through an intensive series of workshops; almost every moment will present you with opportunities to bring out the “executive performer” that lives within you. Explore the active connection between leadership and communication, as you hone your skills in a supportive learning environment.
Through this program, you will:
- Develop the presence and clear communication style of a true leader
- Use an authentic presence to inspire others
- Make an immediate, and lasting, impression with strong entrances and exits
- Take your speaking skills to the next level, by developing a powerful stance and expressive voice
- Read the audience through active listening
- Overcome nerves and fear of public speaking
- Use improvisational techniques to speak with passion and energy
- Project a dynamic image that elicits trust and respect
Who should attend?
This two-day program is for business professionals who wish to develop an inspirational leadership presence.
Upcoming sessions
Future dates
Future sessions of this program are to be announced. Sign up for our email newsletter to be the first to hear about program updates.
You can also find additional details, including our cancellation policy, on our frequently asked questions (FAQ) page.
Custom program
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James W. Burns Executive Education Centre
2nd floor
177 Lombard Avenue
Winnipeg, Manitoba R3B 0W5