Political Studies awards and funding
Discover the variety of funding opportunities available for undergraduate and graduate students of political studies.
Undergraduate awards
Undergraduate awards requiring application
Students must apply by the deadline date and meet the application requirements.
J. David McLeod Travel Scholarship
Awarded to an undergraduate student who has completed at least one year of full-time study in a program offered through the Department of Political Studies with a minimum degree grade point average of 2.5 and will study abroad, for one or two terms, either on Letter of Permission or as part of a formal exchange program between UM and a partner institution.
Preference is given to students pursuing a concentration in international relations and to students who are participating in a formal UM exchange program.
How to apply: Visit J. David McLeod Travel Scholarship in the awards database.
Undergraduate awards not requiring application
All eligible students are automatically considered for these awards, which reward a wide range of academic achievements.
Henri Bourassa Prize in Political Theory
Awarded to a student enrolled in the advanced or honours program who demonstrates high academic achievement in third year or fourth year political theory courses.
Jack Blumberg Memorial Prize
Awarded annually to the student with the highest standing in POLS 2070 Introduction to Canadian Government. The award was established by the family of the former city alderman who was credited as having one of the longest records of service in Winnipeg civic politics.
Hon. John Norquay Scholarship in Political Studies
Awarded to the student who has completed second or third year Arts with a minimum GPA of 3.0 who attains the highest standing in the honours or advanced major program in political studies. The award is named in honour of a former premier of Manitoba.
Lambert Prize in Introductory Political Studies
Awarded to a student for completion of a 1000 level political studies course with the highest grade among all University 1 students and enrolment in the first year of a major, advanced, or honours program in political studies.
Murray S. Donnelly Award in Canadian Political Studies
Awarded to the student who is registered full time in an advanced or honours program who achieved the highest average in at least twelve credit hours in Canadian Government and Politics courses at the 4000 level. This award was established in honour of Dr. Murray Donnelly, a former department head, on his retirement from UM.
Dr. Paul Forstner Memorial Scholarship in Political Studies
Awarded for high academic standing to a S. Paul's College student who is in second or third year of a major or honours program in political studies.
Richard Hiscocks Prize in Comparative Government
Awarded to a student enrolled in the advanced or honours program in political studies who has a high academic standing and who is enrolled in at least one course in Comparative Government at the second or third year level. The prize is named in honour of former Department Head Richard Hiscocks.
Senior Course Paper Prize
Awarded annually to the fourth year or pre-master's student who submits the best term paper.
Undergraduate bursaries
Financial need is the primary consideration for bursaries.
How to apply for bursaries
To qualify for bursaries at the University of Manitoba, you must apply for the University of Manitoba General Bursary through Aurora in addition to any individual applications that may be required for specific awards.
Visit the UM bursaries webpage to review application deadline dates, eligibility and instructions. To be eligible for bursaries, students must file a UM general bursary application through their Aurora Student account.
Daisy Paulley Memorial Bursary
Awarded to a full-time student in the Faculty of Arts in a major or honours program in political studies with a minimum CGPA of 3.0.
Jordan Anderson "On the Ramp" Bursary
Open to full-time, part-time, or distance education students enrolled in the Faculty of Arts who are either a serving or retired member of the Canadian Forces, or a cadet. Preference is given to students in the Department of Political Studies. The successful recipient must have achieved a minimum degree GPA of 2.5.
Maurice Chusid Memorial Bursary
Awarded annually to a student of high standing who has completed second-year honours in political studies; or a student of high standing who has completed third year honours in political studies; or a student of high standing who has completed a second year major in political studies.
This award is a memorial tribute to Maurice Chusid [BA/63, MA/67] established by his family and friends.
Senator Glidas Molgat Memorial Bursary
Awarded to a full-time student in the third or fourth year of a major or honours program in political studies who achieved a CGPA of 3.0 and completed/enrolled in at least two courses in Canadian politics.
Awards for undergraduate or graduate students
These awards are open to undergraduate and graduate students of political studies.
J.W. Dafoe Paper Prize
This $1,000 prize is awarded to a full-time undergraduate or graduate student in any year of their studies who has demonstrated outstanding research and writing ability.
The purpose of the award is to support scholarship and research on any issue in the field of Canada on the world stage, or of Western Canada.
Application deadline: May 1
Manitoba Chair of Global Governance Studies funding
The Manitoba Chair of Global Governance Studies (MCGGS) is a joint project of the Department of Political Science and the Department of Political Studies at the University of Winnipeg and the University of Manitoba.
Funds to support undertakings related to global governance and international relations are available to support events, activities, lectures, conferences and other such academic or community endeavours that speak to the themes of global governance.
Groups and persons situated at Manitoba-based universities and members of Manitoba communities are invited to apply.
Funding of $1,500 to $4,000 is available for individual projects.
How to apply
Please provide the following, preferably electronically with a maximum of four pages:
- A summary of the event or initiative
- An explanation of how the event or initiative involves global governance or international relations
- A budget of expected spending including, when applicable, additional sources of funding
Recipients of funding are expected to acknowledge support from the MCGGS in promotional activities.
All original receipts must be kept for all reimbursements.
Submit your application to Bryan.Peeler@umanitoba.ca.
Murray and Muriel Smith Scholarships
The Manitoba Chair of Global Governance Studies (MCGGS) is a joint project between the Department of Political Studies at UM and the Department of Political Science at the University of Winnipeg.
The Murray and Muriel Smith Scholarship awards $7,500 to one UM student and $2,000 to three University of Winnipeg students—graduate, undergraduate, part-time or full-time in any field—each year. Successful applicants are chosen by the Manitoba Chair of Global Governance Studies (MCGGS) Advisory Committee.
Applicants must apply with:
- A curriculum vitae
- An unofficial copy of your university transcript (undergraduate minimum GPA 3.0; graduate minimum GPA 3.5 based on last 60 credit hours)
- A brief written statement outlining your interest in global governance and an explanation of how the funding will help you pursue this interest in your research, maximum two pages
Please send your application to Bryan.Peeler@umanitoba.ca to be considered for the award.
UM graduate awards
The University of Manitoba offers these graduate awards to students of political studies or related disciplines.
Duff Roblin Political Studies Fellowship
Open to full-time graduate students in political studies at UM who are in the first or second year of a thesis program with a primary research focus on Canadian government and politics. A minimum cumulative GPA of 3.5 is required.
The fellowship was established in 1998 in appreciation of the contribution of the Honourable Duff Roblin to the province and people of Manitoba.
J.W. Dafoe Graduate Fellowship
For entering master's students whose research focuses on international relations.
The fellowship is open to students in the departments of political studies, economics or history. International students must have gained admission to UM prior to applying. The fellowship is named in honour of J.W. Dafoe, former editor of the Winnipeg Free Press.
Value: $10,000
Application deadline: November 30 of each year.
How to apply: Complete the online application.
Willard J. Condo Prize
Awarded for the best paper in public administration.
External graduate awards
These awards are offered by organizations outside of the University of Manitoba to students of political science or related disciplines.
Humane Studies Fellowships Award
These awards from the Institute for Humane Studies provide up to $15,000 to full-time students (current or prospective graduate and advanced undergraduate) pursuing liberty-advancing careers.
The fellowships support study in a variety of fields, including economics, philosophy, law, political science, history and sociology.
Application deadline: Three application dates each year, in spring, summer and fall.
How to apply: For full details, visit Humane Studies Fellowship.
John Peters Humphrey Student Fellowship
The Canadian Council on International Law awards annually up to three John Peters Humphrey Student Fellowships in International Human Rights Law or International Organization.
The fellowships are awarded to outstanding students to permit them to pursue full-time graduate studies at leading graduate institutions in Canada or worldwide. Students in Canadian law and political science (or the equivalent) faculties are eligible to apply.
Each fellowship will fund the recipient up to $35,000.
Application deadline: Each year the competition opens September 15 and closes November 15.
How to apply: For full details, visit John Peters Humphrey Scholarship.