This is a view of the Faculty of Architectures workshop

How to access Workshop

  1. The Workshop is open to all faculty and students on a first come first served basis.
  2. Please ensure you have received a Workshop orientation prior to using any tools. A Workshop technician is always available to help with one-on-one consultation and training.
  3. If you want to purchase materials, please have sufficient funds loaded on your PaperCut account in advance.
  4. Materials or tools can be ordered in advance by email or by phone 204-474-6436.

Please note: Deposits to your PaperCut account must be made at CADLab. It is strongly recommended that students deposit more money than needed for one project.


Workshop tool rental

  1. The Workshop can support loaning of basic power and hand tools for student projects.
  2. This service is free to all Architecture students; a late fee may be applied to any tool not returned by an agreed upon date.

The workshop will also continue to sign out hard hats and safety vests/kits for groups. This requires advance booking; a minimum number of students should be involved in the pick-up and drop-off for the group. Individual hard hats and vests will not be loaned out.

Workshop staff will consider doing machining and fabricating processes for student academic work on a case-by-case basis, for example laminating thick panels for CNC routing of model bases. All inquiries should be submitted by email to with ample lead time.


Assembly room etiquette

To ensure safe and equitable access to the assembly space please:

  1. Always clean up after yourself.
  2. Students wishing to leave ongoing projects overnight or longer need to register their project with the Workshop Technician.  Students will be provided with a space within the jury room and will be responsible for ensuring it is clear and clean after use.
  3. Appropriate precautions must be taken when using materials like paint, concrete and plasters to keep the workspace clean, i.e. use of drop sheets, tarps, etc.
  4. Please do not dump plaster or concrete mixtures, paint or glue into the sink – these should be emptied into containers, cardboard boxes or garbage bags and disposed of in the appropriate garbage bins.
  5. To protect everybody’s health, no grinding/sanding of toxic materials such as concrete or fibreglass is permitted.
  6. Every Monday morning all materials and projects remaining will be removed unless they are registered as an ongoing project (see item 2).
  7. In the event students do not clean/clear their area, they will be responsible for any costs incurred by the Faculty to remove and clean the area.

Contact us

130 John A. Russell Building
84 Curry Pl
Faculty of Architecture
University of Manitoba
(Fort Garry Campus)
Winnipeg, MB R3T 5V6 Canada
