Experience Research

Wondering what to do next summer?

Why not experience research with a professor in the Faculty of Architecture?  

Professors regularly contribute to the advancement of knowledge and culture through their research, scholarship and creative activities. To encourage the involvement of undergraduate students in research, the University of Manitoba has established the Undergraduate Research Award. This competitive award allows students to be mentored by a professor of their choice while working as a research assistant for 16 weeks in the summer. Student winners will receive $7,000.00 and gain valuable experience in their field, while professors benefit from skilled support.

The application process requires students to interview two eligible professors, write short summaries of their research, and describe how participating in one of these research areas may advance long-term career aspirations.  

Deadline: February 13, 2023

Full application details

This Faculty of Architecture information session reviews the application process and features brief presentations by past student winners of the Undergraduate Research Award, sharing their experience participating in this program.



Dr. Lisa Landrum, Associate Dean Research 
Alandra Barairo, ED Interior Environments 
Alina Bilonozhko, ED Architecture
Cole Marotta, ED4 Architecture
Dominico Obmerga IV, ED Architecture 
Tengun Bold, ED Architecture 
Dennis (Libao) Wang, ED4 Architecture 
Dr. Raphael Ayambire, City Planning
Dr. Marcella Eaton, Landscape Architecture
Dr. Mark Meagher, Environmental Design


To read interviews with past student winners and review the list of Faculty of Architecture professors available to supervise research in summer 2023, visit the URA section of the Research website.