Architecture, Nature, Future

Architecture and nature have been intricately intertwined since ancient times. People have always searched to find or create the best shelters suited to their geographical locations and climatic conditions. As time has passed and technology has advanced, there has been a belief that we could overcome climate-related challenges, leading to the construction of homes, workplaces, and living spaces disconnected from the natural environment. 

However, as we progressed, we began to realize that our actions were causing irreparable harm to our planet. Regardless of our technological advancements, we found ourselves unable to address critical issues like global warming. Consequently, various industries, including architecture, have recognized the need to change our unsustainable habits and reconnect with nature. The concepts of sustainability and regenerative architecture have become popular in our field. 

Moreover, this shift in perspective has given rise to the theme of "the end of the world" in industries such as cinema, video games, and literature. It prompts us to ponder what would happen if such a catastrophic scenario were to unfold and whether we are adequately prepared for it. Where would people gather to form small communities and provide mutual support in such dire circumstances? 

These considerations have led me to focus on designing a complex situated in the heart of nature. This complex would encompass research laboratories, workshops, temporary residential areas, and more. It would serve as a hub for specialists, experts, students, Indigenous communities, and professionals to collaborate on resolving pressing environmental issues. The envisioned building would generate more green energy than it consumes and minimize its impact on the environment and surrounding vegetation. In essence, it would contribute to the preservation of our planet, Earth. 

Furthermore, by being self-reliant and independent of urban infrastructure, this complex could potentially serve as a refuge in the event of a global catastrophe, aligning with the concept of preserving humanity in the face of an impending apocalypse.