Cooperative Education / Integrated Work Program student information session

Cooperative Education / Integrated Work Program student information session
The Faculty of Architecture’s Co-op/I Program is designed to complement and enrich academic programs with work experience. The summer work terms provide students with practical experience, assistance in financing their education, and guidance for future career specialization.
This optional program is open to Faculty of Architecture students in good standing, in any option, who have completed 85 credit hours toward a University degree. This includes students in ED3/4, AMP1/2, and any Master’s level.
This information session will provide an overview of the Co-op/I Program for students, including:
• Benefits & Responsibilities
• Eligibility
• Schedule (Application deadline: September 28, 2023)
• Application Process
• Job Opportunities
The session will also include reflections and suggestions from students who successfully secured Co-op/I work terms in the summer of 2023.
To learn more about the program, students are encouraged to visit the Co-op/I website.