Diploma to degree pathway

Did you know that students who complete our 2-year diploma in agriculture are able to earn a 4-year degree with just 2 additional years of study in one of our agriculture programs?  Students can transfer credits from the diploma program in one of these programs: B.Sc. Agribusiness, B.Sc. Agriculture or B.Sc. Agroecology. Learn more on UM's Academic Calendar.

A student stands at the top of a grain truck taking samples.

Graduate Studies

Students can pursue graduate studies with any of our departments following the completion of their degree. Masters and PhD programs are both available in areas such as animal science, entomology and biosystems engineering. 

The Department of Biosystems Engineering oversees the Master of Science (MSc) program that is promoted jointly by our faculty and the Price Faculty of Engineering.

Learn more about your options for graduate studies.

biosystems engineering photo