UM SRI timeline and process


  • 1. Courses and instructors loaded into Banner/Aurora

    Schedulers for faculties and departments enter course and instructor information into the Aurora/Banner system. This information feeds into the SRI database but should be verified for accuracy during Step 2.

    • When: Before the term begins
    • Responsibility: Faculties and department schedulers
  • 2. Course data verification   

    SRI Coordinators will receive an email from the SRI Management Team inviting them to verify certain details of the course(s) that have been fed from Banner into the SRI system. This includes confirming the instructor(s), the last day of class and whether any courses need to be merged. After the 28-day verification deadline, the system will not permit changes to be made.

    • When: First day of the term*
    • Duration: 28 calendar days from the first day of the course
    • Responsibility: SRI Coordinators

    *An exception to this is a small number of courses with an early ending date where a separate verification window will occur.

    Spanned courses: Spanned courses will appear in the SRI system on the day that the last term begins (shown as "Part B" in the course title). No verification will take place during the first term (Part A) unless requested.

  • 3. Question personalization (QP) - Optional

    Instructors will receive an email from the SRI Management Team inviting them to log into the SRI system and add a maximum of five personalized question to their survey(s). These questions will be in addition to the core questions that are automatically included in every survey. This step is optional.

    • When: 19 calendar days before the last day of the course
    • Duration: Eight calendar days
      • Short courses (less than 14 days in length): Approximately 11 days before the last day of the course
    • Responsibility: Instructors
  • 4. UM SRI opens    

    Student will receive an email from SRI providing them with a link to their courses and inviting them to provide feedback. A separate feedback section will be offered for each instructor if more than one individual taught a class.

    Instructors must provide a 15-minute window during the second last day of class to give students time to provide feedback.

    Please note: Once the feedback window closes, students will no longer have access to submit feedback.

    • When: Eight days before the course end
    • Duration: Eight calendar days; the deadline is the last day of the course
    • Responsibility: Students and instructors
  • 5. Reports distributed

    Instructors will receive up to three reports for each course and can access the reports for the full array of questions, including core questions (quantitative), core questions (qualitative) and personalized questions (QP).

    Deans, department heads and other unit leaders will receive one report for each course: core questions (quantitative)

    Please note: Reports are only generated for courses where six or more students are enrolled in a course and one or more survey is filled out.

    • When: Within six weeks of the end of the exam period for that term
    • Responsibility: Instructors, deans and department heads and other unit leaders
  • Report typeAccessData retention
    Core questions (Quantitative)Deans, department heads, other unit leaders and instructorsRetain for five years
    QP questions (Qualitative and Quantitative)Instructors onlyRetain for five years
    Core questions (Qualitative)Instructors onlyDestroy 12 months after release*

    As per the Procedure for Student Reflections on Instructions and Courses (SRI), UM SRI procedures section 2.10, flowing from the Teaching Evaluation policy: “The Qualitative response data will not be retained beyond 12 months of the end of each term by the University unless the comments identify concerns regarding potential misconduct by the student, by the Academic Staff or by others within the university community.” As such,  

    • Qualitative core question reports will be expunged from the system 12 months after each term. 
    • Qualitative reports only will be available to instructors and not to deans, department heads and other unit leaders.
    • No other academic staff, including SRI Coordinators, have access to SRI reports.  

How to access UM SRI reports

Course, faculty and department reports

Instructors, deans, department heads and other unit leaders can access SRI reports by logging into UM SRI and selecting your user role (Instructors or Faculty). Use your UM username (i.e. and the password you use to log into the university system or email account. Email notification will be sent directly to you from the SRI Management Team when the reports for each term become available.

Please refer to the UM SRI process timeline (above) for report distribution timelines.

Training and resources by user role

To discover what's new with SRI, find the details of SRI according to your user role (SRI coordinator, instructor, dean, department head or unit leader) and access step-by-step training materials, go to "UM SRI" on the UM Intranet.

Log in to UM SRI

Contact Us

UM SRI team
65 Dafoe Road
University of Manitoba
Winnipeg, MB R3T 2N2 Canada