Information for SJC Fellows
About Fellowship
The Fellows of St John’s College are a self-governing and autonomous academic community. Fellows, who normally also hold appointments in The University, are elected by College Assembly on the recommendation of a Fellows’ Membership committee.
The Fellowship is thus constituted in accordance with its own traditional values of intellectual diversity and openness. In this way, the Fellowship of St John’s College fosters multidisciplinary conversation and collaboration to a degree unique within a modern research university, while at the same time respecting and upholding the principles of equity, diversity, inclusion, and academic freedom guaranteed by the larger institution.
News & Stories
Benefits of SJC Fellowship
Fellow Handbook
The Handbook contains sections on the services that the College can offer you and information about College activities that might interest you. It also includes information on the obligations of fellowship at the St John’s. The College staff and their positions are listed, as are their office hours and locations.
Upcoming Events
Committees and forms
Online forms
Standing Committees of Assembly
Fellows Research and Travel Award application
Contact Us
St John's College
92 Dysart Road
University of Manitoba
Winnipeg, MB R3T 2M5 Canada