Academic integrity
The University of Manitoba takes academic integrity seriously. As a member of the International Centre for Academic Integrity, the university defines academic integrity as a commitment to six fundamental values: honesty, trust, fairness, respect, responsibility, and courage (International Centre for Academic Integrity, 1999).
There are many University of Manitoba supports available to assist you in completing your studies with integrity. Find more about these supports, useful tools, and resources on Academic Integrity.
As a student at the University of Manitoba, you are expected to know the rules around academic integrity and what constitutes academic misconduct.
Statement on academic misconduct
The Faculty of Science and The University of Manitoba regard acts of academic misconduct in quizzes, tests, examinations, laboratory reports, or assignments as serious offences and may assess a variety of penalties depending on the nature of the offence. Acts of academic misconduct include, but are not limited to bringing unauthorized materials into a test or exam, copying from another individual, using answers provided by tutors, plagiarism, and examination personation. Note: Cell phones, smart watches, PDAs, MP3 units, or electronic translators are explicitly listed as unauthorized materials and must not be present during tests or examinations. Penalties that may apply, as provided for under the University of Manitoba’s Student Discipline By-Law, range from a grade of zero for the assignment or examination or failure in the course to expulsion from the university.
Common acts of academic misconduct
Learn more about the common acts of academic misconduct and the associated penalties that the department, giving the course, can impose plus any further penalties the associate dean of science can give in very serious cases.
You can also learn more about the Faculty of Science academic misconduct procedures.
All faculty members and their teaching assistants have been instructed to be vigilant and report all incidents of academic dishonesty to the head of their department. See governing documents for full details.
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Honesty declaration form
The Honesty Declaration Form required for each assignment and lab report states that you agree to refrain from copying material from any source, including tutors, and the internet. This policy will be strictly enforced.
Tips for succeeding with integrity
- Clarify assignment, classroom and lab expectations at the very beginning of the semester.
- Ensure that you are clear on what academic integrity means by reading course outlines, the Academic Integrity regulation and the Student Academic Misconduct procedure.
- Do not agree to sign in or collect another student’s participation marks in any way.
- Use a citation manager (i.e., Mendeley, Zotero, Papers) to keep track of your references and avoid unintentional plagiarism.
- Establish ground rules and expectations for dividing up the work at the very start of a group project.
- Make sure you understand the difference between quotations, paraphrases, and summaries.
- Be aware of the appearance of cheating — sit far away from friends during tests or exams.
- Do not assume that the U of M’s rules are the same as your high school, college, or previous university—check for yourself.
- Be conscious of the influence you have on others in your lab or class. Set an example by being honest and transparent in everything you do.
- Know that academic integrity isn’t always black and white. Learn your campus supports: professors, teaching assistants, the Academic Learning Centre, Libraries, Student Advocacy, and many others.