An occupational therapy student stands for a photo with her award.

Types of Awards


A scholarship is awarded on the basis of academic achievement. To be eligible a student must complete with high, often highest, standing, a full normal year's work and must elect a full year's work in the year in which the scholarship is tenable.


A bursary is awarded based on need. Students can apply for the University of Manitoba General Bursary by applying online through their Aurora student account. Completion of one application will qualify students for most bursaries offered by the college.

External awards

External awards are offered by industry, government and private organizations outside of the University of Manitoba. There are also many other external awards for which you may be eligible and we encourage you to also do a wider search. If you are the recipient of an external award, please contact the department to ensure you are acknowledged at the awards luncheons.


A prize is given according to the terms of each award and may be of high achievement in a single course, in a group of courses, in a year's work, or in a cumulative study program. Terms of award often include the requirements of a grade point average at or above the given minimum, high standing in cognate courses, and other specific considerations.

Dean’s Honour List (undergrad only)

Highest sessional GPA of 3.7 or over, full-time, no transfers. Transfer credit will be considered.

CoRS Gold Medal and Program Medals (undergrad only)

Cumulative (all three years) GPA of 4.0 or over 100 per cent of the full load of credit hours, full-time. Transfer credits will be considered.

How to apply

Each year awards are offered based on the availability of funds. If funds become unavailable, for whatever reason, the award cannot be offered. Convocation awards are selected in October and winter awards are selected in November. Applicants are selected using a multiple member committee that is appointed by the awards chair. When the terms of reference stipulate, the donor is also involved in the selection process.

To apply:

  1. Search for eligible awards: Search under the program award links below to learn what scholarships, awards and bursaries you are eligible for.
  2. Know your deadlines: Awards applications will not be accepted past the deadline.
  3. Apply: Fill out the online application fully. Be aware that incomplete applications will not be accepted.
  4. Accept offered awards: Don’t forget to log in and check your Aurora Student Portal to see if you have been offered any scholarships, bursaries, and/or awards. They will be offered, but you have to electronically “accept” them.

We're here to help. Contact us with your questions or concerns.


Occupational Therapy Bursaries


  • Students in the Department of Occupational Therapy
  • Full-time students in the Master of Occupational Therapy program
  • Completed at least one year in the program


Financial assistance for students in the specified programs.


These bursaries aim to support students with financial need in their occupational therapy studies.


Bursary Name Amount
Alice M. Chisolm Bursary $350
College of Rehabilitation Sciences Endowment Fund Student Bursaries Determined annually
College of Rehabilitation Sciences Student Association Bursary $200
Dr. Ruth Grahame Bursary $1,200 (approx.), determined annually
Mary Pflueger Bursary $550
Occupational Therapy Memorial Bursary $300


  • Good academic standing
  • Demonstrated financial need

How to apply

Apply for the University of Manitoba General Bursary online through your Aurora Student Account.

Please note: the Mary Pfluger bursary application also requires an additional application.


September 30


For more information, contact the College of Rehabilitation Sciences at

Physical Therapy bursaries


  • Students in the Department of Physical Therapy
  • Full-time students in the Master of Physical Therapy program
  • Completed at least one year in the program

Purpose: Financial assistance for students in the specified programs.

Background: These bursaries aim to support students with financial need in their physical therapy studies.


Bursary Name Amount
Alice M. Chisolm Bursary $350
College of Rehabilitation Sciences Endowment Fund Student Bursaries Determined annually
College of Rehabilitation Sciences Student Association (CORSSA) Bursary Determined annually
Dr. Ruth Grahame Bursary $1,200 (approx.), determined annually
Laurel Maley Memorial Bursary $1,900 (approx.), determined annually


  • Good academic standing
  • Demonstrated financial need

How to apply: Apply for the University of Manitoba General Bursary online through your Aurora Student Account.

Deadline: September 30

Contact: For more information, contact the College of Rehabilitation Sciences at

Respiratory Therapy bursaries


  • Students in the Department of Respiratory Therapy
  • Full-time students in the Respiratory Therapy program
  • Completed at least one year in the program

Purpose: Financial assistance for students in the specified program.

Background: These bursaries aim to support students with financial need in their respiratory therapy studies.


Bursary Name Amount
College of Rehabilitation Sciences Endowment Fund Student Bursaries Determined annually
College of Rehabilitation Sciences Student Association (CORSSA) Bursary Determined annually


  • Good academic standing
  • Demonstrated financial need

How to Apply: Apply for the University of Manitoba General Bursary online through your Aurora Student Account.

Deadline: September 30

Contact: For more information, contact the College of Rehabilitation Sciences at

Occupational Therapy

First year master of occupational therapy awards

Presented during the winter semester.

Manitoba Medical College Foundation Entrance Scholarship


To support full-time students in the MOT program with high academic standing upon program entrance.


Donor: Manitoba Medical College Foundation

Award benefits



Students enrolled full-time in the MOT program; high academic standing upon program entrance; cannot be held with the UMGF.

Selection criteria

Based on academic standing upon entrance to the program.

How to apply

No application required.


For more information, contact

University of Manitoba Graduate Fellowship (UMGF)


To assist incoming students with the highest GPA in the last 60 credit hours.

Award benefits



Incoming students; determined solely on the basis of the highest GPA in the last 60 credit hours.

Selection criteria

Dependent on the number of awards available and students already holding the award.

How to apply

No application required.


For more information, contact

Second year master of occupational therapy awards

Presented during the winter semester.

Dr. Ron Bowie Scholarship


The Dr. Ron Bowie Scholarship aims to support students with a minimum GPA of 3.5 and a demonstrated understanding of community practice.


The scholarship is generously offered by the Community Therapy Services (CTS) Inc. Board of Directors in honour of Dr. Ron Bowie. Dr. Bowie, a former member and Chairperson of the CTS Board of Directors, also served as the Director of the College of Rehabilitation Sciences. CTS is a private, not-for-profit agency that provides rehabilitation services in Manitoba, employing skilled professionals who offer treatment, consultation, and education in various healthcare settings. Each year, two scholarships of $750 each are awarded—one to a graduate student in the Physical Therapy (PT) program and one to a graduate student in the Occupational Therapy (OT) program.


  • Each scholarship is valued at $750.


To be eligible for the Dr. Ron Bowie Scholarship, candidates must:

  • Be enrolled full-time in either the Master of Occupational Therapy (MOT) program or the Master of Physical Therapy (MPT) program offered by the College of Rehabilitation Sciences at the University of Manitoba.
  • Have achieved a minimum degree grade point average of 3.5.
  • Enroll in the second and final year of study in either the MOT or MPT program.
  • Demonstrate an interest in community practice by submitting an application outlining their experiences in or future goals for community practice.

How to apply

Applicants must:

  • Complete an application form
  • Submit their CV.
  • Provide a brief essay (maximum of 750) words addressing the following:
    • Understanding of Occupational Therapy/Physiotherapy in community practice in Manitoba.
    • Vision for community practice in Manitoba.
    • Experiences in community practice (clinical, fieldwork, or other).
    • Future goals for community practice.


October 10 annually


For more information, contact

E. J. Thomas Prize


The E.J. Thomas Trust Fund Prizes aim to recognize and reward students in the Bachelor of Respiratory Therapy program, Master of Occupational Therapy program, and Master of Physical Therapy program for their outstanding community involvement.


Established by colleagues and friends of E.J. Thomas, a trust fund at the University of Manitoba provides the annual interest to offer three prizes of equal value.




For Bachelor of Respiratory Therapy Program:
  • Completed the second year of the program
  • Maintained a minimum degree GPA of 3.0
  • Demonstrated outstanding interest/involvement in the community
For Master of Occupational Therapy or Master of Physical Therapy Program:
  • Completed the first year of the respective program
  • Maintained a minimum degree GPA of 3.5
  • Passed all clinical portions
  • Demonstrated outstanding interest/involvement in the community

How to apply

To apply for the E.J. Thomas Trust Fund Prizes, candidates must:


The deadline for submission of applications is October 10.


For more information, please contact the College of Rehabilitation Sciences at

Manitoba Blue Cross Medical Rehabilitation Scholarship


To reward the student with the highest standing in the previous academic year.


Donor: Manitoba Blue Cross

Award benefits



Highest standing in the previous academic year; not available to students receiving awards totaling more than $750 in the same academic year.

Selection criteria

Highest standing in the previous academic year.

How to apply

No application required.


For more information, contact

Manitoba Public Insurance Tuition Scholarship


The Manitoba Public Insurance Occupational Therapy and Physical Therapy Tuition Scholarships aim to support residents of Manitoba enrolled full-time in the second year (OT2 or PT2) of the Master of Occupational Therapy (MOT) or Master of Physical Therapy (MPT) programs with exceptional academic performance and leadership qualities.


The scholarships are generously provided by Manitoba Public Insurance to promote leadership in work-related assessment, rehabilitation services, return to work, and ergonomics within the fields of Occupational Therapy and Physical Therapy. They also aim to encourage Occupational Therapy careers within the corporation's Health Care Services department.


  • Four scholarships are available, each valued at $2,500, shared with the MPT program.


For Master of Occupational Therapy (MOT) Program:
  • Resident of Manitoba, graduated from a Manitoba high school, and received a recognized degree from a Manitoba post-secondary institute
  • Enrolled full-time in the final year of study in the MOT program offered by the School of Medical Rehabilitation at the University of Manitoba
  • Maintained a minimum degree GPA of 3.75 with no grade lower than C+ throughout the MOT program
  • Achieved a minimum grade of B+ (or equivalent) in specific courses
  • Demonstrated leadership qualities within the Department of Occupational Therapy and through community involvement
  • Demonstrated interest in furthering learning through professional development activities
For Master of Physical Therapy (MPT) Program:
  • Same residency and degree requirements as MOT
  • Enrolled full-time in the final year of study in the MPT program offered by the School of Medical Rehabilitation at the University of Manitoba
  • Maintained a minimum degree GPA of 3.75 with no grade lower than C+ throughout the MPT program
  • Achieved a minimum grade of B+ (or equivalent) in specific courses
  • Demonstrated leadership qualities within the Department of Physical Therapy and through community involvement
  • Demonstrated interest in furthering learning through professional development activities

How to apply

Applicants must:

  • Complete the application form
  • Provide a current academic web transcript(s)
  • Submit a resume detailing education, academic honors, current degree GPA, professional memberships, fieldwork/clinical experience, work experience, volunteer experience, and additional professional development
  • Include one letter of support from an Occupational Therapist or Physical Therapist (faculty member or practitioner)

Additional information

  • Recipients must provide a brief report (maximum 150 words), a photograph (if available), and a short biography for use in publicity related to the scholarships.
  • Recipients may hold these scholarships concurrently with other awards, following policies of the Faculty of Graduate Studies.
  • The scholarship will be applied to tuition fees for the second semester of the academic year in which it is awarded.
  • The selection committee, appointed by the Dean of the Faculty of Graduate Studies, will include at least 50 percent University of Manitoba representatives (faculty and/or staff) and representatives from Manitoba Public Insurance.


October 10 annually


For more information, please contact the College of Rehabilitation Sciences at

Mary Pflueger Award


To recognize the student with the highest standing in Human Determinants (OT 6100).


Donor: Friends & family of Mary Pflueger

Award benefits

$225 or annual amount available

Selection criteria

Highest standing in Human Determinants (OT 6100).

How to apply

No application required.


For more information, contact

MSOT Student Research Award


To reward the student with the highest standing in MOT Research Methods for Evidence Based Practice (OT 6352).

Award benefits


Selection criteria

Highest standing in MOT Research Methods for Evidence Based Practice (OT 6352).

How to apply

No application required.


For more information, contact

Convocation awards

Presented at the convocation ceremony.

Canadian Association of Occupational Therapists Student Award


To reward the graduating student with the highest academic standing in the OT degree program.


Donor: Canadian Association of Occupational Therapists

Award benefits

$200 voucher for Canadian Association of Occupational Therapists services/publications


Highest academic standing among graduating OT students.

How to apply

No application required.


For more information, email

Canadian Occupational Therapy Foundation Future Scholar Award


To reward students with exceptional performance in specified courses.


Donor: Canadian Occupational Therapy Foundation

Award benefits



Completion of Master of Occupational Therapy requirements; highest grades in specified courses.

Selection criteria

Highest grades in specified courses.

How to apply

No application required.


For more information, email

College of Rehabilitation Sciences Student Association Prize of Excellence


The CORS-SA Prize of Excellence aims to recognize and reward graduating students in the College of Rehabilitation Sciences (Occupational Therapy, Physical Therapy, and Respiratory Therapy) who demonstrate exceptional leadership, commitment to their profession, and maintain high academic standing.


The College of Rehabilitation Sciences Students’ Association (CORS-SA) established this prize with a surplus of $30,000 from various fundraising initiatives. This endowment fund was created to honor students who exhibit strong dedication to the College, advocate for their profession's future, and excel academically. Starting from the 2020-2021 academic year, the annual interest from the fund will be divided equally to offer one convocation prize to a student in each department of the College of Rehabilitation Sciences. Additionally, the Manitoba Scholarship and Bursary Initiative may contribute to the award when funds are available.


  • Each prize is valued at $500.


Occupational and Physical Therapy

Criteria for eligibility include:

  • Completion of the requirements of the Master of Physical Therapy degree in the Faculty of Graduate Studies at the University of Manitoba
  • Membership in the CORS-SA for at least two years
  • Minimum grade point average of 3.5 based on the previous 60 credit hours (or equivalent) of study
  • Completion of the CORS-SA application form demonstrating commitment to the program and profession through leadership and community involvement
Respiratory Therapy

Criteria for eligibility include:

  • Completion of the requirements of the Bachelor of Respiratory Therapy program in the College of Rehabilitation Sciences at the University of Manitoba
  • Membership in the CORS-SA for at least two years
  • Minimum degree grade point average of 3.25
  • Completion of the CORS-SA application form demonstrating commitment to the program and profession through leadership and community involvement

How to apply

To apply for the CORS-SA Prize of Excellence, students must complete the application form.


The deadline for submission of applications is August 31st.


For more information, please contact the College of Rehabilitation Sciences at

Excellence in Communications Prize in OT


To recognize top students in communication skills.

Award benefits



Nominated by OT department faculty member; top ten ranking in communication skills.

Selection criteria

Communication skills ranking.

How to apply

No application required.


For more information, contact   

Future Leader Award in Occupational Therapy


The Future Leader Award in Occupational Therapy, established by Dr. Marcia Finlayson, aims to support a student graduating from The University of Manitoba's College of Rehabilitation Sciences, Master of Occupational Therapy Program. This award includes a one-year membership in the Manitoba Society of Occupational Therapists and a book donation to the Neil John Maclean Health Sciences Library.


Dr. Marcia Finlayson has established an endowment fund for this award, with a contribution from the Manitoba Scholarship and Bursary Initiative. Each year, an award will be offered to a student who demonstrates potential as a future leader in occupational therapy.


The award includes:

  • One-year membership in the Manitoba Society of Occupational Therapists
  • Donation of a book to the Neil John Maclean Health Sciences Library


To be eligible for the Future Leader Award in Occupational Therapy, applicants must:

  • Have completed all academic and fieldwork requirements for the occupational therapy program at The University of Manitoba.
  • Have achieved a minimum cumulative grade point average of 3.0 on all courses completed in the program.
  • Have participated in a Role-Emerging Fieldwork Placement and/or at least three of the following activities:
    • Student council
    • Occupational therapy research project
    • Successful application to the CoRS Endowment Fund
    • Attendance at a national occupational therapy conference
    • Publication of an article (peer-reviewed or non-peer-reviewed)
    • Continuing education course/workshop outside of regular classes
    • Involvement in community organizations for one or more years
    • Participation in Manitoba Society of Occupational Therapists, College of Occupational Therapists of Manitoba, and/or Canadian Association of Occupational Therapists student activities or committees
    • Involvement in planning and implementing Occupational Therapy Month events
    • Involvement in planning and implementing other Departmental or School events
  • Have demonstrated characteristics and behaviors of a leader, such as creativity, networking, good communication skills, risk-taking, initiative, self-management, and actively seeking new opportunities and challenges.

How to apply

To apply for the Future Leader Award in Occupational Therapy, applicants must:

  • Complete the application form.
  • Submit a resume (12 pt. font, double-spaced).
  • Compose a 500-word (maximum) statement that clarifies and demonstrates how the applicant meets the award criteria.

Application deadline

August 31 annually.


For more information, email

Manitoba Society of Occupational Therapists Prize


To reward the student with the second highest standing in the final year of the OT program.


Donor: Manitoba Society of Occupational Therapists

Award benefits


Selection criteria

Second highest standing in final year.

How to apply

No application required.


For more information, contact the Manitoba Society of Occupational Therapists at

Mrs. Mary Judd Prize


The Mrs. Mary Judd Prize is awarded to students in the Master of Occupational Therapy program who demonstrate a keen interest in working with older adults.


In honor of Mrs. Mary Judd, a prize fund was established at The University of Manitoba by her colleagues and friends. When the fund was depleted in 2000, Mr. Alan Judd became the annual donor for this prize. Annually, one prize is awarded from this fund, with the specific value announced each year to the University by Ms. Lynda Wolf.


The value of the prize may vary each year, with the amount up to $1,000.


Criteria for eligibility include:

  • Enrollment in the Master of Occupational Therapy program
  • Demonstrated interest in working with older adults

How to apply

To apply for the Mrs. Mary Judd Prize, candidates must:

  • Submit a resume
  • Compose a 500-word (maximum) essay detailing their interest, experience, and future career aspirations in the field of working with older adults
  • Submit a completed application form.


The deadline for submission of applications is August 31st.


For more information, email

Naomi Rosenberg Polansky Award


To recognize excellence in pediatric assignments and client-centered practice.

Award benefits

  • $100 prize


To be eligible for the Naomi Rosenberg Palansky Prize, candidates must:

  • Be enrolled full-time in the Master of Occupational Therapy (MOT) program
  • Maintain a minimum degree GPA of 3.5
  • Have an interest in working with and advocating for children

How to apply

Candidates must complete the following steps to apply for the prize:

  • Submit a resume
  • Compose a 500-word (maximum) essay detailing their interest, experience, and future career aspirations in working with and advocating for children
  • Complete the application form


For more information, email

Solita Egert Practice Skills Prize


To reward the student with the highest standing in MOT Practice Skills courses.


Donor: Jason Egert

Award benefits



Enrolled full-time in MOT program; minimum degree GPA of 3.5; highest standing in specified courses.

How to apply

No application required.


For more information, email

Theresa Sullivan Prize for Professionalism and Professional Reasoning Skills


To recognize professionalism and reasoning skills.


Donor: Family, friends, and students in memory of Theresa Sullivan

Award benefits



Enrolled full-time in MOT program; minimum degree GPA of 3.5; nominated by fieldwork educator; B+ or above in specified course.

How to apply

No application form required.


For more information, email

Physical Therapy

First year master of physical therapy awards

Presented during the winter semester.

Manitoba Medical College Foundation (MMCF) Entrance Scholarship


To support first-year MPT students with the highest admission GPA.


Donor: Manitoba Medical College Foundation (MMCF)

Award benefits

$1875.00 approx.


Enrolled full-time in first year of MPT program; highest admission GPA (minimum 3.0); cannot be held with University of Manitoba Graduate Fellowship.

Selection criteria

Highest admission GPA.

How to apply

No application required


For more information, contact the College of Rehabilitation Sciences at

Marjorie Spence Physical Therapy Entry Level Scholarship


The Marjorie Spence Physical Therapy Entry-Level Scholarship aims to recognize and support first-year MPT students who demonstrate exceptional academic achievement and a strong commitment to community involvement.


Established by Marjorie Spence, the first head of the Physical Therapy Department at the College of Rehabilitation Sciences in the 1960s, this scholarship honors her dedication to fostering promising leadership qualities in physiotherapy students. Miss Spence valued community involvement and encouraged students to contribute locally and beyond.


The scholarship is valued at approximately $3,000 and is awarded annually to a deserving first-year MPT student.


To be eligible for the Marjorie Spence Physical Therapy Entry-Level Scholarship, applicants must:

  • Be enrolled full-time in the Faculty of Graduate Studies in the first year of the Master of Physical Therapy program at the College of Rehabilitation Sciences, University of Manitoba.
  • Have achieved a minimum degree GPA of 3.75 in their undergraduate program.
  • Demonstrate a strong and consistent history of community involvement, either locally or within the broader community.
  • Exhibit leadership qualities through community or school involvement.

Selection criteria

Selection for the scholarship will be based on:

  • High admission GPA (minimum 3.75)
  • Demonstrated history of community involvement and leadership

How to apply

To apply for the scholarship, applicants must:

  1. Complete the Marjorie Spence Physical Therapy Entry-Level Scholarship application form.
  2. Submit one letter of recommendation from a leader of an organization where you have volunteered within the past two years. The letter should be emailed directly by the referee to
  3. Write a short essay (500 words) describing their previous, current, or future contributions to the community. The essay should include aspects of "giving back" in areas of social, health, or economic disadvantage, locally or within the broader community. Additionally, applicants should explain:
    • Why they are involved in the community
    • Their general philosophy of volunteerism
    • Why they wish to pursue a career in physiotherapy
    • The role they see physiotherapy playing in the future continuum of healthcare


  • Deadline for submission of application: October 10


For more information, please contact the College of Rehabilitation Sciences at

University of Manitoba Graduate Fellowship


To support incoming MPT students with the highest GPAs.


Donor: University of Manitoba

Award benefits

$14,000 approx.


Incoming MPT students; highest GPAs based on last 60 credit hours.

Selection criteria

Highest GPAs.

How to apply

No application required


For more information, contact the College of Rehabilitation Sciences at

Second year master of physical therapy awards

Presented during the winter semester.

Dr. Ron Bowie Scholarship


The Dr. Ron Bowie Scholarship aims to support students with a minimum GPA of 3.5 and a demonstrated understanding of community practice.


The scholarship is generously offered by the Community Therapy Services (CTS) Inc. Board of Directors in honour of Dr. Ron Bowie. Dr. Bowie, a former member and Chairperson of the CTS Board of Directors, also served as the Director of the College of Rehabilitation Sciences. CTS is a private, not-for-profit agency that provides rehabilitation services in Manitoba, employing skilled professionals who offer treatment, consultation, and education in various healthcare settings. Each year, two scholarships of $750 each are awarded—one to a graduate student in the Physical Therapy (PT) program and one to a graduate student in the Occupational Therapy (OT) program.


  • Each scholarship is valued at $750.


To be eligible for the Dr. Ron Bowie Scholarship, candidates must:

  • Be enrolled full-time in either the Master of Occupational Therapy (MOT) program or the Master of Physical Therapy (MPT) program offered by the College of Rehabilitation Sciences at the University of Manitoba.
  • Have achieved a minimum degree grade point average of 3.5.
  • Enroll in the second and final year of study in either the MOT or MPT program.
  • Demonstrate an interest in community practice by submitting an application outlining their experiences in or future goals for community practice.

How to apply

Applicants must:

  • Complete an application form
  • Submit their CV.
  • Provide an essay (maximum of 750 words) addressing the following:
    • Understanding of Occupational Therapy/Physiotherapy in community practice in Manitoba.
    • Vision for community practice in Manitoba.
    • Experiences in community practice (clinical, fieldwork, or other).
    • Future goals for community practice.


October 10 annually


For more information, contact

E.J. Thomas Prize


The E.J. Thomas Trust Fund Prizes aim to recognize and reward students in the Bachelor of Respiratory Therapy program, Master of Occupational Therapy program, and Master of Physical Therapy program for their outstanding community involvement.


Established by colleagues and friends of E.J. Thomas, a trust fund at the University of Manitoba provides the annual interest to offer three prizes of equal value.




For Bachelor of Respiratory Therapy Program:
  • Completed the second year of the program
  • Maintained a minimum degree GPA of 3.0
  • Demonstrated outstanding interest/involvement in the community
For Master of Occupational Therapy or Master of Physical Therapy Program:
  • Completed the first year of the respective program
  • Maintained a minimum degree GPA of 3.5
  • Passed all clinical portions
  • Demonstrated outstanding interest/involvement in the community

How to apply

To apply for the E.J. Thomas Trust Fund Prizes, candidates must:


The deadline for submission of applications is October 10th.


For more information, please contact the College of Rehabilitation Sciences at

Helen Humphrey Ross Award of Excellence


To recognize excellence in MPT2 students with high academic standing and course performance.


Donor: Manitoba Physiotherapy Association

Award benefits



Enrolled full-time in MPT2; minimum degree GPA of 3.5; high standing in specified courses; student member of MPA.

How to apply

No application required.


For more information, contact the College of Rehabilitation Sciences at

Manitoba Blue Cross Medical Rehabilitation Scholarship


To support MPT2 students with the highest academic standing from MPT1 and residency in Manitoba.


Donor: Manitoba Blue Cross

Award benefits

$$1,000 approx.


Resident of Manitoba; enrolled full-time in MPT2; highest academic standing in MPT1.

How to apply

No application required.


For more information, contact the College of Rehabilitation Sciences at

Manitoba Public Insurance Tuition Scholarship


The Manitoba Public Insurance Occupational Therapy and Physical Therapy Tuition Scholarships aim to support residents of Manitoba enrolled full-time in the second year (OT2 or PT2) of the Master of Occupational Therapy (MOT) or Master of Physical Therapy (MPT) programs with exceptional academic performance and leadership qualities.


The scholarships are generously provided by Manitoba Public Insurance to promote leadership in work-related assessment, rehabilitation services, return to work, and ergonomics within the fields of Occupational Therapy and Physical Therapy. They also aim to encourage Occupational Therapy careers within the corporation's Health Care Services department.


  • Four scholarships are available, each valued at $2,500, shared with the MPT program.


For Master of Occupational Therapy (MOT) Program:
  • Resident of Manitoba, graduated from a Manitoba high school, and received a recognized degree from a Manitoba post-secondary institute
  • Enrolled full-time in the final year of study in the MOT program offered by the School of Medical Rehabilitation at the University of Manitoba
  • Maintained a minimum degree GPA of 3.75 with no grade lower than C+ throughout the MOT program
  • Achieved a minimum grade of B+ (or equivalent) in specific courses
  • Demonstrated leadership qualities within the Department of Occupational Therapy and through community involvement
  • Demonstrated interest in furthering learning through professional development activities
For Master of Physical Therapy (MPT) Program:
  • Same residency and degree requirements as MOT
  • Enrolled full-time in the final year of study in the MPT program offered by the School of Medical Rehabilitation at the University of Manitoba
  • Maintained a minimum degree GPA of 3.75 with no grade lower than C+ throughout the MPT program
  • Achieved a minimum grade of B+ (or equivalent) in specific courses
  • Demonstrated leadership qualities within the Department of Physical Therapy and through community involvement
  • Demonstrated interest in furthering learning through professional development activities

How to apply

Applicants must:

  • Complete the application form
  • Provide a current academic web transcript(s)
  • Submit a resume detailing education, academic honors, current degree GPA, professional memberships, fieldwork/clinical experience, work experience, volunteer experience, and additional professional development
  • Include one letter of support from an Occupational Therapist or Physical Therapist (faculty member or practitioner)

Additional Information

  • Recipients must provide a brief report (maximum 150 words), a photograph (if available), and a short biography for use in publicity related to the scholarships.
  • Recipients may hold these scholarships concurrently with other awards, following policies of the Faculty of Graduate Studies.
  • The scholarship will be applied to tuition fees for the second semester of the academic year in which it is awarded.
  • The selection committee, appointed by the Dean of the Faculty of Graduate Studies, will include at least 50 percent University of Manitoba representatives (faculty and/or staff) and representatives from Manitoba Public Insurance.


The deadline for submission of applications is October 10th annually.


For more information, please contact the College of Rehabilitation Sciences at

Vesalius Prize


To recognize the student with the highest standing in PT 6140 Anatomy for Physical Therapy.


Donor: The Estate of Professor Josephine Stack-Haydon

Award benefits

$275 approx., determined annually


Enrolled full-time in MPT program; highest standing in PT 6140 Anatomy for Physical Therapy.

Selection criteria

Highest standing in PT 6140.

How to apply

No application required


For more information, contact the College of Rehabilitation Sciences at

Convocation awards

Presented at the convocation ceremony.

College of Rehabilitation Sciences Student Association Prize of Excellence


The CORS-SA Prize of Excellence aims to recognize and reward graduating students in the College of Rehabilitation Sciences (Occupational Therapy, Physical Therapy, and Respiratory Therapy) who demonstrate exceptional leadership, commitment to their profession, and maintain high academic standing.


The College of Rehabilitation Sciences Students’ Association (CORS-SA) established this prize with a surplus of $30,000 from various fundraising initiatives. This endowment fund was created to honor students who exhibit strong dedication to the College, advocate for their profession's future, and excel academically. Starting from the 2020-2021 academic year, the annual interest from the fund will be divided equally to offer one convocation prize to a student in each department of the College of Rehabilitation Sciences. Additionally, the Manitoba Scholarship and Bursary Initiative may contribute to the award when funds are available.


  • Each prize is valued at $500.


Occupational and Physical Therapy

Criteria for eligibility include:

  • Completion of the requirements of the Master of Physical Therapy degree in the Faculty of Graduate Studies at the University of Manitoba
  • Membership in the CORS-SA for at least two years
  • Minimum grade point average of 3.5 based on the previous 60 credit hours (or equivalent) of study
  • Completion of the CORS-SA application form demonstrating commitment to the program and profession through leadership and community involvement
Respiratory Therapy

Criteria for eligibility include:

  • Completion of the requirements of the Bachelor of Respiratory Therapy program in the College of Rehabilitation Sciences at the University of Manitoba
  • Membership in the CORS-SA for at least two years
  • Minimum degree grade point average of 3.25
  • Completion of the CORS-SA application form demonstrating commitment to the program and profession through leadership and community involvement

How to apply

To apply for the CORS-SA Prize of Excellence, students must complete the application form.


The deadline for submission of applications is August 31st.


For more information, please contact the College of Rehabilitation Sciences at

Diamond Athletic Medical Supplies Award of Excellence


The Diamond Athletic Medical Supplies Convocation Prize of Excellence aims to reward graduating Master of Physical Therapy (MPT) students who exhibit strong academic performance and active community involvement.


The prize is generously provided by Diamond Athletic Medical Supplies, a locally owned company serving healthcare professionals and patients since 1946. It is established in memory of the company's founder, Sam Diamond, as a testament to their commitment to Canadian healthcare education and research.


  • The prize is valued at $500.


Criteria for eligibility include:

  • Residency in Manitoba
  • Completion of degree requirements for the MPT program
  • Minimum degree GPA of 3.5 (or equivalent) in the previous 60 credit hours with no grade lower than a B (or equivalent)
  • Strong and consistent history of community or sports involvement locally or within the broader community
  • Demonstrated leadership qualities through community involvement or within the College of Rehabilitation Sciences
  • Interest in active living, health promotion, and wellness

How to apply

To apply for the Diamond Athletic Medical Supplies Convocation Prize of Excellence, applicants must:

  • Complete the Diamond Athletic Medical Supplies Award application form
  • Provide one letter of recommendation from a leader of an organization (related to the area of interest) with which the applicant has volunteered within the two years prior to applying for this scholarship. Letters of recommendation should be emailed by the referee to
  • Submit a short essay (maximum 500 words) describing the importance of active living, health promotion, and wellness in physiotherapy and their envisioned role as a physiotherapist in promoting these aspects


The deadline for submission of applications is August 31st.


For more information, please contact the Awards Chair at

Physical Therapy Prize for Excellence in Communication and Professionalism


To recognize MPT students with excellence in communication and professionalism.


Donor: Endowment fund in recognition of Gisele Pereira.

Award benefits

$450 approx


Minimum degree GPA of 3.5; high academic standing in specified courses; excellence in clinical performance for communication and professionalism.

How to apply

No application required.


For more information, contact

Governor General’s Gold Medal


To recognize outstanding performance of a graduate student based on overall academic excellence.


Donor: Governor General of Canada

Award benefits



Nominated by CoRS; contact by August 31 for details.


August 31


For more information, contact

Lifemark Convocation Prize


To reward the second highest academic standing in the MPT program.


Donor: Lifemark Health Group

Award benefits



Second highest academic standing in MPT program; minimum degree GPA of 3.5.

How to apply

No application required


For more information, contact

Marjorie Spence Physical Therapy Achievement Prize


The Marjorie Spence Physical Therapy Achievement Prize is designed to recognize and reward graduating Master of Physical Therapy (MPT) students who have shown consistent involvement in the community and demonstrated strong leadership qualities.


This prize is generously provided by the Estate of Marjorie Spence, the founding head of the Physical Therapy Department at the School of Medical Rehabilitation in the 1960s. Miss Spence valued "promise" and leadership qualities in physiotherapy students and actively encouraged their participation in community initiatives, both locally and nationally.


  • The prize is valued at $1,000.


To be eligible for the Marjorie Spence Physical Therapy Achievement Prize, candidates must:

  • Have completed the degree requirements for the MPT program.
  • Possess a minimum degree GPA of 3.5.
  • Demonstrate a strong and consistent history of community involvement, either locally or within the broader community.
  • Exhibit leadership qualities through community or school involvement.

How to apply

To apply for this prize, candidates must:

  • Complete the application form.
  • Submit one letter of recommendation from a leader of an organization (related to the area of interest) with which the applicant has volunteered within the two years prior to applying. Letters of recommendation should be emailed directly by the referee to
  • Provide a short essay (maximum 500 words) describing the vital role that physiotherapists play in the community, both locally and globally. The essay should also discuss the applicant's vision of how this role will evolve in the future.


The deadline for submission of applications is August 31.


For more information, please contact the Awards Chair at

Respiratory Therapy

First year bachelor of respiratory therapy awards

Presented during the winter semester.


Manitoba Medical College Foundation (MMCF) Entrance Scholarship


To support students in the first year of specified programs with the highest admission GPA.


Donor: Manitoba Medical College Foundation

Award benefits



Enrolled full-time in specified programs; highest admission GPA of at least 3.0.

How to apply

No application required


For more information, contact the College of Rehabilitation Sciences at

Second year bachelor of respiratory therapy awards

Presented during the winter semester.

Dr. A.W. Hogg Undergraduate Scholarships


To reward undergraduate students with high academic standings.


Donor: Dr. A.W. Hogg

Award benefits



Highest average standings, excluding students in the graduating year; qualified for the Dean’s Honour List; full normal course load in the next academic year.

How to apply

No application required


For more information, contact the College of Rehabilitation Sciences at

Isbister Undergraduate Scholarships


To reward undergraduate students with top grades.


Donor: Isbister Undergraduate Scholarships

Award benefits

Determined annually


Highest average grades in specific subjects; university-wide undergraduate award.

How to apply

No application required


For more information, contact the College of Rehabilitation Sciences at

Third year bachelor of respiratory therapy awards

Presented during the winter semester.

E.J. Thomas Prize


The E.J. Thomas Trust Fund Prizes aim to recognize and reward students in the Bachelor of Respiratory Therapy program, Master of Occupational Therapy program, and Master of Physical Therapy program for their outstanding community involvement.


Established by colleagues and friends of E.J. Thomas, a trust fund at the University of Manitoba provides the annual interest to offer three prizes of equal value.




For Bachelor of Respiratory Therapy Program:
  • Completed the second year of the program
  • Maintained a minimum degree GPA of 3.0
  • Demonstrated outstanding interest/involvement in the community
For Master of Occupational Therapy or Master of Physical Therapy Program:
  • Completed the first year of the respective program
  • Maintained a minimum degree GPA of 3.5
  • Passed all clinical portions
  • Demonstrated outstanding interest/involvement in the community

How to apply

To apply for the E.J. Thomas Trust Fund Prizes, candidates must:


The deadline for submission of applications is October 10.


For more information, please contact the College of Rehabilitation Sciences at

Manitoba Blue Cross Medical Rehabilitation Scholarship


To support students with the highest standing in the previous academic year.


Donor: Manitoba Blue Cross

Award benefits



Highest standing in previous academic year; not available to students receiving awards totaling more than $750 in the same academic year.

Selection criteria

Highest academic standing.

How to apply

No application required


For more information, contact the College of Rehabilitation Sciences at

Convocation awards

Presented at the convocation ceremony.

BOMimed Clinical Excellence Award


To recognize graduating BRT students with excellence in clinical work and community involvement.

Award benefits



Completed the third year of BRT program; minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0; excellence in clinical work and interpersonal skills; active involvement in professional and/or community activities.

Selection criteria

Clinical excellence and community involvement.

How to apply

None required


For more information, contact the College of Rehabilitation Sciences at

College of Rehabilitation Sciences Medal in Respiratory Therapy


To honor the BRT student with the highest cumulative GPA.


Donor: College of Rehabilitation Sciences

Award benefits



Highest cumulative GPA (3.75 or above); full, normal course load throughout the program.

How to apply

No application required


For more information, contact the College of Rehabilitation Sciences at

Canadian Society of Respiratory Therapists Award


To reward third-year BRT students for their involvement and promotion of the respiratory therapy profession.


Donor: Canadian Society of Respiratory Therapists (CSRT)

Award benefits

Registration for CSRT annual education forum


Completed the third year of BRT program; minimum degree GPA of 3.0; involvement in the professional association; promotion of the profession.

How to apply

No application required.


For more information, contact the College of Rehabilitation Sciences at

College of Rehabilitation Sciences Student Association Prize of Excellence


The CORS-SA Prize of Excellence aims to recognize and reward graduating students in the College of Rehabilitation Sciences (Occupational Therapy, Physical Therapy, and Respiratory Therapy) who demonstrate exceptional leadership, commitment to their profession, and maintain high academic standing.


The College of Rehabilitation Sciences Students’ Association (CORS-SA) established this prize with a surplus of $30,000 from various fundraising initiatives. This endowment fund was created to honor students who exhibit strong dedication to the College, advocate for their profession's future, and excel academically. Starting from the 2020-2021 academic year, the annual interest from the fund will be divided equally to offer one convocation prize to a student in each department of the College of Rehabilitation Sciences. Additionally, the Manitoba Scholarship and Bursary Initiative may contribute to the award when funds are available.


Each prize is valued at $500.


Occupational and Physical Therapy

Criteria for eligibility include:

  • Completion of the requirements of the Master of Physical Therapy degree in the Faculty of Graduate Studies at the University of Manitoba
  • Membership in the CORS-SA for at least two years
  • Minimum grade point average of 3.5 based on the previous 60 credit hours (or equivalent) of study
  • Completion of the CORS-SA application form demonstrating commitment to the program and profession through leadership and community involvement
Respiratory Therapy

Criteria for eligibility include:

  • Completion of the requirements of the Bachelor of Respiratory Therapy program in the College of Rehabilitation Sciences at the University of Manitoba
  • Membership in the CORS-SA for at least two years
  • Minimum degree grade point average of 3.25
  • Completion of the CORS-SA application form demonstrating commitment to the program and profession through leadership and community involvement

How to apply

To apply for the CORS-SA Prize of Excellence, students must complete the application form.


The deadline for submission of applications is August 31st.


For more information, please contact the College of Rehabilitation Sciences at

Elenore Haywood Lung Association Manitoba Convocation Prize


To reward final-year BRT students with a minimum GPA of 3.5 and excellence in the Clinical Assessment in Respiratory Care course.


Donor: Elenore Haywood Lung Association Manitoba

Award benefits



  • Enrolled full-time in the final year of the BRT program
  • Minimum GPA of 3.5
  • Successful completion of the Clinical Assessment in Respiratory Care course with the highest GPA

How to apply

No application required.


For more information, contact the College of Rehabilitation Sciences at

University Gold Medal


To recognize students with the highest GPA in eligible programs.


Donor: University of Manitoba

Award benefits



  • Highest GPA of 3.75 (minimum) in courses from the last two years of the program
  • Completed at least 80% of the normal full course-load in each of the last two years

Selection criteria

Highest GPA.

How to apply

No application required


For more information, contact the College of Rehabilitation Sciences at

Master of Science in Rehabilitation Sciences

Dean of the Rady Faculty of Health Sciences (RFHS) Graduate Student Achievement Prize

To recognize the outstanding academic achievement, strong leadership skills, and notable personal service of students in the RFHS.

Students must be enrolled full-time in the MSc Rehabilitation Sciences program for at least one year, with a minimum GPA of 3.5 in the last 60 credit hours of study.

Applicants should demonstrate strong skills in leadership, community engagement, social accountability, and/or volunteerism.

How to apply
For more information, contact or visit the Faculty of Graduate Studies awards database.

Annually in June


Dean of the Rady Faculty of Health Sciences Travel Funds

To support research excellence by providing financial assistance for thesis-based graduate students to present their research at academic events. 

Award value
The amount of funding available varies each year.

Students must be enrolled full or part-time in the MSc Rehabilitation Sciences program. Priority will be given to those who have not previously received funding through this opportunity.

Funds will be allocated based on eligibility criteria until all available funds are expended.

How to apply
MSc Rehabilitation Sciences students will receive information and an application form via email twice each year, typically in April and October, from the MSc Program.

For more information, contact

Dr. Jal Tata award

To support students in the College of Rehabilitation Sciences who demonstrate a commitment to advancing physiotherapy practice through research.

Dr. Jal Tata was a devoted faculty member in the College of Rehabilitation Sciences, renowned for his passion for research in physiotherapy. To honor his legacy following his passing in 1980, his wife Liz and the Tata family created an endowment fund at the University of Manitoba in 2003. This fund established the Jal Tata Award, which continues to inspire and support students pursuing innovative research in physiotherapy, perpetuating Dr. Tata's vision for the field.

Award value
Varies each year.


  • Hold a four-year bachelor's degree (or equivalent) in physiotherapy.
  • Enrolled full-time in the MSc in Rehabilitation Sciences program at the College of Rehabilitation Sciences.
  • Minimum GPA of 3.5 based on the last 60 credit hours.


  • High academic standing.
  • Research relevant to physiotherapy, including clinical practice, health promotion, health policy, and education.

How to apply

  • Complete the Jal Tata Award application form.
  • Include a statement of the research problem being investigated in the thesis work (maximum 300 words, with up to 10 references).

October 10

For more information, email

Governor General’s Gold Medal

To recognize the outstanding performance of a graduating student based on overall academic excellence.

Candidates must be nominated by the College of Rehabilitation Sciences (CoRS).

Awarded based on overall academic excellence.

How to apply
Candidates cannot apply directly; they must be nominated by CoRS.

August 31

For more information, contact

Manitoba Medical College Foundation Entrance Scholarship

To support a full-time student with high academic standing entering the MSc Rehabilitation Sciences program.


  • Enrolled full-time in the MSc Rehabilitation Sciences program.
  • High academic standing upon admission.
  • Cannot be held concurrently with the University of Manitoba Graduate Fellowship (UMGF).

Awarded based on academic standing upon admission to the program.

How to apply
No application is required; all eligible students are automatically considered.

For more information, email

University of Manitoba Graduate Fellowship (UMGF)

To recognize and support academic excellence by awarding students who have demonstrated superior ability and academic accomplishment.


  • Available to incoming and returning students.
  • Minimum GPA of 3.75 required.


  • For incoming students: Based on academic standing upon admission to the program.
  • For returning students: Based on academic standing upon admission and performance in courses completed within the MSc Rehabilitation Sciences program.

How to apply
No application is required; all eligible students are automatically considered.

For more information, email or visit the University of Manitoba Graduate Fellowship (UMGF) page.

Other UM sources of funding

External funding

While the University of Manitoba offers many scholarships and bursaries, we encourage you to do a wider search, as many groups and institutions (i.e.: school divisions, cultural organizations, unions, employers, financial institutions, etc.) also offer generous funding.

Please note that external awards are not administered or monitored by the University, do not appear on an official transcript, and are paid directly by the external organization.


Contact us

College of Rehabilitation Sciences
P304 - 770 Bannatyne Avenue
University of Manitoba
Winnipeg, MB R3E 0T6 Canada
