Subject help - Father Harold Drake Library
Subject guides
Useful web resources
- Canada's leading Aboriginal communications provider includes Windspeaker, Alberta Sweetgrass, Saskatchewan Sage, Raven's Eye, AMS and CFWE-FM radio.
- Knowledge Base comprises 1000s of theoretical and practical essays, case studies, audio interviews, and other materials written over a period of 20 years by about 400 conflict experts, both scholars and practitioners, to help people deal better with conflict.
- Scholarly site of the national Catholic society promoting interest in the Canadian Catholic Church.
- Assortment of links and articles, mainly about Catholic Church history.
- Catholic news and information service.
- Online discussions, links, news items and research articles reflecting interdisciplinary work in academic theology, and an ecumenical orientation and dialogue with other religions.
- Collection of public domain and copy-permitted historical texts (ancient, medieval, modern) for educational use.
- Collaborative website developed under the auspices of the Media Center for Art History, Archaeology and Historic Preservation and the Department of Art history and Archaeology at Columbia University.
- Offers daily prayers for contemplation. Monastery monks follow Benedictine spiritual tradition. A non-intrusive way to explore the monastery.
- Scholarly organization dedicated to the study of the history, literature, and theology of ancient Christianity.
- Guide to online Papal and other official documents of the Catholic Church.
- First and largest single collection of free electronic books, or eBooks.
- The official website of the Holy See.
Research help
Research assistance is available in-person during office hours, or you can book an appointment for a consultation.
Contact us
Father Harold Drake Library
St. Paul’s College
Room 119, St. Paul's College
70 Dysart Road
University of Manitoba
Winnipeg, MB Canada R3T 2M6