Selection criteria

Digitization projects are guided by the vision and values of the University of Manitoba Libraries, and selected and prioritized based on the following crtieria:

  • Feasibility: The Digitization Centre has the resources (staffing, funding, equipment) needed to fulfil the project. 
  • Value: The content aligns with the University's vision, mission, and core values, has educational, cultural and/or historical significance, and includes unique content that is unavailable elsewhere.
  • Access: The digitization of the content would support open and enhanced access to collections and remove barriers to accessibility.
  • Risk: There are no ethical or legal considerations such as copyright, IP, cultural protocols, or other restrictions that limit digitization, and the materials can be safely digitized without causing damage to the original records.

Contact us

If you have a digitization project or request, or have general questions about digitization, please contact the Libraries' Digitization Centre.