Proposal development

The Research and International Agreements Team has extensive experience and a proven track record in developing successful international development, and faculty and student mobility project proposals and can provide support to UM faculty and staff interested in preparing a proposal. Some examples of the contributions the Research and International Agreements Team can make to funding proposals are:

  • Information about potential international funding sources
  • In-depth knowledge of international funding agency priorities and procedures
  • Facilitate connections with other UM faculty to develop interdisciplinary project teams
  • Review of draft proposals and, when applicable, application documents
  • Erasmus+ ICM and Jean Monnet proposal development and application processes
  • Assistance obtaining required approvals and documentation for proposal submission
  • Post-submission review of funding agency decision

If you would like to develop a proposal for an international partnership, please contact the International Agreements Officer for the appropriate region.

Funding opportunities

Many funding opportunities and awards are available to support the international engagement, research and mobility of UM faculty members.

Academics Without Borders

AWB is a bilingual non-profit organization which supports capacity development in tertiary education in developing countries so that these countries can educate their own experts and professionals. It does this by sending volunteers from Canada to support local initiatives. 

More information on Academics Without Borders

AWB is a bilingual non-profit organization. Its mission is to support capacity development in tertiary education in developing countries so that these countries can educate their own experts and professionals that are necessary for their development. It does this by sending volunteers from Canada to support local initiatives. AWB projects focus on a number of areas, including, health, teaching and learning methodology, various academic disciplines, student services, and back office operations. That is, in any area in which universities are involved. 

Given the uncertainties regarding international travel during the course of the pandemic, in this call for project proposals, AWB will prioritize submissions that can be implemented in whole or in part online.  

For more information on developing a project proposal to respond to this call, please contact Cameron Zywina, International Agreements Officer, 


Application Deadline for proposals at Academics Without Borders: November 8, 2021 

Internal Deadline: March 1, 2022 

Academics Without Borders Contact: Corrie Young, 

European Commission Erasmus+ Funding

Erasmus+ is the EU's framework program for education, training, youth and sport offering funding opportunities for individuals and institutions.

For more information and proposal development, please contact Anna Polonyi

More information on Erasmus+ Jean Monnet Funding

These support teaching and research in the field of European Union studies worldwide, covering the study of Europe in its entirety, with particular emphasis on the EU dimension, from an internal but also from a global perspective. The scope of EU studies can be varied as long as the EU angle is explored.

Annual funding calls for grants of up to 300,000 EUR to support teaching, research and policy debate activities relevant to the European Union. Higher Education Institutions (HEI) established in any country of the world may apply.

Jean Monnet Modules
Short teaching programmes or courses in the field of European Union studies.
Learn more about Modules and see how to apply.

Jean Monnet Chairs
Teaching posts with a specialisation in European Union studies practiced by university professors.  Learn about the Centres and the opportunity.

Jean Monnet Centres of Excellence
Pooling knowledge and competence on European Union subjects. They also play a key role in reaching out to students from faculties not normally dealing with EU studies. Learn about the Centres and the opportunity.

Jean Monnet Networks in Higher Education
Support to large thematic networks to bolster the policy debate.  See who can apply for Networks and what qualifies.

Erasmus+ International Credit Mobility (ICM) Funding

Erasmus+ ICM funding is available  for UM students, faculty and staff to support short-term study, teaching and training exchanges with European Union partner universities. Our partner institutions in the EU submit the funding applications each February. An Erasmus+ Inter-Institutional Agreement must be signed if the application is successful. Faculty interested in developing a new Erasmus+ collaboration, please contact for proposal development.

For Faculty and Staff

Staff mobility for teaching or training offers the possibility for a range of activities including guest lectures, seminars, workshops, courses, periods of practical training and job shadowing. The teaching mobility requires a minimum of 8 hours teaching activities per week. The training mobility also supports transfer of knowledge and experiences as well as development of future academic and research collaborations.

Open Calls:

University of Jagiellonian in Krakow, Poland

  • Teaching/Training Mobility for 5 days
  • Teaching Mobility from February 26 to September 30, 2025
  • Open to faculty members of all disciplines
  • Funding available: 820 EUR (travel expenses) and 140 EUR per diem
  • Internal Applications accepted on a rolling basis
  • To apply, contact

University of Trier, Germany

  • Teaching/Training mobility (5 to 21 days)
  • Teaching Mobility from April 14 to July 19, 2025
  • Open to faculty members of all disciplines
  • Funding available: 820 EUR (travel expenses) and 160 EUR per diem
  • Internal Application Deadline: December 1, 2024
  • To apply, contact Anna Polonyi

Current and Past Erasmus+ ICM Partners

Erasmus+ ICM Partner

Period of E+ ICM Collaboration
Academy of Fine Arts Vienna, Austria 2024-2027
Western Norway University of Applied Sciences, Norway 2023-2027
Bielefeld University of Applied Sciences, Germany 2022-2027
Heilbronn University, Germany 2022-2027
University of Greifswald, Germany 2022-2027
University of Szeged, Hungary2022-2027
Universitat Politècnica de València, Spain 2022-2027
University of Vic- Central University of Catalonia, Spain2022-2027
Jagiellonian University in Krakow, Poland 2019-2026
University of Trier, Germany 2019-2026
Turku University of Applied Sciences, Finland   2022-2025
Poland - University of Gdansk, Poland 2020-2024
L'Institut Agro, France 2022-2023
Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences, Netherlands 2019-2023
Institut Polytechnique UniLaSalle, France 2019-2022
University of Bradford, United Kingdom 2019-2022
University North, Croatia2019-2022
Central European University, Hungary2017-2021
Vilnius University, Lithuania 2017
Ghent University, Belgium2016-2022
University of Copenhagen, Denmark2016-2018
University of Caen Normandie, France 2015-2018

For Students

Erasmus+ Scholarships from some European Universities are available to support study exchange and traineeships. Scholarships include travel expenses (820 EUR) and living expenses (800-900 EUR per month).

Types of Scholarships

Study Exchange Scholarships

  • Students must first apply and be accepted into a participating University of Manitoba international student exchange program.  If the European hosting institution offers Erasmus+ funding, students will be invited to apply for the scholarship.
  • Period of exchange may be for one or two terms

Student Traineeship Scholarships

  • Scholarships may be available from time to time for students to spend 2 to 10 months at European partner institutions to carry out research internships or practicum traineeships.
  • Upcoming Application Calls will be posted here.

Open Calls

The University of Trier, Germany, is offering Erasmus+ Study Exchange Scholarships. Students must first apply to the University of Manitoba International Centre Exchange Program to study at University of Trier and will then be invited to apply for an Erasmus+ Scholarship. 

European Commission Horizon Europe Funding

Horizon Europe is the EU’s latest key funding programme for research and innovation. Funding is available under three pillars, each with its own eligibility criteria and application procedures. Participants from non-EU countries can take part in all Horizon Europe actions but not always with funding. 

Under Pillar 1 funding for mobility and training of interest to Canadian researchers include the Marie Sklodowska Curie Actions. Information for staff, doctoral and post-doctoral exchanges.

The Call for MSCA Staff exchanges is now open. The Call will close on February 5, 2025. How to apply: Staff Exchanges - Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions.

As an associate country to Pillar II, Canadian organizations may apply to research and development projects related to major societal challenges under six funding clusters: 
•    Health; 
•    Culture, Creativity & Inclusive Society
•    Civil Security for Society
•    Digital, Industry and Space
•    Climate, Energy and Mobility
•    Food, Bioeconomy, Natural Resources, Agriculture & Environment

For further information: Pillar 2 Horizon Europe - Canada.

For support with Pillar II funding applications contact the UM Major Projects Office.

France Canada Research Fund (FCRF)

The FCRF is open to all fields of research supporting joint projects with French institutions. There are two calls for 2024/2025;

Annual Call for new collaborations to fund research and student mobility. Visit the FCRF website.

FCRF+ is a new funding program for 2025 to support existing research partnerships between France and Canada.

ORS Application Deadline: April 2, 2025

Agency Application Deadline: April 11, 2025

To apply, visit the France-Canada Research Fund + website.


Other French Embassy Funding:

Mourou-Strickland Mobility Program:  seed grants to encourage new cross-border bilateral cooperation and knowledge exchange between France and Canada.  The program is open to researchers from Canada and France who are interested in exploring research collaborations.  The grant includes a round-trip economy-class flight Canada- France or France-Canada and a contribution towards subsistence costs for5 days.

Deadline for applications: January 26th, 2025

For more information and applications: Mourou-Strickland Mobility Program

High Level Scientific Fellowship:  scholarships to PhD students or post-docs working in a Canadian university for a 2-month research mobility to France.  The call for applications is open to the following themes:
•    Emerging Technologies: AI, quantum, etc.
•    Health: One health, public health policy, genomics, etc.
•    Ocean and polar sciences: oceanography, biodiversity, marine ecology, etc.
•    Energy: renewable energy, net zero transition, sustainability, etc.

Deadline for applications January 26th, 2025

For more information and applications:  High Level Scientific Fellowship

German Academic Exchange Service

Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst (DAAD) provides funding for research and study in Germany.

Funding Your Research in Germany Information Session

DAAD – German Academic Exchange Service - an information session on the German research landscape, its structure and details on programs to fund your research work in Germany or in collaboration with German colleagues.
This presentation is relevant to faculty, postdocs and doctoral students in all disciplines.
For a copy of the presentation, contact 

More information on DAAD

Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst (DAAD) provides funding for faculty and students to conduct research and study in Germany.

Funding opportunities for faculty and scholars include the DAAD North America’s Faculty Research Visit Grant for short-term research stays.  Other opportunities for short-term lectureships, visiting professorships, and conference funding are also available.

More information on DAAD faculty funding  

DAAD has programs to support students to study or conduct research and internships in Germany.  Opportunities include MITACS research internships, study abroad and funding for degree seeking graduate students.

More information on DAAD student funding 

DAAD Canada Website

View Presentation for 2024-2025 Programs

Shastri Indo-Canadian Institute

The Shastri Indo-Canadian Institute is a binational organization that promotes understanding between India and Canada through academic activities and exchanges.  As the University of Manitoba is a current member, faculty members and students are eligible to apply for some of the funding programs.

More information on Shastri Indo-Canadian Institute

Find funding opportunities through Shastri Indo-Canadian Institute:

Find funding opportunities through Shastri Indo-Canadian Institute

For more information, contact Kennis Fung, International Agreements Officer, or 204-474-7691.

Global Affairs Canada funding opportunities

Global Affairs Canada is responsible for the Government of Canada's participation in major international scholarship programs.

More information on GAC funding

Some of the existing programs are:

  • Canada-ASEAN Scholarships and Educational Exchanges for Development (SEED) – inbound
  • Canada-CARICOM Faculty Leadership Program – inbound
  • Canada-China Scholars' Exchange Program – inbound and outbound 
  • Emerging Leaders in the Americas Program – inbound
  • Faculty Mobility for Partnerships Building Program – outbound
  • Study in Canada Scholarships – inbound

For all Global Affairs Canada funding opportunities, please visit and connect with the respective International Agreements Officer for assistance.

Three of the above Global Affairs Canada scholarship programs are open for applications (Canada-ASEAN Scholarships, Emerging Leaders in the Americas Program, and Study in Canada Scholarships). Two info sessions will be offered:

Fort Garry info session: 11am to 12 noon, Wednesday, Feb 8 (Tier 300). Email Cameron Zywina by 9am on Feb 8 if you plan to attend.

Bannatyne info session:11am to 12 noon, Friday, Feb 10 (Chown 474). Email Kennis Fung by 9am on Feb 10 if you plan to attend.

Both sessions are open to faculty members, researchers, and support staff.

Internal deadline - 

Emerging Leaders in the Americas Program (ELAP) & Study in Canada Scholarships (SICS): March 7, 2023

Canada-ASEAN Scholarships and Educational Exchanges for Development (SEED): March 16, 2023

Nahlah Ayed Prize for Student Leadership and Global Citizenship

The Nahlah Ayed Prize for Student Leadership and Global Citizenship is named for Nahlah Ayed, award-winning CBC foreign correspondent, UM alumna and honorary degree recipient.

Two cash prizes are awarded annually to students who can demonstrate they have global skill sets and participated in activities that celebrate diversity, curiosity, respect and mutual understanding. One prize is awarded to a domestic student and one prize is awarded to an international student.

Do you know a student who demonstrates exceptional vision, passion, commitment, great leadership skills, and whose actions are helping to bridge the local and the global?

Do you know a student who is building bridges between communities on campus, in the city, the Province, and around the world?

Do you have a friend who inspires you, motivates you, or challenges you to think globally and act locally? 

Submit a nomination by November 15 to be considered for the Prize.

More information on the Nahlah Ayed Prize

Students, faculty, and support staff can submit nominations for this prize. Two cash prizes and a certificate will be made annually.

Visit the International Centre's website for more information and application materials: 

For more information contact the International Centre:   

Eligibility Criteria

The International Centre (IC), offers an annual prize to encourage students at the University of Manitoba to participate in activities that celebrate diversity, curiosity, respect, mutual understanding, and will expand their horizons and develop global skill sets.

Each year, the Centre will offer two prizes, with a minimum value of $500 each and a commemorative certificate. One prize will be allocated to a domestic student and one to an international student who meets the following three criteria:

(1)    is enrolled full-time (minimum 80% course load) in any degree program in any Faculty, School or College at the University of Manitoba;

(2)    has achieved either:
(i)    as an undergraduate student in the Undergraduate Medical Education Program, is in good academic standing, or as an undergraduate student in any other program has achieved a minimum degree grade point average of 2.5; or
(ii)    as a graduate student, has achieved a minimum point average of 3.0 based on the last 60 credit hours (or equivalent) of study;

(3)    has demonstrated exceptional vision and leadership, and who has best demonstrated good global citizenship through (i) his or her participation in activities that bridge local and global communities and (ii) by actions that demonstrate how students are making vital contributions to civil society and are responding constructively to the emerging issues experienced by local and global communities.

Nominations can be made by University of Manitoba students, faculty, or full-time staff. Completed nominations along with nominee biographical statement can be submitted to the International Centre by email at by the nomination deadline.

Other funding opportunities

Contact us

Room 541 UMSU University Centre
75A Chancellor's Circle
University of Manitoba (Fort Garry campus)
Winnipeg, MB R3T 2N2 Canada