A pharmacist holds up a beaker filled with liquid to inspect it while wearing protective gloves, eyewear and a lab coat.

Rady funding opportunities

The Office of the Vice-Dean Research administers several sources of internal funding.

MMSF Dr. F. W. Du Val and John Henson Clinical Research Professorship Award


The MMSF Dr. F. W. Du Val and John Henson Clinical Research Professorship Award supports early-career clinical researchers and promotes clinical research at the University of Manitoba for the benefit of health research in Manitoba.


This award is presented by the Manitoba Medical Services Foundation (MMSF) in honor of Dr. Du Val, a former MMSF Board member.

Award Value

  • The award is granted for a three-year period and cannot be renewed.
  • It includes a contribution of $55,000 per year to the awardee's salary (including benefits) during the three-year term.
  • A grant-in-aid of up to $20,000 may be provided during the first year of the appointment.


  • Candidates must be in the early stages of a productive research career as a healthcare professional (less than 7 years of independent research).
  • Candidates must have received one or more grants from a national granting agency (e.g., Canadian Institutes of Health Research) and have a satisfactory publication record in peer-reviewed journals.
  • Candidates must be licensed physicians or healthcare professionals in Manitoba with a faculty appointment at the University of Manitoba, engaged in health-related research.

Additional Details

  • The awardee must commit 50% of their time to research during the award period.
  • The award cannot be held simultaneously with another personal career award.
  • Awardees who receive the MMSF Dr. F. W. Du Val and John Henson Clinical Research Professorship Award are not eligible for other MMSF Salary awards.

How to Apply

  • Complete the Application research module (PDF) with all the required information.
  • Prepare an up-to-date curriculum vitae.
  • Obtain supporting letters of recommendation.
  • Submit the completed application, curriculum vitae, and recommendation letters by the specified deadline.

Shaun Lamoureux and Kerry Bittner clinical research professorship in population health


The MMSF Shaun Lamoureux and Kerry Bittner Clinical Research Professorship in Population Health Award is a partnership between the Manitoba Medical Service Foundation (MMSF) and the University of Manitoba. The award aims to attract and retain clinicians in population health research at UM to benefit health research in Manitoba and advance the recipient’s research career. The award is effective from July 1, 2024.


The award seeks to support clinicians and healthcare professionals engaged in population health research. It is intended for those in the early stages of their research careers, focusing on advancing their work in Manitoba.

Award Value

The award provides $55,000 per year for three years towards the salary (including benefits) of the awardee. Additionally, a one-year term grant-in-aid of up to $40,000 may be available upon request during the first year of the appointment. Note that the salary increase applies only to new appointments awarded after April 15, 2021, and does not affect ongoing career awards appointed before this date.


  • Candidates must be licensed physicians or healthcare professionals in Manitoba with a faculty appointment at the University of Manitoba.
  • Candidates must be involved in research related to population health in Manitoba.
  • During the award tenure, recipients must commit 50% of their time to research.
  • Candidates should be in the early stages of their research careers, with less than 7 years of independent research experience.
  • Candidates must have received one or more grants from a national granting agency, such as the Canadian Institutes of Health Research.
  • A satisfactory publication record in peer-reviewed journals is required.

Additional Details

  • The award is not eligible for renewal beyond the initial three-year term.
  • It cannot be held concurrently with another personal career award.
  • Awardees are ineligible for other MMSF Salary awards.

How to Apply

  • Complete the research module form.
  • Prepare an up-to-date curriculum vitae.
  • Obtain supporting letters of recommendation.
  • For a copy of the research module, contact resmedgrants@umanitoba.ca.


Applications must be submitted by email to resmedgrants@umanitoba.ca no later than 4:00 p.m., March 15, 2024

Gerry McDole professorship award in improved health care delivery to rural, remote and underserved populations of Manitoba


The Gerry McDole Professorship Award, funded through an endowment from AstraZeneca in honor of their retiring President, Mr. Gerry McDole, is provided by the Rady Faculty of Health Sciences at the University of Manitoba. The award aims to enhance healthcare services for rural, remote, and underserved populations in Manitoba through focused research on health service delivery and health policy development.


This award was established to support early-career academic faculty members in the Rady Faculty of Health Sciences, with a focus on improving healthcare services and policy for underserved populations.

Award Value

  • Annual Value: $50,000
  • Duration: Up to three years


  • Open to newly appointed academic faculty members in the Rady Faculty of Health Sciences at the University of Manitoba.
  • Candidates should have a background in health service delivery and/or health policy development.
  • Candidates must be in the early stages of their academic career.

Additional Details

  • The award is presented annually.
  • The awards committee may withhold the award if no suitable candidate is found.
  • Recipients cannot hold any other major award concurrently.

How to Apply

  • Complete the designated application form.
  • Submit an up-to-date curriculum vitae.
  • Include letters of collaboration and support from relevant individuals.


  • Applications must be submitted by the specified deadline.

2023 MMSF Allen Rouse Basic Science Career Development Research Award


The MMSF Allen Rouse Basic Science Career Development Research Award is offered by the Manitoba Medical Service Foundation and the Rady Faculty of Health Sciences at the University of Manitoba. Effective from July 1, 2023, this award supports early-career researchers in basic science aiming to become strong candidates for senior national research awards.


This award is designed to help individuals in the early stages of their research careers strengthen their profiles for prestigious awards, such as the Canadian Institute of Health Research Scientist Award. Those who have previously held or currently hold such an award are ineligible.

Award Value

  • Annual Value: $55,000 per year
  • Duration: Three years (non-renewable)
  • Additional Support: Upon request, a one-year term grant-in-aid of up to $20,000 may be provided during the first year of the appointment.


  • Candidates must be in the early stages of a successful research career, with no more than 7 years of independent research experience.
  • Candidates must have received grants from a national granting agency, such as the Canadian Institute of Health Research.
  • A satisfactory publication record in peer-reviewed journals is required.
  • Candidates must hold a faculty appointment at the University of Manitoba and be involved in basic research related to the health field.
  • The awardee must commit 75% of their time to research during the award tenure.
  • Candidates who currently hold or have previously held a senior national personnel research award are not eligible.

Additional Details

  • The award is non-renewable and cannot be held concurrently with another personal career award.
  • The appointment is subject to annual reviews.
  • Recipients are ineligible for other MMSF Salary awards.

How to Apply

  • Submit applications according to the provided guidelines.
  • The application process typically includes completing a specific form, submitting a curriculum vitae, and fulfilling any additional requirements mentioned in the application guidelines.


  • The deadline for submitting applications will be announced or specified by the Manitoba Medical Service Foundation and the Rady Faculty of Health Sciences.


Award Details

  • Duration: 3 years
  • Annual Funding: $55,000 per year (including benefits)
  • One-Year Grant-in-Aid: Up to $20,000 during the first year of the appointment

Eligibility Requirements

  • Must have a faculty appointment at the University of Manitoba.
  • Must be engaged in basic research related to the health field.
  • Must commit 75% of time to research during the award tenure.

Selection Criteria

Career Stage: Must be in the early stages of a productive research career (no more than 7 years of independent research).

Grants: Should have received one or more grants from a national granting agency (e.g., Canadian Institute of Health Research).

Publication Record: Must have a satisfactory publication record in peer-reviewed journals.

Evaluation Includes:

  • Review of training qualifications and experience.
  • Support from letters of reference.
  • Clarity and communication of written research submission.
  • Brief presentation and response to questions with the Award review panel.

Award Intent

  • To support the awardee in becoming a strong candidate for senior national research awards.
  • To benefit health research in Manitoba.


  • Cannot hold the award for a second 3-year term.
  • Cannot be held concurrently with another personal career award.
  • Awardees are not eligible for other MMSF Salary awards.

Apply now

Please contact resmedgrants@umanitoba.ca for a copy of the research module required as part of the application process.

Submit all items to resmedgrants@umanitoba.ca, no later than 4:00 p.m. March 24, 2023.

Rady Faculty of Health Sciences Winnipeg Foundation Innovation Fund

Apply now

The application deadline date is 4:00 pm on May 17, 2024.

Results of this competition will be announced by end of June 2024. There is no provision for appeal of funding decisions. Funding will begin in July 2024.

Please contact resmedgrants@umanitoba.ca for a copy of the application form.

Terms of Reference

Winnipeg Foundation Innovation Fund Overview

Background: The Winnipeg Foundation Innovation Fund supports innovative interdisciplinary research at the University of Manitoba with a total fund of $1,000,000 for the period 2019-2023. This is the final opportunity to apply for funding, with a maximum of $100,000 available per project. Once the fund is used up, it will not be renewed.

Purpose: The fund aims to:

  • Foster innovative interdisciplinary research within the Rady Faculty of Health Sciences.
  • Boost the university’s national reputation and competitiveness in research.
  • Support research projects that can attract additional national or international funding.
  • Not intended for ongoing research or as a substitute for other funding sources.

Eligibility and Priorities:

  • Who Can Apply: Full-time academic faculty members with professorial rank (Assistant, Associate, or Full) in the Rady Faculty of Health Sciences.
  • Team Requirement: Must include at least three faculty members from different disciplines.
  • Priority: Projects with an integrated team approach, potential for significant short-term impact, and likelihood of leading to further funding will be favored.

Type of Support:

  • Seed grants for innovative, short-term projects.
  • Development grants for preparing large-scale research initiatives.
  • Partial support for post-doctoral fellows (where Tri-Agency funding is also secured).
  • Minor equipment purchases (<$15,000).

What We Don’t Fund:

  • Conference travel
  • Equipment servicing or rental
  • Publication fees
  • Visiting professorships or lectureships
  • Start-up or emergency support
  • Travel for research leaves
  • Secretarial services

Budget Guidelines:

  • Funds should be used for direct research costs such as personnel, research assistance, technical services, and supplies.
  • Items must be essential and justified.
  • No overlap with existing grants.
  • Maximum support is $100,000; funds may be less depending on demand.

Evaluation Criteria: Applications are reviewed based on:

  • Quality and originality of the proposal.
  • Research achievements of the team.
  • Efforts to secure additional funding.
  • The overall impact and collaborative nature of the research.

Application Process:

  • Deadline: April 1st annually. If this falls on a weekend or holiday, the deadline is the next business day.
  • Administration: Handled by the Office of Research Services.

Conditions of the Award:

  • National Funding Application: Must apply for national funding within one year after the grant ends.
  • University Policies: Research must comply with all university policies and obtain necessary approvals.
  • Use of Funds: Grants must be used as described in the application. Transfers or new budget items require prior approval.
  • Financial Responsibility: PI is responsible for fund use and adherence to university financial procedures.

Duration and Extensions:

  • Awards are valid for one year from notification.
  • Extensions (up to six months) require a written request submitted at least one month before the end date.

Final Report: Submit within three months of completing the grant, including:

  • Accomplishments and findings
  • Plans for dissemination
  • Information on trained personnel
  • Details of additional funding obtained
  • Future funding prospects

External Awards: If you receive another award for the same work within six months, remaining funds must be returned.

Acknowledgment: All publications and media coverage resulting from the grant must acknowledge the Winnipeg Foundation Innovation Fund.


Guidelines for Preparing Your Application

General Presentation:

  • Font: 11-point Calibri
  • Spacing: Single spaced
  • Margins: Minimum 2.54 cm on all sides


  • Proposal Description: Max 5 pages
  • Figures/Tables: Must be included in the proposal and be legible
  • References: Do not count towards the page limit
  • Budget Summary: 1 page, with detailed justification (max 3 pages)
  • CVs: Include short versions of CIHR Common CV (Biosketch) for PI and Co-PIs
  • Additional Attachments: Only for quotations (e.g., for equipment >$500 or specific services) or if listing more than 2 Co-PIs in Part A

Preparing the Research Proposal:

  • Objective: Clearly outline your research objectives and their relationship to existing work.
  • Significance: Describe the potential impact of your research.
  • Framework: Explain the theoretical/conceptual framework and, if applicable, research hypotheses.
  • Methods: Detail the methods, procedures, and required resources.
  • Expertise: Highlight the expertise of the PI and Co-PIs.
  • Timetable: Provide a timeline for the research.
  • Future Funding: Describe strategies for securing future funding.

Proposal Writing Tips:

  • Use a clear, narrative style with headings for clarity.
  • Avoid technical jargon and acronyms unless fully explained.
  • Ensure the proposal is concise, clear, and complete.

Budget Preparation:

  • Personnel: Detail tasks, responsibilities, employment period, and pay rates. Include fringe benefits and payroll levies.
  • Materials/Supplies: Justify any unusual or large quantities of items.
  • Equipment: For items >$500, confirm if university equipment is available. Provide quotations for equipment over $500.
  • Travel: Explain the purpose, destination, length, and cost of travel. Justify in-person travel needs.
  • Post-Doctoral Support: Detail the Tri-Agency funding source and ensure salary meets university minimums.


  • Send the signed application with all documents to the Rady FHS Research Office and email an electronic version to resmedgrants@umanitoba.ca.
  • Late or incomplete applications will not be considered.

Reviewer feedback

Common Reviewer Comments for Low-Priority Applications

Unbalanced Team Participation:

  • The proposal shows one main person working 60% or more on the project, with others contributing less than 20%. This makes the project look like a typical PI grant with a few collaborators, rather than a team effort. The fund is meant to support teams with at least three members, each bringing unique skills. Clearly show how the team works together and what each member contributes.

Complex or Jargon-Heavy Writing:

  • The proposal was hard to follow or understand, using too much specialized language. Write for a multidisciplinary review committee and avoid jargon to make your proposal accessible.

Underdeveloped Proposal:

  • The proposal was not fully developed or lacked cohesion, making it hard to see how the project will be executed successfully. Ensure your proposal is well-structured and detailed.

Incomplete Application:

  • Missing documents, such as CVs, made the application incomplete. Make sure all required documents are included.

Incremental or Derivative Research:

  • The grant aims to fund high-risk, high-reward projects. Proposals that simply extend ongoing research or are incremental will not be prioritized.

Lack of Innovation:

  • The fund supports truly novel research with the potential to be transformative. Proposals should aim to revolutionize fields, create new areas of study, or develop groundbreaking technologies. Avoid proposals that lack innovative elements.

Unfeasible Project:

  • The project should be doable within the one-year timeframe and budget of the grant. It should also move the research forward enough to secure further funding. Proposals that seem unrealistic given the time and money available will be less favored.

Internal funding programs

To encourage the development of research, the university offers a number of research support programs. A creative works support program is also offered to enhance the overall quality of artistic production at the University. These programs are administered on behalf of the university by the Vice-President (Research and International) and Office of Research Services.

Internal funding and awards

Research funding databases

Find funding opportunities from internal, Canadian and international sources.

  • ORS database

    Find upcoming major funding competitions from local, provincial, national and international sources on the University of Manitoba Office of Research Services (ORS) database. The database is updated weekly.

    Search ORS database

  • SPIN funding database

    Search the SPIN (Sponsored Programs Information Network) database for thousands of Canadian and international funding opportunities.

    You need a valid UM email address to access SPIN.

    Search SPIN database

CIHR internal review process

To continue our goal of improving our competitiveness, our office offers internal reviews of CIHR Project Grant applications, for researchers within the Rady Faculty of Health Sciences.

Resources and supports

It's important to ensure your research meets ethical and safety requirements and follows UM policies and guidelines. The resources below will link you to supports that will keep your research on track.

Trainee opportunities and supports

Through the Office of the Vice-President (Research and International), undergraduate students, graduate students and postdoctoral fellows have many supports and opportunities while they work and learn under the formal supervision of independent researchers.

Core facilities, platforms and services

Our Faculty's core facilities, platforms and services offer researchers the tools and supports they need to pursue cutting edge research. Our technology-based facilities provide access to sophisticated equipment for use by both UM researchers and external customers.

Explore our facilities

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Contact us

Office of the Vice-Dean Research
A203 Chown Building
753 McDermot Avenue (Bannatyne campus)
Winnipeg, MB R3E 0T6 Canada
