Senior University Administrators Course lecture

SUAC Winter 2024

Hybrid delivery from January 25 to April 26, 2024

Fees: $4,000 plus GST
Pricing subject to change without notice.

Applications are now closed.

In-person session schedule

Participants will be responsible for their own travel and accommodations as well as meals on their own time. Refreshments and meals will be provided during scheduled sessions.

  • Thursday, January 25, 2024
    Fort Garry Hotel – 222 Broadway, Winnipeg MB
    5:00 pm - arrival (Room TBA)
    5:30 to 6:45 pm – Dinner is served
    7:00 to 8:30 pm Welcome and Presentations
  • Friday, January 26, 2024
    Room 160 Extended Education Complex, University of Manitoba
    Transportation will be provided.
    8:00 am to 4:15 pm 
    A comprehensive full day schedule will be provided to all registered participants.
    Refreshments, breakfast and lunch included.

Virtual session schedule

Online synchronous sessions from 10 am to Noon CST

Friday Feb. 2 Budgeting in Higher Education
Friday Feb. 16 Equity, Diversity, Indigenization and Decolonization
Friday March 1 Government Relations and Philanthropy
Friday March 15 Change Leadership
Thursday March 28 Compassionate Leadership
Friday April 12 Diversification, Imagination and Entrepreneurship in Higher Education
Friday April 26 Coaching Culture in Higher Education

Key topic areas

  • Budgeting models and diversification of revenue
  • EDI, Indigenization and Decolonization
  • Government relations and philanthropy
  • Change leadership
  • Compassionate leadership
  • Diversification, imagination and entrepreneurship
  • Coaching culture in higher education

Course description

  • CHERD’s Senior University Administrators Course (SUAC) has been a staple course offering at the University of Manitoba since 1987. The course has trained over 1,000 senior administrators who have gone on to executive positions such as provost and president. 

    Our new and improved 2024 programming will be offered in a hybrid format. Our new model focuses on intensive highly relevant content and topics delivered in-person complemented with a synchronous online component allowing for more flexibility, cost-effective and accommodating interactive delivery. 

    To be revised annually, this new intensive approach recognizes the feedback from previous cohorts and allows senior leaders the opportunity to build community, knowledge and skills to develop and sustain purposeful networks while acknowledging their busy and competing priorities within their institutions. 

  • Women-taking-online-course

Facilitation team

Dru Marshall

Dru Marshall, Former Provost and VP Academic, University of Calgary

Dru Marshall served as the Provost and Vice-President (Academic) of the University of Calgary from 2011 to 2021. She is currently on administrative leave.

A nationally recognized leader with nearly 30 years of post-secondary sector experience, Dru has previously served as the chair of the U-15 Group of Canadian Research Universities Provosts, and as the only non-American executive committee member on the Council of Academic Affairs of the Association of Public and Land-Grant Universities. She has been recognized as one of Canada’s WXN Top 100 most powerful women and as one of the most influential women in sport and physical activity in Canada by the Canadian Association for the Advancement of Women in Sport and Physical Activity. For her work in high performance sport in Canada, she was awarded the Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medal. 

Dru holds a BPE with distinction from the University of Manitoba, and an MSc and PhD in Exercise Physiology from the University of Alberta. She credits her coaching experience for helping in part to shape her executive leadership style and to earn her reputation as a strong team leader, team builder and mentor.

Florentine Strzelczyk

Florentine Strzelczyk, Provost and Vice-President (Academic), Western University  

Florentine Strzelczyk joined Western University in May 2022 as Provost & Vice-President (Academic). A CHERD alum, she also teaches and mentors in CHERD’s Women in Academic Leadership.

Florentine says, “I am a first-generation immigrant to Canada. Of mixed German and Eastern European heritage and as a Canadian newcomer, I am deeply grateful to the Indigenous peoples who have shared their land for centuries with newcomers like me to build a life here.”

Before joining Western University, Florentine served at Memorial University as Provost, Vice President (Academic) and Pro-Vice Chancellor in 2021-2022. During her tenure, she launched a new campus in Labrador, completed a reorganization of the Registrar’s Office, oversaw the Strategic Plan Implementation and Metrics design and approval, and began the groundwork for a new budget model. From 2018 to 2021, she served as Deputy Provost of the University of Calgary. Highlights of her work there include successful negotiation of several collective agreements; oversight of the renewal of the university’s Internationalization Strategy; new policies for academic appointments, tenure, promotion, and merit; membership on the university’s budget team; streamlining of quality assurance processes; chairing of the tri-council-sponsored national Dimensions EDI Pilot; and chairing of the university’s academic crisis management team.

Guest presenters

Opening keynote

Annette Trimbee, President and Vice-Chancellor, MacEwan University

Annette Trimbee

Annette Trimbee, President and Vice-Chancellor, MacEwan University

Annette Trimbee is the sixth president and vice-chancellor of MacEwan University. She brings a wealth of experience to MacEwan as a leader in the post-secondary and the public sectors. Under her leadership, MacEwan University has embraced a new strategic vision, Teaching Greatness. The vision is bold and aspirational and will guide the university over the next decade. Teaching Greatness emphasizes the university’s role in Alberta’s post-secondary system as an exceptional undergraduate university with teaching excellence at its core.

Annette currently serves as the chair of the Alberta Post-secondary Network (APSN) and is a member of the International Red River Board (IRRB). She also serves on the Conversation Canada Finance Committee and has recently been appointed to the National Advisory Committee on Indigenous Teacher Education (NACITE). In 2022, she received the Indspire Award in Education, the highest honour bestowed by the Indigenous community, for her commitment to advancing Indigenous equality in society and in higher education.

Previously, Annette spent over 25 years in Edmonton building a distinguished career with the Government of Alberta. During this period, she held several senior leadership positions, including appointments as deputy minister with Advanced Education and Technology and with Treasury Board and Finance.

An accomplished academic, Annette holds a PhD (Ecology) from McMaster University, a MSc from the University of Manitoba, and was a postdoctoral fellow at the University of Alberta.

Guest presenters


Nomination process

Participants are nominated by their home institutions. Universities and colleges can nominate individuals who have records of achievement in their academic or professional work, people who are motivated to enhance their leadership skills and/or those who are interested in the benefits to be obtained from attending a specialized leadership development program. Nominees can apply directly to SUAC via the online application form.

Applications are now closed.

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Contact us

Extended Education
185 Extended Education Complex
University of Manitoba (Fort Garry campus)
Winnipeg, MB R3T 2N2 Canada

Toll free: 1-888-216-7011