
The Animal Care Occupational Health Program is intended to serve animal care workers, researchers and technicians working with animals for research purposes.

Schedule 10 Risk Assessment Animal use protocol form

The intent of the Schedule 10 is to provide documented evidence that an appropriate risk assessment associated with the hazards of proposed animal work has been completed by the principal investigator and communicated to effected workers.

Animal work using hazardous compounds cannot begin until a procedure is agreed upon between the animal facility, the researcher and EHS.

You need to complete the Schedule 10 if your work includes:

  • Chemical agents that are poisonous or present hazards due to acute exposure.
  • Chemical agents with an LD50 of 500mg/Kg or less by any route of entry in any species.
  • Hazardous Materials Information System/National Fire Protection Agency (HMIS/NFPA) health rating of 2 or greater.
  • Chemical agents with chronic effects including but not limited to carcinogenicity, reproductive toxicity, heritable genetic damage, teratogenicity, embryotoxicity, mutagenicity, irritation, sensitization, fetal effects, or any other negative effects due to chronic or acute exposure.
  • Biological agents which are classed as Risk Group 1, 2, 3 or 4 according to the Canadian Biosafety Standard (2nd edition 2015).
  • Radioisotopes of any kind.
  • Physical hazards.


Types of forms and procedures

  • The Schedule 10b is used to add new personnel to an existing schedule 10a Risk Assessment by amendment and is also found at the Office of Research Ethics and Compliance Animal Care Forms web site.
  • The Schedule 10 Risk Assessment form is administered by the Animal Care Committee and reviewed by the Animal Care Occupational Health Analyst (ACOHA) as well as the relevant facility
  • An electronic copy of the completed Animal Use Protocol Form along with all completed schedules (including Schedule 10) should be forwarded to Steven Cole (ACOHA) at steven.cole@umanitoba.ca

Schedule 10 supplemental documents

Safe Work Practice documents are in place make the risk assessment and implementation of safe work practices fast and simple when working with some of the more common hazardous techniques used in animal research.  The following documents may be used or referenced as part of the Schedule and can be found on the animal care occupational health UM Intranet site.

  • Safe work practice 0001 Formaldehyde perfusion: to be referenced in protocols where formaldehyde perfusion is used along with other hazardous agents
  • Safe work practice 0001.1 Perfusion Schedule 10: to be used as for a schedule 10 submission when formaldehyde perfusion is the only hazardous agent used in a protocol.
  • Safe work practice 0002 Lentiviral Vectors in Animals Schedule 10 to be used as a Schedule 10 when applying for a protocol involving Lentiviral vectors (three or more plasmid vector systems only)
  • Safe work practice 0003 Universal Precautions/Lab Animal Allergens: is mandatory for all workers working with lab animals in U of M Facilities.

The following support documents are supplied to assist applicants in their successful completion of the Schedule 10 Risk Assessment

  • Blank MSDS sheets for biological agents: to be completed by the researcher if none such exists at the Public Health Agency of Canada website ( http://www.phac-aspc.gc.ca/msds-ftss/ ). 
  • Blank MSDS sheets for chemical agents: to be completed by the researcher if none such exists from the supplier. 
  • The Strain Declaration of Origin and Identity form: to be used in lieu of a suppliers certificate of analysis for biological agents such as bacteria, viruses, fungi, toxins, and/or components thereof to ensure accurate identification of agents used.
  • Exposure response for workers - chemicals and biological agents can be found on the Lab safety page under Lab signage
  • Lab Animal Allergen and Zoonosis Training (PDF)

Field research safety manual

The field research safety manual and supporting appendices are intended to cover safety topics for field research (off campus in and around Manitoba) considering specific field research conditions. 

This manual includes information on:

  • Field Hygiene
  • First Aid/Emergency Response
  • Working Alone or in Isolation
  • Risk Assessment/Mitigation
  • Communication

Appendices include information related to work: 

  • In/on/around water or ice
  • In hot or cold conditions
  • Directly handling animals 
  • Where you may encounter mosquitos or ticks
  • Where you will encounter wild plants or animals
  • With hazardous chemicals or motor vehicles
  • In or around soil

Training courses

Training is validated during the Animal Use Document review process. Worker training must be completed before Schedule 10 Risk Assessments can be finalized for Submission to the Animal Care Committee.

  • Zoonosis and Lab Animal Allergens
    • Workers working with rodents must complete the Lab Animal Allergen and Zoonosis training.  For those who completed their Animal User Training Course between August 2015 and the present that training is included in that material.  For those who do not have ethics training from U of M you can access the training and quiz materials. 
  • Animal Wet Lab Training
    • In order to work safely with a given type of animal species, workers must be trained to handle them safety. This training is offered through the Office of Research Ethics and Compliance and can be accessed here: Animal User Training  
  • Biosafety Training
    • Any project that involves the administration of biological agents to test animals such as bacteria, viruses, cells, tissues, etc. workers must have completed Generic Biosafety Training and be listed on an approved biosafety permit.  Training is found here:  Biosafety Training
  • Radiation Safety Training
    • For any project where radioactive materials are used, workers must first complete Radiation Safety Training which can be accessed here Radiation Safety Training

Lab inspections

Lab safety inspections will be carried out by members of Environmental Health and Safety.  A physical inspection of lab spaces will be conducted and a written report of the findings will be provided to the Faculty Member in charge of the lab and their identified designate.  Inspections are holistic and will examine all aspects of lab safety including chemical, biological, and radiation safety as well as physical hazards and fire hazards. 

Contact us

Steven Cole
Animal Care Occupational Health Analyst
P310 Pathology Building
770 Bannatyne Ave.
University of Manitoba (Bannatyne campus)
Winnipeg, MB R3E 0W3 Canada
