Types of Inspections and documentation

Types of inspections

Principal Investigator/Self-inspection

Principal Investigators (PIs) or their designates are required to perform self-inspections annually. Documentation of these inspections must be maintained in the lab and uploaded to the EHSA system via a permit amendment. For guidance, refer to the Biosafety Lab Self-Inspection Checklist (PDF).

Environmental Health and Safety (EHS) inspection

The Biosafety Program Officer or their designates conduct regular inspections of spaces where biological materials are used. A member of the biosafety program will contact you in advance to confirm the inspection schedule. Alternatively, you can request an inspection for your facility.

Inspections by external agencies

University laboratories may be subject to inspections by external regulatory agencies. Containment Level 2-Regulated (CL2R) and Containment Level 3 (CL3) facilities are inspected by the Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC) to ensure compliance with regulatory standards.


Records of all lab safety inspections must be properly documented, maintained, and made available upon request during inspections.

Request an inspection by EHS staff

Does the principal investigator hold a University of Manitoba biosafety permit?

Instructions to access inspection history and violations

To correct inspection violations or deficiencies, please follow these steps:

  1. Log in to the EHSA Database
    1. Use your username and password to access the system.
    2. If you require access, use the link provided to submit a request.
  2. Navigate to Uncorrected Inspection Violations
    1. Under the "INSPECTIONS" section, click on “Uncorrected Inspection Violations.”
    2. A list of outstanding inspection violations will appear.
  3. Select the Violation to be Corrected
    1. Click "Select" next to the violation you want to address.
    2. A screen detailing the specific violation will appear.
  4. Provide Corrective Details
    1. In the response block, describe how the violation has been corrected.
    2. Enter the date of correction and indicate who completed the correction.
    3. Click "Save" when finished or "Cancel" to return to the previous screen.
  5. Address Remaining Violations
    1. You will be returned to the list of violations. Follow Steps 3–4 to address any remaining issues.
  6. Completion and Notification
    1. Once all violations have been addressed, Environmental Health and Safety (EHS) will receive an automatic notification.
    2. EHS will review the responses and contact you if additional information is required.

Access Note:
Permit holders can log in to EHSA using their UMNetID credentials. If you are unable to access EHSA with your UMNetID, please submit a request for access.   Please note that if working off campus or from a personal computer you must have the UM VPN running prior to logging into EHSA.

Log in to EHSA                               Request access to EHSA