Middel, Brendan
Supervisor: Dr. John Sinclair
MNRM Practicum: Employing Qualitative Methods for Assessing Impacts of Major Projects In Canada {PDF}
Nawrin, Tania
Supervisor: Dr. Iain Davidson-Hunt
MNRM Practicum: Ogimaawabiitong Kenora Chiefs Advisory (KCA) Youth and Family Wellness Camp Plant Biodiversity Project {PDF}
Khan, Sabbir
Supervisor: Dr. C. Emdad Haque
MNRM Thesis: The Role of Innovation and Adaptation Technologies in Climate Change-Induced Disaster Risk Reduction: Enhancing Resilience in Satkhira Communities of Bangladesh {PDF}
Onyeneke, Chima
Supervisor: Dr. Shirley Thompson
MNRM Thesis: Mining Impact and Indigenous Protected and Conserved Areas {PDF}
Shehab, M. Kamruzzaman
Supervisor: Dr. C. Emdad Haque
MNRM Thesis: Experience and perceptions of climate change-related hazards, and the dynamics of technology-based adaptations in water use in Bangladesh: The case of Satkhira communities {PDF}
Velsink, Alexandra
Supervisor: Dr. John Sinclair
MNRM Thesis: ‘There is no such place as away’: Residential deconstruction as a method for waste diversion in Canada’s built environment {PDF}
Zaman, Jobaed
Supervisor: Dr. C. Emdad Haque
MNRM Thesis: Local Level Flood Management, Risk, Risk Reduction, and coping and adapting in the Red River Valley, Manitoba, Canada. {PDF}
Graduate: Bahuaud, Shannon
MNRM Practicum:
Graduate: Boryen, Marika
MNRM Practicum: Exploring the Potential of Upcycling Craft Brewers Spent Grain in Winnipeg, MB
Advisor: Davidson-Hunt, Iain
Graduate: Jowett, Murray
MNRM Practicum: Value Chain Discovery of Canadian Participatory Plant Breeders
Advisor: Davidson-Hunt, Iain
Graduate: Adams, Christopher
MNRM Thesis: An Aerial View of the Shoreline: Using Remotely Piloted Aircraft to Map Vegetation in Netley-Libau Marsh and Compare Plant Assemblages Across an Exposure Gradient
Advisor: Koper, Nicola
Graduate: Adegun, Ajarat
MNRM Thesis: The relationship between higher rates of COVID-19 and infrastructure on First Nations Reserves in Manitoba
Advisor: Thompson, Shirley
Graduate: Alpert, Johanna
MNRM Thesis: Effects of intermittent noise from oil well infrastructure on abundance and nesting success of grassland songbirds
Advisor: Koper, Nicola
Graduate: Ammann-Lanthier, Laurence
MNRM Thesis: Alternative Food Practices for Climate Futures: Listening to the Voices of Young Adults in the Canadian Southeastern Prairie Region
Advisor: Davidson-Hunt, Iain
Graduate: Araujo, Alexander
MNRM Thesis: Impacts of Restoration: Assessing Resource Selection by Reintroduced Plains Bison in Banff National Park and their Influence on Birds
Advisor: Koper, Nicola
Graduate: Cadger Maclean, Chantal
MNRM Thesis: What is Wild? Framing “wild” in the context of wildlife conservation in Canada
Advisor: Sinclair, John
Graduate: Sutcliffe, Lee
MNRM Thesis: Impacts of oil well drilling noise on parental care and nestling condition of chestnut collared longspurs (Calcarius ornatus)
Advisor: Koper, Nicola
Graduate: De Ruyck, Chris
PhD Thesis: The Life-Cycle, Diet, and Seasonal Movement Patterns of Land- Birds on the Island of Grenada, and the Contribution of Diverse Small-Scale Farming to Maintaining Bird Diversity and Abundance on Small Tropical Islands.
Advisor: Koper, Nicola
Graduate: Duthie-Kannikkatt, Kaitlyn
PhD Thesis: Cultivating Seed Sovereignty in Tarija, Bolivia
Advisor: Davidson-Hunt, Iain
Graduate: Landivar, Natalia
PhD Thesis: Agrarian extractivism and land struggles in Guayas province, Ecuador:
A Feminist Political Ecology analysis
Advisor: Davidson-Hunt, Iain
Graduate: Ledesma, Maria Lira
PhD Thesis: Indigenous communities and global markets: the commoditization of artisanal mezcal from Oaxaca, Mexico
Advisor: Davidson-Hunt, Iain
Graduate: Amani, Rojin
Advisor: Sinclair, John
Graduate: Bagamery, Michael
Thesis: Studying the Effects of Carbon Prices on Sustainable Development in British Columbia
Graduate: Brandenbarg, Claire
Graduate: Buckmire, Zoya
Thesis: Understanding Grenada’s Mangroves: Zonation, Plasticity, and the Potential for Restoration
Graduate: Dueck, Simon
Graduate: Gibb, Kathryn
Graduate: Ince, Danielle
Graduate: Mustafa, Sadia
Graduate: Oni, Babajide
Advisor: Thompson, Shirley
Graduate: Biswal, Rajib - PhD
Thesis: Actioning sustainability through next generation community-based environmental assessment
Advisor: Sinclair, John
Graduate: Wheeler, Mya - PhD
Thesis: The Place of Oil in Manitoba: A Critical Place Inquiry
October 2021
Graduate: CAREY, Hannah Catherine
Thesis: Survival of Chestnut-Collared Longspurs (Calcarius ornatus) and Baird's Sparrows (Centronyx bairdii) on the Breeding Grounds in Southeastern Alberta
Advisor: Koper, Nicola
Graduate: CHOUDHURY, Mahed-Ul-Islam – Ph.D.
Thesis: Multi-level Learning in Reducing Disaster-Risk and Building Resilience to Cyclones in Coastal Bangladesh
Advisor: Haque, C Emdad
Graduate: CYR, Marie-Ève Marie-Josée Anne-Claire
Thesis: Effects of Anthropogenic Noise on Songbirds and How Mitigation May Differ in High and Low-income Countries
Advisor: Koper, Nicola
Graduate: WETTEN, Kimberley Nicole
Thesis: Morphological Divergence in the House Wren (Troglodytes aedon) Species Complex: A study of Island Populations with a Focus on the Grenada House Wren (T.a. grenadensis)
Advisor: Koper, Nicola
May 2021
Graduate: ASSUAH, Anderson – Ph.D.
Thesis: Examining the Role of and Potential for Indigenous and Social Learning through Community-Based Solid Waste Management in Canadian First Nation Communities
Advisor: Sinclair, John
Graduate: AZAD, MD. Abul Kalam
Thesis: The Role of Social Learning in Enhancing Community Resilience and Recovery from Flash Floods in Sunamganj, Bangladesh
Advisor: Haque, Emdad
Graduate: DILAY, Ariane
Thesis: Protected area planning and management in the Kullu District of Himachal Pradesh, India: A case study of environmental justice and learning for biodiversity conservation
Advisor: Sinclair, John
Graduate: HILL, Stewart – Ph.D.
Thesis: The Autoethnography of an Ininiw from God's Lake, Manitoba, Canada: First Nation Water Governance Flows from Sacred Indigenous Relationships, Responsibilities and Rights to Aski
Advisor: Thompson, Shirley
Graduate: JANZEN, Aaron
Thesis: Learning and the Production of Environmentality in Community Forestry in British Columbia
Advisor: Sinclair, John
Graduate: MUHAJARINE, Hannah
Thesis: Passing Things Down: the Meaning of Traditional Food for Resurgence and Resilience in Wabaseemoong Independent Nations
Advisor: Davidson-Hunt, Iain
Graduate: NEWALL, Scott
Thesis: Understanding the Need for and Implications of Climate Change Based Environmental Assessment in Canada
Advisor: Sinclair, John
Graduate: RODRIGUEZ VALENCIA, Mariana – Ph.D.
Thesis: The Dynamic Use of Biodiversity Richness in the Bribri Indigenous Territory [pdf]
Advisor: Davidson-Hunt, Iain
Graduate: UDDIN, Mohammad Salim – Ph.D.
Thesis: Disaster Governance, Livelihood Recovery and Resilience: The Case of Recent Cyclones and Coastal Communities of Bangladesh
Advisor: Haque, Emdad
October 2020
Graduate: ADDAE-WIREKO, Emmanuella
Thesis: Learning for Biocultural Design: Community Kitchens as Innovation Spaces for Small-Scale Food Production in Manitoba [pdf]
Advisor: Davidson-Hunt, Iain
Graduate: PETERSON, Débora – Ph.D.
Thesis: Local and Traditional Knowledge to Improve Community-Based Conservation in Protected Areas in Paraty [pdf]
Advisor: Berkes, Fikret
Co-Advisor: Hanazaki, Natalia
Graduate: WALDINGER, Jessica
Thesis: Anthropogenic Noise and Noise-adjusted Signals Influence Territorial-defense Behaviours of Male Baird’s Sparrows (Centronyx bairdii) [pdf]
Advisor: Davidson-Hunt, Iain
May 2020
Graduate: BERGEN, Nicholas*
Thesis: Examining the Impact of Observer Skill and Survey Methods on the Effects of Citizen Science Monitoring Programs in Grenada [pdf]
Advisor: Koper, Nicola
Graduate: GHERA, Gurmeet*
Thesis: Community-Based Micro-Hydro Development in Northern India-Benefits Beyond Lighting? [pdf]
Advisor: Sinclair, John
Graduate: HASAN, Tawfiq Md.*
Thesis: Building on Indigenous Capacity: Opportunities for Capacity Building through Post-Secondary Education in Wasagamack First Nation [pdf]
Advisor: Thompson, Shirley
Graduate: ISLAM, Sabrina – Ph.D.
Thesis: The Threat of Dengue Fever in Bangladesh: Factors of Dengue Vector Adbundance, Productivity, and the Role of Knowledge and Attitude in Disease Control in Dhaka, Bangladesh [pdf]
Advisor: Haque, Emdad
Graduate: REMPEL, Zachary*
Thesis: An Ethno-Ornithology of Wabaseemoong Independent Nations [pdf]
Advisor: Davidson-Hunt, Iain
Graduate: SOLADEMI, Folarin*
Thesis: Environmental Study of Mission Industrial Area and South St. Boniface, Winnipeg, Canada [pdf]
Advisor: Thompson, Shirley
Graduate: WILLIAMS, Ramon
Thesis: Distribution, Diversity, Abundance and Richness of Grenadian Terrestrial Birds, including Endemic and Restricted-Range Species [pdf]
Advisor: Koper, Nicola
*As at February 2020
October 2019
Graduate: ALMUDI, Tiago – Ph.D.
Thesis: Water up to our necks: learning and responses to hydroclimatic variability in Brazilian Amazon floodplain communities [pdf]
Advisor: Sinclair, John
Graduate: BACKER, Justine
Thesis: Contributions to Sustainability Practices of Faith Communities in Canada: The Roles of Learning, Action and Faith [pdf]
Advisor: Sinclair, John
Graduate: CAMPBELL, Ezra
Thesis: Status and Distribution of Diurnal Raptors on the Island of Grenada: Grenada Hook-Billed Kite (Chondrohierax uncinatus mirus) and Antillean Broad-Winged Hawk (Buteo platypterus antillarum) [pdf]
Advisor: Koper, Nicola
Graduate: HEATHCOTE, Alexandra
Thesis: Effects of Oil Infrastructure and Associated Noise on the Stress Physiology, Growth and Development of an Altricial Grassland Songbird Nestling [pdf]
Advisor: Koper, Nicola
Graduate: JANZEN, Adam
Thesis: Building Bridges in the Backcountry: A Case Study of Design in the Headwaters Region of the Oldman Watershed [pdf]
Advisor: Davidson-Hunt, Iain
Graduate: PARKER, Lynnea
Thesis: Public Views Towards Black Bears and Bear Smart Messaging in a Rural Context [pdf]
Advisor: Campbell, Michael
Graduate: SOBOWALE, Omotuyole Regina
Thesis: River Restoration in Nairobi, Kenya: Exploring Public Participation and Learning Outcomes [pdf]
Advisor: Sinclair, John
May 2019
Graduate: APPAH, Nana*
Thesis: Assessing the Impact of Coastal Resort Tourism on Tourism Participation Among the Locals in Hopkins Village, Belize [pdf]
Advisor: Campbell, Michael
Graduate: DES BRISAY, Paulson*
Thesis: Effects of Oil Development on Habitat Quality and Its Perception by Mixed-Grass Prairie Songbirds [pdf]
Advisor: Koper, Nicola
Graduate: HOQUE, AM Rezwanul*
Thesis: Waakia’ligan: Community Voices on Housing at Garden Hill First Nation, Manitoba [pdf]
Advisor: Thompson, Shirley
Graduate: LEITE, Marta* – Ph.D.
Thesis: Bridging Multi-Level Resilience and Wellbeing: A Study of Small-Scale Fisher Responses to Change in Southeast Brazil [pdf]
Advisor: Berkes, Fikret
Graduate: MICHNIK, Kaylee*
Thesis: Reclamation, Participation and Self-Determination: Land-Based Learning and Community Gardening and Farming in Garden Hill First Nation [pdf]
Advisor: Thompson, Shirley
Graduate: OH, Hyunjoo
Thesis: Opportunities for Promoting the Recycling of Gypsum Board from Construction, Renovation, and Demolition in Manitoba [pdf]
Advisor: Davidson-Hunt, Iain
Graduate: ROSA, Patricia – Ph.D.
Thesis: Experimental Playback Study Investigating Effects of Oil Infrastructure Noise on Migratory Grassland Songbirds [pdf]
Advisor: Berkes, Fikret
Graduate: RYALL, Emily*
Thesis: Local Involvement in Marine Conservation, Motivating Factors, and the Potential for Co-Management in Koh Lipe, Thailand [pdf]
Advisor: Berkes, Fikret
Graduate: SUZUKI, Kaoru*
Thesis: Interface the Land: Nature-Based Performance Art [pdf]
Advisor: Thompson, Shirley
Graduate: ULRICH, Kurtis*
Thesis: Prescribed Fire and Design: Two Biocultural Design Case Studies from Northwestern Ontario [pdf]
Advisor: Davidson-Hunt, Iain
Graduate: WOJTUSZEWSKA, Veronica
Thesis: On the Importance of Language: Reclaiming Indigenous Place Names at Wasagamack First Nation, Manitoba, Canada [pdf]
Advisor: Thompson, Shirley
*As at February 2019
October 2018
Graduate: CHIMELLO DE OLIVEIRA, Luiz – Ph. D.
Thesis: The Perceptions of Social-Ecological Changes in Tarituba, a Coastal Village in Southeastern Brazil [pdf]
Advisor: Campbell, Michael
Co-Advisor: Begossi, Alpina
Graduate: ARMSTRONG-PRITTY, Pepper-Mackena
Thesis: Indigenizing the Healthy Built and Social Environment: A Public Health Case Study of O-Pipon-Na-Piwin Cree Nation (OPCN) [pdf]
Advisor: Thompson, Shirley
Graduate: DOHAN, Rosemary
Thesis: Policy Paucity? Oil Development and Habitat Conservation in Manitoba [pdf]
Advisor: Koper, Nicola
Graduate: FERDOUS, Farjana
Thesis: Flooded Forest and Livelihoods of the Local Community in Jamalganj, Bangladesh: Lessons Learned from Swamp Forest Restoration in Sunamganj (SFRS) Project [pdf]
Advisor: Haque, Emdad
Graduate: SMITH, Amy
Thesis: Developing a Framework for End-of-Life Vehicle Recycling in Northern Manitoba [pdf]
Advisor: Sinclair, John
Graduate: THAPA, Keshab
Thesis: Indigenous Land Rights and Indigenous Land Use Planning: Exploring the Relevance and Significance of Wasagamack First Nation, Northern Manitoba, Canada [pdf]
Advisor: Thompson, Shirley
May 2018
Graduate: BAJWA, Sukhmanbir* (St. John's College)
Thesis: Industry Stewardship Programs for Waste Management in Manitoba, Canada: An Evaluation [pdf]
Advisor: Haque, Emdad
Graduate: BOCKSTAEL, Erika – Ph.D.
Thesis: Critical Capacity Development towards Inclusive and Participatory Governance of Coastal Resources in Paraty, Brazil [pdf]
Advisor: Berkes, Fikret
Graduate: DUPRE, Ian Michael*
Thesis: Exploring Environmental Place Attachment of Tourists and Caicara in Paraty, Brazil [pdf]
Advisor: Campbell, Michael
Graduate: HOSTETLER, Glen – Ph.D.
Thesis: Conceptualizing Natural Resource and Environmental Management as Deliberative Democratic Practice: Land Use Planning on the East Side of Lake Winnipeg, Manitoba, 2000 – 2013 [pdf]
Advisor: Sinclair, Andrew John
Graduate: KAMAL, Asfia Gulrukh (St. John's College) – Ph.D.
Thesis: A Recipe for Change Reclamation of Indigenous Food Sovereignty in 0-Pipon-Na-Piwin Cree Nation [pdf]
Advisor: McLachlan, Stéphane Co-Advisor: Haque, Emdad
Graduate: MOULTON, Laurel – Ph.D.
Thesis: Golden-winged Warbler (Vermivora chrysoptera) Habitat Selection, Mating Behaviour, and Population Viability in a Fragmented Landscape at the Northern Range Limit [pdf]
Advisor: Koper, Nicola Co-Advisor: Artuso, Christian
Graduate: OLYNYK, Marika*
Thesis: Effects of Habitat Loss, Fragmentations, and Alteration On Wild Bees and Pollination Services in Fragmented Manitoba Grasslands [pdf]
Advisor: Koper, Nicola
Graduate: SIKDER, Md Sowayib*
Thesis: Disaster and Emergency Management (DEM) Policy Shifts, And Learning in Manitoba, Canada [pdf]
Advisor: Haque, Emdad
Graduate: STEPANIUK, Jeffray – Ph.D.
Thesis: Applying Modified Participatory Video and Popular Education to Improve Environmental Science Learning in Northern Manitoba [pdf]
Advisor: McLachlan, Stéphane Co-Advisor: Haque, Emdad
October 2017
Graduate: DENNIS, Patricia
Thesis: The Roles of Strategic Environmental Assessment and Learning in Planning for Successful Community-Based Solid Waste Management in Kenya [pdf]
Advisor: Sinclair, John
Graduate: ENSLOW, Chelsea
Thesis: Human Disturbance, Host Dispersal, and Hybridization Influence Blood Parasite Communities in a Threatened Songbird Species: The Golden-Winged Warbler (Vermivora Chrysoptera) [pdf]
Advisor: Koper, Nicola
Graduate: GEEBU, Raghavender
Thesis: Analyzing the Geographical Impact of Water Control Structures and the 2011 “Super Flood” of Manitoba on Lake St. Martin First Nation using Historical Aerial Photos, Light Detection and Ranging Data, and Geographical Information System [pdf]
Advisor: Thompson, Shirley
Graduate: NG, Christoph
Thesis: Proximity to Conventional Oil and Gas Development is Associated with Reduced Parental Care in Chestnut-collared Longspurs (Calcarius ornatus) [pdf]
Advisor: Koper, Nicola
Graduate: OKOROSOBO, Tosan
Thesis: Building Livelihood and Food Security through Social Enterprise: A Case Study of Garden Hill First Nation Community in Manitoba, Canada [pdf]
Advisor: Thompson, Shirley
Graduate: PROKOPANKO, Erin
Thesis: Could Bigger be Better? Patch Size and Simulated Conspecific Cues in Manitoba’s Tall-grass Prairie [pdf]
Advisor: Koper, Nicola
May 2017
Graduate: ANDRONAK, Brett
Thesis: Achieving Next Generation Environmental Impact Assessment Follow-up and Monitoring [pdf]
Advisor: Sinclair, John
Graduate: DAS, Malay*
Thesis: Rebuilding Food Security in Garden Hill First Nation Community: Local Food Production in a Northern Remote Community [pdf]
Advisor: Thompson, Shirley
Graduate: ISLAM, Durdana* – Ph.D.
Thesis: Indigenous Fisheries and Food Security Norway House Cree Nation, Manitoba, Canada [pdf]
Advisor: Berkes, Fikret
Co-Advisor: Haque, Emdad
Graduate: ROOBAN, Anne
Thesis: Growing Socioeconomic Sustainability through Community-Based Forest Management in British Columbia [pdf]
Advisor: Sinclair, John
Graduate: POLFUS, Jean* – Ph.D.
Thesis: An Interdisciplinary Approach to Describing Biological Diversity [pdf]
Advisor: Manseau, Micheline
Graduate: SADIQ, Somia
Thesis: Understanding and Implementing Free, Prior, and Informed Consent (FPIC) in the Context of Indigenous Peoples in Canada [pdf]
Advisor: Sinclair, John
Graduate: TURNER, Katherine* – Ph.D.
Thesis: Feeding Local Economies: Bolivia’s Edible Biocultural Heritage and Rural Territorial Development [pdf]
Advisor: Davidson, Hunt, Iain
*As of February 2017