Student wearing reflective vest and other students atop a rocky outcropping.

Scholarships and Awards

Scholarships and Awards Requiring Application

The awards listed below are available to students registered in programs offered by
the Department of Earth Sciences. 

Awards for undergraduate students

GAC-MAC Winnipeg 2013 Undergraduate Scholarship

This award was established by the organizing committee of the joint annual meeting of the Geological Association of Canada and the Mineralogical Association of Canada that was held in Winnipeg in 2013.
To be eligible for this award, a student must be a full time (80% load) undergraduate who has a achieved a minimum GPA of 3.5. Each application requires a letter of application (maximum 500 words) which demonstrates the student's research interest in the geology and/or geophysics of Manitoba and is accompanied by an approved M.Sc. or Ph.D. proposal for a Manitoba project from their current degree program.  Click here for more information.

Jeff Kushner and Randall McGinnis Scholarship

This scholarship will be offered to an LGBT undergraduate student who is enrolled full-time in the Faculty of Engineering at the University of Manitoba; has completed a minimum of 36 credit hours of study; has a minimum degree grade point average of 3.0; and has demonstrated leadership skills with a focus on community service. If there are no applicants in the Faculty of Engineering, the scholarship may be offered to a student in Geology, Computer Science or Medicine, who otherwise meets the award criteria. Click here for more information.

Awards for Graduate Students

Debra and Ross Pitman Graduate Scholarship

This scholarship was established in 2015 by the Pitmans, who are grateful for the role of education in their successful careers. Ms. Pitman, a UM alumnus [B.Sc. (Hons.) 1978], is a geophysicist in petroleum exploration, based in Alberta.

This scholarship is for a full-time graduate student in the geological sciences with an interest or aptitude for geophysics and who has achieved high standing in courses related to geophysics including structural geology, engineering geology and/or hydrogeology.

GAC-MAC Winnipeg 2013 Graduate Scholarship

This award was established by the organizing committee of the joint annual meeting of the Geological Association of Canada and the Mineralogical Association of Canada that was held in Winnipeg in 2013. 

Students eligible for this award must be a full-time master’s or doctoral student in a program offered by the Department of Earth Sciences. This requires a letter of application (maximum 500 words) which demonstrates the student's research interest in the geology and/or geophysics of Manitoba and is accompanied by an approved M.Sc. or Ph.D. proposal for a Manitoba project from their current degree program.

Bursaries (require application)

Bursaries are awarded to students who demonstrate financial need and a minimum
academic standing. To be considered for any of these bursaries, please complete the University of Manitoba General Bursary application. This application is available in Aurora, details and deadlines for this application are can be found on this webpage (

Bill and Iris Brisbin Bursary

Professor Emeritus William C. “Bill” Brisbin [B.Sc. (G.E.) 1953] was a Professor of Geology at University of Manitoba from 1957 to 1995, also serving as the department head from 1972 to 1978. Bill and Iris Brisbin established the bursary upon Bill’s retirement. Dr. Brisbin passed away in 2020.

The bursary is awarded to a third- or fourth-year student with a declared major in geological sciences or a graduate student in the Department of Earth Sciences.

Gerald Fletcher Bursary in Geological Sciences

Dr. Gerald Fletcher [B.Sc. (Hons.) 1953] started his career in the oil and gas industry in 1958 in Calgary. He spent much of his career in Indonesia where he became Vice-President of Exploration for Atlantic Richfield Indonesia before founding his own oil and gas company in Jakarta. 

The Fletcher Bursary is awarded to second- or third-year honours or major students in geological sciences. Eligible students must have achieved a minimum GPA of 2.5 and demonstrated financial need. Up to three bursaries are offered each year.

H.D.B. Wilson Bursary

H.D.B. (“Bruce”) Wilson was a Professor of Geology at UM from 1947 to 1949 and 1951 to 1981and serving as the department head from 1965 to 1972. His expertise was in nickel exploration and he was an active consultant with INCO, the United Nations, and various companies. Dr. Wilson passed away in 2009.

The Wilson Bursary is awarded to second- or third-year honours or major students in geological sciences. Eligible students must have achieved a minimum GPA of 2.5 and demonstrated financial need.

Joe Brain Foundation Inc. Bursary

Joe Brain, a Ukrainian immigrant, was a self-made businessman and amateur prospector, settling in the Flin Flon area in 1930. His prospecting and investing success gave him the means to help his community. Mr. Brain bequeathed his estate to a private charitable foundation, the Joe Brain Foundation Inc., to continue to support his community.

The bursary is awarded to a second-year honours or major geology or geophysics student who graduated from a high school in either northern Manitoba (as defined by the government of Manitoba) or Creighton, Saskatchewan. The award can be given to any student in their second year of study in the Clayton H. Riddell Faculty of Environment, Earth, and Resources. 

The Leggett-Dowsett Bursary

Members of the Leggett and Dowsett families benefited from financial help when attending the Department of Geological Sciences, University of Manitoba.  As a result, both families understand the significance of having financial help to continue getting their education.   The basis for this bursary was to support undergrads taking geology as a major, specifically undergrads that show promise but need financial help to complete their education. Sid Leggett (M.Sc. 1980) went on after his studies and worked in Calgary until his retirement.  Adrian Dowsett (B.Sc Honours. 2001) is currently also working in Calgary.

This bursary is offered to one full-time undergraduate student in any year of study in the Department of Earth Sciences.

Richard A.C. Brown Memorial Bursary

Richard Brown graduated with a B.Sc. in geology from the University of Manitoba in 1936. His sister Ms. Georgina Good established the bursary in 1973 in memory of her brother. 

The bursary is offered to a full-time undergraduate or graduate student who meets minimum GPA requirements. 

Geoffrey P. Mitchell and Frances G. Mitchell Bursary Fund

Geoffrey Mitchell (B.Sc. 1942) worked for most of his career with Falconbridge Inc. rising to Senior Vice-President, Exploration and Development before resigning to serve as President of a subsidiary company, Kiena Gold Mines Ltd. Established in 2008, this fund offers a similar bursary in the Faculty of Arts honouring Frances (B.A. 1938). 
The Mitchell Bursary is awarded to an honours or major student in geological sciences. Eligible students must have achieved a minimum GPA of 2.5 and demonstrated financial need.
Students should check the Financial Aids & Awards database for eligibility and applications for other bursaries available to students including the following: 

  • Otto R. and Sara Schultz and Justice Ivan Schultz Bursary
  • Vera Heimbach Bursary
  • Women's Canadian Club of Winnipeg Centennial Educational Bursaries

Students should check the Financial Aids & Awards database for eligibility and applications
for other bursaries available to students including the following:

  • Otto R. and Sara Schultz and Justice Ivan Schultz Bursary
  • Vera Heimbach Bursary
  • Women’s Canadian Club of Winnipeg Centennial Educational Bursaries

Awards not requiring application

The awards listed below are available to students registered in programs offered by
the Department of Earth Sciences. These awards are given to students of high standing
and aptitude for a specific subject material or at a specific level. Students should
consult the Financial Aid and Awards database for additional information.

Marjorie C. Anderson Scholarship

Blair Anderson, Vice-President, Corporate Development for Condor Petroleum Inc., established this award in honour of his mother, Marjorie Anderson. Marjorie, born in Winnipeg, traced her ancestors back through the Selkirk Settlers and Scotland. She was proud of her heritage and inherited their spirit of discovery and learning, which led to a deep respect for those who contributed to the development of the North. This award was created to share her interest in the exploration and responsible development of Canada’s northern frontiers.

This scholarship is for full-time students in their fourth year of programs offered by the Department of Earth Sciences with a minimum degree GPA of 3.5.

Paul R. Beaudoin Memorial Geochemistry Scholarship

This scholarship commemorates Paul Beaudoin, who was the technician in the department’s isotope geochemistry research laboratory in the 1970’s and 1980’s. The scholarship was established by his family, friends and associates in 1988.

The scholarship is awarded to a student completing their third year in a four-year program in geology or geophysics with a demonstrated interest and outstanding ability in the areas of chemistry, geochemistry and mineralogy.

C.K. Bell Memorial Research Prize

Dr. C. Keith Bell joined the Geological Survey of Canada in 1954 and completed detailed studies of the Churchill-Superior boundary in northern Manitoba. The memorial research prize was created by colleagues and friends in 1975 to honour his contributions to geoscience in Manitoba.

The prize is awarded annually to a graduate student who has completed at least one year of study in the Earth sciences and has shown special merit in Precambrian research. 

Kenneth Bergwall Memorial Scholarship

Ken Bergwall [B.Sc. (G.E.) 1981] had an exciting career as a mining engineer throughout western Canada, also working on projects in Thailand, Borneo, Alabama, and Madagascar, until his passing in 2007. Members of the Faculty of Engineering Class of 1981 established an endowment in his honour.

The scholarship is awarded annually to a full-time fourth-year student in geology or geophysics who has good academic standing and high standing in courses related to engineering geology including engineering geology, structural geology, geophysics and/or hydrogeology. Preference may be given to a student who has contributed to the academic life of their class.

Dr. George Brownell Memorial Scholarships

Dr. Brownell was a Professor of Geology at the University of Manitoba from 1928 to 1965. He served as Department Head from 1945 to 1965. He began his career as a geologist with the Manitoba Mines Branch where, during the Second World War, he discovered chromite deposits in the Bird River area of Manitoba. He also collaborated in establishing Nuclear Enterprises Ltd. to produce aircraft model scintillometers and berylometers. Dr. Brownell passed away in 1979.

This prize is awarded to at least one student who has completed one or more years of undergraduate or graduate study at a high academic level.

Sally and Keith Caldwell Teaching Assistant Fund

Established in 2015 shortly before Mr. Caldwell’s passing, these awards support the appointment of outstanding Teaching Assistants (TA’s). Keith Caldwell’s (B.Sc. 1948, M.Sc. 1950) gift honours both his late wife and their shared belief in supporting education. His passion for geology led to a 40-year career with Canadian Gulf Oil, and an additional 16 years serving on the boards of 10 small- to intermediate-sized oil and gas firms. 

Students who hold a Caldwell Teaching Assistantship must have a demonstrated passion for their field of study and a strong ability in the sub-discipline being taught.

Philip and Marjorie Eckman Scholarship

Mrs. Eckman established an endowment fund at University of Manitoba in memory of her husband, L. Philip Eckman (B.Sc. 1938), while also acknowledging Dr. Justin DeLury, under whom Mr. Eckman completed pre-Master’s studies. Mr. Eckman spent most of his 45-year career in mining engineering at Ventures, Patino Mining and Hudson Bay Mining & Smelting. Mr. Eckman passed away in 1996.

This scholarship is awarded to geology or geophysics undergraduate or graduate students who have demonstrated an interest in mining engineering or hard rock geology. Applicants must have enough background in mining to confirm an understanding of life in the mining profession. 

Engineers Geoscientists Manitoba Scholarship in Geological Sciences

Engineers Geoscientists Manitoba is the licensing body for geoscientists in Manitoba. EGM supports student endeavours, including this scholarship, which was established to commemorate the 125th anniversary year of the University of Manitoba. 

This award is offered to a student proceeding to their fourth year of study in the geosciences, while maintaining a minimum GPA of 3.0 and student membership in EGM.

Douglas Bartlett Fahlgren Memorial Award

John Edwin Johnstone Fahlgren and Helen Amethyst Fahlgren created this award to honour the memory of their infant son, Douglas. John Fahlgren was a long-time accountant, mine manager and president of the Cochenour Willans Gold mine in Red Lake.

The award is given to the student with the highest grades in second-year Honours Geology.

GAC Prize

The Winnipeg chapter of the Geological Association of Canada (now called the Winnipeg Geological Society) created this award to help students attend the GAC-MAC meeting, which is held annually at some location in Canadian. This award helps graduate students in the preparation and presentation of scientific research.

Graduate students must have an abstract accepted for the GAC-MAC meeting, which is deemed of sufficient quality to represent the department.

William J. Hill Memorial Award

William John (“Bill”) Hill (B.Sc. 1967) passed away while pursuing his passion for field geology in Yellowknife in 1976. This award was established by his family, friends and associates recognizing his enthusiasm for all aspects of the geology learning process.

This award is given to a student enrolled full-time in any program offered by the Department of Geological Sciences.  The student must have demonstrated a high potential as a practical geoscientist at field schools and been active in departmental activities and student organizations.

Winthrop Spencer Gold Medal

Dr. Joseph William Winthrop Spencer was the second Canadian to earn a doctorate in geology. He grew up in southern Ontario and worked throughout central Canada and the eastern United States for various companies, governments and in academia. In 1919 he was awarded an honorary doctorate by the University of Manitoba. He passed away in 1921 leaving a significant rock, mineral and fossil collection to the university, which forms the basis of our R.B. Ferguson Museum of Mineralogy.

This medal is awarded for outstanding achievement in geological research by a student or a graduate of the University of Manitoba.

Irving Levi Prize in Geology

The Irving Levi Prize has been awarded annually to the student with the highest combined standing in mineralogy and petrology since the 1930’s. The history behind the award is unknown.

Diana Loranger Memorial Scholarships

Dr. Loranger (B.Sc. 1943) established a ground-breaking career as Western Canada’s first female geoscientist, working as a respected micro-paleontologist for Imperial Oil and others in early discoveries in the Western Canada Sedimentary Basin. Dr. Loranger passed away in 2004.

This award is given to a second- or third-year full-time student in the geological sciences who has a minimum GPA of 3.5.

Mineral Society of Manitoba Prize

The Mineral Society of Manitoba is a Winnipeg community group of rock, mineral and fossil enthusiasts who created this prize to mark the interest and assistance of members in the Department of Earth Sciences, particularly the late Professors Emeriti Drs. Robert Ferguson and Petr Cerny. The society intends this prize to reward academic success in mineralogy and paleontology.

The prize is awarded to a student who completes their third year of study in earth sciences and demonstrates an aptitude for mineralogy, crystallography, and paleontology.

Marty Morrice Field Geology Award

Marty Morrice [B.Sc. (Hons.) 1969, M.Sc. 1974] was a successful exploration geologist who had worked around the world until his untimely passing in a small airplane crash in 1995. This award, created by family and friends, honours his memory and love for field work. 

This award is given to a student who has completed the Advanced Field Mapping (GEOL4910) course with the highest standing and greatest aptitude for field mapping.

Mike and Lesia Muzylowski Scholarships of Excellence

Mr. & Mrs. Muzylowski provide these scholarships, grateful for his geological education in preparing for a successful career as a geologist, geophysicist and mining executive, instrumental in the discovery and development of sixteen mines, most in the Flin Flon-Snow Lake region, working for Hudson Bay Mining & Smelting Co. Ltd., and later Granges Exploration AB, Callinan Mines Ltd., and others.  Mr. Muzylowski was inducted into the Canadian Mining Hall of Fame in 2011.

These scholarships are awarded to full-time students in any honours or major degree program offered by the Department of Earth Sciences who have achieved a minimum GPA of 3.75.

Mark G. Smerchanski Memorial Prize

Mark Smerchanski [B.Sc. (Hons.) 1937] worked as a geologist and mining engineer for decades before turning his activities to politics. Active in civic affairs and philanthropy, Mr. Smerchanski was a former Member of the Manitoba Legislative Assembly (Burrows, 1963-1966) and Member of Parliament (Provencher, 1968-1972). He passed away in 1989.

This prize is awarded to a student who has completed their undergraduate B.Sc. Honours or Major program in geological sciences with the highest GPA.

Rita Wadien Memorial Scholarship

Rita Wadien [B.Sc. (Hons.) 1984, M.Sc. 1993] worked as a geologist with Granges Inc. in the Flin Flon-Snow Lake greenstone belt. This scholarship was established by friends and colleagues to honour the life of Rita, who passed away in 1993.

This scholarship is awarded to a full-time graduate student pursuing research in geology or geological sciences.

Internal Awards

The prizes listed below are available to students in geological sciences. These awards are offered by the Department of Earth Sciences.

B.Sc. Honours Thesis Prize

The Honours Thesis is a capstone course, in which students registered in honours geological sciences programs write a thesis based on original geology or geophysics research.

The prize recognizes an outstanding thesis considering factors such as quality of the final thesis, its scientific significance, and the independence and initiative of the student.

B.Sc. Technical Report Prize

The Technical Report is a fourth-year level course for students registered in the four-year major geological sciences programs.

The prize recognizes an outstanding technical report considering factors such as quality of the final report, its scientific significance and the independence and initiative of the student.

External Awards and Scholarships

The awards listed below are some of the awards available to students in Earth Science programs across Canada and internationally. These awards are offered by professional organizations. Please check the appropriate websites as application deadlines vary throughout the year. Students should apply directly to the sponsoring organization except where otherwise noted.

Canadian Organizations

Canadian Exploration Geophysical Society (KEGS) Foundation Scholarships

The KEGS Foundation was established to provide support for education in geophysics, commemorate the achievements of Canadian geophysicists whose contributions include many technological advances and resource discoveries, and help educate the public about the role of geophysics and related career opportunities. These scholarships are given to undergraduate and graduate students pursuing a degree in geophysics. More information

Lucy Rosato Undergraduate Scholarship in Science and Engineering (CIM)

Lucy Rosato (1953-2011) was an active member of the Hydrometallurgy Section of MetSoc of Canadian Institute for Mining Metallurgy and Petroleum (CIM). She was an innovator, manager and respected business leader who made significant contributions in the field of zinc hydrometallurgy. She won numerous awards for her work and became the first woman to be named general manager of any zinc metallurgical plant world-wide. This scholarship is awarded to a third- or fourth-year female undergraduate student who intends to work in the field of hydrometallurgy, mining or environment. More information

Dr. David S. Robertson Memorial Scholarship (CIM)

Dr. David S. Robertson was a highly respected geologist, a Past President of the Canadian Institute for Mining, Metallurgy and Petroleum (CIM) and member of the Canadian Mining Hall of Fame who graduated from the University of Manitoba in 1946 [B.Sc. (Hons.)]. He went on to work for numerous companies including Inco in Sudbury and GMX Corporation in Africa and Ontario. He was instrumental in the discovery of numerous uranium deposits near Elliot Lake, Ontario. More information.

Scotiabank Scholarship (CIM)

This award was established in 1998 to honour the 100th anniversary of the Canadian Institute for Mining, Metallurgy and Petroleum (CIM). Every year, a scholarship is awarded to a candidate studying in a field directly related to mining or minerals. The award is offered to a student who is an outstanding full-time undergraduate student who has shown a commitment to a career in mining or the mineral industries. More information

Taking Flight Scholarship (CIM)

The Canadian Institute for Mining, Metallurgy and Petroleum (CIM) established this scholarship in 2009 to encourage Aboriginal high school and post-secondary students wishing to pursue a career in mining. Three scholarships are awarded annually to qualifying students. More information.

Mining Industry Scholarships (CMIEF)

The Canadian Mineral Industry Education Foundation (CMIEF) is supported by most of the principal mining companies in Canada with the objective of offering scholarships to students attending Canadian universities who have a genuine interest in being employed in the mining industry. More information.

John Steers Bursary (CMIEF)

John Steers had a long and distinguished career in mineral exploration in Canada and elsewhere.  For several years, the KEGS Foundation has been responsible for establishing a scholarship programme in geophysics and has now taken the initiative to coordinate funding support for a bursary in mineral exploration in honour of John Steers. The Canadian Mineral Industry Education Foundation is working with the KEGS Foundation to offer this bursary to students in geology and geological engineering with a particular interest in mineral exploration. More information

Student-Industry Field Trip Award (SIFT / CSPG)

SIFT is a two-week intensive petroleum industry field course where students participate in lectures, workshops, core sessions, field trips and a real-life exploration game that expose them to the many aspects of the oil and gas industry within Canada. Each year the Canadian Society of Petroleum Geologists (CSPG) asks the Department of Earth Sciences to nominate a student to attend this course in Calgary, Alberta. More information. 

Graduate Thesis Awards (CSPG)

The Canadian Society of Petroleum Geologists (CSPG) created this award to recognize a graduate student whose thesis deals with sedimentary or petroleum geology. Theses must be well written and clearly and adequately illustrated. More information

CSPG Regional Graduate Student Scholarships

The Canadian Society of Petroleum Geologists (CSPG) created this award to provide financial support for graduate students in geoscience who are pursuing a thesis-based degree with a dissertation in a field of the Earth sciences related to the discovery, delineation or recovery of oil and gas resources. More information

CSPG Undergraduate Scholarships

The Canadian Society of Petroleum Geologists created this award to recognize up and coming geoscience students who demonstrate a keen interest and flair for geology, particularly as it pertains to soft-rock geology and oil and gas exploration and development. More information

Mary-Claire Ward Geoscience Award

The Mary-Claire Ward Geoscience Award was created to honour the memory of Ms. Ward. The intent of the award is to encourage and support a full-time, graduate student in Canada whose thesis is likely to increase our knowledge of the geological history of Canada through mapping. The award is administered by the Geological Association of Canada (GAC), the Prospectors & Developers Association of Canada (PDAC), the National Geological Surveys Committee, the Canadian Geological Foundation, and Watts, Griffis and McOuat Ltd. More information.

Mineralogical Association of Canada graduate scholarships

The Mineralogical Association of Canada funds an annual scholarship for graduate students enrolled in an M.Sc. program and a Ph.D. program in mineralogy, crystallography, geochemistry, mineral deposits or petrology. More information

Joan Bath and Peter Howe Bursary for Advancement in the Mineral Industry

The Prospectors and Developers Association of Canada (PDAC) gives this bursary to a graduate student in geosciences with a minimum of three year’s industry experience. The applicant must be able to demonstrate a strong interest in the economic development of the mineral industry through exploration, mineral resource estimation, mine geology, mine engineering or metallurgy. More information

Student-Industry Mineral Exploration Workshop (S-IMEW / PDAC)

The S-IMEW was created to provide geoscience students with a unique opportunity to put their education into practice before entering the workforce. Based primarily in the Sudbury area, this intense two-week workshop includes field trips, mine tours, mapping exercises and lectures introducing students to a myriad of techniques in the mineral exploration industry. Each year S-IMEW asks the Department of Earth Sciences to nominate a student to attend the workshop. More information

Women in Mining – Winnipeg Chapter Academic Advancement Award

The Academic Advancement Award is sponsored by the Women in Mining - Winnipeg Chapter (WIM-Wpg), to recognise an undergraduate student member of WIM-Wpg who plans on entering the mineral exploration or mining industry. For additional information contact  

Young Mining Professionals (YMP) Scholarships

The Young Mining Professionals Scholarship Fund was established by the Young Mining Professionals group to help fund and promote mining and mining-related education to the next generation of mining entrepreneurs in Canada. The YMP partners with different companies to fund a series of scholarships for undergraduate and graduate students. More information

International Organizations

Geological Society of America (GSA) Student Research Grants

The Geological Society of America research grants provide partial support for master’s or doctoral thesis research in the geological sciences. The goals of the program are to enhance the geoscience workforce, provide career development in project development and research and increase diversity through opportunities to underrepresented communities. More information

The Paleontological Association Small Grants Scheme

The Paleontological Association offers multiple awards each year, in honour of four donors, to fund paleontological research, travel and fieldwork; these are integrated together under the Small Grants Scheme. These grants are open to any member of the Association, although preference is given to students, early career researchers, and members of the Association who are retired. More information.

Paleontological Society Student Research Grants

The Paleontological Society research grants provide support for undergraduate or graduate students conducting research on any aspect of paleontology. The top three proposals will receive Mid-America Paleontology Society (MAPS) Outstanding Research Awards. More information. 

Society of Vertebrate Paleontology Futures Award for Undergraduate Students

Vertebrate paleontology, like many geoscience fields, has poor representation of scientists who are Black, Indigenous, or members of other racial and ethnic minority groups. Research shows that this underrepresentation is not due to a lack of interest, but rather a lack of opportunities and resources and that this disparity is amplified at later career stages. In recognition of our need to increase access for underrepresented groups, the Society of Vertebrate Paleontology (SVP) established the Futures Award to support summer research experiences for undergraduates from underrepresented minority backgrounds. More information

Society of Vertebrate Paleontology Patterson Memorial Grant

The purpose of this award, named in honor of Dr. Bryan Patterson, is to support student field work in Vertebrate Paleontology. Consideration is given to proposals for field work that are innovative rather than routine, venturesome rather than predictable, unusual rather than run-of-the-mill. More information

Society of Vertebrate Paleontology Cowen Award for Student Research

The Steven Cohen Award for Student Research is to foster excellent student research in the study of vertebrate paleontology by making funds available to an exemplary student or students. The funds awarded may be used by students in support of field research, museum research, laboratory research or other academic research activities.  Consideration is given to research proposals that are innovative, unpredictable, and unusual; research that has direct application to understanding and interpreting the vertebrate fossil record. More information

AWG Maria Crawford Field Camp Scholarship

The Association of Women Geoscientists (AWG) Maria Crawford Field Camp Scholarship is a program that encourages young women to pursue geoscience careers through attendance at field camp. The applicant must be a full-time student who is pursuing an undergraduate degree in geosciences at an accredited university. More information.

AWG Geoscience IDEA Scholarship

The Association of Women Geoscientists (AWG) Geoscience Inclusion, Diversity, Equality and Accessibility (IDEA) scholarship program encourages women from under-served communities to purse an education and career in the geosciences or Earth sciences. The scholarships match an undergraduate student with AWG mentors to enhance their career. More information.

AWG / PS Undergraduate Excellence in Paleontology Award

The Association of Women Geoscientists (AWG) and the Paleontological Society (PS) presents this award to an outstanding female undergraduate student pursuing a career in paleontology. Successful applicants exhibit exceptional motivation, professional potential, outreach and long-term commitment to goals.

AWG / PS Winifred Goldring Award

The Association of Women Geoscientists (AWG) and the Paleontological Society (PS) presents this award to outstanding female graduate students pursuing a career in paleontology. The award is named for Winifred Goldring, a pioneering paleontologist, who became the State Paleontologist of New York State in 1939 and the first female president of the Paleontological Society in 1949. More information.

AWG Brunton Award

The Association of Women Geoscientists (AWG) created this award to promote the future of field mapping and data acquisition for the next generation of women geoscientists. This award is presented to a female geoscience student at the senior level or pursuing early graduate studies who has summer work or intern experience, excelled at field school, or performed field data collection that leads to a thesis. More information. 

AWG Jeanne Harris Chrysalis Scholarship

The Association of Women Geoscientists (AWG) Jeanne Harris Chrysalis Scholarship provides help to women geoscience graduate students whose education has been significantly interrupted by life circumstances. The scholarship is intended to cover costs associated with completion of her thesis beyond what is traditionally covered by primary research funding. More information

AWG Sand Student Research Presentation Travel Award

The Association of Women Geoscientists (AWG) provides this competitive award for women geoscience students with support to present their research at the Annual Meeting of the Geological Society of America. This award is named for Virginia (Ginny) Sand who was an award-winning geoscience teacher at Kent State University and world traveler. More information

Contact Us

Department of Earth Sciences
University of Manitoba (Fort Garry Campus)
240 Wallace Building
125 Dysart Road
Winnipeg, Manitoba, R3T 2N2 Canada
