The PBDEng offers flexible 21-24 credit hours of courses to be taken at the University of Manitoba, including:
- MECH 3170 - Project Management (four credit hours).
- ENG 4110 - Operational Excellence (four credit hours).
- 12 additional credit hours of technical coursework at the 3000 or 4000 level in the same discipline as the previous completed degree.
- ENG 4800 - One Co-op work term (four months).
- Students have the option of taking up to three additional work terms: ENG 4810 (one credit hour), ENG 4820 (one credit hour) and ENG 4830 (one credit hour), where each work term is four months in duration.
Transfer credits are not permitted in this program. Courses previously completed at the University of Manitoba as part of a degree or diploma cannot be applied nor repeated for the Post-Baccalaureate Diploma in Engineering.
Technical courses
Below are some parameters to remember when selecting technical courses:
- The purpose of the PBDEng is to help students acquire current Canadian academic credentials that support their career goals. Whether your employer has recommended specific areas for your career development, or you have identified your own learning needs or interests, your program advisor can guide you in selecting the appropriate technical courses. They are chosen from the third and fourth-year courses of the undergraduate programs.
- Graduate courses (7000 level) are not available to you unless you are registered as a student in the Faculty of Graduate Studies. PBDEng students will not normally have access to graduate level courses.
- Some courses listed by a department and/or listed in the academic calendar may not be offered each year.
- Space availability in a course's lecture and/or lab sections.
- The scheduling of courses is often the largest determinant in putting together a workable timetable for a student in the PBDEng. For example, two courses of interest may be offered in the same time slot.
Time limit
There is no set time limit for this program. It is designed to be flexible and can be taken full or part-time according to the student's abilities and needs.
Students who have unfinished program requirements and who have not had active registration in the PBDEng for twelve continuous months will have their status noted as 'inactive'. This will most often apply to students who exerpience delays in finding a Co-op position after all their course requirements are complete. Once the student resumes active registration, they must notify the Associate Dean, Design Education in writing to have their status renewed.
Program fees
Students will pay fees at the same rate as any other student in the Price Faculty of Engineering (domestic or international student tuition rates, as per your status in Canada). Students can expect to pay an average of $1000 per four-credit hour course assigned and the program will cost approximately $6000 in total. This is an estimate that includes base tuition as well as ancillary fees and course materials (e.g. textbooks). The fees for the Price Faculty of Engineering can be found by visiting the UM student fee information page.
UM financial aid & awards