As the fourth and final installment of curator Noor Bhangu's internship, womenofcolour@soagallery critically examines the absence of women of colour in the School of Art's permanent collection.
- Week 1: The gallery remains empty to symbolically mark this absence.
- Weeks 2–4: Artworks by students, faculty, staff, and community members self-identifying as QTBIPOC (Queer, Trans, Black, Indigenous, People of Colour) are added to the gallery, transforming the narrative from absence to presence and resistance.
Artwork Submissions: Artworks accepted by Noor Bhangu on an ongoing basis and displayed until the exhibition’s conclusion.
Panel Discussion: Matters of Representation in Art Institutions: Strategizing Our Futures.
- March 22, 2018 | 4:00 pm
Co-organized with School of Fine Art Student Association (SOFASA) around the themes of the exhibition.
The panel discussion, featuring Shimby Zegeye-Gebrehiwot as moderator and Annie Beach, Shaneela Boodoo, Lisa Desilets, and Seema Goel, will be a dialogue centered on topics of identity, representation, and inclusion as the speakers understand them, having themselves moved through art institutions, such as universities, galleries, museums, and public collections. While reflecting on their own work, speakers will contribute depth and experience to this much-needed discussion.
About the Panelists
Hagere Selam "Shimby" Zegeye-Gebrehiwot
An artist working with 16mm and super 8mm film, Shimby explores themes of diaspora, feminism, and queerness through experimental films and installations. Their work has been recognized with numerous awards and residencies, including the inaugural Winston W. Moxam Award for Best Black Canadian Short Film. Based in Winnipeg (Treaty One Territory), Shimby maintains ties to Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, and Athens, Greece.
Annie Beach
A Cree and Saulteaux visual artist and student at the University of Manitoba’s School of Art, Annie explores themes of Indigenous identity and the oversexualization of Indigenous women and girls. Her practice includes murals created with community involvement, as well as advocacy work for Indigenous students through various leadership roles.
Shaneela Boodoo
A West Indian designer from Winnipeg, Shaneela’s work navigates the intersection of art, design, and identity as a West Indian woman in Western culture. She is currently a student at the University of Manitoba’s School of Art.
Lisa Desilets
An independent appraiser with over 30 years of experience in art collection management and curatorial work. Lisa has served on numerous arts organization boards and as a Trustee for the National Gallery of Canada. She brings her expertise to art appraisal and collection management.
Seema Goel
An intermedia artist with a background in both arts and sciences, Seema focuses on human-animal, human-place, and human-human relationships. Her interactive works often use humour and phenomenology to connect viewers to the material and themes. Currently, she is the STEAM Programmer and Outreach Coordinator at the University of Manitoba’s Faculty of Science.