Overlapping Violent Histories examines traumatic pasts and presents through visual art, engaging with difficult knowledge stemming from events such as Japanese internment in Canada, the residential school system, the Holocaust, and the legacy of settler colonialism.

Featured artists include Takao Tanabe, Jackson Beardy, Caroline Dukes, and KC Adams, whose experiences with these histories inform the works on display. While the artworks themselves may not directly evoke these histories, the exhibition uses the artists' biographies as entry points for exploring how traumas intersect and open dialogues across cultural boundaries.

Curator Noor Bhangu poses critical questions:

  • How can these cross-cultural histories illuminate the difficult history of Canada?
  • How might this dialogue foster ethical witnessing from those outside these experiences?

Exhibition Essay: Noor Bhangu, Overlapping Violent Histories: A Curatorial Investigation into Difficult Knowledge [Download PDF] – TBD