Forest Encounters imagines the woodlands as a setting where diverse artworks converge, creating a narrative backdrop for audiences to explore the forest as a universal source of symbolism and artistic inspiration.

From urban enclaves to remote wilderness, the forest has long been a place of mystery, solitude, and adventure—a setting where creatures lurk, secret lovers meet, and hermits retreat. It is both a utopia for finding inner peace and a threshold dividing wilderness from civilization, interpreted through endless forms of visual language.

This exhibition features a selection of paintings, prints, sculptures, and drawings from the Gallery's permanent collection, including works by:
David Becker, H. Eric Bergman, Bruno Bobak, Jack Butler, O. M. Curry, Ivan Eyre, June Falk, Valentine Fanshaw, Gerald Ferguson, L. LeMoine FitzGerald, Suzanne Gauthier, John Harper, J. Hudson, Eli Inukpaluk, Goyce Kakegamic, Joshim Kakegamic, Pauloosie Karpik, Alex Keno, Kenneth Lochhead, Edwin Landseer, Caroline Maas, Michael Morris, David Munro, Robert Nelson, Toni Onley, Christopher Pratt, Donald Reichert, Jack Shadbolt, Arnold Shives, Ann Smith, George Swinton, and Jack Sures.

Exhibition Essay: Genevieve Farrell | Forest Encounters – PDF link TBD