Ted Poyser Lecture in Soil Health
This annual lecture, based in the Department of Soil Science, seeks to increase awareness of soil health issues and opportunities. It is supported by the Ted Poyser Plant Ideas Fund through The Manitoba Habitat Conservancy.
Ted Poyser Lecture in Soil Health 2025
Linking soil health to crop yield and resiliency based on BMPs: Can it be done? Can it be scaled?
March 5th, 2025
Dr. Laura Van Eerd, Professor, School of Environmental Sciences, University of Guelph
Soil health awareness has increased significantly in the past decade within academia, farm communities and the general public. Soil health is defined as the capacity to function. But there are no standard measures of function, let alone which biological, physical and chemical indicators should be employed to quantify soil health. An applicable measure of soil function is crop yield, yet its relationship with soil health is often not well characterized especially in the context of better management practices (BMPs). Given the importance of yield with farm economics, there is a clear need to advance knowledge of crop response to soil health indicators and identify the BMPs that promote both. Utilizing various long-term experiments that evaluate the influence of production practices (tillage, crop rotation, cover crops, fertility) on crop yield and soil properties allows for such relationships to be developed. Another valuable soil function is resiliency: a system that is less dependent on inputs and less susceptible to weather extremes. One would expect soils with better soil health to be a more resilient system, but can that be quantified meaningfully? If so, would that knowledge drive BMP adoption? Are long-term experimental findings scalable to on-farm soil health sampling programs? Overall, addressing these questions represents an important opportunity for soil scientists to provide guidance on an appropriate measure of soil health and BMPs that have the greatest potential to make measurable impacts across the landscape.
Dr. Laura Van Eerd is a Professor of Sustainable Soil Management at the University of Guelph Ridgetown Campus. The goal of her internationally-recognized research program is to advance understanding of how agricultural practices influence soil health and biogeochemical cycling of carbon and nitrogen. This research is aimed at finding solutions for farmers that enhance soil care, crop productivity, and profit margins. Her innovation and foresight led to the establishment of a state-of-the-art long-term experiment that has advanced global knowledge on cover cropping in temperate climates. She has co/authored over 85 peer-reviewed publications (H index =33, citations=3770 Google Scholar), including Best Paper Award 2018 in Canadian Journal of Plant Science and those in top-tier soil science and agronomy journals. Dr. Van Eerd co-led the textbook chapter on soil health for Digging into Canadian soils- An introduction to soil science. In addition to awards acknowledging her significant contributions to teaching, research and extension, Dr. Van Eerd is a Fellow of the Canadian Society of Agronomy, a Soil Champion (Ontario Soil and Crop Improvement Association 2021) and an Influential Women of Canadian Agriculture (2020).
About the Poyser Lecture
With funding from the Ted Poyser Plant Ideas Fund, this annual lecture series focuses on soil health. Each year an invited lecturer, recognized in the field of soil health, will deliver the lecture at the University of Manitoba, hosted by the Department of Soil Science. Lecture topics may consider how to scale up soil health principles and practices to farm field and farm scales.
Ted Poyser Plant Ideas Fund
Established in 2021 with a $100,000 contribution from many donors, this fund recognizes the legacy of Edward A. (Ted) Poyser to soil science and landscape conservation programming. A graduate of the University of Manitoba in the 1950s, Ted Poyser went on to become a major contributor to Manitoba’s soil survey.
Later, he developed and/or managed many important agricultural and landscape conservation and initiatives, including Manitoba's watershed conservation district program, the Funds for Rural Economic Development (FRED) program, the Canada Land Inventory and the North American Waterfowl Management Plan in Manitoba. Ted also made fundamental contributions to the development of Manitoba’s Crop Insurance program. A common theme was ensuring that all conservation programming included soil conservation and agricultural producer interests as bedrock considerations.
The Ted Poyser Plant Ideas Fund is held at The Winnipeg Foundation and administered by The Manitoba Habitat Conservancy, a registered charitable organization with a mandate to conserve, restore and enhance fish and wildlife habitat. For over three decades, MHHC has worked exclusively in Agro Manitoba. Ted Poyser was chair of the board through the 1990s, establishing the corporate fundamentals from which MHHC continues operate today.
Ted Poyser Lecture in Soil Health 2024
Depth of a plow: sharing soil health knowledge and education resources with First Nations in the Prairies
Wednesday, March 13, 2024
Richardson International Auditorium
Learn more about the 2024 Ted Poyser Lecture
Dr. Melissa Arcand, Associate Professor, Department of Soil Science, University of Saskatchewan
First Nations across the prairies promised to share the land to a depth of the plough as part of the Treaties signed with the Crown in the 1870s. Since then, the agricultural promises outlined in the Treaties were not realized for First Nations, while the agricultural industry flourished across western Canada. Despite the historical marginalization of First Nations from the agricultural sector, First Nations in the prairies have a strong relationship to agriculture, primarily through relationships with local farmers who currently lease First Nations reserve land. A strong foundation in the soil sciences and agronomy is therefore important for First Nations land managers who are managing large swaths of agricultural land, yet Indigenous students are underrepresented in these disciplines. Dr. Arcand will highlight on-going projects that are aimed to increase access to soil science and agriculture training designed for First Nations audiences. They are partnering with First Nations across the prairies to establish soil health learning circles to share knowledge on soil health and beneficial management practices that respect Indigenous values and incorporate Indigenous knowledge to foster soil health, biodiversity, and resiliency to climate change for First Nations agroecosystems.
Dr. Melissa Arcand is an Associate Professor in the Department of Soil Science at the University of Saskatchewan and is a member of the Muskeg Lake Cree Nation in Treaty 6. She researches soil health, carbon storage, and nutrient cycling in agroecosystems. Her more recent interdisciplinary research focuses on Indigenous agriculture in the Prairies and included hosting a SSHRC Connections Grant-funded Forum on Indigenous Agriculture in Saskatchewan and collaborating with First Nations’ lands departments to assess soils on agricultural lands through projects funded through the New Frontiers in Research Fund – Explorations Grant and the Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Agricultural Climate Solutions Living Labs. Her team is developing and delivering outreach activities in soil health and agricultural beneficial management practices to First Nations through a Weston Family Foundation Soil Health Initiative project. In addition to her research and service work, she teaches and is the academic advisor for students in the Kanawayihetaytan Askiy ("Let us take care of the land" in Plains Cree) Indigenous land and resource management certificate program and is the Academic Lead for the kihci-okâwîmâw askiy Knowledge Centre at the University of Saskatchewan.