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Faculty of Science complex

Buller building photos

Step back in time with this captivating photograph showcasing the historic Buller building. With its grand facade and timeless architectural details, this image encapsulates the vintage charm that has made Buller building an iconic landmark.

Chemistry building photos

From the ornate entrance to the laboratory windows, these images capture the essence of scientific discovery and the storied traditions that have shaped the building's significance over time.

Geology building photos

Delve into the nostalgia of the past as you explore these captivating old photos showcasing the Geology building and immerse yourself in the academic atmosphere that has shaped generations of geoscientists within its hallowed halls.

Before and after photo

A remarkable before and after photo of the Greenhouse and Buller building. From the initial humble structure to its present-day magnificence, these images showcase the stunning evolution and architectural enhancements that have revitalized these iconic landmarks on our campus.

Research areas

UM Campus

From the humble beginnings captured in the first aerial photo dating back to 1912 to the modern architectural marvels and vibrant landscapes of today, discover how the campus has evolved over the years.

Faculty and staff

Take a glimpse into the esteemed individuals who have been the pillars of knowledge, as this gallery presents a striking compilation of portraits of our esteemed faculty and staff over the years.

Students over the years

A collection of timeless photographs where we witness the transformation, camaraderie and achievements that have shaped their educational journey over the years.


The visual journey through the evolving traditions of graduation as we present a collection of remarkable photos spanning across the years. These images encapsulate the joyous culmination of our students' academic endeavours.

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Contact us

Faculty of Science
W230, Duff Roblin, 190 Dysart Rd
University of Manitoba
Winnipeg, Manitoba R3T 2M8 Canada

Our office is open Monday to Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.