What we offer
The electives program provides an opportunity for self-education in an area of your own interest. Courses are listed below.
During this elective, students will:
- Work one-on-one with an anesthesiologist or resident/fellow in the operating room (OR) daily.
- Review the slate and patient charts the day before, and discuss cases with the attending anesthesiologist for the next day's slate preparation.
- Attend academic half-day sessions on Wednesday mornings, including Anesthesia Grand Rounds at 0745 and Anesthesia Resident Seminar at 0900. Information for these sessions will be provided in advance.
- Gain subspecialty experience in areas such as Cardiac, Obstetrical, Acute Pain, Chronic Pain, and Pediatrics, depending on the site.
For more information, contact electivesugme@umanitoba.ca.
UM and Canadian medical school students: two to four weeks. International medical students: two weeks.
Electives are available at:
- Health Sciences Centre (HSC)
- St. Boniface General Hospital (SBGH)
Call responsibility
Call is not mandatory. Students volunteering for call shifts must discuss this with the Anesthesia Site Coordinator or Senior Anesthesia Slating Resident. All call shifts end at 22:00 for adequate rest before scheduled assignments the next day.
By the end of the elective period, students will:
- Be able to provide airway support.
- Be able to gain airway access in most patients.
- Be able to perform an adequate preoperative assessment in a healthy patient.
- Be able to outline the options for anesthesia and the general differences.
- Be able to estimate fluid requirements and provide a rationale.
This elective provides students with the capacity to:
- Describe the daily activities of Anesthesia practice.
- Outline the areas of skill and knowledge integral to Anesthesia practice.
- Summarize the advantages and disadvantages of Anesthesia as a career choice.
Learning objectives (CanMEDS)
Medical Expert
The student will understand the anesthesiologist’s role in the perioperative management of the surgical patient, as it applies to:
- Pre-op assessment
- Optimization
- Intraoperative management
- Pain management and recovery
Technical Skills
- Intravenous cannulation
- Lumbar puncture
- Mask ventilation
- Orotracheal intubation
- Drug prep, admin and safety
As Communicators, students will facilitate the doctor-patient relationship by:
- Establishing rapport, trust and a therapeutic relationship with patients and families
- Listening effectively
- Eliciting relevant information and perspectives of patients, families, and the health care team
- Conveying relevant information and explanations to patients, families and the health care team
- Conveying effective oral and written information about a medical encounter
- Maintaining clear, accurate, appropriate, and timely records of clinical encounters/operative procedures
- Addressing challenging communication issues effectively
- Obtaining informed consent
- Disclosing adverse events
- Addressing anger, confusion and misunderstanding using a patient centric approach
As Collaborators, the students will work effectively within the anesthesiology and surgery team to achieve optimal patient care by:
- Demonstrating a team approach to health care
- Participating effectively in an inter-professional and interdisciplinary health care team
- Recognizing and respecting the diversity of roles, responsibilities, and competences of other health professionals in the management of the surgical patient
- Working with others to assess, plan, provide, and integrate care of the surgical patient
As Managers, students will participate in the activities of the anesthesiology service, making decisions, allocating resources, and contributing to the effectiveness of the health care team by:
- Employing information technology appropriately for patient care
- Allocating finite health care resources appropriately
Health Advocate
As health advocates, students will responsibly use their expertise and influence to advance the health and well-being of individual patients, communities and populations by:
- Showing concern for the best interest of patients
- Identifying health needs of individual patients, and advocate for the patient, where appropriate
- Promoting and participating in patient safety
As scholars, students will demonstrate a lifelong commitment to learning by:
- Demonstrating the ability for continuing self-learning
- Discussing the principles of general/medical physiology and the application of basic sciences to anesthesiology
- Demonstrating appropriate presentation skills, including formal and informal presentations
- Critically evaluating medical information and its sources and applying this appropriately to clinical decisions
- Critically appraising the evidence in order to address a clinical question
- Integrating critical appraisal conclusions into clinical care
As professionals, students are committed to health and well-being of individuals through ethical practice, profession-led regulation and high personal standards of behavior by:
- Exhibiting professional behaviors in practice, including honesty, integrity, commitment, compassion, respect and altruism
- Demonstrating a commitment to delivering the highest quality care
- Recognizing and responding appropriately to ethical issues encountered in practice
- Recognizing and respecting patient confidentiality, privacy and autonomy
- Participating in peer review
- Managing conflicts of interest and maintaining appropriate relations with patients
- Demonstrating awareness of industry influence on medical training and practice
- Recognition of personal and clinical limitations
Community Health Science
Electives include:
Indigenous Health (Policy, Programs and Planning)
Occupational Health
Public Health & Preventive Medicine, First Nations and Inuit Health Branch (FNIHB)
Public Health & Preventive Medicine – Manitoba Health, Seniors & Active Living (MHSAL)
Public Health & Preventive Medicine, Winnipeg Regional Health Authority (WRHA)
Public Health & Preventive Medicine
Special Topics in Population and Public Health
See the list below for details on these opportunities in Community Health Sciences.
Emergency Medicine
The Emergency Medicine program takes place at various hospitals in Winnipeg, offering a comprehensive experience in an acute care setting. Throughout the elective, students are assigned to a specific emergency department and preceptor for each shift. The student's responsibilities include patient assessment, collaboration with multidisciplinary teams, and participation in various procedures such as suturing, chest tube insertion, and bedside ultrasound.
Please contact UGME
For more information, contact electivesugme@umanitoba.ca.
Health Sciences Centre, St. Boniface General Hospital, Grace Hospital, Seven Oaks Hospital, and Concordia Hospital.
By the end of the elective period, students will:
- Demonstrate proficiency in patient assessment and understanding of various disease processes.
- Develop problem-solving skills specific to Emergency Medicine.
- Participate in and observe various emergency procedures.
- Attend academic sessions including Grand Rounds, Journal Clubs, and resident academic days.
This elective provides students with the capacity to:
- Develop an approach to assessing undifferentiated patients.
- Perform focused history and physical exams.
- Recognize and manage common emergency presentations.
- Communicate effectively with patients, families, and healthcare teams.
- Work collaboratively within a healthcare team to provide optimal patient care.
- Make decisions and contribute to the effectiveness of the healthcare team.
- Demonstrate a commitment to ethical practice and professional behavior.
Call responsibility
No call duty is required for this elective.
Learning Objectives (CanMEDS)
Medical Expert
As Medical Experts, physicians integrate all of the CanMEDS Roles, applying medical knowledge, clinical skills and professional attitudes in their provision of patient-centered care.
The student can expect to be actively involved in the service. This will encompass:
- Develop an approach to the undifferentiated patient.
- Perform a focused history and physical exam, formulate a broad differential diagnosis and consider investigations for common emergency medicine presentations such as chest pain, dyspnea, altered mental status, shock, sepsis, trauma, poisonings and psychiatric complaints.
- Recognize a sick, unstable patient and discuss the initial management to stabilize the patient.
- Discuss and participate in the initial steps of ACLS in the pulseless patient.
- Demonstrate the primary and secondary survey in the trauma patient.
Emergency Medicine provides an opportunity to perform many procedures including:
- Suturing
- Chest tube insertion
- Lumbar puncture
- Paracentesis
- Thoracentesis
- Fracture reduction and casting
- Bedside ultrasound
Physicians effectively facilitate the doctor-patient relationship and the dynamic exchanges that occur before, during, and after the medical encounter.
As Communicators, students will facilitate the doctor-patient relationship:
- Establish an effective and therapeutic relationship with patients and families
- Convey relevant information and explanations to patients, families and the health care team
- Provide accurate oral and written information about every patient encounter
- Attempt to resolve any challenging communication issues effectively
- Along with the staff physician, obtain informed consent prior to performing a procedure
- Participate in discussions with patients and families delivering bad news
- Discuss advanced care plans with patients and families
Physicians effectively work within a healthcare team to achieve optimal patient care.
As Collaborators, students will work effectively within the surgical team to achieve optimal patient care:
- Understand the importance of, and be able to work as part of a team to deliver efficient and compassionate care to patients.
- Collaborate with nurses and allied health professionals to develop an appropriate disposition for complicated patients.
Physicians engage with others to contribute to a vision of a high-quality health care system and take responsibility for the delivery of excellent patient care through their activities as clinicians, administrators, scholars, or teachers.
As Leaders, students will participate in the activities of the surgical service, making decisions, allocating resources, and contributing to the effectiveness of the health care team:
- Understand the importance of risk stratification of patients in the ER.
- Differentiate between tests which must occur immediately as an inpatient versus those which can occur at a later time as an outpatient.
Health Advocate
Physicians responsibly use their expertise and influence to advance the health and well-being of individual patients, communities and populations.
As Health Advocates, students will responsibly use their expertise and influence to advance the health and well-being of individual patients, communities and populations:
- Demonstrate an awareness of the underlying psychosocial and socioeconomic problems that may precipitate presentation to the ED.
- Understand the resources available to individuals with underlying psychosocial and socioeconomic problems and the means by which to access them.
Physicians demonstrate a lifelong commitment to reflective learning, as well as the creation, dissemination, application and translation of medical knowledge.
As Scholars, students will demonstrate a lifelong commitment to learning:
- Discuss evidence based literature and translational research in developing management plans for patients (for example, clinical decision rules).
- Participate in academic activities such as Grand Rounds, Journal Clubs and Resident Seminars.
As Professionals, physicians are committed to the health and well-being of individuals and society through ethical practice, profession-Led regulation, and high personal standards of behaviour.
As Professionals, students are committed to health and well-being of individuals through ethical practice, profession-led regulation and high personal standards of behavior:
- Respect patient confidentiality, privacy and autonomy.
- Recognize one’s personal and clinical limitations and seeks assistance promptly when required
- Be respectful of patients, families and members of the ED inter-professional team
Family Medicine
Family Medicine electives provide opportunities for students to engage in patient-centered care, manage clinical problems commonly seen in family medicine, and develop essential skills across various domains of medical practice.
Electives in Family Medicine are available for University of Manitoba students during the established elective period in 4th year, typically September to mid-January.
All electives are for a maximum of two weeks.
Elective sites include various urban and rural locations in Manitoba, depending on the type of elective.
Call responsibility
No call duty is required for family medicine electives.
By the end of the elective period, students will:
- Describe elements of an effective doctor-patient relationship.
- Demonstrate patient-centered medicine, including shared decision-making.
- Manage clinical problems commonly encountered in family medicine.
- Identify management priorities for patients with multiple morbidities.
- Assess and develop management plans for patients with undifferentiated conditions.
This elective provides students with the capacity to:
- Conduct focused literature searches and evaluate scientific literature.
- Maintain professionalism, including appropriate boundaries and confidentiality.
- Identify and address social, economic, and resource issues affecting patient health.
- Seek additional patient information and propose management plans.
- Collaborate effectively within multidisciplinary healthcare teams.
- Communicate clearly with patients, families, and other healthcare professionals.
Learning Objectives (CanMEDS)
Medical Expert
- Describe elements of an effective doctor-patient relationship.
- Demonstrate patient-centered medicine.
- Manage clinical problems commonly seen in family medicine.
- Conduct focused literature searches.
- Evaluate scientific literature relevance.
- Develop self-directed learning plans.
- Define and maintain appropriate boundaries.
- Maintain patient confidentiality.
- Reflect on professional behavior.
Health Advocate
- Identify issues affecting health and access to healthcare.
- Propose approaches to resolving issues.
- Seek additional patient information.
- Propose patient-centered management plans.
- Ensure personal health and safety.
- Describe roles of Primary Health Care team members.
- Demonstrate effective communication.
- Establish positive working relationships.
- Share information with clarity.
- Write clear prescriptions and requisitions.
- Document patient encounters effectively.
- Present cases effectively.
Health Care Ethics
This elective aims to enhance students' understanding of basic concepts in health care ethics and their ability to identify ethical features in clinical practice. Students will engage in activities such as readings, discussions, attendance at ethics education rounds, observation of ethics consultations, and structured interviews with clinicians. They will identify a focus theme for the elective and develop learning objectives related to this theme, which may include foundational concepts in health care and professional ethics, general ethical issues in clinical practice, and ethical issues in specific clinical areas.
Open to fourth-year students seeking to complement the curriculum in ethics and law addressed in the undergraduate medical education program.
Variable, to be determined in consultation with preceptors.
St. Boniface Hospital
By the end of the elective period, students will:
- Demonstrate an enhanced understanding of basic concepts in health care ethics.
- Identify ethical features embedded in clinical practice.
- Analyze ethical issues in clinical practice and formulate recommended positions/resolutions based on critical ethical reasoning.
- Formulate a plan of action to realize recommended positions/resolutions, including communication skills and procedural options/remedies.
This elective provides students with the capacity to:
- Actively participate in the service.
- Facilitate the doctor-patient relationship.
- Work effectively within a healthcare team.
- Contribute to the activities of the surgical service and make decisions to allocate resources effectively.
- Responsibly use their expertise and influence to advance the health and well-being of patients, communities, and populations.
- Demonstrate a lifelong commitment to learning.
- Commit to health and well-being through ethical practice and high personal standards of behavior.
Learning Objectives (CanMEDS)
Medical Expert
- Apply medical knowledge and clinical skills in patient-centered care.
- Facilitate effective doctor-patient relationships.
- Work effectively within healthcare teams.
- Contribute to the effectiveness of healthcare teams.
Health Advocate
- Advance health and well-being at individual, community, and population levels.
- Demonstrate a lifelong commitment to learning.
- Commit to ethical practice and high personal standards of behavior.
Internal Medicine
Electives include:
- Cardiology
- Clinical Immunology and Adult Allergy
- Clinical Teaching Unit (CTU)
- Dermatology
- Endocrinology & Metabolism
- Gastroenterology
- Geriatric Medicine
- Hematology
- Hepatology
- Infectious Diseases
- Medical Oncology
- Neurology
- Nephrology
- Oncology
- Palliative Care
- Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
- Respiratory
- Rheumatology
See the list below for details on these opportunities in Internal Medicine.
Medical Genetics
This elective offers learners the opportunity to immerse themselves in the practice of Medical Genetics. They will engage in various clinics and consultations with patients admitted to the hospital. Subspecialties/disciplines covered include General Genetics, Prenatal Genetics, Cancer Genetics, and Metabolic Genetics.
For more information, contact electivesugme@umanitoba.ca.
Variable, to be determined based on the learner's needs and availability.
Electives are available at:
- Health Sciences Centre
- St. Boniface Hospital
By the end of the elective period, learners will:
- Demonstrate basic scientific and clinical knowledge relevant to medical genetics.
- Interpret medical and family histories appropriately.
- Perform accurate and well-organized physical examinations.
- Recognize, describe, and interpret relevant laboratory and imaging findings related to genetic diseases.
- Provide appropriate genetic counseling.
- Elicit, document, and present comprehensive medical and developmental histories.
- Provide accurate, understandable, and timely documentation to referring physicians, agencies, and families.
- Interact effectively with other members of an interdisciplinary healthcare team.
- Utilize resources effectively to balance patient care, learning needs, and outside activities.
- Serve as effective teachers to other physicians, healthcare personnel, patients, and the general public.
- Demonstrate personal and professional attitudes consistent with a consultant physician role.
Learning Objectives (CanMEDS)
Medical Expert
- Demonstrates the basic scientific and clinical knowledge relevant to medical genetics.
- Interprets medical and family histories appropriately.
- Performs physical examinations that are appropriate, accurate, and well-organized.
- Recognizes, describes, and interprets laboratory and imaging findings relevant to genetic disease.
- Provides appropriate genetic counseling.
- Elicits, documents, and presents a comprehensive medical/developmental history.
- Elicits, documents, and presents an appropriate family history.
- Provides accurate, understandable, and timely documentation to referring physicians, agencies, and families.
- Interacts effectively with other members of an interdisciplinary health care team and recognizes and respects their roles and expertise.
- Utilizes resources effectively to balance patient care, own learning needs, and outside activities.
- Is an effective teacher to other physicians (including medical students and residents), other health care personnel, patients, and the general public.
- Demonstrates personal and professional attitudes consistent with a consultant physician role.
Medical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases
This rotation provides an educational experience in the common infectious problems experienced by patients. One-on-one teaching, small group tutorials and weekly grand rounds support an evidence-based approach to infectious disease problems. For more information, view the Infectious Diseases Residency page.
Obstetrics and Gynecology
Electives include:
- Gynecology
- Gynecologic Oncology
- High Risk Obstetrics/Maternal Fetal Medicine
- Obstetrics
See the list below for details on these opportunities in Obstetrics and Gynecology.
For more information, contact electivesugme@umanitoba.ca.
Ongomiizwin Health Services
Electives include:
- Churchill
- Fly-In
- Norway House
See the list below for details on these opportunities in Ongomiizwin Health Services.
The elective offers an overview encompassing cornea, retina, glaucoma, pediatrics, ocular plastics, main OR, minor OR, oncology, neuro-ophthalmology, and non-surgical office visits. Depending on individual interests and specialist availability, students can explore various aspects of ophthalmology.
For more information, contact electivesugme@umanitoba.ca.
Two-week periods.
University of Manitoba and visiting out-of-province medical students.
By the end of the elective period, students will:
- Be familiar with basic ophthalmology.
- Feel comfortable with eye examinations, particularly fundus examinations.
- Have exposure to various aspects of ophthalmology for potential career planning.
This elective provides students with the capacity to:
- Gain familiarity with basic ophthalmology.
- Develop comfort with eye examinations, particularly fundus examinations.
- Explore various aspects of ophthalmology for potential career planning.
Call responsibility
Discuss with the Department of Ophthalmology Program Assistant.
Learning Objectives (CanMEDS)L
Medical Expert
- To be familiar with basic ophthalmology.
- Become more comfortable with examinations of the eyes, in particular looking at the fundus.
- Become exposed to multiple aspects of ophthalmology for potential career planning.
- Clearly present clinical findings to the supervising ophthalmologist and present an assessment, diagnosis and proposed clinical plan.
- Where relevant, work with other services to optimize care with patients with multidisciplinary problems.
Health Advocate
- Where relevant, recognize the socioeconomic factors relevant that are affecting a given patient’s health and their ability to care for themselves.
- Read up on the problems not previously encountered as a basis for question and answer sessions during the rotation.
- Function in a professional manner when interacting with patients, other physicians and support staff in an outpatient clinic.
Contact us
For more information, contact:
Dana McMillan
Program administrator
Sandy Rossman
Program administrator
Dr. Andre Jastrzebski
Program director
This elective offers comprehensive exposure to Otolaryngology, including clinic, operating room (OR), emergency department, and ward experiences in various subspecialties such as General ENT, Head and Neck Surgery, Rhinology, Otology, Pediatric Otolaryngology, and facial plastics.
For more information, contact electivesugme@umanitoba.ca.
Electives of 2, 3, or 4 weeks can be accommodated. Electives consist of one week each of Pediatrics, Otology, Rhinology/General ENT, and Head and Neck Surgery.
Health Sciences Centre/Children’s Hospital and St. Boniface Hospital, with occasional attendance at private clinics.
By the end of the elective period, students will:
- Identify and manage common Otolaryngology problems.
- Recognize urgent Otolaryngology situations.
- Know when to refer patients to an Otolaryngologist.
- Work effectively within the surgical team, including audiology, speech language pathology, nursing, and administration.
- Recognize patients indicated for Otolaryngology referral and testing.
- Promote smoking cessation to prevent Otolaryngology-related cancers and diseases.
- Apply medical literature and guidelines in managing Otolaryngology problems.
- Work with patients and healthcare team members respectfully, collaboratively, and professionally.
This elective provides students with the capacity to:
- Actively participate in the service.
- Facilitate the doctor-patient relationship.
- Work within a healthcare team to achieve optimal patient care.
- Contribute to a vision of high-quality healthcare.
- Responsibly use their expertise and influence to advance health and well-being.
- Demonstrate a lifelong commitment to reflective learning.
Learning Objectives (CANMeds)
Medical Expert
- Identify and manage common Otolaryngology problems.
- Recognize urgent Otolaryngology situations.
- Know when to refer to an Otolaryngologist.
- Work with other health care team members, including audiology, speech language and pathology, nursing, and administration.
- Recognize which patients are indicated for Otolaryngology referral and Otolaryngology testing (MRI, CT, Audiology, etc).
Health Advocate
- Promote smoking cessation to help prevent Otolaryngology cancers and disease.
- Apply the medical literature and guidelines in management of Otolaryngology problems.
- Work with patients and health care team members in a respectful, collaborative, and professional manner.
Anatomical Pathology encompasses the study of morphologic aspects of disease, with subspecialties focusing on various organ systems, laboratory methods, or clinical cases. During this elective, students will work closely with preceptors to understand the diagnostic role of pathology in patient care.
Offered year-round.
Typically four weeks, but can be adjusted based on student's needs.
Health Sciences Centre and/or St. Boniface Hospital.
By the end of the elective period, students will:
- Understand the role of diagnostic pathology, including autopsies, in patient-centered care.
- Gain insight into the use of anatomical pathology services for patient care and education.
- Acquire basic safety regulations and procedures in the laboratory.
- Learn specimen collection, labeling, and handling protocols.
- Understand the principles of the laboratory information system.
- Observe gross examination of pathology specimens and intra-operative consultations.
- Review teaching slides and participate in surgical pathology sign-out and cytology sign-out.
- Observe autopsy procedures and understand autopsy reports.
- Identify types of deaths referred to the medical examiner’s office.
This elective provides students with the capacity to:
- Actively participate in patient-centered care within the pathology service.
- Facilitate the doctor-patient relationship by understanding the importance of clinical information in pathological diagnoses.
- Contribute effectively to interdisciplinary team activities and prepare case presentations.
- Engage in activities of the surgical service, making decisions and contributing to team effectiveness.
- Responsibly use expertise to advance individual patient and community health.
- Demonstrate a lifelong commitment to reflective learning and ethical medical practice.
Learning Objectives (CANMeds)
Medical Expert
- Understand the role of diagnostic pathology, including autopsies, in patient-centered care.
- Gain insight into the use of anatomical pathology services for patient care and education.
- Assist in the continuing education of physicians and other members of the hospital staff.
- Understand the anatomical pathology consultant’s interface with clinical colleagues on the interpretation and relevance of pathological findings.
- Understand the information pathology should provide in a given clinical situation.
- Contribute effectively to interdisciplinary team activities.
- Prepare a presentation on a case study related to pathology.
- Utilize resources effectively to balance patient care, learning needs, and outside activities.
- Work effectively and efficiently in a health care organization.
- Become familiar with principles of laboratory management and administration.
Health Advocate
- Identify the important determinants of health affecting patients.
- Contribute effectively to improved health of patients and communities.
- Develop, implement and monitor a personal continuing education strategy.
- Participate in the required teaching sessions for pathology residents.
- Deliver highest quality care with integrity, honesty, and compassion.
- Exhibit appropriate personal and interpersonal professional behaviors.
Electives include:
- Allergy
- Cardiology
- Child Protection
- Child Development
- Endocrinology
- Gastroenterology
- Hematology
- Infectious Diseases
- Neonatology
- Nephrology
- Neurology
- Palliative Care
- Pediatric Intensive Care Unit (PICU)
- Respirology
- Rheumatology
- Neurology
See the list below for details on these opportunities in Pediatrics.
Electives include:
- Child & Adolescent
- CODI Outreach Program
- Community Elective
- Consultation-Liaison Psychiatry
- Forensics
- General Psychiatry (HSC)
- General Psychiatry (SBGH)
- Mood Disorders
- Psychiatric Intensive Care Unit
- Psychotherapy
See the list below for details on these opportunities in Psychiatry.
Electives include:
Orthopedic Surgery:
- Pediatric
- Reconstructive
- Spine
- Sports and Upper Extremity
- Reconstructive
- Trauma
- Cardiac Surgery
- Plastics Surgery
- Surgical Intensive Care Unit
- Surgical Oncology Service
- Neurosurgery
- Urology
- Vascular Surgery
General Surgery:
- Acute Care
- A-Service
- B-Service
- Gold Service (Trauma and Acute Surgical Care Service)
- Green Service (Oncology)
- Orange Service
- Pediatric
- Thoracic
See the list below for details on these opportunities in Surgery.
Radiation Oncology
The section of Radiation Oncology at the University of Manitoba offers elective and selective rotations for undergraduate medical students and postgraduate medical residents. These rotations provide opportunities for students to explore radiation oncology as a potential career path. The program administrator encourages rotators to schedule exposures, selectives, and electives.
Rotations are available in all periods.
The duration of the elective or selective can range from two (2) weeks to several weeks, as chosen by the learner.
Radiation treatment is provided at Cancercare Manitoba in Winnipeg, with outpatient clinics also at St. Boniface Hospital. A satellite facility is located at Western Manitoba Cancer Centre in Brandon.
Call responsibility
The elective/selective rotation will be supervised by a faculty member only.
By the end of the elective period, students will
- Understand the role of radiation oncology in the management of patients with cancer.
This elective provides students with the capacity to
- Understand the routine practice of radiation oncologists.
- Understand the indications for radiotherapy, including curative, (neo)adjuvant, and palliative treatment.
Learning Objectives (CanMEDs)
Medical Expert
- Learn the pathophysiology and management of common diagnoses encountered in radiation oncology.
- Discuss the pathology, presentation, evaluation, and management of common diagnoses such as breast cancer, prostate cancer, CNS malignancies, GI malignancies, GYN malignancies, lung cancer, sarcoma, and head and neck cancer.
- Demonstrate an analytic approach to evaluating and treating cancer patients.
- Learn the indications and complications for external beam radiation therapy and brachytherapy procedures.
- Establish rapport and good communication with physicians, allied health care team, patients, and families.
- Effectively communicate relevant information to physicians and healthcare team members.
- Elicit relevant information and perspectives from physicians and the healthcare team.
- Recognize and respect the roles, responsibilities, and expertise of all healthcare professionals.
- Demonstrate the ability to work as a team for the well-being of patients.
- Understand communication needs for placing consults to radiation oncology and for multidisciplinary disease management.
- Determine effective use of information technology.
- Gain a better understanding of the allocation of healthcare resources, especially in relation to investigations and radiation treatment options.
- Understand the integration of radiation oncology into the larger healthcare system.
Health Advocate
- Promote and participate in patient safety.
- Promote cancer screening and healthy life choices for patients.
- Ability to critically analyze skills.
- Critically appraise medical literature.
- Show motivation to improve knowledge through reading and reviewing cases.
- Demonstrate self-directed learning and identify areas for improvement.
- Demonstrate integrity and honesty.
- Understand principles of ethics and apply them to clinical situations.
- Recognize personal limitations and commit to professional responsibilities and ethical principles.
This two week clerkship rotation in diagnostic radiology combines distance education and in-person learning. It includes online resources, modules, small group teaching sessions, and a self-assessment test. Radiology staff from multiple locations will be available for consultation and guidance.
Offered year-round
Two weeks
Selkirk Regional Health Center, Health Sciences Centre, St. Boniface Hospital
By the end of the elective period, students will:
- Gain familiarity with multimodality diagnostic radiology and its role in patient care.
- Acquire knowledge of anatomy on various radiographs and CT scans.
- Identify common radiologic diagnoses, including those related to cardiopulmonary, abdominal, musculoskeletal, and neurological systems.
- Develop skills in choosing appropriate imaging tests for medical concerns.
- Establish effective communication with supervising physicians.
- Recognize and respect the roles of healthcare professionals involved in diagnostic imaging.
- Understand the use of information technology and allocation of healthcare resources.
- Promote patient safety and advocate for appropriate imaging tests.
- Gain insight into the benefits, risks, and radiation safety associated with radiologic procedures.
- Demonstrate critical analysis skills and motivation for self-directed learning.
- Exhibit integrity, honesty, and punctuality in professional practice.
This elective provides students with the capacity to:
- Participate actively in online learning, teaching sessions, and self-assessment.
- Attend scheduled teaching sessions on chest and neuroradiology.
- Engage in hands-on experience with radiologists in specialty areas.
- Learn about contrast media, radiation safety, imaging appropriateness, and radiology for the wards.
- Gain exposure to Nuclear Medicine and Radiation Oncology through in-person experiences.
- Participate in academic activities including lectures, self-directed study, and Radiology Education Rounds.
- Receive evaluations based on self-assessment, participation, professionalism, and knowledge during teaching sessions and daily assessments.
Call responsibility
No call responsibility.
Learning Objectives (CanMEDS)
Medical Expert
- Become familiar with the role of multimodality Diagnostic Radiology and its role in in-patient and out-patient care
- Become familiar with anatomy on chest, abdominal, and spine/musculoskeletal radiographs. Become familiar with basic brain, chest, and abdomen anatomy on CT.
- Become familiar with common and important radiologic diagnoses.
- Develop an improved ability to choose the appropriate imaging test for common medical concerns.
- Develop a dependable, organ-specific approach to common imaging tests.
- Establish rapport and good communication with the supervising physicians.
- Recognize and respect the roles, responsibilities, and expertise of all healthcare professionals and understand how these integrate with diagnostic imaging.
- Determine effective use of information technology.
- Gain a better understanding of the allocation of healthcare resources.
Health Advocate
- Promote and participate in patient safety.
- Develop an improved ability to choose the appropriate imaging test for patients.
- Gain a better understanding of the benefits and risks associated with radiologic procedures and a basic understanding of radiation safety.
- Ability to critically analyze their skills.
- Shows motivation to improve their knowledge with reading and self-directed study.
- Demonstrates integrity, honesty, and punctuality.
Community Health Sciences
Indigenous Health (Policy, Programs and Planning)
The Indigenous Health (Policy, Programs and Planning) Elective provides medical students with a comprehensive understanding of public health programs, policies, and healthcare service delivery for Indigenous peoples. Students will engage in various settings, including the Winnipeg Regional Health Authority and the Section of First Nations, Métis and Inuit Health at the University of Manitoba. This may include visits to First Nations communities. A recommended duration is four weeks, but shorter electives are considered, allowing for critical analysis and understanding of key concepts.
This elective is available throughout the year except mid-July to mid-August, with advanced notice of at least three weeks.
Variable; recommended four weeks.
Winnipeg, Manitoba.
Call responsibility
There is no call duty.
By the end of the elective period, students will:
- Contrast and compare Indigenous and general population concepts of health, determinants of health, health indicators, and health status.
- Discuss diverse service delivery and funding mechanisms for providing healthcare to First Nations, Métis, and Inuit people.
- Analyze existing or proposed health policies or programs and provide feedback on their responsiveness to First Nations, Métis, or Inuit health needs.
- Articulate how concepts of reconciliation, self-determination, and cultural safety can be integrated into health policy, programs, and planning for Indigenous populations.
This elective provides students with the capacity to:
- Actively engage in public health program and policy discussions related to Indigenous health.
- Understand the complexities of healthcare service delivery and funding for Indigenous communities.
- Advocate for the health and well-being of Indigenous individuals and communities through policy analysis and program development.
Learning objectives (CanMEDS)
- Medical Expert: Integrate medical knowledge, clinical skills, and professional attitudes in patient-centered care.
- Communicator: Facilitate effective doctor-patient relationships.
- Collaborator: Work within healthcare teams to achieve optimal patient care.
- Leader: Contribute to a vision of high-quality healthcare and take responsibility for excellent patient care.
- Health Advocate: Use expertise and influence to advance health and well-being at individual, community, and population levels.
- Scholar: Demonstrate a commitment to lifelong learning.
- Professional: Uphold ethical practice and high personal standards of behavior.
Learning Objectives (CanMEDS)
Medical Expert
As Medical Experts, physicians integrate all of the CanMEDS Roles, applying medical knowledge, clinical skills, and professional attitudes in their provision of patient-centered care.
The student can expect to be actively involved in the service. This will encompass:
- Contrasting and comparing Indigenous and general population concepts of health, determinants of health, health indicators, and health status.
Physicians effectively facilitate the doctor-patient relationship and the dynamic exchanges that occur before, during, and after the medical encounter.
As Communicators, students will facilitate the doctor-patient relationship.
Physicians effectively work within a healthcare team to achieve optimal patient care.
Physicians engage with others to contribute to a vision of a high-quality health care system and take responsibility for the delivery of excellent patient care through their activities as clinicians, administrators, scholars, or teachers.
- Discussing the diverse service delivery and funding mechanisms in place to provide health care for First Nations, Métis, and Inuit people.
Health Advocate
As Health Advocates, students will responsibly use their expertise and influence to advance the health and well-being of individual patients, communities, and populations:
- Analyze an existing or proposed health policy or program and provide feedback as to its responsiveness to First Nations, Métis, or Inuit Health needs.
- Articulate how concepts of reconciliation, self-determination, and cultural safety can be included in health policy, programs, and planning for First Nations, Métis, and Inuit people.
As Scholars, students will demonstrate a lifelong commitment to learning.
As Professionals, physicians are committed to the health and well-being of individuals and society through ethical practice, profession-led regulation, and high personal standards of behavior.
Occupational Health
This elective involves three components:
- Clinical Occupational Health
- The Worker's Compensation Board
- Time with the Chief Occupational Medical Officer, Workplace Safety & Health
This elective is available during all elective periods with prior arrangement.
This elective is a minimum of two weeks in duration.
Location varies depending on the specific activities, including outpatient clinics and work site visits.
Call duty
No specific call duties are assigned during this elective.
By the end of the elective period, students will:
- Participate in two to three outpatient occupational medicine clinics per week.
- Conduct visits to various work sites, coordinated by the Chief Medical Officer of the Province.
- Be oriented to the role and responsibilities of the Worker's Compensation Board, including its healthcare department, claims area, and injury statistics.
This elective provides students with the capacity to:
- Clinically evaluate workers concerned about their health being adversely affected by their work.
- Describe five physical, chemical, biological, ergonomic, or psychosocial hazards in the working environment and identify ways to limit the effects of such exposures.
- Understand the basics of occupational hygiene, specifically the principles and techniques underlying the evaluation and control of workplace hazards.
- Describe two surveillance and epidemiology techniques in occupational health.
- Describe the organization, structure, and function of occupational health services, and the roles played by various agencies (e.g., Workplace Safety and Health Division of Manitoba Labour, Manitoba Federation of Labour Occupational Health Clinic, Workers Compensation Board).
- Understand the legislation relevant to occupational health in Manitoba (e.g., Workplace Safety and Health Act, WCB, and appropriate reporting mechanisms).
- Describe the social, economic, political, legal, and ethical issues in occupational health, and the various perspectives of workers, unions, employers, and government on these issues.
Learning objectives (CanMEDS)
Medical Expert
- Clinically evaluate workers who are concerned their health has been adversely affected by their work.
- Describe five physical, chemical, biological, ergonomic, or psychosocial hazards in the working environment and identify ways to limit the effects of such exposures.
- Understand the basics of occupational hygiene, specifically the principles and techniques underlying the evaluation and control of workplace hazards.
- Describe two surveillance and epidemiology techniques in occupational health.
- Describe the organization, structure, and function of occupational health services and the roles played by the various agencies (e.g., Workplace Safety and Health Division of Manitoba Labour, Manitoba Federation of Labour Occupational Health Clinic, Workers Compensation Board).
Health Advocate
- Understand the legislation relevant to occupational health in Manitoba (e.g., Workplace Safety and Health Act, WCB, and appropriate reporting mechanisms).
- Describe the social, economic, political, legal, and ethical issues in occupational health, and the various perspectives of workers, unions, employers, and government on these issues.
Public Health & Preventive Medicine, First Nations and Inuit Health Branch (FNIHB)
This elective offers exposure to public health practice and the role of the Medical Officer of Health within the First Nations and Inuit Health Branch (FNIHB) of Indigenous Services Canada. Specific areas of exposure include epidemiology, surveillance, and communicable disease control. Students will gain understanding of the organization of health care and preventive health services for communities under FNIHB jurisdiction, as well as the realities and barriers to health based on historical and current government policies.
This elective is available during elective periods for students attending Canadian Medical Schools.
Elective duration is two to three weeks.
Department of Internal Medicine, University of Manitoba.
Call duty
No call duty required.
By the end of the elective period, students will:
- Understand the role of a Medical Officer of Health and Public Health in communities in Manitoba that are under the jurisdiction of FNIHB.
- Gain exposure to areas of Population Health Assessment, epidemiology, and surveillance, communicable disease control.
- Understand legislation relevant to Public Health in First Nations communities in Manitoba, and its basis for Medical Officer of Health functions and public health programs.
- Recognize and apply concepts of health, population health, health equity, determinants of health, health indicators, and health status relevant to health in First Nations communities in Manitoba.
This elective provides students with the capacity to:
- Recognize the importance of relationships with individuals, organizations, communities, and populations.
- Describe principles of risk communication and effective public/media communication.
- Understand the role of the clinician in the public health system, including reporting cases and outbreaks of communicable diseases, and participating in public health screening programs.
- Understand the roles and responsibilities of professionals in the public health system such as public health nurses and public health inspectors.
- Understand the factors influencing public health resource allocation.
- Understand the role of the Medical Officer of Health as an advocate for health working within a government organization.
- Complete a project and presentation during the rotation.
- Exhibit professional behaviors such as honesty, integrity, commitment, and respect.
Learning objectives (CanMEDS)
Medical Expert
- Understand the role of a Medical Officer of Health and Public Health in communities in Manitoba that are under the jurisdiction of FNIHB.
- Gain exposure to areas of Population Health Assessment, epidemiology, & surveillance, communicable disease control.
- Understand legislation relevant to Public Health in First Nations communities in Manitoba, and its basis for Medical Officer of Health functions and public health programs.
- Recognize and apply concepts of health, population health, health equity, determinants of health, health indicators, and health status relevant to health in First Nations communities in Manitoba.
- Recognize the importance of relationships with individuals, organizations, communities, and populations.
- Describe principles of risk communication and effective public/media communication.
- Understand the role of the clinician in the public health system, including reporting cases and outbreaks of communicable diseases, and participating in public health screening programs.
- Understand the roles and responsibilities of professionals in the public health system such as public health nurses and public health inspectors.
- Understand the factors influencing public health resource allocation.
Health Advocate
- Understand the role of the Medical Officer of Health as an advocate for health working within a government organization.
- Complete a project and presentation during the rotation.
- Exhibit professional behaviors such as honesty, integrity, commitment, respect.
Public Health & Preventive Medicine – Manitoba Health, Seniors & Active Living (MHSAL)
This elective rotation offers exposure to Public Health practice at the Provincial level, based at Manitoba Health, Seniors, and Active Living. Specific areas of exposure include Communicable Disease Control, Environmental Health, Epidemiology and Surveillance, and Population Health and Health Equity, with a focus on gaining exposure to Public Health policy.
For more information, contact electivesugme@umanitoba.ca.
The elective duration is a minimum of four weeks.
Manitoba Health, Seniors, and Active Living.
Call duty
No call duty is required.
By the end of the elective period, students will:
- Understand the role of a Medical Officer of Health and the practice of Public Health at the Provincial level.
- Gain exposure to areas such as communicable disease control, environmental health, epidemiology & surveillance, and public health policy.
- Be introduced to legislation relevant to Public Health and the process for how provincial MOHs can affect change in policy to improve the health of Manitobans.
- Gain familiarity with interventions to address Public Health issues.
- Recognize and apply concepts of health, population health, determinants of health, health indicators, and health status.
This elective provides students with the capacity to:
- Recognize the importance of relationships with individuals, organizations, communities, and populations.
- Understand principles of risk communication and effective public/media communication.
- Understand the role of the clinician in the public health system, including reporting cases and outbreaks of communicable diseases, and participating in public health screening programs.
- Understand the roles and responsibilities of professionals in the public health system such as public health nurses and public health inspectors, and the importance of an interprofessional approach.
- Understand the factors influencing public health resource allocation.
- Understand the role of the Medical Officer of Health as an advocate for health working within a government organization.
- Complete a project and presentation during the rotation.
- Exhibit professional behaviors such as honesty, integrity, commitment, and respect.
Learning objectives (CanMEDS)
Medical Expert
- Understand the role of a Medical Officer of Health and the practice of Public Health at the Provincial level.
- Gain exposure to the areas of communicable disease control, environmental health, epidemiology & surveillance, and public health policy.
- Be introduced to legislation relevant to Public Health, and the process for how provincial MOHs can affect change in policy to improve the health of Manitobans.
- Gain familiarity with interventions to address Public Health issues.
- Recognize and apply concepts of health, population health, determinants of health, health indicators, and health status.
- Recognize the importance of relationships with individuals, organizations, communities, and populations.
- Understand principles of risk communication and effective public/media communication.
- Understand the role of the clinician in the public health system, including reporting cases and outbreaks of communicable diseases, and participating in public health screening programs.
- Understand the roles and responsibilities of professionals in the public health system such as public health nurses and public health inspectors, and the importance of an interprofessional approach.
- Understand the factors influencing public health resource allocation.
Health Advocate
- Understand the role of the Medical Officer of Health as an advocate for health working within a government organization.
- Complete a project and presentation during the rotation.
- Exhibit professional behaviors such as honesty, integrity, commitment, respect.
Public Health & Preventive Medicine, Winnipeg Regional Health Authority (WRHA)
This elective exposes students to the role of the Medical Officer of Health at the regional level, specifically in the urban setting of Winnipeg. The focus is to provide a broad overview of public health practice with exposure to areas such as epidemiology & surveillance, communicable disease control, environmental health, health promotion (including physical activity, nutrition, and mental health promotion), healthy sexuality and harm reduction, health equity, and injury prevention. Opportunities to engage with other community services are also available (e.g., pre/post travel clinic, Bridgecare Clinic, PACT, Street Connections).
This elective is available during elective periods for students attending Canadian Medical Schools.
The elective duration is a minimum of three weeks.
Winnipeg Regional Health Authority (WRHA) in Winnipeg, Manitoba.
Call duty
No call duty is required.
By the end of the elective period, students will:
- Gain exposure to the core functions of public health practice at the regional level.
- Understand the role of the Medical Officer of Health.
- Understand population health assessment, epidemiology, surveillance, government policy development, and processes.
- Describe the roles of regional public health services within the province and articulate the difference between regional and provincial public health responsibilities.
- Understand legislation relevant to Public Health in Manitoba and its basis for Medical Officer of Health functions and public health programs.
- Recognize and apply concepts of health, population health, determinants of health, health indicators, and health status.
This elective provides students with the capacity to:
- Recognize the importance of relationships with individuals, organizations, communities, and populations.
- Describe the role of the Medical Officer of Health in risk communication and effective public/media communication.
- Understand the role of the clinician in the public health system, including reporting cases and outbreaks of communicable diseases, and participating in public health screening programs.
- Understand the roles and responsibilities of professionals in the public health system, such as public health nurses and public health inspectors.
- Understand the factors influencing public health resource allocation.
- Understand the role of the Medical Officer of Health as an advocate for health working within a government organization.
- Complete a project and report and/or presentation during the rotation.
- Exhibit professional behaviors such as honesty, integrity, commitment, respect.
Learning objectives (CanMEDS)
Medical Expert
- Gain exposure to the core functions of public health practice at the regional level.
- Understand the role of the Medical Officer of Health.
- Understand population health assessment, epidemiology, surveillance, government policy development, and processes.
- Describe the roles of regional public health services within the province, and articulate the difference between a regional and provincial public health responsibility.
- Understand Legislation relevant to Public Health in Manitoba, and its basis for Medical Officer of Health functions and public health programs.
- Recognize and apply concepts of health, population health, determinants of health, health indicators, and health status.
- Recognize the importance of relationships with individuals, organizations, communities, and populations.
- Describe the role of the Medical Officer of Health in risk communication and effective public/media communication.
- Understand the role of the clinician in the public health system, including reporting cases and outbreaks of communicable diseases, and participating in public health screening programs.
- Understand the roles and responsibilities of professionals in the public health system, such as public health nurses and public health inspectors.
- Understand the factors influencing public health resource allocation.
Health Advocate
- Understand the role of the Medical Officer of Health as an advocate for health working within a government organization.
- Complete a project and report and/or presentation during the rotation.
- Exhibit professional behaviors such as honesty, integrity, commitment, respect.
Public Health & Preventive Medicine
The Public Health & Preventive Medicine Elective at the Manitoba Centre for Health Policy (MCHP) exposes students to population-based research on health services, population and public health, and social determinants of health. Based at the University of Manitoba, this rotation offers an overview of MCHP's work and its impact on health programs and policies. The elective duration is a minimum of 3 weeks, with a preference for 4 weeks. Students are required to indicate their topic of interest with their elective application.
Minimum three weeks, preferably four weeks.
Minimum three weeks.
Manitoba Centre for Health Policy, 4th Floor Brodie Centre, University of Manitoba
No call is required.
By the end of the elective period, students will:
- Gain in-depth knowledge of research using a population-based data repository.
- Describe the advantages and limitations of research using administrative data.
- Identify the importance of knowledge translation in communicating research results to the public and policymakers.
- Recognize the importance of relationships with individuals, organizations, communities, and populations.
- Identify key stakeholders in conducting and disseminating population-based research.
- Appreciate the role of clinicians in participating in population-based research.
- Recognize the role of MCHP in using population-based research to evaluate the impact of interventions on reducing health inequities in Manitoba.
- Identify the role of MCHP in adapting its focus and responding to changing societal inequities and health outcomes.
- Appraise and discuss major research studies produced on healthcare use in Manitoba.
- Outline the process by which research conducted at MCHP can impact provincial health policy.
- Complete a project and report and/or presentation during the rotation.
- Demonstrate professional behavior in all interactions with MCHP staff.
- Recognize the role of MCHP as a center of excellence for population-based research.
This elective provides students with the capacity to:
- Engage in population-based research on various aspects of public health and preventive medicine.
- Understand the implications of research findings on healthcare policy and practice.
- Communicate research results effectively to diverse audiences, including the public and policymakers.
Learning objectives (CanMEDS)
Medical Expert
- Acquire a comprehensive understanding of utilizing a population-based data repository for research purposes.
- Evaluate the advantages and limitations associated with conducting research using administrative data.
- Emphasize the significance of knowledge translation in effectively communicating research findings to both the general public and policymakers.
- Acknowledge the importance of establishing and nurturing relationships with individuals, organizations, communities, and populations.
- Identify and engage with key stakeholders involved in the execution and dissemination of population-based research.
- Acknowledge the crucial role of clinicians in actively participating in population-based research endeavors.
Health Advocate
- Acknowledge the pivotal role of the Manitoba Centre for Health Policy (MCHP) in utilizing population-based research to assess the efficacy of interventions aimed at mitigating health disparities in Manitoba.
- Recognize the MCHP's responsibility in adjusting its focus and strategies to address evolving societal inequities and health outcomes.
- Critically assess and discuss significant research studies pertaining to healthcare utilization in Manitoba.
- Outline the mechanisms through which research conducted at MCHP can influence provincial health policy.
- Successfully execute a project and deliver a comprehensive report and/or presentation during the rotation.
- Demonstrate professionalism in all interactions with MCHP staff members.
- Acknowledge and appreciate the status of MCHP as a center of excellence for population-based research.
Special Topics in Population and Public Health
This elective provides students with the opportunity to select a population health issue and delve deeply into understanding its determinants and impacts. This elective is primarily student-directed, combining independent study and consultation with experts as feasible. At the conclusion, students will showcase their knowledge by identifying and advocating interventions through oral or written media.
For more information, contact electivesugme@umanitoba.ca.
The duration is a minimum of two weeks.
Elective prerequisites
- Successful completion of PH1 and PH2 including successful completion of Service Learning.
- Successful completion of the Public Health rotation in year 3.
- Successful completion of the Physician Development Curriculum: Advocacy Series in year 3.
- Submission of a brief statement (max ~500 words) explaining interest in the elective, priority choices for topics, and preliminary ideas of approach.
By the end of the elective period, students will:
- Develop a deep understanding of a population health issue through reading situational/epidemiology reports and/or conducting key informant interview(s).
- Conduct a literature review to identify individual/community/population level interventions to address the population health issue of focus.
- Present a summary of review findings through a variety of written or oral media.
Learning Objectives (CANMeds)
Scholar/Health Advocate
- Develop a deep understanding of a population health issue through reading situational/epidemiology reports and/or conducting key informant interview(s).
- Conduct a literature review to identify individual/community/population level interventions to address the population health issue of focus.
- Present a summary of review findings through a variety of written or oral media.
Internal Medicine
During this elective, students are encouraged to follow ward patients through investigations and procedures, providing exposure to all aspects of cardiology. Direct teaching occurs during daily ward rounds, supervised by attending physicians, cardiology residents, and other residents, typically from internal medicine. The anticipated number of students per period is five, including regular rotation students, elective students, and international students.
For more information, contact electivesugme@umanitoba.ca.
Variable duration, minimum of two weeks up to four weeks.
Rotations take place in various cardiology settings.
Call responsibility
Call is not required for this elective. However, students seeking on-call exposure can be paired with a senior resident until approximately 22:00 upon request.
By the end of the elective period, students will:
- Be exposed to a wide range of clinical scenarios within cardiology.
This elective provides students with the capacity to:
- Gain a thorough understanding of clinical cardiology.
- Acquire basic knowledge of non-invasive and invasive cardiac procedures, such as ECGs, stress testing, echocardiography, MUGA, MRI, MIBI, and cardiac catheterization.
- Develop skills in obtaining relevant cardiac histories.
- Enhance proficiency in conducting cardiac physical examinations.
- Improve skills in basic ECG interpretation.
- Communicate effectively, both verbally and in writing, in areas relevant to clinical cardiology.
Clinical Immunology and Adult Allergy
During this rotation, students will become familiar with common allergic diseases such as allergic rhinoconjunctivitis, asthma, food and drug allergies, contact dermatitis, chronic urticaria, and antibody deficiency syndromes. Additionally, students will attend weekly teaching sessions.
For more information, contact electivesugme@umanitoba.ca.
Variable duration, typically two to four weeks.
Clinical Immunology and Allergy Outpatient Clinics at Health Sciences Centre (HSC) and Grace Hospital.
CanMEDs Learning Objectives
Medical Expert
As medical experts, physicians integrate all of the CanMEDS roles, applying medical knowledge, clinical skills, and professional attitudes in their provision of patient-centered care.
Allergic and non-allergic rhinitis
- Immunologic mechanism of allergic rhinitis
- Differentiation between irritants and allergens, as well as being able to list seasonal and perennial allergens
- Exposure to the technique and interpretation of epicutaneous testing for environmental allergens
- Management by means of environmental control measures as well as pharmacotherapy and review indications for immunotherapy
- Appropriate use of Immunocap to aid in diagnosis
- Perform an appropriate nasal exam
- Acute and chronic management including environmental control measures and pharmacotherapy
- Identification of triggers of exacerbation as well as determination of control status
- Counseling / promotion of self-management skills (asthma management plan)
- Management of asthma in pregnancy
- Appropriate use of Immunocap to aid in diagnosis
Food allergy
- Immunologic mechanism of food allergy and differentiating this from “intolerance or sensitivity”
- Exposure to the technique and interpretation of epicutaneous testing for diagnosis of food allergy
- Counseling / promotion of self-management skills, specifically avoidance of the allergic food as well as proper use of epinephrine auto-injector
- Acute management of anaphylaxis
- Appropriate use of Immunocap to aid in diagnosis
Drug allergy
- Describe the different potential immunologic and non-immunologic mechanisms of drug allergy
- Familiarization and interpretation of intradermal testing for diagnosis of beta lactam allergy
- Familiarization with the concept of drug desensitization
Latex allergy
- Immunologic mechanism
- Diagnosis by means of epicutaneous testing
- Counseling with regards to latex avoidance
Venom allergy
- Immunologic mechanism
- Appropriate utilization of intradermal testing
- Identifying patients who would benefit from immunotherapy
- Appropriate use of Immunocap to aid in diagnosis
Contact dermatitis
- Immunologic mechanism
- Common etiologic agents
- Methods of diagnosis by patch testing
Chronic urticaria
- Differentiating the forms of chronic urticaria including chronic idiopathic urticaria, physical urticaria, and urticarial vasculitis
- Management
- Differentiate the forms of angioedema including CI-esterase inhibitor deficiency, ACE inhibitor induced angioedema, and idiopathic angioedema
- Management
- Work up for diagnosis
- Differentiate the various types of immunodeficiency
Physicians effectively facilitate the doctor-patient relationship and the dynamic exchanges that occur before, during, and after the medical encounter.
As communicators, students will facilitate the doctor-patient relationship:
- Obtain and synthesize relevant information from patients, their families, and other health professionals
- Accurately convey relevant information and explanations to patients, families, colleagues, and develop a shared plan of care
- Presentation of well-documented assessments and recommendations in written and verbal form.
- Accurately convey information with regards to environmental control measures for specific environmental allergy avoidance as well as strategies for avoidance of specific food allergens
- Accurately demonstrate proper technique of inhaler, nasal spray, and epinephrine auto‐injector use
Physicians effectively work within a healthcare team to achieve optimal patient care.
As collaborators, students will work effectively within the surgical team to achieve optimal patient care:
- Work effectively within an inter-professional health care team, specifically with the allergy clinic nurse, receptionist, and secretary
Physicians engage with others to contribute to a vision of a high-quality health care system and take responsibility for the delivery of excellent patient care through their activities as clinicians, administrators, scholars, or teachers.
As leaders, students will participate in the activities of the surgical service, making decisions, allocating resources, and contributing to the effectiveness of the health care team:
- Utilize appropriate time management for assessment of patients in the outpatient clinic, as well as inpatient consults
Health advocate
Physicians responsibly use their expertise and influence to advance the health and well-being of individual patients, communities and populations.
As health advocates, students will responsibly use their expertise and influence to advance the health and well-being of individual patients, communities and populations:
- Educating patients and families about, and promoting the importance of, long-term healthy behaviors and preventive health such as smoking cessation, environmental control measures at home and in the workplace
Clinical Teaching Unit (CTU)
During this elective, students will engage in various activities on the Clinical Teaching Unit (CTU) and Emergency Room (ER):
- Take comprehensive patient histories.
- Perform thorough physical examinations.
- Develop appropriate differential diagnoses.
- Formulate management plans with relevant investigations and short/long-term goals.
- Participate in procedures such as Lumbar Puncture, Thoracentesis, Paracentesis, and Central Line insertions, understanding indications, risks, and techniques.
Four (4) weeks
University of Manitoba
By the end of the elective period, students will:
- Develop effective communication skills with patients, families, and healthcare teams.
- Document complete history, physicals, and daily progress notes in patient charts.
- Present relevant information during case presentations on rounds.
This elective provides students with the capacity to:
- Identify indications for consultant referrals and collaboration with other health professionals.
- Understand roles within the multidisciplinary healthcare team and utilize their services effectively.
- Approach tasks in an organized and time-efficient manner.
- Develop an understanding of investigation indications to avoid unnecessary testing.
- Demonstrate knowledge of health promotion, disease prevention strategies, and the impact of determinants of health.
- Engage in self-directed learning, researching cases, and completing assigned tasks.
- Utilize common guidelines and evidence-based medicine resources in patient care.
- Act professionally, demonstrating respect, responsibility, and conscientiousness.
- Recognize personal strengths and limitations, seeking assistance and feedback as needed.
Learning Objectives (CANMeds)
Medical Expert:
- Assess and manage patients seen on CTU and in ER.
- Outline initial investigations and management for common Internal Medicine problems.
- Manage complex patients with multiple medical conditions.
- Participate in indicated procedures (Lumbar Puncture, Thoracentesis, Paracentesis, Central Line) understanding indications, risks, and techniques.
- Effectively communicate with patients, families, and healthcare teams.
- Document clear and thorough history, physicals, and progress notes.
- Present pertinent information during case presentations.
- Identify indications for referrals and work effectively with consulting services.
- Describe roles within the multidisciplinary healthcare team and utilize their services effectively.
- Approach tasks in an organized and time-efficient manner.
- Understand indications for investigations to avoid unnecessary testing.
Health Advocate:
- Demonstrate knowledge of health promotion and disease prevention.
- Understand principles and impact of determinants of health.
- Engage in self-directed learning.
- Apply knowledge of common guidelines and evidence-based medicine to patient care.
- Actively participate in learning activities.
- Demonstrate respect, responsibility, and conscientiousness.
- Recognize personal strengths and limitations, seeking feedback when appropriate.
- Consistently complete assigned tasks and attend activities punctually.
During this elective, students will be exposed to clinical dermatology in an outpatient setting. They will become familiar with conventional therapy and will be responsible for seeing patient consultations under the guidance of assigned preceptors.
All year
Variable duration, minimum of two (2) weeks up to four (4) weeks
Outpatient dermatology clinics
Call responsibility
No specified call responsibility
By the end of the elective period, students will:
- Be exposed to a wide range of clinical scenarios within the field of dermatology.
This elective provides students with the capacity to:
- Gain a sound understanding of dermatology.
- Develop skills in obtaining relevant patient history.
- Develop skills in conducting patient physical exams.
- Communicate effectively, both verbally and in writing, in areas relevant to clinical dermatology.
Endocrinology & Metabolism
This elective offers fourth-year medical students an active role in the inpatient Endocrinology & Metabolism consult service. Students will be responsible for the initial assessment of Endocrinology consultations, including history, physical exam, investigations, differential diagnosis, and management discussions with the team. Participation in weekly clinics allows for exposure to new and follow-up cases of common endocrine disorders. Students will also engage in general endocrine disorders and type 1 and type 2 diabetes management during consultations and clinic visits. Attendance in teaching rounds and journal clubs is expected throughout the elective.
Most months are acceptable; January, July, August, and December may be challenging due to attending absences for conferences and breaks. Assignments often occur after annual resident requests from May to the end of June are accommodated.
Preferably four weeks; three-week requests considered; shorter requests with special consideration and faculty support.
Health Sciences Centre (HSC) and St. Boniface General Hospital (SBGH)
Call responsibility
No specified call responsibility
By the end of the elective period, students will:
- Gain proficiency in performing detailed Endocrinology & Metabolism-related history and physical examinations.
- Develop an approach to the diagnostic workup and management of common Endocrinology & Metabolism problems.
- Develop expertise in synthesizing clinical data to formulate problem lists and differential diagnoses for common Endocrinology & Metabolism problems.
This elective provides students with the capacity to:
- Participate actively in inpatient Endocrinology & Metabolism consult service.
- Assess and manage common endocrine disorders, including type 1 and type 2 diabetes.
- Engage in teaching rounds and journal clubs to enhance learning.
This elective allows fourth-year medical students to actively participate in the inpatient GI consult service. The student will conduct initial assessments of gastroenterology consultations, discussing history, physical exams, investigations, differential diagnoses, and management plans with the team (GI fellow, medical trainee, and consultant). The experience includes observing upper and lower GI endoscopies on patients the student has seen. Additionally, students will attend two GI clinics per week, seeing new patients or following up on common GI disorders, reviewed with attending physicians. Students will participate in teaching rounds and journal clubs throughout the elective.
Four weeks
Health Sciences Centre (HSC) and St. Boniface General Hospital (SBGH)
Call Responsibility
No specified call responsibility
By the end of the elective period, students will:
- Gain proficiency in detailed GI-related history and physical examinations.
- Develop diagnostic workup and management approaches for common GI problems.
- Synthesize clinical data for problem lists and differential diagnoses.
- Understand risks and indications for upper and lower endoscopies.
- Comprehend clinically relevant GI physiology and pathophysiology.
This elective provides students with the capacity to:
- Become familiar with gastrointestinal diseases through outpatient and inpatient consultations, supervised by attending physicians.
- Understand diagnosis and treatment of common GI diseases, with a reading program and attendance at GI rounds.
- Manage various GI conditions including GI bleeding, diarrhea, nausea, constipation, and more.
- Gain knowledge of major investigational techniques of GI endoscopy and biopsy, with an understanding of indications, risks, and contraindications.
- Demonstrate consultation skills in communication with patients, families, support staff, colleagues, and attendings.
- Work effectively within the healthcare team, emphasizing the role of the trainee in decision-making processes and management plans.
- Participate in the activities of the surgical service, making decisions and contributing to the effectiveness of the healthcare team.
- Identify determinants of health affecting patients and adapt management plans accordingly.
- Demonstrate a lifelong commitment to learning, engaging in self-initiated continuing education and providing feedback on GI issues.
- Maintain professionalism in conduct, attire, attitude, and responsibility.
Learning Objectives (CanMeds)
Medical Expert:
- Gain proficiency in GI history and physical exams.
- Understand diagnosis and treatment of common GI diseases.
- Manage various GI conditions.
- Understand indications, risks, and contraindications of GI endoscopy.
- Improve consultation skills in communication with patients, families, and healthcare team members.
- Provide accurate and appropriate progress/consultation notes.
- Work effectively within the healthcare team.
- Communicate clearly with patients and families.
- Provide accurate and appropriate progress/consultation notes.
- Participate in the surgical service's activities, making decisions and contributing to the team's effectiveness.
- Manage patients with various problems effectively and efficiently.
Health Advocate:
- Identify determinants of health affecting patients and adapt management plans accordingly.
- Understand the societal impact of GI diseases and awareness of organizations providing education and advocacy.
- Demonstrate self-directed learning.
- Apply knowledge of guidelines and evidence-based medicine to patient care.
- Actively participate in learning activities.
Demonstrate respect, responsibility, and sensitivity.
Complete assigned tasks, attend activities punctually, and follow up on patient care.
Recognize own limitations and seek feedback appropriately.
Geriatric Medicine
The Section of Geriatric Medicine provides a unique opportunity for students to experience the specialty. This elective offers exposure to both inpatient and outpatient geriatric services. Teaching is one-on-one with assignments to Geriatricians in both inpatient and outpatient settings. Formal teaching sessions, directed readings, and geriatric rounds/journal clubs complement clinical activities. The rotation aims to provide a broad exposure to geriatric and community services.
Four (4) weeks
- Deer Lodge Centre
- Victoria General Hospital
- St. Boniface Hospital
- Health Sciences Centre
- Riverview Health Centre
- Seven Oaks General Hospital
Call responsibility
No specified call responsibility
By the end of the elective period, students will:
- Perform cognitive assessments and obtain collateral history relevant to cognitive and/or functional decline.
- Differentiate between clinical presentations of delirium, dementia, and depression.
- Diagnose delirium and dementia, formulate differential diagnoses, and develop initial evaluation and management plans.
- Evaluate baseline and current functional abilities.
- Obtain a detailed medication history, including dosages, frequencies, indications, side effects, and adherence assessment.
This elective provides students with the capacity to:
- Improve communication skills with elderly patients and their caregivers.
- Recognize the importance of psychosocial interactions and family involvement in care planning.
- Discuss effective communication strategies for management plans with referring physicians.
- Communicate effectively with multidisciplinary team members and healthcare professionals.
- Describe the roles of each member of the multidisciplinary team in elderly care.
- Communicate components of appropriate transfer or discharge plans.
- Identify healthcare practitioners and resources for older patient care.
- Understand processes of personal care home placement and levels of care.
- Develop evidence-based plans for complex clinical cases and discharge planning.
- Define and identify iatrogenic illness, particularly adverse drug reactions.
- Identify areas for system improvement.
- Identify clinical knowledge gaps, research medical literature, and develop presentations.
Learning Objectives (CANMeds)
Medical Expert
- Perform cognitive assessments and obtain relevant collateral history.
- Diagnose delirium, dementia, and formulate initial management plans.
- Evaluate functional abilities and medication histories.
- Improve communication with elderly patients and caregivers.
- Recognize the importance of psychosocial interactions and family involvement.
- Discuss effective communication strategies for management plans.
- Communicate with multidisciplinary team members.
- Describe roles of team members in elderly care.
- Communicate components of transfer or discharge plans.
- Identify healthcare practitioners and resources.
- Understand processes of care home placement and care levels.
- Develop evidence-based plans for complex cases and discharge.
- Identify areas for system improvement.
Health Advocate
- Define and identify iatrogenic illness and areas for system improvement.
- Identify knowledge gaps, research, and develop presentations.
- Demonstrate respectful and caring attitudes in elderly care.
- Define and describe advance planning directives.
This elective offers students the opportunity to assess patients in hematology outpatient clinics and inpatient hematology consultations under resident and attending medical staff supervision. It includes reviewing peripheral blood film, bone marrow morphology, and coagulation studies. Students will also attend hematology rounds.
Available in all elective periods
Four (4) weeks
CancerCare Manitoba, Health Sciences Centre or St. Boniface General Hospital
Call responsibility
Discuss with the Department of Internal Medicine Education Coordinator.
By the end of the elective period, students will:
- Have assessed patients in hematology outpatient clinics and inpatient consultations.
- Have reviewed peripheral blood film, bone marrow morphology, and coagulation studies.
- Have attended hematology rounds.
This elective provides students with the capacity to:
- Review clinical presentations and investigations of common hematological problems.
- Gain exposure to the workup and initial treatment of common hematological malignancies.
The Hepatology Elective offers in- and out-patient clinical experiences at Health Sciences Centre (HSC). Students will assess new consults and review cases with attending physicians. They will see patients in various Liver Clinics, discussing history, physical, diagnosis, special tests, and management. A reading outline and current review articles will be provided.
Most months except January, July, August, and December. Students are usually assigned after accommodating annual residents' requests from May to the end of June.
Preferably four weeks for orientation and comprehensive assessments, but three-week requests are considered.
Health Sciences Centre (HSC)
Call responsibilities
One weekend of home call with a hepatologist.
By the end of the elective period, students will:
- Be exposed to a wide range of clinical scenarios within the field of Hepatology.
- Gain a sound understanding of Hepatology.
- Develop skills in obtaining relevant patient history and conducting patient physical exams.
- Effectively communicate verbally and in writing in areas relevant to clinical Hepatology.
This elective provides students with the capacity to:
- Apply medical knowledge and clinical skills in patient-centered care.
- Facilitate doctor-patient relationships.
- Work effectively within healthcare teams.
- Contribute to a high-quality healthcare system.
- Advance health and well-being of patients, communities, and populations.
- Demonstrate commitment to reflective learning and medical knowledge.
- Commit to ethical practice and high personal standards.
Infectious Diseases
The Infectious Diseases elective provides fourth-year medical students with an immersive experience in the diagnosis and management of infectious diseases. Students will actively participate in inpatient consults, outpatient clinics, and antimicrobial stewardship programs. Under the guidance of infectious disease specialists, students will learn to assess patients with various infectious conditions, interpret microbiological data, and formulate treatment plans. Educational activities include attending infectious diseases rounds, case presentations, and educational sessions.
Available in all elective periods. Opportunities for research projects may be available upon request.
Four weeks preferred; three-week requests considered with special circumstances and faculty support.
- Health Sciences Centre (HSC)
- St. Boniface General Hospital (SBGH)
- Other affiliated sites as needed
Call responsibility
Not required.
By the end of the elective period, students will:
- Gain proficiency in the evaluation and management of common infectious diseases.
- Develop skills in interpreting microbiological data and formulating treatment plans.
- Acquire knowledge of antimicrobial stewardship principles and practices.
- Participate in multidisciplinary team discussions for comprehensive patient care.
This elective provides students with the capacity to:
- Actively engage in inpatient and outpatient infectious diseases services.
- Participate in antimicrobial stewardship initiatives.
- Learn from experienced infectious disease specialists about the latest treatments and management strategies.
Learning Objectives (CANMeds)
Medical Expert
Assess and manage common infectious diseases.
Effectively communicate with patients and healthcare professionals.
Work within a multidisciplinary team.
Make decisions in patient management.
Health Advocate
Advocate for appropriate antibiotic use and infection control.
Engage in continuous learning and research.
Demonstrate ethical and respectful patient care.
Medical Oncology
The Medical Oncology elective offers fourth-year medical students a hands-on experience in outpatient management and care of oncology patients. Students will participate in sub-specialty didactic rounds, small group teaching sessions with oncologists and fellows, and have opportunities to present cases and review literature. They will also attend varied tumor site clinics to enhance understanding of malignant diseases. This elective provides insight into multidisciplinary decision-making and collaboration in treating complex patients with malignant diseases.
All year
Variable, from a minimum of two weeks to a maximum of four weeks.
- St. Boniface and Health Sciences Centre CancerCare sites
Call responsibility
Not required.
By the end of the elective period, students will:
- Develop a logical and scientific approach to staging and basic management of common malignant diseases.
- Practice and enhance skills in clinical examination and presentation, including history summaries, physical examinations, differential diagnoses, and management discussions.
- Gain knowledge of effective communication techniques when sharing news with patients and families facing curable and incurable malignant diseases.
- Acquire skills in working with multidisciplinary teams, understanding their roles, and appreciating their contributions to patient care in oncology.
This elective provides students with the capacity to:
- Develop a logical and scientific approach to staging and basic management of common malignant diseases.
- Practice and enhance skills in clinical examination and presentation, including history summaries, physical examinations, differential diagnoses, and management discussions.
- Gain knowledge of effective communication techniques when sharing news with patients and families facing curable and incurable malignant diseases.
- Acquire skills in working with multidisciplinary teams, understanding their roles, and appreciating their contributions to patient care in oncology.
The Internal Medicine - Neurology elective is designed to enhance basic clinical skills and provide exposure to prevalent neurological conditions, their diagnostics, and treatments. Students actively engage in patient care, mastering neurological examinations, interpreting findings, and learning diagnostic and therapeutic strategies for neurological disorders. This elective underscores the integration of fundamental neurosciences into clinical practice.
All year
Variable, from a minimum of two weeks to a maximum of four weeks
Health Sciences Centre and St. Boniface General Hospital
Call responsibility
Not required
By the end of the elective period, students will:
- Efficiently take a complete history and conduct a proper neurological examination.
- Interpret symptoms and physical signs.
- Formulate diagnoses and reasonable differential diagnoses based on neurological findings.
- Perform a lumbar puncture using proper techniques and interpret cerebrospinal fluid findings.
- Understand neurological therapeutics, especially for common neurological conditions.
- Appreciate the prevalence of neurological diseases and the intersection of neurology with other areas of internal medicine.
- Develop awareness of integrating basic neurosciences in a clinical setting.
This elective provides students with the capacity to:
- Efficiently take a complete history and conduct a proper neurological examination.
- Interpret symptoms and physical signs.
- Formulate diagnoses and reasonable differential diagnoses based on neurological findings.
- Perform a lumbar puncture using proper techniques and interpret cerebrospinal fluid findings.
- Understand neurological therapeutics, especially for common neurological conditions.
- Appreciate the prevalence of neurological diseases and the intersection of neurology with other areas of internal medicine.
- Develop awareness of integrating basic neurosciences in a clinical setting.
During their Nephrology rotation, students will focus on establishing or reinforcing their understanding of renal physiology and pathophysiology. This includes diagnostic approaches to common clinical renal disorders.
Syndromes covered include:
- Clinical abnormalities of serum sodium concentration
- Clinical abnormalities of serum potassium concentration
- Clinical abnormalities of acid‐base disorders
- Asymptomatic patient with abnormalities of the urinalysis
- Acute azotemia or oliguria
- Chronic renal failure, identifying etiology and management
- Glomerulonephritis, including nephrotic syndrome
- Interstitial renal disease, including drug toxicity
- Renovascular disease
- Hypertension
Additional syndromes that may be encountered but are not emphasized include:
- Urinary tract infections
- Divalent ion abnormalities
- Renal calculi
- Common clinical syndromes in renal transplant patients
- Common clinical problems in hemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis patients
For more information, contact electivesugme@umanitoba.ca.
Variable, typically four weeks
- Health Science Centre
- St. Boniface General Hospital
Call Responsibility
Not required
By the end of the elective period, students will:
- Function effectively on consultant service, integrating CANMEDS roles for consultative nephrology.
- Establish and maintain clinical knowledge, skills, and attitudes appropriate to consultative nephrology.
- Perform history and physical examination, develop a differential diagnosis, arrange diagnostic investigations, and develop a management plan for kidney disease/fluid and electrolyte problems.
- Demonstrate basic science and clinical knowledge related to kidney disease/fluid electrolyte problems.
- Deal with psychological and ethical issues related to renal disease, including death and grieving.
- Understand indications, risks, and interpretations of:
- Urinalysis
- Renal biopsy
- Central venous access
- Seek appropriate consultation from other healthcare professionals.
This elective provides students with the capacity to:
- Communicate effectively with patients and their families regarding kidney disease.
- Establish therapeutic relationships with patients.
- Develop a shared plan of care.
- Produce written reports of patient assessments.
Learning Objectives (CANMeds)
Medical Expert
- Apply medical knowledge, clinical skills, and professional attitudes in patient-centered care.
- Facilitate effective doctor-patient relationships.
- Establish a therapeutic relationship with patients.
- Work effectively within interdisciplinary teams.
- Resolve inter-professional conflict.
- Participate in surgical service activities.
- Manage practice effectively.
Health Advocate
- Advance health and well-being of patients, communities, and populations.
- Facilitate learning of patients and health professionals.
- Contribute to scholarly activity.
- Demonstrate commitment to ethical practice, profession-led regulation, and high standards.
During the Oncology elective, students participate in outpatient management and care of oncology patients. They engage in sub-specialty didactic rounds, small group teaching sessions led by oncologists and fellows, case presentations, and literature review. Students gain exposure to varied tumor site clinics and experience multidisciplinary decision-making in tumor disease group meetings.
All year
Variable, minimum of two weeks to maximum of four weeks
Clinics at St. Boniface and Health Sciences Centre CancerCare sites
By the end of the elective period, students will:
- Develop a logical and scientific approach to staging and basic management of common malignant diseases.
- Practice clinical examination and presentation skills, including history summary, physical examination, differential diagnosis, and management discussion.
- Gain knowledge of communication techniques required for delivering news to patients and families with curable and incurable malignant diseases.
- Develop teamwork skills and understanding of multidisciplinary team roles in oncology patient care.
This elective provides students with the capacity to:
- Gain practical experience in oncology patient management.
- Enhance clinical examination and presentation skills.
- Learn effective communication techniques with patients and families.
- Understand the roles of multidisciplinary team members in oncology care.
Call responsibility
Not required
Palliative Care
During the Palliative Care elective, medical students will learn about basic principles of palliative care management for patients with terminal illnesses and nearing end-of-life. They will focus on pain management principles and managing common end-of-life symptoms within a multidisciplinary team.
All year
Variable, typically two to four weeks
St. Boniface Hospital Ward, Riverview Health Centre Ward, Health Sciences Centre Consult Service
By the end of the elective period, students will:
- Learn and apply skills to assess and provide ongoing treatment to patients in palliative care.
- Develop proficiency in managing severe symptom complexes and acute deterioration in terminal illnesses.
- Gain expertise in opioid and adjunct medication utilization for symptom management.
This elective provides students with the capacity to:
- Facilitate doctor-patient relationships during critical medical situations.
- Communicate effectively with patients, families, colleagues, and other team members.
- Work collaboratively within multidisciplinary teams for optimal patient care.
- Participate in decision-making, resource allocation, and service management within the healthcare team.
- Advocate for patient needs and promote palliative care in various healthcare settings.
- Demonstrate a commitment to lifelong learning through research and critical appraisal of medical literature.
- Maintain ethical practice and professionalism in all aspects of patient care.
Call responsibility
Not required
Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
The Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation (PM&R) elective provides students with a comprehensive experience in the field, exposing them to various patient populations with neurological, musculoskeletal, and cardiorespiratory impairments. Students actively participate in clinics, wards, and various services, gaining hands-on experience in managing patients with different conditions.
All year
Variable, from a minimum of two weeks to a maximum of four weeks
Health Sciences Centre, Riverview Health Centre, St. Boniface Hospital, Pan AM Clinic
By the end of the elective period, students will:
- Develop an understanding of impairments and their impact on individuals, considering environmental factors.
- Conduct comprehensive rehabilitative-focused assessments and formulate treatment plans.
- Communicate effectively with patients, families, and colleagues, demonstrating empathy and professionalism.
- Collaborate with interdisciplinary teams to optimize patient care and rehabilitation outcomes.
- Demonstrate leadership skills in managing time effectively and contributing to the healthcare team.
- Advocate for patients and communities, understanding when and how to advocate appropriately.
- Engage in reflective learning and apply medical knowledge to patient management.
- Uphold ethical principles, demonstrating integrity, honesty, and respect for diversity.
This elective provides students with the capacity to:
- Develop skills in assessment, diagnosis, and treatment planning for neuro-musculoskeletal conditions.
- Enhance communication skills with patients, families, and colleagues.
- Work effectively within interdisciplinary teams to achieve patient-centered goals.
- Manage time effectively and contribute to the effectiveness of the healthcare team.
- Advocate for the health and well-being of individual patients and communities.
- Demonstrate a commitment to reflective learning and the application of medical knowledge.
- Uphold ethical standards and demonstrate professionalism in practice.
Learning Objectives (CANMeds)
- Medical Expert: Develop skills in assessment, diagnosis, and treatment planning for neuro-musculoskeletal conditions.
- Communicator: Enhance communication skills with patients, families, and colleagues.
- Collaborator: Work effectively within interdisciplinary teams to achieve patient-centered goals.
- Leader: Manage time effectively and contribute to the effectiveness of the healthcare team.
- Health Advocate: Advocate for the health and well-being of individual patients and communities.
- Scholar: Demonstrate a commitment to reflective learning and the application of medical knowledge.
- Professional: Uphold ethical standards and demonstrate professionalism in practice.
Call responsibility
Not required
The Respiratory elective provides students with the opportunity to gain familiarity with common and less common respiratory diseases, including COPD, interstitial lung disease, asthma, pleural effusions, lung cancer, obstructive sleep apnea, tuberculosis, pneumonia, cystic fibrosis, pulmonary hypertension, chronic respiratory failure, and lung transplants. Students will participate in weekly teaching sessions covering pulmonary function studies interpretation, chest imaging, and introductory thoracentesis and bronchoscopy techniques. They will engage in the hospital-based consult service, and outpatient clinic experience is available.
All year
Variable, typically two to four weeks
Health Sciences Centre (GH6 and hospital consult service), St Boniface Hospital (hospital consult service), including ambulatory care clinics
By the end of the elective period, students will:
- Elicit comprehensive medical histories and accurately convey information to patients, families, and colleagues.
- Present assessments clearly in written notes and verbal presentations.
This elective provides students with the capacity to:
- Work effectively within the healthcare team to achieve optimal patient care.
- Participate in decision-making, resource allocation, and contribute to the effectiveness of the healthcare team.
- Counsel patients for improvement in health behaviors, including smoking cessation.
- Demonstrate a commitment to lifelong learning through reading relevant textbook chapters and journal articles.
- Maintain ethical practice, profession-led regulation, and high personal standards of behavior, including punctuality and clear, efficient written notes.
The Rheumatology Elective at the University of Manitoba provides hands-on experience in autoimmune and musculoskeletal diseases. Students engage in the Rheumatology Consult service and participate in outpatient clinics, diagnosing and treating various rheumatic conditions.
Available throughout the clerkship with a minimum duration of 2 weeks
Flexible, typically two to four weeks
Primarily at Health Sciences Centre, with occasional clinics off-campus at private Rheumatologists' offices, Grace Hospital, or St. Boniface Hospital
Call responsibility
No overnight call responsibilities
By the end of the elective period, students will
- Describe approaches to diagnosing and treating various forms of arthritis
- Recognize severe multisystem rheumatic diseases and develop initial management strategies
- Perform accurate musculoskeletal (MSK) examinations
- Demonstrate entry-level skills in therapeutic joint injections
- Effectively communicate with referring physicians through consult notes and dictations
- Evaluate evidence-based patient management decisions through case-based presentations
- Recognize the impact of social determinants of health on chronic disease management
This elective provides students with the capacity to
- Gain firsthand experience in diagnosing and managing rheumatic diseases
- Enhance clinical skills in musculoskeletal examination and therapeutic procedures
- Improve communication skills with patients and healthcare providers
- Understand the evidence-based approach to patient care in Rheumatology
- Consider social determinants of health in chronic disease management
Learning Objectives (CANMEDS)
Medical Expert
- Describe approaches to diagnosing and treating various forms of arthritis
- Recognize severe multisystem rheumatic diseases and develop initial management strategies
- Effectively communicate with referring physicians through consult notes and dictations
- Collaborate with other healthcare providers in managing rheumatic conditions
- Evaluate evidence-based patient management decisions through case-based presentations
- Recognize the impact of social determinants of health on chronic disease management
Obstetrics and Gynecology
This elective offers students the opportunity to participate as part of the gynecological team under the direction of the assigned preceptor and senior resident. Over a duration of two weeks, students will engage in diagnosing, treating, and advising women with gynecological complaints. This elective spans various clinical settings including inpatient, emergency, and clinic environments. It caters to students interested in pursuing careers in Family Medicine, Emergency Medicine, Sports Medicine, Endocrinology, Dermatology, Sexual Medicine, or Obstetrics and Gynecology.
For more information, contact electivesugme@umanitoba.ca.
Two weeks
The elective takes place at Women’s Hospital, St. Boniface General Hospital, and private practice offices.
Call responsibility
No call responsibility specified.
By the end of the elective period, students will:
- Be proficient in diagnosing and understanding treatment approaches for common gynecological conditions such as abnormal uterine bleeding, menopause, contraception, amenorrhea, and vulvovaginal complaints.
- Perform basic gynecological procedures under supervision with a focus on minimizing patient discomfort. These procedures include speculum examination, bimanual examination, pap smear, endometrial biopsy, IUCD insertion, and pessary insertion and removal.
- Effectively take a skillful, focused history from patients using both open-ended and directed questions.
- Communicate findings, diagnoses, and interventions to patients using language appropriate to their level of understanding.
- Interact with all members of the healthcare team in a respectful, inclusive manner, acknowledging the importance of the team approach in optimal patient care.
- Recognize personal limitations and seek timely assistance, consultation, or referral when necessary.
- Develop an understanding of the life/work balance, practice management, administrative responsibilities, and remuneration available in gynecological practice.
- Recognize the social determinants of health and incorporate these into diagnostic and treatment approaches.
- Advocate for culturally competent, patient-centered care for each patient under their care.
- Practice evidence-based medicine and utilize online resources to enhance patient care.
- Engage in teaching others and participate in active discussions regarding alternative approaches based on available evidence.
- Cultivate a habit of lifelong learning and demonstrate a commitment to excellence in the practice of medicine.
- Exhibit a high level of ethical, honest, and professional behavior both within and outside the clinical environment.
This elective provides students with the capacity to:
Gain hands-on experience in diagnosing and treating common gynecological conditions, perform basic gynecological procedures under supervision, improve communication skills with patients and healthcare team members, understand the management and administrative aspects of gynecological practice, advocate for patient-centered care, and cultivate a commitment to lifelong learning and ethical professional behavior.
Learning Objectives (CanMEDS)
Medical Expert
- Diagnose and understand treatment approaches for patients with common gynecological conditions (abnormal uterine bleeding, menopause, contraception, amenorrhea, vulvovaginal complaints, etc).
- Perform basic gynecological procedures under supervision while minimizing discomfort to the patient (speculum examination, bimanual examination, pap smear, endometrial biopsy, IUCD insertion, pessary insertion and removal).
- Take a skillful, focused history using both open-ended and directed questions.
- Inform patients about their findings, diagnoses and interventions using language that is appropriate to their level of understanding.
- Interact with all members of the health care team in a respectful, inclusive manner acknowledging the importance of the team approach in optimal patient care.
- Understand one’s own limitations and seek timely assistance/consultation/referral when appropriate.
- Develop an understanding of the life/work balance, practice management, administrative responsibilities, and remuneration available in gynecological practice.
Health Advocate
- Recognize the social determinants of health and take these into account when recommending diagnostic and treatment approaches.
- Advocate for culturally competent, patient-centered care for each patient in your care.
- Practice evidence-based medicine. Use on-line resources to enhance patient care.
- Teach others. Engage in active discussion regarding alternative approaches based on the available evidence.
- Develop the habit of life-long learning and commitment to excellence in the practice of medicine.
- Demonstrate a high level of ethical, honest, professional behaviour both inside and outside the clinical environment.
Gynecologic Oncology
The elective student participates as part of the gynecological oncology team under the direction of the senior fellow or resident. The Gynecologic Oncology service is the only tertiary care oncology service in women’s health within the province of Manitoba with an encatchment area including Manitoba, Nunavut, and Western Ontario. The service sees approximately 15-20 new patients per week, provides 4-6 surgical days per week, and has approximately 15-20 inpatients at a given time. The service is run by either a senior resident or fellow and often has several learners including junior residents, off-service residents, and medical students. The oncology rotation offers the medical student an opportunity to see and examine complex surgical and chemotherapeutic cases, honing their history, physical, and procedural skills. The student will help the team with rounds and participate in departmental educational activities. The student is encouraged to assess new patients in each clinic and follow the patient through the diagnosis, treatment planning, and initial stages of management.
All periods within the calendar year for 2-4 week blocks
Two four-week blocks
CancerCare MB, Women’s Hospital, St. Boniface General Hospital
Call responsibility
Call responsibility will be individually negotiated with the student.
By the end of the elective period, students will
- Understand the surgeon’s role in the multidisciplinary management of gynecologic cancers
- Demonstrate effective clinical problem-solving and judgment
- Display honesty, compassion, integrity, and respect in daily activities
- Identify and react to ethical dilemmas and issues
- Demonstrate a self-awareness of limitations
- Perform various procedures relevant to Gynecologic oncology
- Communicate effectively with patients, families, and the healthcare team
- Seek appropriate consultation from other health professionals
- Demonstrate a concern and ability to deem what is in the best interests of the patient and family
- Critically evaluate medical literature and apply to daily practice
- Ensure patients receive appropriate end-of-life care
- Participate effectively in an inter-professional and interdisciplinary healthcare team
Learning Objectives (CanMEDS)
Medical Expert
- Patient assessment: Perform a focused physical examination that is relevant and accurate.
- Procedural skills:
- Demonstrate effective, appropriate, and timely utilization of diagnostic procedures relevant to Gynecologic oncology:
- Pap Smear
- Vulvar and vaginal biopsy
- Cervical biopsy and polypectomy
- Endometrial biopsy
- Demonstrate effective, appropriate, and timely utilization of diagnostic procedures relevant to Gynecologic oncology:
- Surgical Principles:
- Document and disseminate information related to procedures performed and their outcomes.
- Participate in basic surgical procedures including wound closure.
- Pre-Operative Planning:
- Understand the principles of medical, surgical, and radiation treatment.
- Perform a pre-operative assessment.
- Anesthesia and Peri-Operative Pain Management:
- Offer different anesthetic options for laparoscopy, hysteroscopy, and laparotomy (general anesthesia, regional anesthesia, conscious sedation, other).
- Use appropriate management of postoperative pain and nausea.
- Manage postoperative medical and surgical complications.
- Elicit a history that is relevant, concise, and accurate.
- Ensure patients receive appropriate end-of-life care.
- Obtain informed consent for procedures (risks, benefits, complications, alternatives).
- Perform a pre-operative assessment.
- Establish rapport and build a therapeutic relationship with patients and families.
- Convey relevant information and explanations to patients, families, and the health care team.
- Convey effective oral and written information about a medical encounter that is accurate and timely.
- Ensure patients receive appropriate end-of-life care from a multidisciplinary team including pain services, anesthesia, palliative care, nurses, nurse practitioners, home care, OT/PT and social workers, and other possible members.
- Seek appropriate consultation from other health professionals, recognizing the limits of their expertise.
- Participate effectively in an inter-professional and interdisciplinary health care team and rounds.
- Recognize and respect the diversity of roles, responsibilities, and competences of other health professionals in the management of patients.
- Ensure patients receive appropriate end-of-life care in a timely and efficient fashion.
- Learn to utilize health resources appropriately.
Health Advocate
- Demonstrate a concern and ability to determine what is in the best interests of the patient and family.
- Identify common clinical roles for health advocacy (e.g. pap smears, HPV vaccination, smoking cessation, weight loss, etc.).
- Promote and identify patient safety.
- Demonstrate effective clinical problem-solving and judgment, including interpreting available data, integrating information to generate differential diagnoses, and propose management plans.
- Display the ability for continued self-learning.
- Demonstrate appropriate formal presentation skills through the presentation of gynecologic oncology rounds.
- Critically evaluate medical literature and apply it to daily practice to answer a clinical question.
- Seek appropriate consultation from other health professionals, recognizing the limits of their expertise and the expertise of others.
- Display honesty, compassion, integrity, and respect in daily activities.
- Identify and react to ethical dilemmas and issues.
- Respect patient autonomy and privacy.
- Demonstrate self-awareness of limitations.
High Risk Obstetrics/Maternal Fetal Medicine
The 2-week elective offers students the opportunity to engage in the care of high-risk obstetrical patients. Learning settings include hospitals and clinics, providing valuable experience for those interested in radiology, pediatrics, perinatology, internal medicine, anesthesia, or obstetrics and gynecology. This elective is available at St. Boniface Hospital.
This elective is available at specified times, please inquire with the university for current availability.
Two weeks
St. Boniface General Hospital
Call responsibility
Elective students will be expected to take obstetrical call with assigned preceptors.
By the end of the elective period, students will
- Gain hands-on experience in the diagnosis and care of women with pregnancies complicated by various conditions, such as antepartum bleeding, threatened premature labor, premature rupture of membranes, obstructed labor, gestational diabetes, pregnancy-induced hypertension, multiple gestation, and fetal anomalies.
- Understand the indications for and interpretation of antepartum screening and fetal surveillance, including obstetrical ultrasound and genetic testing.
- Recognize fetal viability, position, and amniotic fluid volume on obstetrical ultrasound.
This elective provides students with the capacity to
- Participate in patient-centered care by integrating medical knowledge, clinical skills, and professional attitudes.
Learning Objectives (CanMEDS)
Medical Expert
- Participate in the diagnosis and care of women with pregnancies complicated by various conditions.
- Understand the indications for and interpretation of antepartum screening and fetal surveillance.
- Recognize fetal viability, position, and amniotic fluid volume on obstetrical ultrasound.
- Take a skillful, focused history using both open-ended and directed questions.
- Inform patients about findings, diagnoses, and interventions using language appropriate for their level of understanding.
- Interact with all members of the healthcare team in a respectful, inclusive manner.
- Develop an awareness of one’s own limitations and seek timely assistance when appropriate.
- Develop an understanding of the life/work balance and other aspects of high-risk obstetrical practice.
Health Advocate
- Recognize social determinants of health and advocate for culturally competent, patient-centered care.
- Practice evidence-based medicine and teach others based on available evidence.
- Commit to lifelong learning and ethical, professional behavior.
This elective offers students an opportunity to participate in the care of obstetrical patients. Learning will occur in hospital and clinic environments. This experience is relevant for students considering careers in Family Medicine, Pediatrics, General Surgery, Anesthesia, or Obstetrics and Gynecology.
This elective is available at specified times. Please inquire with the university for current availability.
Two weeks
St. Boniface General Hospital and Women’s Hospital
Call responsibility
Elective students will be expected to take obstetrical call with assigned preceptors.
By the end of the elective period, students will
- Understand diagnostic and treatment approaches for patients presenting with common antepartum problems (e.g., abdominal pain, cystitis, vaginitis, antepartum bleeding, threatened premature labor, musculoskeletal pain).
- Participate in intrapartum care and perform normal deliveries under supervision while minimizing discomfort to the patient.
- Participate in the care of postpartum patients, including management of postpartum hemorrhage, infections, contraceptive counseling, and breastfeeding support.
This elective provides students with the capacity to
- Integrate medical knowledge, clinical skills, and professional attitudes in the provision of patient-centered care.
Learning Objectives (CanMEDS)
Medical Expert
- Understand diagnostic and treatment approaches for patients presenting with common antepartum problems.
- Participate in intrapartum care and perform normal deliveries under supervision.
- Participate in the care of postpartum patients.
- Take a skillful, focused history using both open-ended and directed questions.
- Inform patients about their findings, diagnoses, and interventions using language that is respectful and appropriate.
- Interact with all members of the healthcare team in a respectful, inclusive manner.
- Develop an awareness of one’s own limitations and seek timely assistance, consultation, or referral when appropriate.
- Develop an understanding of the life/work balance and administrative responsibilities in obstetrical practice.
Health Advocate
- Recognize the social determinants of health and advocate for culturally competent, patient-centered care.
- Practice evidence-based medicine and teach others based on available evidence.
- Commit to lifelong learning and ethical, professional behavior.
Ongomiizwin Health Services
This elective offers students a comprehensive clinical experience in a remote First Nations and Inuit community in Manitoba. Students will develop skills in history taking, physical examination, diagnosis, and management across a wide spectrum of clinical presentations. Emphasis will be placed on managing clinical scenarios in a remote setting within the context of a First Nations and Inuit community in Manitoba.
Particular attention will be given to understanding the Determinants of Health that influence both individual and community health, as well as the structural factors such as policies that impact patient care. The clinical experience includes exposure to various settings including clinics, the emergency room (ER), observer roles in pediatric dental surgery, personal care homes, public health initiatives, and homecare. Additionally, opportunities may arise for involvement in outreach clinics such as teen clinics at schools and collaboration with visiting specialists conducting specialty clinics in the community.
Please indicate in the comments section of your application if you would also like to be considered for an elective in Norway House and the Fly-in program
A letter of motivation describing the reasons for applying for an elective with the Ongomiizwin Health Services focusing on providing care to Indigenous populations in a remote area is required (maximum 1 page, the same letter may be used for applications to all OHS sites).
Community overview
Churchill, located on the Hudson Bay, is a northern remote community with a population of 900, which swells to 1200 during the Beluga and Polar Bear tourist season annually from June to November. There is no road access to Churchill, with Calm Air providing two daily flights from Winnipeg, one of which flies via Rankin Inlet, Nunavut. VIA Rail also serves the community twice a week.
The community makeup is diverse, comprising approximately one-third First Nations communities (Cree and Dene), one-third Inuit, and one-third Non-Indigenous residents. The Health Centre serves as the largest employer in town, equipped with 25 inpatient beds and 7 long-term care beds, including specialized facilities such as a delivery suite, a palliative care room, and an isolation room. Basic laboratory and X-ray services are available onsite.
Historically, Churchill provided primary and secondary care to seven communities in the Kivalliq region of Nunavut. However, since the opening of a hospital in Rankin Inlet in 2009, Churchill now primarily caters to residents and visitors. The Health Centre operates under the Winnipeg Regional Health Authority (WRHA) and often facilitates the rehabilitation of Nunavut residents requiring convalescence before returning to their home communities from hospitals in Winnipeg.
The Churchill Health Centre is funded for three physicians, with a core group of six physicians working part-time to fulfill this staffing requirement. As a result, students will have the opportunity to experience various practice styles during their elective.
Minimum three weeks (dependent on availability)
Churchill Health Centre, Churchill, Manitoba
By the end of the elective period, students will
- Develop skills in history-taking and physical examination in a primary care and ER setting
- Formulate a broad differential diagnosis for clinical presentations
- Integrate understanding of the social determinants of health into patient encounters
- Communicate respectfully with all patients and staff, utilizing a trauma-informed approach
- Interact with all members of the healthcare team in a respectful manner
- Demonstrate commitment to providing high-quality clinical care
- Recognize the importance of the Social Determinants of Health, particularly the impact of colonialism and structural racism on Indigenous communities in Canada
- Use an evidence-based approach to the diagnosis and management of clinical presentations
- Demonstrate behaviors consistent with service commitments outlined in the Northern Medical Unit Physician Charter
Call responsibility
ER volume is low compared to other Northern communities. Evening clinics are rare, and patient consultations after midnight are generally reserved for true emergencies. As a result, the call expectation is a one-in-four rotation for 24-hour call shifts.
On the remaining days, medical students will cover the ER and Clinic alongside the on-call physician from 9 am to 5 pm. If not rostered for a 24-hour call on a weekend day, there is no expectation for the medical student to come to the health centre. However, we encourage students to remain open to coming in if an interesting learning experience arises when they are not on call.
The flight bookings from Winnipeg to Churchill and arrangements for accommodations will be covered and arranged by the Ongomiizwin Health Services once the elective is confirmed.
Prior to the elective
You will be contacted by email by the OHS Hospital-Based Physician Coordinator with your flight details, and provided with an electronic copy of the Norway House Learner Orientation document, which provides further details on rotation expectations and other useful information.
Learning Objectives (CanMEDS)
Medical Expert
- Develop skills in history-taking and physical exam in a primary care and ER setting
- Formulate a broad differential diagnosis for clinical presentations
- Develop an organized case presentation including pertinent positive and negative findings appropriate for the clinical presentation
- Integrate understanding of the social determinants of health into patient encounters
- Communicate respectfully with all patients and staff
- Use a trauma-informed approach in all patient encounters
- Recognize the importance of relationships with individuals, organizations, communities, and populations
- Interact with all members of the healthcare team in a respectful manner, recognizing the importance of an interprofessional approach for optimal patient care
- Demonstrate commitment to providing high-quality clinical care
- Allocate health resources appropriately based on needs of individual patients and the community
- Demonstrate effective self-management by conducting self-learning
Health Advocate
- Recognize the importance of the Social Determinants of Health, particularly the distal determinants of health of colonialism and structural racism that continue to impact the health of Indigenous communities in Canada
- Identify policies that impact the health of individuals and a community and impact on patient care
- Recognize the strengths found in the community, and identify how students and physicians can support community-led initiatives that promote health
- Use an evidence-based approach to the diagnosis and management of clinical presentations
- Complete a presentation during the elective rotation
- Demonstrate behaviors consistent with the service commitments outlined in the Northern Medical Unit Physician Charter; including cultural safety, listening, compassion, respect, and humility
This elective offers students a comprehensive clinical practice experience within isolated fly-in First Nations communities in Manitoba. Students will develop skills in history-taking, physical exams, diagnosis, and management across a wide range of clinical presentations. Emphasis will be placed on managing healthcare in remote settings within the context of First Nations communities in Manitoba, with a focus on understanding the Determinants of Health and structural factors affecting patient care, such as policies. Clinical experiences will include participation in clinics, emergency rooms, public health initiatives, and homecare services.
Please indicate in the comments section of your application if you would also like to be considered for an elective in the hospital‐based sites, Norway House and Churchill.
A letter of motivation describing the reasons for applying for an elective with Ongomiizwin Health Services, focusing on providing care in a remote Indigenous community is required (maximum 1 page, the same letter may be used for applications to all OHS sites).
Community overview
Ongomiizwin Health Services operates in 12 communities through their fly-in program (10 fly-in, 2 drive-in), varying in size from 600 to 4500 community members. While four communities have road access from Winnipeg, the rest are accessible only by air. Nursing stations serve as the primary point of care, managed by each First Nation in collaboration with the First Nations Inuit Health Branch. OHS physicians act as consultants to support and extend primary care services provided by community nurses. Physicians typically work independently or with one other doctor at OHS sites. Limited availability of x-ray and point-of-care testing is common across all sites, with no laboratory services available onsite. Patients requiring advanced imaging or hospitalization are transferred to Winnipeg for care.
Physicians visit the communities weekly, being present from Monday to Thursday. On weekends, remote support is provided by telephone. During a two-week elective, students may visit one community twice or two different communities each week, departing on Monday morning and returning to Winnipeg by Thursday evening. There are no responsibilities from Friday to Sunday. Out-of-province students are responsible for their own accommodation in Winnipeg from Thursday night to Monday morning. The availability of specific communities for the elective depends on preceptor availability. Students interested in a hospital-based elective with Ongomiizwin Health Services should refer to separate elective applications for Norway House and Churchill.
Minimum two weeks.
Fly-in communities, Manitoba.
Call responsibility
On-call duties entail managing all ER presentations and providing emergency obstetric coverage. During the fly-in rotation, students are expected to be on call for one night each week, as per Policy Statement 3.1 of the Clerkship Duty Hours, University of Manitoba, College of Medicine Policy.
The flight bookings from Winnipeg to the fly‐in community and arrangements for accommodations will be covered and arranged by Ongomiizwin Health Services, once the elective is confirmed.
Prior to the elective
You will be contacted through email by the OHS Fly in Coordinator with your flight details. You are welcome to contact the fly-in coordinator sara.goulet@umanitoba.ca for a more detailed orientation and review of expectations.
By the end of the elective period, students will:
Have developed skills in history taking, physical exams, diagnosis, and management of various clinical presentations in an isolated fly-in First Nations community setting. They will also gain insights into the impact of determinants of health and structural factors on patient care.
This elective provides students with the capacity to:
Experience full-spectrum clinical practice in a remote Indigenous community, focusing on providing care in a contextually relevant manner.
Learning Objectives (CANMeds)
Medical Expert
- Develop skills in history taking and physical exam in a primary care and ER setting.
- Formulate a broad differential diagnosis for clinical presentations.
- Develop an organized case presentation, including pertinent positive and negative findings appropriate for the clinical presentation.
- Integrate understanding of the social determinants of health into patient encounters.
- Communicate respectfully with all patients and staff.
- Utilize a trauma-informed approach in all patient encounters.
- Recognize the importance of relationships with individuals, organizations, communities, and populations.
Interact with all members of the healthcare team in a respectful manner, recognizing the importance of an interprofessional approach for optimal patient care.
- Demonstrate commitment to providing high-quality clinical care.
- Allocate health resources appropriately based on needs of individual patients and the community.
- Demonstrate effective self-management by conducting self-learning.
Health Advocate
- Recognize the importance of the Social Determinants of Health, in particular, the distal determinants of health of colonialism and structural racism that continue to affect the health of Indigenous communities in Canada.
- Identify policies that impact the health of individuals, community, and patient care.
- Recognize the strengths found in the community, and identify how students and physicians can support community-led initiatives that promote health.
- Use an evidence-based approach to the diagnosis and management of clinical presentations.
Demonstrate behaviors consistent with the service commitments outlined in the Ongomiizwin Health Services Physician Charter, including cultural safety, listening, compassion, respect, and humility.
Norway House
This elective offers students a comprehensive clinical practice experience in a remote First Nations community in Manitoba. Students will develop skills in history-taking, physical examination, diagnosis, and management across a wide range of clinical presentations. The focus will be on managing clinical cases in a remote setting within the context of a First Nations community in Manitoba. Special attention will be given to understanding the Determinants of Health and structural factors, such as policies, that impact patient care.
Clinical experiences will include participation in clinics, emergency rooms, personal care homes, public health initiatives, and homecare services. Additionally, there may be opportunities for outreach clinics, such as teen and ADHD clinics at schools, depending on the schedule.
Community overview
Norway House, with a population of approximately 7500 people, encompasses both a large on-reserve and off-reserve community. Situated 800 km north of Winnipeg, it stands as one of the largest First Nations communities in Manitoba. The hospital facility includes 6 in-patient beds, a palliative care suite, an emergency room, laboratory services, x-ray facilities, and a dialysis unit, alongside various social programs. Throughout the week, six physicians are present on-site, with two physicians providing on-call coverage during weekends and holidays.
Please indicate in the comments section of your application if you would also like to be considered for an elective in Churchill and the Fly-in program.
A letter of motivation describing the reasons for applying for an elective with Ongomiizwin Health Services focusing on providing care in a remote Indigenous community is required (maximum 1 page, the same letter may be used for applications to all OHS sites).
Minimum three weeks, depending on availability.
Norway House, Manitoba
Call responsibility
On-call duties involve managing all ER presentations and providing emergency obstetric coverage, although Norway House Hospital does not offer birthing services. On-call shifts, primarily conducted from home, may require students to spend significant time in-house due to the ER's activity level. Scheduling follows UGME in-hospital call policy, with elective rotations having a reduced frequency of 1 in 5 on-call shifts, compared to 1 in 4 for Family Medicine core rotations. During three-week rotations, students have one weekend on-call duty, and for four-week rotations, they have two weekends on-call. If an on-call shift falls on a statutory holiday, a day off during the rotation is granted, determined in consultation with the Education Director at Norway House.
The flight bookings from Winnipeg to Norway House and arrangements for accommodations will be covered and arranged by Ongomiizwin Health Services, once the elective is confirmed
Prior to the elective
You will be contacted by email by the OHS Hospital-Based Physician Coordinator with your flight details, and provided with an electronic copy of the Norway House Learner Orientation document, which provides further details on rotation expectations and other useful information.
By the end of the elective period, students will
Have developed skills in history taking, physical examination, diagnosis, and management of various clinical presentations in a remote Indigenous community setting. They will have gained insights into the impact of determinants of health and structural factors on patient care.
This elective provides students with the capacity to
Experience full-spectrum clinical practice in a remote First Nations community, focusing on providing care in a contextually relevant manner.
Learning Objectives (CANMeds)
Medical Expert
- Develop skills in history taking and physical examination in a primary care and ER setting.
- Formulate a broad differential diagnosis for clinical presentations.
- Develop an organized case presentation integrating social determinants of health.
- Communicate respectfully with patients and staff.
- Utilize a trauma-informed approach in patient encounters.
- Recognize the importance of relationships in healthcare.
- Develop skills in media communication.
Interact with all healthcare team members respectfully, recognizing the importance of an interprofessional approach.
- Demonstrate commitment to providing high-quality clinical care.
- Allocate health resources appropriately based on patient and community needs.
- Demonstrate effective self-management through self-learning.
Health Advocate
- Recognize the impact of colonialism and structural racism on Indigenous communities' health.
- Identify policies influencing patient care.
- Support community-led health initiatives.
- Utilize evidence-based approach in diagnosis and management.
- Complete a presentation during the elective rotation.
Demonstrate behaviors consistent with the service commitments outlined in the Northern Medical Unit Physician Charter, including cultural safety, listening, compassion, respect, and humility.
The Max Rady College of Medicine offers an elective providing hands-on experience in the Section of Allergy and Clinical Immunology at the Children’s Hospital of Winnipeg Health Sciences Centre. Based in the Community Services Building, the primary facility is the Children’s Allergy and Asthma Education Centre (CAAEC). Ambulatory Care consultations are available on specific days at both the hospital and CAAEC. Students receive exposure to various allergy issues such as food allergy, anaphylaxis, atopic dermatitis, allergic rhinitis, asthma, and medication allergy, alongside clinical immunology topics including urticaria, immune deficiency, and mastocytosis. Moreover, students contribute to asthma and food allergy education for families, children, teens, and healthcare professionals. Active participation in ongoing education programs and research initiatives is encouraged for students interested in this field.
Offered during specific elective periods.
Varies based on elective period.
Children’s Hospital of Winnipeg Health Sciences Centre,
Call responsibility
Not mandatory but available upon request.
By the end of the elective period, students will:
- Diagnose allergy and asthma, especially in the young child.
- Understand the immunopathology of allergy and asthma.
- Recognize features of immune system disorders, including primary immune deficiency diseases, and appreciate the workup and components of management.
- Learn effective interviewing and examination techniques for children and their families regarding allergic and immunologic conditions.
- Understand appropriate use of devices such as inhalers and epinephrine auto injectors and develop effective care plans.
Learning Objectives (CANMeds)
Medical Expert
As Medical Experts, physicians integrate all of the CanMEDS Roles, applying medical knowledge, clinical skills and professional attitudes in their provision of patient-centered care.
The student can expect to be actively involved in the service. This will encompass:
- Recognize and know how to stabilize coma, shock and respiratory failure
- Demonstrate bag mask ventilation and airway opening techniques.
Physicians effectively facilitate the doctor-patient relationship and the dynamic exchanges that occur before, during, and after the medical encounter.
As Communicators, students will facilitate the doctor-patient relationship:
- Be able to present a succinct and relevant patient history and assessment during daily rounds.
- Effectively communicate with Consultants .
- Explain relevant information to patient families.
Physicians effectively work within a healthcare team to achieve optimal patient care.
As Collaborators, students will work effectively within the surgical team to achieve optimal patient care:
- Works with multi-disciplinary team members to achieve patient care goals in an effective and respectful manner.
Physicians engage with others to contribute to a vision of a high-quality health care system and take responsibility for the delivery of excellent patient care through their activities as clinicians, administrators, scholars, or teachers.
As Leaders, students will participate in the activities of the surgical service, making decisions, allocating resources, and contributing to the effectiveness of the health care team:
- Organizes patient information and critically evaluates the need for tests and procedures.
- Helps to facilitate timely patient flow through prompt attention to transfer procedures.
Health Advocate
Physicians responsibly use their expertise and influence to advance the health and well-being of individual patients, communities and populations.
As Health Advocates, students will responsibly use their expertise and influence to advance the health and well-being of individual patients, communities and populations:
- Represents the needs of families and patients to the PICU healthcare team.
Physicians demonstrate a lifelong commitment to reflective learning, as well as the creation, dissemination, application and translation of medical knowledge.
As Scholars, students will demonstrate a lifelong commitment to learning:
- Demonstrates the ability to seek out and review relevant literature related to care of their PICU patients or related to a topic of discussion.
As Professionals, physicians are committed to the health and well-being of individuals and society through ethical practice, profession-Led regulation, and high personal standards of behaviour.
As Professionals, students are committed to health and well-being of individuals through ethical practice, profession-led regulation and high personal standards of behavior:
- Is prompt, courteous and collegial.
This elective focuses on the clinical aspects of congenital and acquired heart disease in children. Students engage in patient care within outpatient clinics and inpatient hospital services to develop a practical understanding of pediatric cardiology. Additionally, students learn to interpret pediatric electrocardiograms and are exposed to various procedures including echocardiography, electrophysiology studies, and cardiocatheterization.
Available in all periods.
Varies depending on the student's schedule.
Health Sciences Centre
Call responsibility
To be determined (TBD).
By the end of the elective period, students will:
- Be introduced to the clinical aspects of congenital and acquired heart disease in children.
This elective provides students with the capacity to:
- Develop a practical approach to pediatric cardiology through patient contact in both outpatient clinics and inpatient hospital services.
- Interpret pediatric electrocardiograms.
- Gain exposure to echocardiographic, electrophysiologic, and cardiocatheterization procedures.
Child Protection
The Child Protection Elective offered by the Max Rady College of Medicine provides students with exposure to a multidisciplinary approach to child maltreatment. This elective occurs at the Child Protection Centre (CPC), located in the Community Services Building within the Health Sciences Centre complex. CPC serves as a multidisciplinary organization dedicated to assessing children and families in cases where child abuse and neglect are suspected. Students participate in clinical work, engage in committee activities, and collaborate with various agencies and services associated with child welfare and justice.
Available in all periods.
Varies based on the student's schedule.
Child Protection Centre (CPC) - FW208 William Avenue Children’s Hospital
Call responsibility
No call requirement for this elective.
By the end of the elective period, students will:
- Learn an approach to assessing injuries in children where abuse is suspected.
This elective provides students with the capacity to:
- Work within a multidisciplinary team to assess cases of child maltreatment.
- Assist Child Behavioral Specialists in preparing children for examinations.
- Assist Child Protection Specialists in gathering information from families, guardians, agencies, and law enforcement.
Learning Objectives (CANMEDS)
Medical Expert
Students will learn to assess injuries in children where there are allegations or suspicions of abuse.
Students will facilitate relationships with child-caring agencies involved in bringing children for assessment.
Students will collaborate with physicians, Child Behavioral Specialists, and Child Protection Specialists in case assessments.
This aspect is not a primary focus of this rotation.
Health Advocate
Students will participate in multidisciplinary committee meetings to discuss individual patient needs.
Students will engage in learning sessions facilitated by preceptors and may prepare presentations on child abuse topics for CPC rounds/meetings.
Students will demonstrate commitment to ethical practice and high personal standards of behavior.
Child Development
The Developmental Pediatrics Elective, provided by the Max Rady College of Medicine, offers students an in-depth exploration of normal and abnormal child development. This elective is housed at two primary locations: the Health Sciences Centre (HSC) and the Children’s Hospital, specifically within the Manitoba FASD Centre/Rehabilitation Centre for Children.
At these facilities, students engage in a comprehensive study of developmental pediatrics, delving into various aspects of child growth and behavior. They have the opportunity to observe and participate in the assessment and management of developmental disorders, gaining practical experience under the guidance of experienced clinicians.
Throughout the elective, students gain insights into the diagnostic process for developmental delays, disabilities, and disorders, learning to recognize both common and rare conditions. They also explore intervention strategies and support services available to children and families affected by developmental challenges.
Available in all periods.
Varies based on the student's schedule.
Health Science Centre (HSC)
- Children’s Hospital – Manitoba FASD Centre/Rehabilitation Centre for Children
Call responsibility
No call requirement for this elective.
By the end of the elective period, students will
- Learn normal developmental milestones.
- Recognize variations of normal development.
- Appreciate ranges of normal behavior at various ages.
- Recognize signs of developmental disorders.
- Observe and learn techniques for interviewing and counseling parents of children with developmental challenges.
This elective provides students with the capacity to
- Integrate medical knowledge, clinical skills, and professional attitudes in patient-centered care.
- Facilitate doctor-patient relationships effectively.
- Work within healthcare teams to achieve optimal patient care.
- Participate in the activities of the surgical service, contributing to decision-making and resource allocation.
- Use expertise and influence to advance the health and well-being of individual patients, communities, and populations.
- Demonstrate a lifelong commitment to reflective learning and ethical practice.
Learning Objectives (CANMEDS)
Medical Expert
Students will integrate medical knowledge, clinical skills, and professional attitudes in patient-centered care.
Students will effectively facilitate doctor-patient relationships.
Students will work effectively within healthcare teams to achieve optimal patient care.
Students will participate in the activities of the surgical service, contributing to decision-making and resource allocation.
Health Advocate
Students will responsibly use expertise and influence to advance health and well-being.
Students will demonstrate a lifelong commitment to reflective learning.
Students will adhere to ethical practice and high personal standards of behavior.
The Pediatric Endocrinology Elective, available through the Max Rady College of Medicine, offers medical students a comprehensive one-month rotation focused on the diagnosis and management of endocrine disorders affecting children and adolescents. During this elective, students delve into the common presentations of various endocrine conditions encountered in pediatric practice.
Through clinical observation and hands-on experience, students gain insight into the assessment, diagnosis, and treatment modalities for a range of pediatric endocrine disorders.
Throughout the rotation, students have the opportunity to actively participate in patient care under supervision, refining their skills in history-taking, physical examination, and interpretation of diagnostic tests relevant to pediatric endocrinology. Additionally, they engage in discussions on evidence-based management approaches, including pharmacological interventions and lifestyle modifications.
Available to medical students in all periods.
One-month rotation in any year of training.
Health Science Centre (HSC)
Call responsibility
No on-call requirements for clerks on rotation.
By the end of the elective period, students will:
- Perform a comprehensive history and physical examination related to endocrinology.
- Demonstrate knowledge of common pediatric endocrine problems.
- Formulate differential diagnoses for common pediatric endocrine problems.
- Use diagnostic tools and interpret results accurately.
- Seek appropriate consultation and recognize emergency conditions.
- Develop rapport with patients and families.
- Communicate effectively within the healthcare team.
- Collaborate effectively with other healthcare professionals.
- Participate in leadership activities within the service.
- Advocate for the health and well-being of patients and communities.
- Demonstrate a commitment to lifelong learning and professional development.
- Exhibit professional behavior consistent with medical standards.
Learning Objectives (CanMEDS)
Medical Expert
- Perform a complete history and physical examination relevant to endocrinology.
- Demonstrate knowledge of common pediatric endocrine disorders and their management.
- Formulate basic differential diagnoses for common pediatric endocrine problems.
- Interpret results of diagnostic investigations accurately.
- Use all pertinent information to make logical clinical decisions.
- Seek appropriate consultation from other healthcare professionals.
- Recognize and manage emergency conditions promptly.
- Develop rapport, trust, and an ethical relationship with patients and families.
- Communicate effectively within the interdisciplinary team.
- Prepare accurate and timely written documentation.
- Demonstrate appropriate interviewing skills and compassion.
- Elicit relevant information from patients, families, and colleagues.
- Respect diversity and convey relevant information accurately.
- Present clinical encounters in an organized fashion.
The Pediatric Gastroenterology elective offered by the Max Rady College of Medicine caters to a diverse patient population from Manitoba, Northwestern Ontario, Saskatchewan, and Nunavut. With nearly 1000 new referrals annually and approximately 1500 patients under follow-up, the program addresses a wide range of gastrointestinal conditions.
Patients present with various gastrointestinal disorders, such as Inflammatory Bowel Disease, chronic liver disease, celiac disease, eosinophilic esophagitis, short bowel syndrome, gastro-esophageal reflux, and chronic abdominal pain.
During this elective, students develop skills in diagnosing and managing common Pediatric GI disorders. This involves attending outpatient clinics, gaining exposure to endoscopic procedures, and participating in inpatient consults and rounds. Additionally, students actively engage in Pediatric GI rounds, Joint Pathology GI rounds, Joint Radiology GI rounds, and Pediatric Grand Rounds, enhancing their understanding and proficiency in pediatric gastroenterology.
Contact UGME.
Flexible, typically 2 to 4 weeks. Not available during summer or Christmas holidays.
Health Sciences Centre, Winnipeg Children's Hospital.
Call responsibility
No call responsibility, but involvement is possible if interested.
By the end of the elective period, students will:
- Develop an approach to diagnosis and management of common Pediatric GI disorders.
- Attend outpatient clinics, observe endoscopic procedures, and participate in inpatient consults and rounds.
- Participate in Pediatric GI rounds, Joint Pathology GI rounds, Joint Radiology GI rounds, and Pediatric Grand Rounds.
This elective provides students with the capacity to:
- Obtain detailed histories and perform physical examinations focusing on gastrointestinal issues.
- Understand and interpret diagnostic tests related to GI disorders.
- Develop differential diagnoses and treatment plans for GI and systemic illnesses.
- Communicate effectively with patients, families, and healthcare teams.
- Participate in interdisciplinary team meetings and contribute expertise in Gastroenterology.
- Organize patient care responsibilities, including follow-up and documentation.
- Advance individual patient care needs as well as advocate for health promotion and disease prevention in communities.
- Demonstrate a commitment to reflective learning and ethical medical practice.
Learning Objectives (CanMEDS)
Medical Expert
- Obtain necessary history elements and perform physical examinations related to GI disorders.
- Interpret diagnostic tests and formulate treatment plans.
- Document patient information accurately and clearly.
- Establish therapeutic relationships with patients, families, and healthcare teams.
- Participate effectively in interdisciplinary team meetings.
- Organize patient care responsibilities and follow-up.
- Book feedback sessions and ensure awareness of clinic responsibilities.
Health Advocate
- Identify individual patient health needs and promote health in communities.
- Evaluate scientific and clinical publications in Gastroenterology.
- Present organized clinical cases and provide evidence-based recommendations.
- Deliver high-quality care with integrity, honesty, and compassion.
- Practice medicine ethically, considering various ethical issues in clinical practice.
The Pediatric Hematology/Oncology service evaluates patients with hematologic or oncologic concerns, often as consults from other medical or surgical services at Children’s Hospital. This elective rotation allows medical students to develop investigation and management plans in collaboration with the patient’s primary service. Depending on the clinical problem, students may continue to follow the patient in hospital and in outpatient settings.
Offered throughout the year
Varies based on student's schedule
Children’s Hospital and CancerCare Manitoba, Winnipeg
Call responsibility
By the end of the elective period, students will:
- Demonstrate knowledge of basic scientific and clinical areas relevant to resolving common clinical problems in Pediatric Hematology/Oncology
- Perform a complete, accurate, and well-organized history and physical assessment for common conditions in Pediatric Hematology/Oncology
- Select and interpret laboratory tests and other investigations
- Develop a differential diagnosis and implement clinical decisions in discussion with the Attending Physician
- Facilitate the doctor-patient relationship through effective communication and empathy
- Work effectively within an inter-professional healthcare team
- Participate in decision-making and resource allocation within the healthcare team
- Actively involve patients and families in medical decision-making
- Evaluate information critically and apply it to clinical decision-making
- Demonstrate professionalism and ethical conduct in patient care
This elective provides students with the capacity to:
- Assess pediatric patients with hematologic or oncologic concerns
- Develop investigation and management plans
- Continue patient follow-up in hospital and outpatient settings
Learning Objectives (CANMeds)
Medical Expert
- Demonstrate knowledge of basic scientific and clinical areas relevant to Pediatric Hematology/Oncology
- Perform complete and accurate history and physical assessments
- Select and interpret laboratory tests and investigations
- Develop a differential diagnosis and implement clinical decisions
- Develop appropriate interviewing skills with patients and families
- Demonstrate compassion, empathy, and effective communication
- Convey relevant and accurate information to patients, families, and healthcare professionals
- Present cases verbally and in written documentation accurately and clearly
- Participate effectively in an inter-professional healthcare team
- Interact effectively with the multidisciplinary team for optimal outpatient care
- Use information technologies to optimize patient care
- Demonstrate appropriate time management skills
Health Advocate
- Actively involve patients and families in medical decision-making
- Understand ethical considerations in clinical research
- Evaluate information critically and apply it to clinical decision-making
- Seek and incorporate feedback into clinical practice
- Demonstrate reliability, responsibility, and conscientiousness
- Recognize personal limitations and optimize patient care and safety
- Appreciate the moral and ethical implications of pediatric patient care
Infectious Diseases
The Pediatric Infectious Diseases elective, offered by the Max Rady College of Medicine at the University of Manitoba, provides a detailed educational experience at the Health Sciences Centre. Trainees engage in inpatient and outpatient care, focusing on diagnosing and treating pediatric patients with infectious diseases. Emphasizing evidence-based approaches, the elective includes rounds, patient evaluations, outpatient clinics, and educational activities such as case discussions and journal clubs. By the end, participants gain a thorough understanding of managing pediatric infectious diseases.
Offered periodically throughout the academic year.
Four weeks.
Health Sciences Centre, University of Manitoba.
Call responsibility
Rotating call schedule shared among participants.
By the end of the elective period, students will:
- Obtain detailed histories and perform physical examinations relevant to infectious diseases.
- Plan differential diagnoses, investigations, and management strategies for pediatric infectious diseases.
- Participate in educational activities, including small group tutorials, journal clubs, and case rounds.
This elective provides students with the capacity to:
- Develop clinical skills in the evaluation and management of common pediatric infectious diseases.
- Enhance their knowledge of evidence-based practices in infectious disease management.
- Collaborate effectively with interdisciplinary teams to optimize patient care.
Learning Objectives (CANMeds)
Medical Expert
- Demonstrate knowledge of common pediatric infectious diseases.
- Formulate accurate differential diagnoses and treatment plans.
- Utilize appropriate diagnostic and therapeutic interventions.
- Develop rapport with patients and families.
- Effectively convey information to patients, families, and colleagues.
- Participate in medical documentation and presentations.
- Work effectively within inter-professional healthcare teams.
- Respect the roles and contributions of other team members.
- Communicate and collaborate with peers, medical team members, and other health professionals.
- Manage patient care effectively.
- Allocate resources and contribute to team effectiveness.
- Supervise and teach junior staff.
Health Advocate
- Identify factors affecting child health and advocate for patient needs.
- Promote health education and disease prevention in communities.
- Report adverse events and ensure patient safety.
- Continuously engage in reflective learning and self-improvement.
- Facilitate the learning of others through teaching and feedback.
- Contribute to scholarly activities and academic rounds.
- Demonstrate honesty, integrity, and professionalism.
- Respect patient confidentiality and diversity.
- Adhere to ethical principles and practice standards.
The Neonatology Elective, facilitated by the Max Rady College of Medicine, provides hands-on experience in the care of newborn patients. This elective spans at least two weeks, during which students have the option to rotate through either the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) at the New Women’s Hospital (HSC) or the NICU at St. Boniface General Hospital (SBH).
Both units prioritize a multidisciplinary approach to neonatal care, involving various healthcare professionals such as attending neonatologists, medical officers, neonatal fellows, residents from Pediatrics, Obstetrics, and Family Medicine Programs, as well as nurses and allied health professionals including pharmacists, occupational therapists/physical therapists, dietitians, respiratory therapists, and social workers.
During the elective, students actively participate in newborn resuscitations and gain exposure to a broad spectrum of neonatal diseases. This experience allows them to develop proficiency in obtaining patient histories, conducting examinations, and managing sick neonates, preparing them for future clinical practice in neonatology or related fields.
Contact UGME
At least two weeks
NICU at New Women’s Hospital, Health Sciences Centre, and NICU, St. Boniface General Hospital
Call responsibility
No call expectations from students; available for teaching during weekdays.
By the end of the elective period, students will:
- Develop an understanding of the physiological adaptation from fetal to neonatal life
- Gain knowledge of neonatal diseases, pathophysiology, and management of common neonatal problems
- Perform a newborn physical examination and differentiate normal from abnormal findings
- Select medically appropriate, cost-effective, and useful diagnostic tests
- Outline a differential diagnosis and formulate a plan of management
This elective provides students with the capacity to:
- Participate actively in the service, integrating medical knowledge, clinical skills, and professional attitudes in patient-centered care
- Establish rapport, trust, and therapeutic relationships with patients' families and the multidisciplinary team
- Work effectively within the healthcare team to provide optimal patient care
- Contribute to the vision of a high-quality healthcare system and take responsibility for the delivery of excellent patient care
- Advance the health and well-being of individual patients, communities, and populations through responsible use of expertise and influence
- Demonstrate a lifelong commitment to reflective learning and the creation, dissemination, application, and translation of medical knowledge
- Exhibit professional behaviors in practice, including honesty, integrity, and commitment, and respect for patient confidentiality
Learning Objectives (CanMEDS)
Medical Expert
As Medical Experts, physicians integrate all of the CanMEDS Roles, applying medical knowledge, clinical skills, and professional attitudes in their provision of patient-centered care.
As Communicators, students will facilitate the doctor-patient relationship by establishing rapport, trust, and a therapeutic relationship with patients' families and the multidisciplinary team.
As Collaborators, students will recognize and respect the diversity of roles, responsibilities, and competences of other health professionals in the management of neonatal patients and work effectively within the healthcare team.
As Leaders, students will participate in the activities of the surgical service, making decisions, allocating resources, and contributing to the effectiveness of the healthcare team.
Health Advocate
As Health Advocates, students will responsibly use their expertise and influence to advance the health and well-being of individual patients, communities, and populations.
As Scholars, students will demonstrate a lifelong commitment to learning by critically evaluating medical information, applying evidence to clinical decisions, and demonstrating appropriate presentation skills.
As Professionals, students are committed to the health and well-being of individuals through ethical practice, profession-led regulation, and high personal standards of behavior.
During the elective, students participate in the care of patients in both inpatient wards and outpatient clinics. They gain practical experience in obtaining detailed patient histories focusing on renal symptoms such as hypertension, hematuria, and proteinuria. Additionally, students perform thorough physical examinations with a focus on volume status and develop skills in planning approaches to differential diagnosis, investigation, and management of renal diseases. Participation in multidisciplinary teams is also integral to the elective.
This elective provides students with the opportunity to develop clinical skills in managing common pediatric renal problems. Formal teaching sessions and academic rounds on pediatric nephrological topics are included, allowing students to deepen their understanding of renal diseases. Students also learn to utilize electronic medical records for patient documentation.
Contact UGME.
Minimum of two weeks, with a preference for four weeks. Not available during summer months or Christmas holidays.
Health Science Centre Children’s Hospital, University of Manitoba.
Call responsibility
No call responsibility, but involvement is possible if interested.
By the end of the elective period, students will:
- Participate in the care of patients admitted to inpatient wards and outpatient clinics.
- Obtain detailed histories focusing on renal symptoms such as hypertension, hematuria, and proteinuria.
- Perform detailed physical examinations focusing on volume status.
- Plan approaches to differential diagnosis, investigation, and management of renal diseases.
- Participate in multidisciplinary teams.
This elective provides students with the capacity to:
- Develop clinical skills in managing common pediatric renal problems.
- Participate in formal teaching sessions and academic rounds on pediatric nephrological topics.
- Utilize electronic medical records for patient documentation.
Learning Objectives (CanMEDS)
Medical Expert
- Integrate medical knowledge and clinical skills in patient-centered care.
- Participate actively in the service and patient care.
- Facilitate effective doctor-patient relationships.
- Work effectively within healthcare teams to achieve optimal patient care.
- Participate in activities contributing to the effectiveness of the healthcare team.
Health Advocate
- Use expertise to advance the health and well-being of patients and communities.
- Demonstrate a commitment to lifelong learning.
- Practice ethical behavior and adhere to professional standards.
The Pediatric Neurology Elective, provided by the Max Rady College of Medicine, offers medical students an immersive experience in the field of pediatric neurology. This elective encompasses a combination of inpatient and outpatient pediatric neurology consultation services, subspecialty didactic rounds, and opportunities to learn pediatric neurology-related procedures such as lumbar puncture and basic electrophysiology.
By the end of the elective period, students will demonstrate knowledge of pediatric neurology clinical problems, understanding of etiology, diagnosis, management, and prognosis of common neurological disorders, and proficiency in clinical examination and presentation skills. They will also gain knowledge of neurophysiological, neuroradiological, and neurometabolic investigations, and develop effective communication skills with patients, families, and healthcare professionals.
This rotation is generally available throughout the year. However, if two trainees are already assigned to a given period, another trainee may not be accepted during that time to ensure adequate one-on-one learning experience.
The duration is variable, ranging from a minimum of two weeks to a maximum of four weeks at the Section of Pediatric Neurology, Children’s Hospital Winnipeg.
- Section of Pediatric Neurology, AE 308, 820 Sherbrook Street, Children's Hospital Winnipeg
- Children Clinic, Unity Y, Children's Hospital Winnipeg
- Inpatient Units, Children's Hospital Winnipeg
Call responsibility
No on-call duties are required.
By the end of the elective period, students will:
- Demonstrate knowledge of pediatric neurology clinical problems.
- Understand etiology, diagnosis, management, and prognosis of common neurological disorders.
- Practice clinical examination and presentation skills.
- Gain knowledge of neurophysiological, neuroradiological, and neurometabolic investigations.
- Develop effective communication skills with patients, families, and healthcare professionals.
- Establish productive relationships with patients, families, and healthcare team members.
- Demonstrate effective coordination and management of patient care.
- Recognize opportunities for advocacy and community services.
- Contribute to the creation and dissemination of medical knowledge relevant to pediatric neurology.
- Exhibit professional attitudes consistent with pediatric neurology practice.
Learning objectives (CANMEDS)
Medical Expert
Knowledge Base: Demonstrate a comprehensive understanding of the clinical, socio-behavioral, developmental, and fundamental biomedical sciences relevant to resolving common pediatric neurology clinical problems.
Understanding of Neurological Disorders:
- Understand the etiology, diagnosis, management, natural history, and prognosis of common neurological disorders, including but not limited to:
- Classification and management of seizures and epilepsy, including status epilepticus.
- Differential diagnosis of children presenting with episodic events such as breath holding spells, faints, tics, and other movement disorders.
- Diseases leading to sudden changes in neurological status, such as coma, brain death, intracranial lesions, and strokes.
- Neuromuscular disorders like muscular dystrophies, myopathies, and floppy infant syndrome.
- Developmental delay and regression.
- Congenital malformations of the nervous system.
- Localization of central nervous system lesions.
- Neurocutaneous syndromes.
- Childhood headaches, including migraine.
- Infections (meningitis, encephalitis, abscess) and autoimmune disorders of the CNS (autoimmune encephalitis, CNS vasculitis).
- Conditions causing nystagmus, dizziness, vertigo, and sensory deficits like blindness and deafness.
- Understand the etiology, diagnosis, management, natural history, and prognosis of common neurological disorders, including but not limited to:
Clinical Examination and Presentation: Practice and develop skills in clinical examination and presentation, including summarizing history, conducting physical examinations, and discussing the differential diagnosis and management plan.
Investigations: Acquire knowledge of the principles underlying neurophysiological, neuroradiological, and neurometabolic investigations relevant to pediatric neurological practice.
Patient Interaction: Develop skills in effectively interacting with pediatric patients, parents/caregivers, and other physicians involved in patient care.
Information Gathering: Collect information pertinent to pediatric neurology problems from children, adolescents, and families in a culturally sensitive, developmentally appropriate, and family-focused manner. This includes understanding the patient’s beliefs, concerns, and expectations regarding the disorder.
Case Presentation: Present pediatric neurology case history and examination findings clearly, concisely, and accurately to supervising staff and other team members.
Documentation: Prepare written documentation for patients seen in both in-patient and out-patient pediatric neurology services in a clear, timely, accurate, and organized manner.
Counseling: Demonstrate the ability to counsel parents appropriately and effectively regarding a new neurological diagnosis or disorder and its prognosis.
Interpersonal Skills: Demonstrate appropriate interviewing skills and communicate effectively with patients and families, showing compassion, empathy, and attentiveness to their concerns and emotional needs.
Patient Relationships: Establish and maintain productive and responsible relationships with patients and families seen in both in-patient and out-patient pediatric neurology services.
Collaboration with Providers: Obtain and provide information and collaborate with the patient’s primary care providers in the community to ensure continuity of care for patients with pediatric neurological problems and conditions.
Team Collaboration: Collaborate effectively and appropriately with other members of the healthcare team, demonstrating respect for their professional roles.
Record Keeping: Demonstrate commitment to completing accurate medical records for patients seen during the pediatric neurology rotation.
Team Coordination: Effectively coordinate work with pediatric neurology team members, including nurse clinicians, secretaries, clinical clerks, and EEG technologists.
Patient Flow and Efficiency: Recognize the importance of patient flow and increased efficiency in both in-patient and out-patient neurology clinics.
Time Management: Exhibit appropriate time management skills, including prioritization, delegation, and task management.
Technology Utilization: Utilize information technology effectively to optimize patient care.
Healthcare System Knowledge: Demonstrate knowledge of the Canadian healthcare system and use healthcare resources effectively as they relate to complex pediatric neurological disabilities.
Health Advocate
Advocacy: Recognize opportunities to advocate for patients and their families with complex and chronic neurological problems, aiming to improve the flow of patients through the healthcare system.
Community Services: Acknowledge the importance of community services for patients with complex and chronic neurological problems, such as school, recreation, and transportation, in promoting community health.
Patient and Family Involvement: Promote active involvement of patients and families in medical decision-making and comprehensive care.
Service Coordination: Work with patients and families to obtain needed services for care and ongoing family support.
Child-Specific Healthcare: Recognize that the healthcare needs of children are different from adults and evolve throughout the developmental continuum.
Knowledge Contribution: Contribute to the creation, dissemination, application, and translation of new medical knowledge and practice relevant to pediatric neurological disorders.
Facilitate Learning: Facilitate the learning of patients, families, students, residents, other health professionals, and the public as appropriate.
Critical Evaluation: Evaluate information critically and apply it appropriately to practice decisions.
Gap Identification: Recognize gaps in knowledge and expertise and develop strategies for improvement.
Feedback Incorporation: Seek and receive feedback with the goal of incorporating constructive feedback into clinical practice.
Attitudes and Values: Demonstrate personal and professional attitudes consistent with a pediatric neurology subspecialist’s role, including honesty, integrity, commitment, compassion, and respect.
Ethical Understanding: Have a basic understanding of the principles of medical ethics and apply them to the care of pediatric neurology patients, including issues of best interest, confidentiality, conflict of interest, and access to care.
Respect and Diversity: Demonstrate respect for others and diversity, treating all individuals with regard for their individual worth and dignity in a fair and non-discriminatory manner.
Responsibility and Learning: Recognize personal limitations and act upon them to optimize patient care and safety. Demonstrate willingness to accept responsibility for errors and seek advice graciously.
Motivation and Competence: Show motivation and ability to learn and maintain competence in delivering the highest quality of care.
Palliative Care
This elective provides students with the capacity to work within interdisciplinary teams to provide comprehensive care for children with life-limiting illnesses. They will effectively communicate with patients/families about care goals, advance care planning, and bereavement support. Students will also recognize the lead role of primary care providers in caring for patients with life-limiting illnesses.
Contact UGME.
Variable duration, typically ranging from one week to four weeks.
Service provided at Winnipeg Children’s Hospital and St. Amant, with outreach to home settings within a few hours' drive of Winnipeg.
Call responsibility:
Call is not required. Availability after hours for clinical situations is at the discretion of the learner.
By the end of the elective period, students will:
- Understand the spectrum of conditions and circumstances within pediatric palliative care.
- Be proficient in obtaining pain and symptom history, diagnosing specific pain syndromes, and correlating them with underlying diseases.
- Demonstrate knowledge of palliative medicine pharmacology and appropriate diagnostic investigations.
- Recognize palliative care emergencies and manage them effectively.
- Anticipate and address common clinical challenges at end of life.
- Be comfortable with end-of-life procedures and support for families.
This elective provides students with the capacity to:
- Work within interdisciplinary teams to provide comprehensive care for children with life-limiting illnesses.
- Effectively communicate with patients/families about goals and expectations of care, advance care planning, and bereavement support.
- Recognize the lead role of primary care providers in caring for patients with life-limiting illnesses.
Learning Objectives (CanMEDS)
Medical Expert
- Understand the spectrum of conditions within pediatric palliative care.
- Demonstrate proficiency in pain and symptom assessment, diagnosis, and management.
- Recognize and manage palliative care emergencies.
- Facilitate effective communication with patients/families about care goals and advance care planning.
- Recognize the importance of bereavement follow-up and support.
- Work respectfully within interdisciplinary teams to provide quality care.
- Recognize the primary care provider's role in the care of patients with life-limiting illnesses.
- Recognize resources needed for comprehensive palliative and end-of-life care.
- Understand detailed care planning and preparation for supporting dying children at home and in rural settings.
Health Advocate
- Recognize situations requiring palliative care consultation and advocate for appropriate resources.
- Formulate approaches to obtaining necessary resources for children with life-limiting illnesses.
- Understand evidence-based use of medications in pediatric palliative care.
- Recognize myths and concerns regarding medication use in pediatric palliative care.
- Recognize the need for research in pediatric palliative care.
- Demonstrate sensitivity and respect to children and families experiencing life-limiting illness.
- Communicate timely and effectively with all caregivers, patients, and families.
Pediatric Intensive Care Unit (PICU)
The Pediatric Intensive Care Unit (PICU) elective, offered by the Max Rady College of Medicine, provides medical students with a comprehensive experience in pediatric critical care. The PICU is an 8-bed unit serving Manitoba, Northwest Ontario, and the Kivalliq Region of Nunavut, where patients are admitted under the care of Pediatric Intensivists and managed by a multidisciplinary team.
During the elective, students have the opportunity to manage patients under the direction of senior residents and attending physicians. Rounds are conducted in a multidisciplinary fashion, emphasizing the recognition and stabilization of acute organ system dysfunction. Approximately 40% of admissions are surgical, including post-operative care, trauma, and burns.
Offered during specific elective periods.
Varies based on elective period.
Health Science Centre, University of Manitoba.
Call responsibility
Students are not expected to take call while on the PICU rotation but are free to arrange with the on-call resident to spend part or all of the evening in the PICU.
By the end of the elective period, students will:
- Recognize and know how to stabilize coma, shock, and respiratory failure.
- Demonstrate bag-mask ventilation and airway opening techniques.
- Effectively present a succinct and relevant patient history and assessment during daily rounds.
- Communicate effectively with Consultants and explain relevant information to patient families.
- Work with multidisciplinary team members to achieve patient care goals in an effective and respectful manner.
- Organize patient information and critically evaluate the need for tests and procedures.
- Represent the needs of families and patients to the PICU healthcare team.
- Demonstrate a lifelong commitment to learning by seeking out and reviewing relevant literature related to care of PICU patients or related topics.
- Exhibit prompt, courteous, and collegial behavior.
Learning Objectives (CANMeds)
Medical Expert
As Medical Experts, physicians integrate all of the CanMEDS Roles, applying medical knowledge, clinical skills, and professional attitudes in their provision of patient-centered care.
- Recognize and know how to stabilize coma, shock, and respiratory failure.
- Demonstrate bag-mask ventilation and airway opening techniques.
Physicians effectively facilitate the doctor-patient relationship and the dynamic exchanges that occur before, during, and after the medical encounter.
- Effectively present a succinct and relevant patient history and assessment during daily rounds.
- Communicate effectively with Consultants and explain relevant information to patient families.
Physicians effectively work within a healthcare team to achieve optimal patient care.
- Work with multidisciplinary team members to achieve patient care goals in an effective and respectful manner.
Physicians engage with others to contribute to a vision of a high-quality healthcare system and take responsibility for the delivery of excellent patient care through their activities as clinicians, administrators, scholars, or teachers.
- Organize patient information and critically evaluate the need for tests and procedures.
- Help facilitate timely patient flow through prompt attention to transfer procedures.
Health Advocate
Physicians responsibly use their expertise and influence to advance the health and well-being of individual patients, communities, and populations.
- Represent the needs of families and patients to the PICU healthcare team.
Physicians demonstrate a lifelong commitment to reflective learning, as well as the creation, dissemination, application, and translation of medical knowledge.
- Demonstrate the ability to seek out and review relevant literature related to care of their PICU patients or related to a topic of discussion.
As Professionals, physicians are committed to the health and well-being of individuals and society through ethical practice, profession-led regulation, and high personal standards of behavior.
- Be prompt, courteous, and collegial.
This elective provides in-depth exposure to diseases of the upper and lower respiratory tract, focusing on both clinical and educational aspects within the subspecialty of pediatric respirology.
By the end of the elective period, students will develop an understanding of normal respiratory system anatomy, physiology, and pathophysiology. They will recognize common respiratory diseases and their management, perform pediatric respiratory physical examinations, and differentiate normal from abnormal findings. Additionally, students will be able to outline a differential diagnosis and formulate a plan of management, understand the role of tests and procedures used to investigate common respiratory complaints, and comprehend the pharmacology of drugs used in common respiratory diseases.
Available in all periods.
Two to four weeks in any year of training.
Health Science Centre (HSC) - Inpatient wards, outpatient clinics, Pediatric PFT and Sleep Labs, other Diagnostic labs (Microbiology and Imaging services), and Operating Theaters
Specialized Services for Children & Youth Center, NICU at St. Boniface Hospital
Call responsibility
No call expectations; students are available for teaching during weekdays.
By the end of the elective period, students will:
- Develop an understanding of normal anatomy, physiology, and pathophysiology of the respiratory system.
- Recognize common respiratory diseases and their management.
- Perform pediatric respiratory physical examination and differentiate normal from abnormal findings.
- Outline a differential diagnosis and formulate a plan of management.
- Understand the role of tests and procedures used to investigate common respiratory complaints.
- Understand the pharmacology of drugs used in common respiratory diseases.
- Facilitate doctor-patient relationships effectively.
- Work effectively within the healthcare team to achieve optimal patient care.
- Participate in the activities of the Respirology Team, contributing to decision-making and resource allocation.
- Help advance the health and well-being of individual patients, communities, and populations.
- Demonstrate a commitment to learning and application of medical knowledge.
- Exhibit professional behavior in practice, including honesty, integrity, commitment, compassion, and respect.
Learning Objectives (CanMEDS)
Medical Expert
- Develop understanding of normal respiratory system anatomy, physiology, and pathophysiology.
- Recognize common respiratory diseases and their management.
- Perform pediatric respiratory physical examination.
- Outline differential diagnosis and formulate a management plan.
- Understand role of tests and procedures in investigating respiratory complaints.
- Understand pharmacology of drugs used in respiratory diseases.
- Establish rapport with children and their parents in outpatient and inpatient services.
- Maintain clear, accurate, appropriate, and timely records.
- Recognize and respect diversity of roles, responsibilities, and competences of other health professionals.
- Work with others to assess, plan, provide, and integrate care of the patient.
- Participate in the activities of the Respirology Team, making decisions and allocating resources.
- Employ information technology appropriately for patient care.
- Allocate healthcare resources appropriately.
Health Advocate
- Identify health needs of individual patients, their families, and community.
- Promote patient safety.
- Demonstrate ability for continuing self-learning.
- Critically evaluate medical information and apply it appropriately.
- Critically appraise evidence to address clinical questions.
- Demonstrate appropriate presentation skills.
- Exhibit professional behavior, including honesty, integrity, commitment, compassion, and respect.
- Recognize and respect patient confidentiality.
- Recognize personal and clinical limitations.
This elective offers students the opportunity to gain comprehensive understanding and proficiency in diagnosing and managing common rheumatic diseases in children.
By the end of the elective period, students will develop an understanding of acute and chronic arthritis, inflammatory diseases of connective tissue, vasculitis, chronic pain syndromes, and musculoskeletal manifestations of systemic illness. They will also gain proficiency in selecting and interpreting diagnostic tests, assessing the musculoskeletal system, and formulating differential diagnoses of suspected rheumatic diseases.
Contact UGME
Flexible duration
Children’s Clinic Y
Call responsibility
Students may have on-call duties during weekdays between 8am and 4pm.
By the end of the elective period, students will:
- Develop an understanding of common rheumatic diseases, including acute and chronic arthritis, inflammatory diseases of connective tissue, vasculitis, chronic pain syndromes, and musculoskeletal manifestations of systemic illness.
- Gain proficiency in selecting the time and sequence of laboratory tests while being sensitive to patient discomfort and cost considerations.
- Interpret diagnostic investigation results accurately and assist in diagnosing and managing rheumatic diseases.
- Develop skills in assessing the musculoskeletal system and recognizing systemic signs of rheumatic disease.
- Synthesize patient history and physical findings to formulate a differential diagnosis of suspected rheumatic disease.
- Recognize serious musculoskeletal conditions and complications of rheumatic diseases requiring urgent assessment and management.
- Understand the indications, contraindications, and toxicity of pharmacotherapy for rheumatic diseases.
- Use clinical judgment to plan and complete consultations and therapeutic programs effectively.
This elective provides students with the capacity to:
- Work within a multidisciplinary team to provide comprehensive care for pediatric rheumatology patients.
- Communicate effectively and empathetically with patients and families about rheumatic disease and treatment.
- Collaborate with healthcare professionals to prevent, negotiate, and resolve inter-professional conflicts.
- Use information and technology to optimize patient care and contribute to quality improvement efforts.
- Advocate for children's health by understanding biopsychosocial factors affecting health and promoting preventive care strategies.
- Engage in lifelong learning by accessing evidence-based information and facilitating education for patients and healthcare professionals.
- Demonstrate professionalism through ethical practice, reliability, and accountability in patient care.
Learning Objectives (CanMEDS)
Medical Expert
- Develop an understanding of common rheumatic diseases.
- Interpret diagnostic tests accurately.
- Assist in diagnosing and managing rheumatic diseases.
- Assess the musculoskeletal system and recognize systemic signs of rheumatic disease.
- Communicate effectively with patients, families, and colleagues about rheumatic disease and treatment.
- Develop a shared plan of care with patients, families, and healthcare professionals.
- Provide accurate written documentation in a timely manner.
- Work effectively within a multidisciplinary team to provide support for pediatric rheumatology patients.
- Recognize and address issues related to diversity and inter-professional conflicts.
- Delegate tasks appropriately and collaborate with other healthcare professionals.
- Use information and technology to optimize patient care.
- Demonstrate knowledge of the Canadian healthcare system as it relates to child health.
- Involve patients and families in care decisions and provide preventive and therapeutic healthcare.
Health Advocate
- Advocate for children's health and well-being in various settings.
- Understand the importance of family involvement in managing chronic rheumatic diseases.
- Promote preventive care and vaccination strategies for patients with rheumatic diseases.
- Access and critically appraise evidence-based information relevant to rheumatic diseases.
- Facilitate education for patients, families, and healthcare professionals.
- Give and receive constructive feedback to support lifelong learning.
- Demonstrate professionalism in managing patients from diverse backgrounds.
- Practice honesty, integrity, and accountability in patient care.
- Recognize personal limitations and seek advice when necessary.
- Adapt healthcare plans to accommodate cultural backgrounds and patient preferences.
The Pediatric Neurology Elective offers medical students a unique opportunity to experience the specialty of pediatric neurology. The rotation involves a combination of inpatient and outpatient pediatric neurology consultation services, subspecialty didactic rounds, and opportunities to learn pediatric neurology-related procedures such as lumbar puncture and basic electrophysiology.
This rotation is generally available throughout the year. However, if two trainees are already assigned to a given period, another trainee may not be accepted during that time to ensure adequate one-on-one learning experience.
The duration is variable, ranging from a minimum of two weeks to a maximum of four weeks at the Section of Pediatric Neurology, Children’s Hospital Winnipeg.
- Section of Pediatric Neurology, AE 308, 820 Sherbrook Street, Children's Hospital Winnipeg
- Children Clinic, Unity Y, Children's Hospital Winnipeg
- Inpatient Units, Children's Hospital Winnipeg
Call responsibility
No on-call duties are required.
By the end of the elective period, students will:
- Demonstrate knowledge of pediatric neurology clinical problems.
- Understand etiology, diagnosis, management, and prognosis of common neurological disorders.
- Practice clinical examination and presentation skills.
- Gain knowledge of neurophysiological, neuroradiological, and neurometabolic investigations.
- Develop effective communication skills with patients, families, and healthcare professionals.
- Establish productive relationships with patients, families, and healthcare team members.
- Demonstrate effective coordination and management of patient care.
- Recognize opportunities for advocacy and community services.
- Contribute to the creation and dissemination of medical knowledge relevant to pediatric neurology.
- Exhibit professional attitudes consistent with pediatric neurology practice.
Learning objectives (CANMEDS)
Medical Expert
Knowledge Base: Demonstrate a comprehensive understanding of the clinical, socio-behavioral, developmental, and fundamental biomedical sciences relevant to resolving common pediatric neurology clinical problems.
Understanding of Neurological Disorders:
- Understand the etiology, diagnosis, management, natural history, and prognosis of common neurological disorders, including but not limited to:
- Classification and management of seizures and epilepsy, including status epilepticus.
- Differential diagnosis of children presenting with episodic events such as breath holding spells, faints, tics, and other movement disorders.
- Diseases leading to sudden changes in neurological status, such as coma, brain death, intracranial lesions, and strokes.
- Neuromuscular disorders like muscular dystrophies, myopathies, and floppy infant syndrome.
- Developmental delay and regression.
- Congenital malformations of the nervous system.
- Localization of central nervous system lesions.
- Neurocutaneous syndromes.
- Childhood headaches, including migraine.
- Infections (meningitis, encephalitis, abscess) and autoimmune disorders of the CNS (autoimmune encephalitis, CNS vasculitis).
- Conditions causing nystagmus, dizziness, vertigo, and sensory deficits like blindness and deafness.
- Understand the etiology, diagnosis, management, natural history, and prognosis of common neurological disorders, including but not limited to:
Clinical Examination and Presentation: Practice and develop skills in clinical examination and presentation, including summarizing history, conducting physical examinations, and discussing the differential diagnosis and management plan.
Investigations: Acquire knowledge of the principles underlying neurophysiological, neuroradiological, and neurometabolic investigations relevant to pediatric neurological practice.
Patient Interaction: Develop skills in effectively interacting with pediatric patients, parents/caregivers, and other physicians involved in patient care.
Information Gathering: Collect information pertinent to pediatric neurology problems from children, adolescents, and families in a culturally sensitive, developmentally appropriate, and family-focused manner. This includes understanding the patient’s beliefs, concerns, and expectations regarding the disorder.
Case Presentation: Present pediatric neurology case history and examination findings clearly, concisely, and accurately to supervising staff and other team members.
Documentation: Prepare written documentation for patients seen in both in-patient and out-patient pediatric neurology services in a clear, timely, accurate, and organized manner.
Counseling: Demonstrate the ability to counsel parents appropriately and effectively regarding a new neurological diagnosis or disorder and its prognosis.
Interpersonal Skills: Demonstrate appropriate interviewing skills and communicate effectively with patients and families, showing compassion, empathy, and attentiveness to their concerns and emotional needs.
Patient Relationships: Establish and maintain productive and responsible relationships with patients and families seen in both in-patient and out-patient pediatric neurology services.
Collaboration with Providers: Obtain and provide information and collaborate with the patient’s primary care providers in the community to ensure continuity of care for patients with pediatric neurological problems and conditions.
Team Collaboration: Collaborate effectively and appropriately with other members of the healthcare team, demonstrating respect for their professional roles.
Record Keeping: Demonstrate commitment to completing accurate medical records for patients seen during the pediatric neurology rotation.
Team Coordination: Effectively coordinate work with pediatric neurology team members, including nurse clinicians, secretaries, clinical clerks, and EEG technologists.
Patient Flow and Efficiency: Recognize the importance of patient flow and increased efficiency in both in-patient and out-patient neurology clinics.
Time Management: Exhibit appropriate time management skills, including prioritization, delegation, and task management.
Technology Utilization: Utilize information technology effectively to optimize patient care.
Healthcare System Knowledge: Demonstrate knowledge of the Canadian healthcare system and use healthcare resources effectively as they relate to complex pediatric neurological disabilities.
Health Advocate
Advocacy: Recognize opportunities to advocate for patients and their families with complex and chronic neurological problems, aiming to improve the flow of patients through the healthcare system.
Community Services: Acknowledge the importance of community services for patients with complex and chronic neurological problems, such as school, recreation, and transportation, in promoting community health.
Patient and Family Involvement: Promote active involvement of patients and families in medical decision-making and comprehensive care.
Service Coordination: Work with patients and families to obtain needed services for care and ongoing family support.
Child-Specific Healthcare: Recognize that the healthcare needs of children are different from adults and evolve throughout the developmental continuum.
Knowledge Contribution: Contribute to the creation, dissemination, application, and translation of new medical knowledge and practice relevant to pediatric neurological disorders.
Facilitate Learning: Facilitate the learning of patients, families, students, residents, other health professionals, and the public as appropriate.
Critical Evaluation: Evaluate information critically and apply it appropriately to practice decisions.
Gap Identification: Recognize gaps in knowledge and expertise and develop strategies for improvement.
Feedback Incorporation: Seek and receive feedback with the goal of incorporating constructive feedback into clinical practice.
Attitudes and Values: Demonstrate personal and professional attitudes consistent with a pediatric neurology subspecialist’s role, including honesty, integrity, commitment, compassion, and respect.
Ethical Understanding: Have a basic understanding of the principles of medical ethics and apply them to the care of pediatric neurology patients, including issues of best interest, confidentiality, conflict of interest, and access to care.
Respect and Diversity: Demonstrate respect for others and diversity, treating all individuals with regard for their individual worth and dignity in a fair and non-discriminatory manner.
Responsibility and Learning: Recognize personal limitations and act upon them to optimize patient care and safety. Demonstrate willingness to accept responsibility for errors and seek advice graciously.
Motivation and Competence: Show motivation and ability to learn and maintain competence in delivering the highest quality of care.
Child & Adolescent
This immersive experience delves into a variety of clinical settings, including the Inpatient Child & Adolescent Unit, Crisis Outpatient Clinics, Consults to Children's Emergency, and Consults to Children's Hospital Medical Wards.
Flexible in its scheduling, students can opt for full-time or half-time participation, making it adaptable to individual preferences and schedules. The duration of the elective varies accordingly, offering students the opportunity to tailor their learning experience.
Throughout the elective period, students are encouraged to engage with diverse patient populations and clinical scenarios. They'll hone their skills in conducting developmental and family history assessments tailored to children and adolescents, conduct psychiatric mental status examinations, and refine their interviewing techniques on both individual and systemic levels.
This elective is available both full time and half time, alongside the half time psychotherapy elective.
The duration of this elective varies depending on whether it's full time or half time.
The elective takes place at various locations including the Inpatient Child & Adolescent Unit, Crisis Outpatient Clinics, Consults to Children's Emergency, and Consults to Children's Hospital Medical Wards.
Call responsibility
Call responsibilities are optional for students.
By the end of the elective period, students will:
- Learn to perform a child and adolescent-oriented developmental and family history.
- Conduct a psychiatric mental status examination.
- Develop interview skills on both an individual and system level.
This elective provides students with the capacity to:
- Understand child and adolescent psychiatry from various clinical settings.
- Apply theoretical knowledge to practical situations.
- Develop communication skills crucial for working with young patients and their families.
Learning Objectives (CANMeds)
Medical Expert
- Understand and apply knowledge of child and adolescent psychiatry.
- Perform thorough developmental and family history assessments.
- Effectively communicate with young patients and their families.
- Collaborate with multidisciplinary teams.
- Work effectively within a team environment.
- Consult and collaborate with other healthcare professionals.
- Demonstrate professionalism in all interactions.
- Adhere to ethical and legal standards in patient care.
- Take initiative in patient care.
- Provide guidance to junior members of the healthcare team.
- Engage in continuous learning and self-improvement.
- Stay updated with current research and developments in child and adolescent psychiatry.
CODI Outreach Program
The CODI Outreach Program is a comprehensive elective offered by the Max Rady College of Medicine that provides a holistic approach to mental health and substance use disorders. Collaborating closely with psychiatrists, nurses, social workers, and occupational therapists, this program offers a diverse range of experiences encompassing both inpatient and outpatient care.
Students engage with patients in a 20-bed inpatient unit, where they are responsible for approximately three inpatients. Outpatient clinics are held on Mondays from 1:00 to 5:00 p.m., providing further opportunities for clinical exposure. Additionally, students are encouraged to attend off-site MINE (methadone maintenance) clinics and outreach visits with case managers to gain a comprehensive understanding of community-based care.
By the end of the elective period, students will develop a range of skills and knowledge essential for the assessment, treatment, and management of patients with mental disorders and substance use disorders. They will gain proficiency in case management, understand psychotherapeutic interventions, and familiarize themselves with available community and hospital resources.
This elective is available all year round, with variable durations ranging from a minimum of two weeks to a maximum of four weeks.
The elective takes place in various settings including the inpatient unit, outpatient clinics, and off-site MINE clinics.
Call responsibility
Call duty is not required for students.
By the end of the elective period, students will:
- Learn to assess patients for mental disorders and substance use disorders.
- Gain awareness of treatment and management pathways for patients with mental disorders and substance use disorders, both individually and in combination.
- Understand case management indications and processes for patients with substance use disorders and severe mental disorders.
- Become familiar with psychotherapy options and processes for patients with co-occurring mental disorders and substance use disorders.
- Learn about community and hospital resources available for patients with mental disorders and substance use disorders, separately and together.
This elective provides students with the capacity to:
- Enhance their assessment skills for patients with mental disorders and substance use disorders.
- Understand the complexities of treatment and management for dual-diagnosis patients.
- Develop proficiency in case management for patients with co-occurring mental disorders and substance use disorders.
- Expand their knowledge of psychotherapeutic interventions for dual-diagnosis patients.
- Gain familiarity with available resources within both the community and hospital settings.
Learning Objectives (CANMeds)
Medical Expert
- Assess patients with mental disorders and substance use disorders.
- Understand treatment and management pathways for dual-diagnosis patients.
- Effectively communicate with patients with co-occurring mental disorders and substance use disorders.
- Collaborate with multidisciplinary teams.
- Work effectively within a multidisciplinary team.
- Engage in case management with other healthcare professionals.
- Demonstrate professionalism in patient interactions.
- Adhere to ethical and legal standards in patient care.
- Take initiative in patient care and case management.
- Provide guidance to junior members of the healthcare team.
- Engage in continuous learning and self-improvement in the field of dual-diagnosis patient care.
- Stay updated with current research and developments in psychiatry and substance use disorders.
Community Elective
This elective offers a unique opportunity to engage with a diverse range of programs and services aimed at addressing mental health needs in the community.
Students will have the chance to interact with several key services, including the Community Living Psychiatry Service (CLPS), Crisis Stabilization Unit, Mobile Crisis Service, Crisis Response Centre, and specialized programs such as Early Psychosis Prevention and Intervention Services (EPPIS) and Forensic Assertive Community Treatment (FACT) / Mental Health Court.
Available throughout the year, the elective offers flexible scheduling based on availability at different sites, allowing students to tailor their experience according to their preferences and scheduling constraints. Locations span across Winnipeg, encompassing community clinics, crisis centers, specialized treatment centers, and outreach services.
By the end of the elective period, students will have gained valuable insights into community-based psychiatric services and programs. They will have developed skills in conducting psychiatric assessments in community settings and understanding the collaborative nature of mental health care within the community.
All year, with flexible scheduling based on availability at different sites.
Variable duration depending on student preference and scheduling constraints.
Various locations across Winnipeg, including community clinics, crisis centers, specialized treatment centers, and outreach services.
Call responsibility
No call responsibilities are expected for this elective.
By the end of the elective period, students will:
- Observe and conduct comprehensive psychiatric assessments.
- Collaborate with family physicians in the care of mutual mental health patients.
- Become familiar with the interprofessional and integrated team approach to caring for the chronically mentally ill.
This elective provides students with the capacity to:
- Gain insight into community-based psychiatric services and programs.
- Develop skills in conducting psychiatric assessments in community settings.
- Understand the collaborative nature of mental health care in the community.
Learning Objectives (CANMeds)
Medical Expert
- Conduct comprehensive psychiatric assessments.
- Collaborate effectively with family physicians and interdisciplinary teams.
- Participate in an interprofessional team approach to care.
- Organize and prioritize responsibilities within community settings.
Health Advocate
- Advocate for the needs of mentally ill patients within the community.
- Engage in ongoing learning and reflection on community-based psychiatric care.
- Demonstrate professionalism in all interactions within the community healthcare setting.
Consultation-Liaison Psychiatry
This unique opportunity provides students with hands-on experience in delivering psychiatric consultative expertise to various Inpatient Medical and Surgical Services at the Health Sciences Centre, including Women’s Hospital wards.
Located primarily at the PsycHealth Centre within the Health Sciences Centre, students collaborate with a dedicated team comprising psychiatrists, residents, international medical graduates, residents from other programs, and physician assistant students. Weekly participation in Psychiatry grand rounds and cross-program academic rounds enriches the learning experience. Through collaboration with a multidisciplinary team of caregivers, students educate medical and surgical colleagues about various psychiatric aspects of medical patient care.
This elective is available at the Health Sciences Centre throughout the year.
The duration of this elective is flexible, typically ranging from a minimum of two weeks to a maximum of four weeks.
The service is primarily based out of the PsycHealth Centre, with most of each day spent on the wards of the Health Sciences Centre.
Call responsibility
Call duty is not required for students.
By the end of the elective period, students will:
- Be proficient in assessing medical and surgical inpatients for common psychiatric conditions such as Neurocognitive Disorder, Depression, Delirium, Substance Use Disorders, and Anxiety Disorders.
- Competently evaluate issues related to competency to make medical treatment decisions and manage one’s affairs.
- Write clear and concise consultation reports.
- Demonstrate a professional, caring, and empathic style of interaction with patients.
- Effectively relay information to patients and the treatment team in a complete yet concise fashion.
- Work collaboratively with a multidisciplinary team of caregivers.
- Educate medical and surgical colleagues about various psychiatric aspects of medical patient care.
- Manage time effectively to attend to the responsibilities of the CL service.
- Balance personal and professional responsibilities effectively.
- Address various aspects of patient health with patients and the healthcare team.
- Demonstrate ongoing self-education and participation in literature review.
- Understand mental health law and discuss ethical issues arising from the treatment of mentally ill patients.
Learning Objectives (CANMeds)
Medical Expert
- Assess medical and surgical inpatients for common psychiatric conditions.
- Evaluate competency issues related to medical treatment decisions.
- Write clear and concise consultation reports.
- Demonstrate a professional and empathic style of interaction with patients.
- Effectively relay information to patients and the treatment team.
- Work effectively within a multidisciplinary team.
- Educate colleagues about psychiatric aspects of medical patient care.
- Manage time effectively to fulfill CL service responsibilities.
- Balance personal and professional responsibilities.
Health Advocate
- Address various aspects of patient health with patients and the healthcare team.
- Engage in ongoing self-education and literature review.
- Write clear and concise consultation reports.
- Efficiently and completely assess medical patients for psychiatric problems.
- Understand mental health law.
- Discuss ethical issues arising from the treatment of mentally ill patients.
This elective provides students with firsthand exposure to individuals with mental illness involved in the legal system.
Based primarily at the Health Sciences Centre, students engage in various facets of forensic psychiatry, including inpatient assessment and treatment on PX3, attendance at outpatient clinics, and potential visits to correctional facilities under the guidance of experienced psychiatrists. In addition, students participate in educational rounds on Forensic Psychiatry, Psychiatry Grand Rounds, and Cross Program rounds, enriching their understanding of the field.
By the end of the elective period, students emerge equipped to perform comprehensive psychiatric assessments, navigate the complexities of assessing patients with criminal justice involvement, and contribute to the development of management plans for individuals with acute and chronic mental illness in forensic settings.
For availability information, please contact the Electives Administrator, Faculty of Medicine UGME.
The duration of this elective varies; please inquire with the Electives Administrator for specific details.
This elective takes place primarily at Health Sciences Centre, including inpatient units, outpatient clinics, and potential visits to correctional facilities.
Call responsibility
Students should discuss call responsibilities with the Department of Psychiatry Program Administrator.
By the end of the elective period, students will:
- Perform a comprehensive psychiatric assessment.
- Discuss specific aspects of assessing patients with criminal justice involvement.
- Participate in the development of management plans for inpatients and outpatients with acute and chronic mental illness.
This elective provides students with the capacity to:
- Gain insight into the interface between mental health and the criminal justice system.
- Enhance skills in assessing and managing patients with mental illness within forensic settings.
- Understand the complexities of developing treatment plans for individuals with acute and chronic mental illness involved in the criminal justice system.
Learning Objectives (CANMeds)
Medical Expert
- Perform a comprehensive psychiatric assessment.
- Develop management plans for patients with acute and chronic mental illness.
- Effectively communicate assessment findings and management plans.
- Work collaboratively with psychiatrists, correctional facility staff, and other healthcare professionals.
- Participate in the development of management plans for patients.
- Engage in learning about the intersection of mental health and the criminal justice system.
- Stay updated with relevant literature and research in forensic psychiatry.
- Adhere to ethical standards in working with patients involved in the criminal justice system.
General Psychiatry (HSC)
The General Psychiatry elective offers a customized experience that can include both inpatient and outpatient components.
This elective is available throughout the year. Please contact the Electives Administrator for specific availability details.
The duration of this elective is flexible. Please inquire with the Electives Administrator for more information.
The elective takes place at various locations:
- Inpatient Component:
- 20 – 23 inpatient beds
- Staffed by three Psychiatrists
- Outpatient Component:
- 4 outpatient follow-up clinics per week
- 4 clinics per week where residents assess new patients in the presence of staff psychiatrists and other trainees. Students have the option to participate in these assessments.
- Staffed by three psychiatrists, two residents, three nurse therapists, one social worker, and one occupational therapist.
Call responsibility
Students should discuss call responsibilities with the Department of Psychiatry Program Administrator.
By the end of the elective period, students will:
- Enhance their skills in taking a psychiatric history.
- Develop proficiency in creating management plans for psychiatric patients.
- Improve their interviewing skills.
- Learn how to effectively interact with members of a multidisciplinary team.
This elective provides students with the capacity to:
- Gain practical experience in both inpatient and outpatient psychiatric settings.
- Develop skills in patient assessment, treatment planning, and communication within a psychiatric team.
Learning Objectives (CANMeds)
Medical Expert
- Enhance skills in psychiatric assessment and management.
- Improve communication skills with patients and healthcare team members.
- Learn to effectively collaborate with a multidisciplinary team.
- Engage in learning and self-improvement in the field of psychiatry.
- Adhere to ethical standards and professionalism in patient care.
General Psychiatry (SBGH)
The General Psychiatry rotation encompasses the clinical management, interdisciplinary treatment, and academic review of literature concerning patients with major mental illnesses. The Ambulatory Care Service at St. Boniface Hospital provides ongoing treatment for such patients.
This elective is available throughout the year. Contact the Electives Administrator for specific availability details.
Duration varies; please consult the Electives Administrator for more information.
The rotation primarily takes place at St. Boniface General Hospital (SBGH).
Call responsibility
Discuss call responsibilities with the Department of Psychiatry Program Administrator.
By the end of the elective period, students will
- Demonstrate competency in managing chronic mental illness through comprehensive patient assessment and development of individualized treatment plans.
- Develop effective communication skills when interacting with patients, their families, and healthcare professionals, both verbally and in writing.
- Engage in respectful and collaborative consultations with physicians, healthcare professionals, patients, and their support systems.
- Independently manage direct patient care while balancing other professional, educational, and non-direct patient care commitments.
- Advocate for patients with chronic mental illness in various aspects of their care.
- Participate in structured group learning experiences and self-directed learning relevant to the treatment of patients with chronic mental illness.
- Demonstrate ethical and respectful standards in all interactions with team members, patients, and their support systems.
This elective provides students with the capacity to:
- Gain practical experience in managing chronic mental illness within an interdisciplinary team.
- Develop effective communication, collaboration, and advocacy skills in the context of mental healthcare.
- Enhance their understanding of psychiatric treatment modalities and current research in the field.
Learning Objectives (CANMeds)
Medical Expert
- Competently manage chronic mental illness through comprehensive assessment and individualized treatment planning.
- Develop effective verbal and written communication skills with patients, families, and healthcare professionals.
- Engage in respectful consultations with various stakeholders involved in patient care.
- Manage direct patient care while balancing other commitments.
Health Advocate
- Advocate for patients with chronic mental illness in various aspects of their care.
- Participate in structured and self-directed learning relevant to the treatment of patients with chronic mental illness.
- Demonstrate ethical and respectful standards in all interactions.
Mood Disorders
The Psychiatry - Mood Disorders elective takes place at Health Sciences Centre and provides comprehensive training in the assessment and management of mood disorders. The elective encompasses inpatient, outpatient, and day hospital components, allowing students to gain exposure to various aspects of mood disorder care.
This elective is available throughout the year. Contact the Electives Administrator for specific availability details.
The duration of this elective varies. Please consult the Electives Administrator for more information.
The elective is based at Health Sciences Centre.
Call responsibility
Discuss call responsibilities with the Department of Psychiatry Program Administrator.
By the end of the elective period, students will:
- Be proficient in taking psychiatric histories with a focus on mood disorders.
- Effectively prioritize alternatives in the differential diagnosis of mood disorders.
- Develop comprehensive management plans incorporating biological, psychological, and social interventions.
- Enhance interviewing skills for mood disorder assessment.
- Collaborate with members of a multidisciplinary team in patient care.
This elective provides students with the capacity to:
- Gain hands-on experience in the assessment and management of mood disorders across various care settings.
- Develop critical thinking skills in differential diagnosis and treatment planning for mood disorders.
- Enhance communication and teamwork abilities within a multidisciplinary healthcare environment.
Learning Objectives (CANMeds)
Medical Expert
- Take psychiatric histories with a focus on mood disorders.
- Prioritize alternatives in the differential diagnosis of mood disorders.
- Develop comprehensive management plans for mood disorders.
- Improve interviewing skills for mood disorder assessment.
- Interact effectively with members of a multidisciplinary team in patient care.
Psychiatric Intensive Care Unit
The Psychiatric Intensive Care Unit (PY3S) is an 11-bed high-acuity inpatient unit designed to cater to patients with acute mental illness, particularly those presenting with agitation and severe symptoms. The interdisciplinary team includes psychiatrists, nurse practitioners, nurses, social workers, occupational therapists, pharmacists, and peer support staff. Patients may be directly admitted from the Emergency Room (ER) or Crisis Response Centre (CRC), or transferred from other inpatient units or hospitals due to the severity of their illness and need for intensive observation and management.
This elective is available throughout the year. Contact the Electives Administrator for specific availability details.
The duration of this elective varies. Please consult the Electives Administrator for more information.
PsycHealth Centre at Health Sciences Centre.
Call responsibility
Discuss call responsibilities with the Department of Psychiatry Program Administrator.
By the end of the elective period, students will:
- Develop an appreciation for various psychotic disorders and learn to differentiate them.
- Acquire skills in managing psychosis and agitation associated with mental illness.
- Enhance interviewing skills for patients with severe mental illness.
- Learn effective communication techniques for managing agitated patients.
- Recognize and respect the roles of interdisciplinary team members in patient care.
- Participate effectively as a member of an interdisciplinary team.
- Learn to prioritize patient care and balance it with other demands.
- Identify opportunities for advocacy for individual patients and patient populations.
- Complete a short literature review on a clinical question.
- Demonstrate professionalism in all interactions with patients and team members.
This elective provides students with the capacity to:
- Gain hands-on experience in managing acute mental illness in an intensive care setting.
- Develop comprehensive skills in patient assessment, communication, and advocacy.
- Understand the importance of teamwork and collaboration in providing optimal patient care.
- Engage in reflective learning and contribute to the advancement of medical knowledge.
- Cultivate professionalism and ethical conduct in healthcare practice.
Learning Objectives (CANMeds)
Medical Expert
- Competently manage chronic mental illness through comprehensive assessment and individualized treatment planning.
- Develop effective verbal and written communication skills with patients, families, and healthcare professionals.
- Engage in respectful consultations with various stakeholders involved in patient care.
- Manage direct patient care while balancing other commitments.
Health Advocate
- Advocate for patients with chronic mental illness in various aspects of their care.
- Participate in structured and self-directed learning relevant to the treatment of patients with chronic mental illness.
- Demonstrate ethical and respectful standards in all interactions.
This elective provides students with the opportunity to engage in psychotherapeutic observation and participation across various settings. The elective is structured as a half-time commitment, with the other half dedicated to either Child and Adolescent Psychiatry or Anxiety/Mood Disorders Psychiatry, based on the student's preference.
Students will primarily observe and participate in discussions with psychotherapists, gaining exposure to different psychotherapeutic modalities. Various group therapies are available, including cognitive-behavioral therapy for anxiety, depression, and obsessive-compulsive disorder, dialectical behavior therapy, mindfulness-based cognitive therapy, and more.
This elective is available all year, with a variable length of time commitment, starting from a minimum of 4 weeks. It can be completed as a half-time rotation, alongside another half-time psychiatry elective. The schedule will be customized to fit the interests of the individual student.
Variable duration, with a minimum commitment of 4 weeks.
Health Sciences Centre, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada.
Call Responsibility
Call duty is not required for this elective.
By the end of the elective period, students will:
- Be exposed to various psychotherapeutic modalities.
- Have read introductory literature on psychotherapy.
- Develop an appreciation for the role of psychotherapy in patient treatment.
- Engage in discussions about psychotherapy.
This elective provides students with the capacity to:
- Gain hands-on experience in psychotherapy observation and participation.
- Enhance their understanding of different psychotherapeutic approaches.
- Explore the integration of psychotherapy into patient care.
Learning Objectives (CANMeds)
Medical Expert
- Gain exposure to different psychotherapeutic modalities.
- Participate in discussions with psychotherapists and colleagues.
- Work collaboratively with the interdisciplinary team in psychotherapeutic settings.
- Effectively manage time and commitments during the elective.
Health Advocate
- Recognize opportunities for advocacy in patient care within psychotherapeutic contexts.
- Conduct a short literature review on a psychotherapy-related topic.
- Demonstrate professionalism in interactions with patients and team members.
Orthopedic Surgery
The Pediatric Orthopedic Fellowship at the University of Manitoba offers a comprehensive program aimed at providing specialized care to pediatric patients with orthopedic conditions. Fellows will gain hands-on experience in various aspects of pediatric orthopedics, including trauma management, surgical procedures, and research.
1 year (July 1 – June 30)
The Children’s Hospital of Winnipeg, Specialized Services for Children and Youth (SSCY), Winnipeg, Manitoba
Call responsibility
Fellows will participate in on-call duties to manage pediatric orthopedic trauma cases.
By the end of the elective period, fellows will:
- Gain expertise in managing pediatric orthopedic trauma
- Participate in bedside and formal resident teaching rounds
- Conduct a research project under the guidance of experienced attending surgeons
This elective provides fellows with the capacity to:
- Develop specialized skills in pediatric orthopedic surgery
- Contribute to the care of pediatric patients with complex orthopedic conditions
- Enhance their knowledge through research and clinical experience
Learning Objectives (CANMEDS)
Medical Expert
- Provide comprehensive care to pediatric orthopedic patients
- Develop expertise in diagnosing and managing various orthopedic conditions
- Establish effective communication with patients, families, and healthcare teams
- Participate in educational activities to enhance communication skills
- Work collaboratively with multidisciplinary teams to optimize patient care
- Respect and acknowledge the contributions of other healthcare professionals
- Demonstrate leadership qualities in managing pediatric orthopedic cases
- Contribute to the development of clinical protocols and guidelines
Health Advocate
- Promote the health and well-being of pediatric patients through advocacy and education
- Address social and environmental factors affecting pediatric orthopedic health
- Engage in scholarly activities, including research projects and academic presentations
- Stay updated with the latest advancements in pediatric orthopedics
- Adhere to ethical principles and professional standards in pediatric orthopedic practice
- Demonstrate integrity, compassion, and empathy in patient care
Orthopedic surgery is a hands-on specialty. In order to derive the greatest benefit from the rotation, it is imperative that the students assume an active role. Whether or not students are interested in orthopedics as a career, they will learn valuable skills on this rotation. At some time in almost all physicians’ careers, they will be faced with patients with a musculoskeletal problem. We wish to give exposure to orthopedics as a career option and to give the student an approach to musculoskeletal conditions. During your rotation, you will be exposed to hip and knee total joint arthroplasty in both clinic and operating room settings. Some fractures will be encountered through the Emergency Department.
Concordia Hospital
Call responsibility
As per schedule
By the end of the elective period, students will
- Develop communication skills in dealing with patients, families, and staff.
- Perform clinical examination of the hip and knee.
- Interpret x-ray findings.
- Develop an approach to diagnosis and treatment of hip and knee arthritis.
- Understand and adhere to operating room conduct, including sterile technique and assisting.
- Recognize and manage common perioperative complications (DVT, PE, fat embolism, infection, joint dislocation, etc.).
- Apply casts and splints in Fracture Clinics.
- Participate in the OR.
This elective provides students with the capacity to
- Integrate medical knowledge, clinical skills, and professional attitudes in patient-centered care.
Learning Objectives (CanMEDS)
Medical Expert
- Develop communication skills in dealing with patients, families, and staff.
- Perform clinical examination of the hip and knee.
- Interpret x-ray findings.
- Develop an approach to diagnosis and treatment of hip and knee arthritis.
- Understand and adhere to operating room conduct, including sterile technique and assisting.
- Recognize and manage common perioperative complications (DVT, PE, fat embolism, infection, joint dislocation, etc.).
- Apply casts and splints in Fracture Clinics.
- Participate in the OR.
- Establish rapport, trust, and a therapeutic relationship with patients and families.
- Listen effectively.
- Elicit relevant information and perspectives of patients, families, and the healthcare team.
- Convey relevant information and explanations to patients, families, and the healthcare team.
- Convey effective oral and written information about a medical encounter.
- Maintain clear, accurate, appropriate, and timely records of clinical encounters and operative procedures.
- Address challenging communication issues effectively.
- Obtain informed consent, deliver bad news, disclose adverse events, discuss end-of-life care, discuss organ donation, address anger, confusion, and misunderstanding using a patient-centric approach.
- Demonstrate a team approach to health care.
- Participate effectively in an interprofessional and interdisciplinary healthcare team.
- Recognize and respect the diversity of roles, responsibilities, and competences of other health professionals in the management of the surgical patient.
- Work with others to assess, plan, provide, and integrate care of the surgical patient.
- Participate in the activities of the surgical service, making decisions, allocating resources, and contributing to the effectiveness of the healthcare team.
- Employ information technology appropriately for patient care.
- Allocate finite healthcare resources.
Health Advocate
- Advocate for the health and well-being of individual patients, communities, and populations.
- Identify and address social determinants of health.
- Promote culturally competent, patient-centered care.
- Engage in lifelong learning and self-improvement.
- Discuss the principles of surgery and the application of basic sciences to surgical treatment.
- Demonstrate appropriate presentation skills, including formal and informal presentations.
- Critically evaluate medical information and its sources and apply this appropriately to clinical decisions.
- Critically appraise the evidence in order to address a clinical question.
- Integrate critical appraisal conclusions into clinical care.
- Exhibit professional behaviors in practice, including honesty, integrity, commitment, compassion, respect, and altruism.
- Demonstrate a commitment to delivering the highest quality care.
- Recognize and respond appropriately to ethical issues encountered in practice.
- Recognize and respect patient confidentiality, privacy, and autonomy.
- Participation in peer review.
- Manage conflicts of interest.
- Maintain appropriate relations with patients.
- Demonstrate awareness of industry influence on medical training and practice.
- Recognition of personal and clinical limitations.
Spinal surgery derives its origins from both orthopaedic surgery and neurosurgery. The training of a spine surgeon begins in medical school and is built upon by the residency program (orthopaedics or neurosurgery) and further training achieved through a fellowship program. Whether or not students are interested in spine surgery as a career, they will learn valuable skills on this rotation, which will be invaluable no matter the clinical pathway eventually chosen. At some time in almost all physicians’ careers, they will be faced with patients with a spine problem. We believe that exposure to spine surgery is an important part of musculoskeletal medical education. In order to derive the greatest benefit from this rotation and to gain an understanding of the wide spectrum of spinal pathologies in clinical practice, it is imperative that the students assume an active role, particularly in clinic, hospital ward, and emergency room.
Health Sciences Centre
Call responsibility
1-in-4; Call from home
By the end of the elective period, students will
- Develop a systematic approach to obtaining a history and performing an examination of the spine patient, with particular emphasis on the neurologic exam.
- Develop competence in the reading and interpretation of x-rays, CT scans, and MRI, with an emphasis on correlating radiographic findings and clinical presentations.
- Identify and manage common spinal pathologies (malignant, traumatic, degenerative).
- Identify spinal emergencies.
- Assist in the assessment and management of elective and emergent spinal pathologies.
- Recognize and manage common spinal perioperative complications (CSF leak, DVT, PE, infection, new neurologic deficit, etc.).
- Identify and manage common co-morbid medical problems associated with spinal pathology.
- Participate in operating room conduct, including sterile technique and assisting.
This elective provides students with the capacity to
- Integrate medical knowledge, clinical skills, and professional attitudes in patient-centered care.
Learning Objectives (CanMEDS)
Medical Expert
- Develop a systematic approach to obtaining a history and performing an examination of the spine patient, with particular emphasis on the neurologic exam.
- Develop competence in the reading and interpretation of x-rays, CT scans, and MRI, with an emphasis on correlating radiographic findings and clinical presentations.
- Identify and manage common spinal pathologies (malignant, traumatic, degenerative).
- Identify spinal emergencies.
- Assist in the assessment and management of elective and emergent spinal pathologies.
- Recognize and manage common spinal perioperative complications (CSF leak, DVT, PE, infection, new neurologic deficit, etc.).
- Identify and manage common co-morbid medical problems associated with spinal pathology.
- Participate in operating room conduct, including sterile technique and assisting.
- Establish rapport, trust, and a therapeutic relationship with patients and families.
- Listen effectively.
- Elicit relevant information and perspectives of patients, families, and the healthcare team.
- Convey relevant information and explanations to patients, families, and the healthcare team.
- Convey effective oral and written information about a medical encounter.
- Maintain clear, accurate, appropriate, and timely records of clinical encounters and operative procedures.
- Address challenging communication issues effectively.
- Obtain informed consent, deliver bad news, disclose adverse events, discuss end-of-life care, discuss organ donation, address anger, confusion, and misunderstanding using a patient-centered approach.
- Demonstrate a team approach to health care.
- Participate effectively in an interprofessional and interdisciplinary health care team.
- Recognize and respect the diversity of roles, responsibilities, and competences of other health professionals in the management of the surgical patient.
- Work with others to assess, plan, provide, and integrate care of the surgical patient.
- Participate in the activities of the surgical service, making decisions, allocating resources, and contributing to the effectiveness of the healthcare team.
- Employ information technology appropriately for patient care.
- Allocate finite healthcare resources.
Health Advocate
- Advocate for the health and well-being of individual patients, communities, and populations.
- Identify and address social determinants of health.
- Promote culturally competent, patient-centered care.
- Engage in lifelong learning and self-improvement.
- Discuss the principles of surgery and the application of basic sciences to surgical treatment.
- Demonstrate appropriate presentation skills, including formal and informal presentations.
- Critically evaluate medical information and its sources and apply this appropriately to clinical decisions.
- Critically appraise the evidence in order to address a clinical question.
- Integrate critical appraisal conclusions into clinical care.
- Exhibit professional behaviors in practice, including honesty, integrity, commitment, compassion, respect, and altruism.
- Demonstrate a commitment to delivering the highest quality care.
- Recognize and respond appropriately to ethical issues encountered in practice.
- Recognize and respect patient confidentiality, privacy, and autonomy.
- Participation in peer review.
- Manage conflicts of interest.
- Maintain appropriate relations with patients.
- Demonstrate awareness of industry influence on medical training and practice.
- Recognition of personal and clinical limitations.
Sports and Upper Extremity
The emphasis of this rotation will be on Sports and Upper Extremity surgery. Clerks will participate in clinics that include the examination of shoulder and knee sports injuries and provide exposure to arthroscopic surgery of the shoulder and knee, as well as other procedures.
The Pan Am Clinic
Call responsibility
By the end of the elective period, students will
- Become familiar with common injuries to the shoulder and knee.
- Gain skills in the examination of the shoulder and knee.
- Acquire a basic understanding of the treatment of shoulder and knee injuries, particularly arthroscopic surgery.
- Prepare and present a topic of interest to the clerk, such as Achilles’ tendon ruptures, meniscal tears, ACL or PCL tears, treatment of early osteoarthritis of the knee, hip arthroscopy, scaphoid fractures, elbow sports injuries, shoulder instability, and rotator cuff injuries. Please discuss your choice of topic with your preceptor at the beginning of the rotation.
Learning Objectives (CanMEDS)
Medical Expert
- Become familiar with common injuries to the shoulder and knee.
- Gain skills in the examination of the shoulder and knee.
- Acquire a basic understanding of the treatment of shoulder and knee injuries, particularly arthroscopic surgery.
- Prepare and present a topic of interest to the clerk, such as Achilles’ tendon ruptures, meniscal tears, ACL or PCL tears, treatment of early osteoarthritis of the knee, hip arthroscopy, scaphoid fractures, elbow sports injuries, shoulder instability, and rotator cuff injuries. Please discuss your choice of topic with your preceptor at the beginning of the rotation.
- Establish rapport, trust, and a therapeutic relationship with patients and families.
- Listen effectively.
- Elicit relevant information and perspectives of patients, families, and the healthcare team.
- Convey relevant information and explanations to patients, families, and the healthcare team.
- Convey effective oral and written information about a medical encounter.
- Maintain clear, accurate, appropriate, and timely records of clinical encounters and operative procedures.
- Address challenging communication issues effectively, including obtaining informed consent, delivering bad news, disclosing adverse events, discussing end-of-life care, discussing organ donation, and addressing anger, confusion, and misunderstanding.
- Understand the team approach to health care.
- Participate effectively in an interprofessional and interdisciplinary healthcare team.
- Recognize and respect the diversity of roles, responsibilities, and competences of other health professionals in the management of the surgical patient.
- Work with others to assess, plan, provide, and integrate care of the surgical patient.
- Participate in the activities of the surgical service, making decisions, allocating resources, and contributing to the effectiveness of the healthcare team.
- Employ information technology appropriately for patient care.
- Allocate finite healthcare resources appropriately.
Health Advocate
- Advocate for the health and well-being of individual patients, communities, and populations.
- Identify and address social determinants of health.
- Promote culturally competent, patient-centered care.
- Engage in lifelong learning and self-improvement.
- Learn the principles of surgery and the application of basic sciences to surgical treatment.
- Demonstrate appropriate presentation skills, including formal and informal presentations.
- Critically evaluate medical information and its sources and apply this appropriately to clinical decisions.
- Critically appraise the evidence in order to address a clinical question.
- Integrate critical appraisal conclusions into clinical care.
- Exhibit professional behaviors in practice, including honesty, integrity, commitment, compassion, respect, and altruism.
- Demonstrate a commitment to delivering the highest quality care.
- Recognize and respond appropriately to ethical issues encountered in practice.
- Recognize and respect patient confidentiality, privacy, and autonomy.
- Participation in peer review.
- Manage conflicts of interest.
- Maintain appropriate relations with patients.
- Demonstrate awareness of industry influence on medical training and practice.
- Recognition of personal and clinical limitations.
The Orthopedic Surgery Elective at Concordia Hospital offers hands-on experience in orthopedic surgery. Students will participate in various aspects of orthopedic care, including clinic consultations, operating room procedures, and fracture management.
Variable (to be determined by the university)
Concordia Hospital
Call responsibility
Call rotations may be optional based on the student's preference and the hospital's requirements.
By the end of the elective period, students will:
- Develop communication skills with patients, families, and staff
- Perform clinical examinations of the hip and knee
- Interpret x-ray findings related to orthopedic conditions
- Gain an approach to diagnosing and treating hip and knee arthritis
- Participate in operating room procedures with an understanding of sterile technique and perioperative complications
- Apply casts and splints in fracture clinics
This elective provides students with the capacity to:
- Enhance their knowledge and skills in orthopedic surgery
- Explore orthopedics as a potential career path
- Contribute to the care of patients with musculoskeletal conditions
Learning Objectives (CANMEDS)
Medical Expert
- Develop proficiency in diagnosing and managing orthopedic conditions
- Acquire technical skills necessary for orthopedic procedures
- Establish rapport and trust with patients and families
- Effectively convey information to patients, families, and healthcare teams
- Work collaboratively within the surgical team to optimize patient care
- Recognize and respect the roles of other healthcare professionals
- Participate in decision-making and resource allocation within the surgical service
- Contribute to the effectiveness of the healthcare team
Health Advocate
- Promote patient safety and advocate for the best interest of patients
- Identify and address health needs of individual patients and communities
- Demonstrate a commitment to lifelong learning in orthopedic surgery
- Critically appraise medical information and apply it to clinical practice
- Exhibit professionalism, integrity, and ethical conduct in orthopedic practice
- Maintain high standards of patient care and confidentiality
Orthopedic surgery is a hands-on specialty. This elective aims to provide students with valuable skills in managing musculoskeletal injuries and exposure to orthopedics as a career option.
Dependent on availability
- Health Sciences Centre
Call responsibility
- Students will take calls from the ward and the emergency room.
By the end of the elective period, students will:
- Develop skills in examining an injured patient
- Learn to read x-rays and identify orthopedic emergencies
- Apply splints to arms and legs
- Manage common medical problems associated with orthopedic patients
- Identify and treat common orthopedic injuries
- Learn operating room conduct and assist in surgeries
- Recognize and manage perioperative complications
Learning Objectives (CanMEDS)
Medical Expert
- Develop skills in examining an injured patient
- Learn to read x-rays and identify orthopedic emergencies
- Apply splints to arms and legs
- Manage common medical problems associated with orthopedic patients
- Identify and treat common orthopedic injuries
- Learn operating room conduct and assist in surgeries
- Recognize and manage perioperative complications
- Establish rapport, trust, and therapeutic relationships with patients and families
- Listen effectively and convey relevant information to patients and families
- Maintain clear and accurate records of clinical encounters
- Address challenging communication issues effectively
- Demonstrate a team approach to health care
- Participate effectively in interprofessional healthcare teams
- Work with others to assess, plan, provide, and integrate care of the surgical patient
- Participate in the activities of the surgical service
- Allocate finite healthcare resources appropriately
Health Advocate
- Identify health needs of individual patients and advocate for them
- Promote and participate in patient safety initiatives
- Demonstrate a commitment to lifelong learning
- Discuss surgical principles and apply basic sciences to surgical treatment
- Critically evaluate medical information and integrate it into clinical care
- Exhibit professional behaviors in practice
- Demonstrate a commitment to delivering the highest quality care
- Recognize and respond appropriately to ethical issues in practice
- Manage conflicts of interest and maintain appropriate relations with patients
Cardiac Surgery
This elective offers an immersive experience in the management of clinical cardiovascular diseases. With a focus on cardiac surgery, this elective provides students with the opportunity to observe and participate in the care of patients with various cardiac conditions.
Flexible duration based on student's schedule
St. Boniface General Hospital, Winnipeg, Manitoba
Call responsibility
Rotational call schedule (1-4)
By the end of the elective period, students will:
- Gain insight into the management of ischemic heart disease, valvular heart diseases, and aortic pathologies
- Participate in clinical rounds, surgical procedures, and outpatient clinics
- Develop skills in history-taking, physical examinations, and treatment planning
- Enhance communication skills with patients, families, and healthcare teams
- Contribute to patient care in a multidisciplinary healthcare environment
This elective provides students with the capacity to:
- Understand the etiology, pathophysiology, and clinical presentation of cardiac diseases
- Gain hands-on experience in cardiac surgery procedures and perioperative care
- Develop leadership, collaboration, and advocacy skills in patient care
- Apply evidence-based medicine principles in clinical decision-making
Learning Objectives (CANMEDS)
Medical Expert
- Conduct comprehensive patient assessments
- Interpret diagnostic findings and formulate treatment plans
- Establish effective rapport with patients and families
- Communicate medical information clearly and empathetically
- Work collaboratively with healthcare teams to optimize patient care
- Respect and value the contributions of interdisciplinary team members
- Demonstrate leadership qualities in patient care and team coordination
- Contribute to quality improvement initiatives and patient safety measures
Health Advocate
- Promote patient well-being and advocate for equitable healthcare
- Address social determinants of health and patient safety concerns
- Engage in continuous learning and professional development
- Apply critical thinking skills to evaluate medical literature and research
- Exemplify professionalism, integrity, and ethical conduct in clinical practice
- Adhere to professional standards and regulatory requirements
Plastics Surgery
This elective offers students the opportunity to gain exposure to various aspects of plastic surgery, including wound care, plastic surgery procedures, and management of common plastic surgery problems.
Dependent on availability
- Health Sciences Centre
- St. Boniface General Hospital
Call responsibility
- Students are expected to be on call 1-in-5, covering emergency room duties.
- Students should pick one weekend day to cover a 24-hour call period.
- Home call is included.
By the end of the elective period, students will
- Understand basic plastic surgery concepts and techniques
- Gain proficiency in suturing and wound closure
- Develop skills in wound care and dressing
- Identify and examine common plastic surgery problems
Learning Objectives (CanMEDS)
Medical Expert
- Understand plastic surgery concepts and breadth
- Acquire basic suturing and wound closure skills
- Demonstrate knowledge of wound care and dressings
- Identify and examine common plastic surgery problems
- Establish rapport, trust, and therapeutic relationships with patients and families
- Listen effectively and convey relevant information to patients and families
- Maintain clear and accurate records of clinical encounters
- Address challenging communication issues effectively
- Understand the team approach to healthcare
- Participate effectively in interprofessional healthcare teams
- Work with others to assess, plan, and provide care for surgical patients
- Engage in activities to contribute to a high-quality healthcare system
- Take responsibility for the delivery of excellent patient care
Health Advocate
- Identify health needs of individual patients
- Promote and participate in patient safety initiatives
- Demonstrate a commitment to lifelong learning
- Acquire knowledge of surgical principles and their application
- Evaluate medical information critically and apply it to clinical decisions
- Exhibit professional behaviors, including honesty, integrity, and compassion
- Deliver the highest quality care
- Recognize and respond to ethical issues in practice
- Maintain patient confidentiality and autonomy
Surgical Intensive Care Unit
The Surgical Intensive Care Unit (SICU) at the Health Sciences Centre provides intensive care support for critically ill surgical patients. This elective aims to provide students with an understanding of the multi-system approach to caring for such patients.
Dependent on availability
- Health Sciences Centre
Call responsibility
- Optional call responsibilities, with specific instructions provided
By the end of the elective period, students will:
- Understand the multi-system problem-based approach to critically ill surgical patients
- Perform appropriate history and physical examinations on critically ill surgical patients
- Present patients in a problem-oriented fashion at morning rounds
- Observe/participate in critical procedures like line insertions and intubations
- Discuss various shock states and establish diagnoses
Learning Objectives (CanMEDS)
Medical Expert
- Understand the multi-system approach to critically ill surgical patients
- Perform history and physical exams on critically ill patients
- Present patients in a problem-oriented fashion
- Observe/participate in critical procedures
- Demonstrate knowledge of shock states and diagnosis
- Establish rapport, trust, and therapeutic relationships with patients and families
- Listen effectively and convey relevant information to patients and families
- Maintain clear and accurate records of clinical encounters
- Address challenging communication issues effectively
- Understand the team approach to healthcare
- Participate effectively in interprofessional healthcare teams
- Work with others to assess, plan, provide, and integrate care of the surgical patient
- Employ information technology appropriately for patient care
- Allocate finite healthcare resources appropriately
Health Advocate
- Identify health needs of individual patients and advocate for them
- Promote and participate in patient safety initiatives
- Demonstrate a commitment to lifelong learning
- Discuss surgical principles and apply basic sciences to surgical treatment
- Critically evaluate medical information and integrate it into clinical care
- Exhibit professional behaviors in practice
- Demonstrate a commitment to delivering the highest quality care
- Recognize and respond appropriately to ethical issues in practice
- Manage conflicts of interest and maintain appropriate relations with patients
Surgical Oncology Service
The Surgical Oncology Service at the University of Manitoba provides a comprehensive experience in the multidisciplinary management of cancer patients. Based primarily at the Health Sciences Centre, with additional clinics and surgeries at St. Boniface General Hospital and the Breast Health Centre, this elective offers exposure to various outpatient clinics and surgical procedures. Students will participate in morning ward rounds, surgical tutorials, and multidisciplinary case rounds. They will also engage in the daily management of inpatient wards, attend outpatient clinics, and observe surgeries, including biopsy techniques and operative procedures for various malignancies such as breast cancer, head and neck cancers, thyroid cancers, melanoma, colorectal cancer, and sarcoma.
Available throughout the academic year.
Contact UGME.
- Health Sciences Centre
- St. Boniface General Hospital
- CancerCare Manitoba
- Breast Health Centre
Call responsibility
Students may be on-call in-hospital, typically up to 1-in-4. Students on Orange Surgery will be placed on call with the Trauma and Acute Surgical Care (Gold Surgery) service, involving consult calls and OR duties.
By the end of the elective period, students will
- Understand the role of surgeons in the multidisciplinary management of cancer.
- Gain proficiency in prevention, screening, diagnosis, treatment, palliation, rehabilitation, and prevention of various malignancies.
- Develop technical skills in biopsy techniques and surgical procedures related to oncology.
- Establish effective communication with patients, families, and healthcare teams.
- Work collaboratively within a healthcare team to provide optimal patient care.
- Demonstrate leadership qualities in healthcare delivery.
- Advocate for patient safety and well-being.
- Foster a commitment to lifelong learning and scholarly activities.
- Uphold high ethical standards and professionalism in medical practice.
This elective provides students with the capacity to
- Demonstrate basic knowledge of trauma resuscitation.
- Acquire clinical assessment skills for patients with acute general surgical conditions.
- Familiarize with radiological imaging indications in trauma and acute general surgery.
- Develop communication skills in dealing with patients and healthcare team members.
- Acquire technical skills like IV line insertion, skin suturing, Foley catheter insertion, and chest tube insertion.
Learning Objectives (CanMEDS)
Medical expert
- The student will understand the surgeon’s role in the multidisciplinary management of cancer, encompassing:
- Prevention
- Screening (including hereditary cancers)
- Diagnosis
- Treatment
- Palliation
- Rehabilitation
- Specific malignancies treated
- Surgical procedures
Technical skills
- Biopsy techniques
- Content
- Establish rapport, trust, and a therapeutic relationship with patients and families.
- Listen effectively.
- Elicit relevant information and perspectives from patients, families, and the healthcare team.
- Convey relevant information and explanations to patients, families, and the healthcare team.
- Deliver effective oral and written information about a medical encounter.
- Maintain clear, accurate, appropriate, and timely records of clinical encounters and operative procedures.
- Address challenging communication issues effectively.
- Obtain informed consent.
- Deliver bad news.
- Disclose adverse events.
- Discuss end-of-life care.
- Discuss organ donation.
- Address anger, confusion, and misunderstanding using a patient-centered approach.
- Demonstrate a team approach to healthcare.
- Participate effectively in an interprofessional and interdisciplinary healthcare team.
- Recognize and respect the diversity of roles, responsibilities, and competences of other healthcare professionals in managing surgical patients.
- Work with others to assess, plan, provide, and integrate care for surgical patients.
- Employ information technology appropriately for patient care.
- Allocate finite healthcare resources appropriately.
Health advocate
- Show concern for the best interests of patients.
- Identify health needs of individual patients and advocate for the patient when appropriate.
- Promote and participate in patient safety.
- Demonstrate the ability for continuous self-learning.
- Discuss the principles of surgery and the application of basic sciences to surgical treatment.
- Demonstrate appropriate presentation skills, including formal and informal presentations.
- Critically evaluate medical information and its sources and apply this appropriately to clinical decisions.
- Critically appraise evidence to address clinical questions.
- Integrate critical appraisal conclusions into clinical care.
- Exhibit professional behaviors in practice, including honesty, integrity, commitment, compassion, respect, and altruism.
- Demonstrate a commitment to delivering the highest quality care.
- Recognize and respond appropriately to ethical issues encountered in practice.
- Recognize and respect patient confidentiality, privacy, and autonomy.
- Participate in peer review.
- Manage conflicts of interest.
- Maintain appropriate relations with patients.
- Demonstrate awareness of industry influence on medical training and practice.
- Recognize personal and clinical limitations.
The Neurosurgery Elective at the University of Manitoba provides students with comprehensive exposure to common neurosurgical disorders. Through participation in outpatient and inpatient services, students gain experience in evaluating and managing neurological illnesses, including surgical interventions.
Flexible duration based on student's schedule
Health Sciences Centre, Winnipeg, Manitoba
Call responsibility
Rotational call schedule with direct supervision
By the end of the elective period, students will
- Demonstrate understanding of common neurosurgical problems
- Develop clinical skills in evaluating neurological patients
- Acquire basic surgical skills such as hemostasis and wound closure
- Participate in diagnostic and therapeutic interventions
- Enhance interpersonal communication with patients and colleagues
This elective provides students with the capacity to:
- Understand neurosurgical pathologies and their management
- Gain hands-on experience in surgical procedures and perioperative care
- Work collaboratively within a multidisciplinary healthcare team
- Develop leadership and advocacy skills in patient care
- Engage in continuous learning and critical appraisal of medical knowledge
- Adhere to ethical standards and professional conduct in clinical practice
Learning Objectives (CANMEDS)
Medical Expert
- Demonstrate knowledge of common neurosurgical disorders
- Perform comprehensive neurological evaluations
- Establish effective rapport with patients and families
- Convey medical information clearly and empathetically
- Work effectively within interdisciplinary healthcare teams
- Respect and value contributions of other healthcare professionals
- Participate in decision-making and resource allocation for patient care
- Contribute to the effectiveness of the healthcare team
Health Advocate
- Promote patient well-being and advocate for patient safety
- Identify and address health needs of individual patients and communities
- Engage in lifelong learning and critical appraisal of medical literature
- Apply evidence-based medicine principles in clinical decision-making
- Demonstrate professionalism and ethical conduct in clinical practice
- Adhere to regulatory standards and maintain patient confidentiality
The HSC Urology Section primarily serves as a tertiary referral center for urolithiasis, uro-oncology, incontinence, and general urology. The SBGH Urology Section serves as a tertiary referral center for uro-oncology, infertility, urolithiasis, renal transplantation, and general urology.
Dependent on availability
- Health Sciences Centre (GH3, Urology and General Surgery Ward)
- St. Boniface General Hospital (4A-South, Urology and Vascular Surgery Ward)
- CancerCare Manitoba (Prostate Center)
Call responsibility
Students are typically expected to round with residents and may be called in for interesting consults and/or operating room cases.
By the end of the elective period, students will
- Become familiar with assessment, work-up, and management of common urological problems
- Establish rapport, trust, and a therapeutic relationship with patients and families
- Demonstrate a team approach to healthcare and participate effectively in an interprofessional and interdisciplinary healthcare team
- Engage with others to contribute to a vision of a high-quality healthcare system and take responsibility for the delivery of excellent patient care
- Responsibly use their expertise and influence to advance the health and well-being of individual patients, communities, and populations
- Demonstrate a lifelong commitment to reflective learning and professional behavior
Learning Objectives (CanMEDS)
Medical Expert
- Become familiar with the assessment and work-up of common urological problems
- Perform focused urological history and physical examination
- Identify significant abnormalities on imaging
- Gain confidence in genital examination and digital rectal examination
- Gain familiarity with urethral catheterization and various types of catheters
- Establish rapport, trust, and a therapeutic relationship with patients and families
- Listen effectively and convey relevant information to patients, families, and the healthcare team
- Demonstrate a team approach to healthcare
- Participate effectively in an interprofessional and interdisciplinary healthcare team
- Engage with others to contribute to a vision of a high-quality healthcare system
- Take responsibility for the delivery of excellent patient care
Health Advocate
- Use expertise and influence to advance the health and well-being of individual patients, communities, and populations
- Identify health needs of individual patients and advocate for appropriate patient cases
- Demonstrate a lifelong commitment to learning
- Discuss the principles of surgery and apply basic sciences to surgical treatment
- Exhibit professional behaviors in practice
- Demonstrate a commitment to delivering the highest quality care
Vascular Surgery
Vascular surgery focuses on diagnosing and treating patients with peripheral vascular disease. Health Sciences Centre and St. Boniface Hospital serve patients from Manitoba and Northwestern Ontario, employing surgical, endovascular, and interventional radiological techniques.
Dependent on availability
- Health Sciences Centre (HSC)
- St. Boniface General Hospital (SBGH)
Call responsibility
Students may have call duties up to 1-in-4, either in-hospital or from home, and report concerns to the vascular fellow or on-call attending staff.
By the end of the elective period, students will:
- Obtain exposure to common and uncommon vascular problems
- Observe surgical and interventional radiological procedures
- Understand surgical indications and management of vascular disease
Learning Objectives (CanMEDS)
Medical Expert
- Understand pathophysiology, clinical presentation, and management of common vascular problems
- Manage associated complex medical problems in patients with peripheral vascular disease
Specific Objectives:
- Demonstrate basic knowledge and understanding of vascular problems
- Develop skills in assessing patients with peripheral vascular disease
- Diagnose underlying medical problems in vascular patients
- Examine patients with peripheral arterial occlusive disease
- Use and interpret results obtained from hand-held Doppler
- Interpret angiographic investigations
- Interpret CT scans in patients with abdominal aortic aneurysms
- Establish rapport, trust, and a therapeutic relationship with patients and families
- Listen effectively and convey relevant information to patients, families, and the healthcare team
- Demonstrate a team approach to healthcare
- Participate effectively in an interprofessional and interdisciplinary healthcare team
- Engage with others to contribute to a vision of a high-quality healthcare system
- Take responsibility for the delivery of excellent patient care
Health Advocate
- Identify health needs of individual patients and advocate for appropriate patient cases
- Promote and participate in patient safety
- Demonstrate a lifelong commitment to learning
- Discuss principles of surgery and application of basic sciences to surgical treatment
- Critically evaluate medical information and apply this to clinical decisions
- Exhibit professional behaviors in practice
- Recognize and respond appropriately to ethical issues encountered in practice
General Surgery
Acute Care
The Acute Care Surgery Service (ACSS) rotation at St. Boniface General Hospital offers clinical clerks an immersive experience in acute care general surgery. Beginning with patient presentations in the emergency department, this rotation emphasizes clinical assessment, physiologic stabilization, diagnostic evaluation, and prioritized management. Students engage in a continuum of care from the emergency department to hospital discharge or transfer, gaining exposure to a wide range of acute clinical problems commonly encountered by practicing general surgeons.
Offered throughout the academic year.
Contact UGME.
St. Boniface General Hospital.
Call responsibility:
Students are on-call in-hospital, with a maximum of 1-in-4 rotations. Students should contact the chief resident responsible for the call schedule with their requests at least two weeks prior to the start of the rotation or selective.
By the end of the elective period, students will:
- Perform comprehensive assessments of general surgery patients.
- Elicit relevant and accurate patient histories.
- Conduct focused physical examinations.
- Select medically appropriate investigations.
- Formulate effective differential diagnoses and management plans.
- Demonstrate proficiency in procedural skills such as venipuncture, intravenous insertion, and urinary catheterization.
This elective provides students with the capacity to:
- Integrate medical knowledge, clinical skills, and professional attitudes in patient-centered care.
- Develop a systematic approach to common serious conditions encountered in acute care surgery.
- Communicate effectively with patients, families, and the healthcare team.
- Collaborate within interprofessional healthcare teams to optimize patient care.
Learning Objectives (CanMEDS)
Medical Expert
As Medical Experts, physicians integrate all CanMEDS Roles, applying medical knowledge, clinical skills, and professional attitudes in their provision of patient-centered care. The Clinical Clerk completing the Acute Care Service General Surgery rotation is expected to attain sufficient knowledge in the following areas:
Basic/General Areas:
- Preoperative assessment, including risk assessment, pulmonary assessment, cardiovascular assessment, renal assessment, and metabolic assessment.
- Perioperative assessment, including components of informed consent, formulation of operative/procedure notes, postoperative orders, postoperative notes, indications/efficacy of monitoring techniques, fluid/electrolyte management, and hemostasis/use of blood products.
- Postoperative assessment, including pharmacologic action/side effects of analgesics, epidural/nerve blocks, time to recovery of digestive function, characteristics of a healing wound, and postoperative nutritional/fluid/electrolyte requirements.
- Postoperative complications, including differential diagnosis and appropriate diagnostic work-up and management of postoperative fever, wound infection, fascial dehiscence/incisional hernia, and causes/work-up/treatment of respiratory complications.
- Diagnostic work-up/treatment of oliguria, pathophysiology/causes/treatment of postoperative hypotension, and management of postoperative chest pain and arrhythmias.
- Management of abnormal bleeding postoperatively, diagnosis and management of postoperative gastrointestinal disorders, postoperative metabolic disorders, evaluation and management of disorders causing alteration of cognitive function postoperatively, and shock.
Specific Surgical Problems:
- Assessment and management of abdominal masses, common or catastrophic abdominal conditions, groin masses, abdominal wall masses, breast problems, gastrointestinal hemorrhage, and jaundice.
- Presentation, diagnostic strategy, and initial treatment of patients presenting with colorectal problems, including colorectal cancer, diverticular disease, inflammatory bowel disease/colitis, and perianal problems.
Upon completion of the rotation, the Clinical Clerk will be able to:
- Perform an appropriate assessment of the general surgery patient.
- Elicit a relevant and accurate history.
- Perform a focused physical examination that is relevant and accurate.
- Select medically appropriate investigations.
- Demonstrate skills in formulating a differential diagnosis and organizing an effective management plan.
- Demonstrate proficient use of procedural skills including venipuncture, intravenous insertion, nasogastric intubation, urinary catheterization, skin suturing, and removal of skin/subcutaneous lesions.
Physicians effectively facilitate the doctor-patient relationship and dynamic exchanges occurring before, during, and after the medical encounter. The Clinical Clerk will be able to:
- Establish rapport, trust, and a therapeutic relationship with patients and families.
- Listen effectively.
- Elicit relevant information and perspectives from patients, families, and the healthcare team.
- Convey relevant information and explanations to patients, families, and the healthcare team.
- Maintain clear, accurate, appropriate, and timely records of clinical encounters and operative procedures.
- Address challenging communication issues effectively, including obtaining informed consent, delivering bad news, disclosing adverse events, discussing end-of-life care, discussing organ donation, and addressing anger, confusion, and misunderstanding using a patient-centered approach.
Physicians effectively work within a healthcare team to achieve optimal patient care. The Clinical Clerk will be able to:
- Demonstrate a team approach to healthcare.
- Participate effectively in an interprofessional and interdisciplinary healthcare team.
- Recognize and respect the diversity of roles, responsibilities, and competencies of other healthcare professionals in the management of the surgical patient.
- Work with others to assess, plan, provide, and integrate care for the surgical patient.
Physicians engage with others to contribute to a vision of a high-quality healthcare system and take responsibility for the delivery of excellent patient care through their activities as clinicians, administrators, scholars, or teachers. The Clinical Clerk will be able to:
- Employ information technology appropriately for patient care.
- Allocate finite healthcare resources.
Health Advocate
Physicians responsibly use their expertise and influence to advance the health and well-being of individual patients, communities, and populations. The Clinical Clerk will be able to:
- Demonstrate concern for the best interest of patients.
- Identify health needs of individual patients and advocate for the patient when appropriate.
- Promote and participate in patient safety.
Physicians demonstrate a lifelong commitment to reflective learning, as well as the creation, dissemination, application, and translation of medical knowledge. The Clinical Clerk will be able to:
- Demonstrate the ability for continuing self-learning.
- Discuss the principles of surgery and the application of basic sciences to surgical treatment.
- Demonstrate appropriate presentation skills, including formal and informal presentations.
- Critically evaluate medical information and its sources and apply this appropriately to clinical decisions.
- Critically appraise evidence to address a clinical question.
- Integrate critical appraisal conclusions into clinical care.
As Professionals, students are committed to health and well-being of individuals through ethical practice, profession-led regulation, and high personal standards of behavior. The Clinical Clerk will be able to:
- Exhibit professional behaviors in practice, including honesty, integrity, commitment, compassion, respect, and altruism.
- Demonstrate a commitment to delivering the highest quality care.
- Recognize and respond appropriately to ethical issues encountered in practice.
- Recognize and respect patient confidentiality, privacy, and autonomy.
- Participate in peer review.
- Manage conflicts of interest.
- Maintain appropriate relations with patients.
- Demonstrate awareness of industry influence on medical training and practice.
- Recognize personal and clinical limitations.
The A-Service General Surgery elective at St. Boniface General Hospital provides a comprehensive experience in the emergency and elective management of patients with various general surgical issues. Under the guidance of a multidisciplinary team, students participate in ward rounds, observe surgeries, and engage in scheduled teaching sessions. Areas of focus include breast, gastrointestinal/colorectal, and minimal access surgery.
Offered throughout the academic year.
Contact UGME.
St. Boniface General Hospital
Call responsibility
- Students participate in in-hospital on-call duties, with a maximum frequency of 1-in-4.
- On-call responsibilities include consultation for the Acute Care Surgical Service (ACSS), with a provided on-call room.
By the end of the elective period, students will:
- Perform preoperative, perioperative, and postoperative assessments.
- Diagnose and manage postoperative complications and surgical problems.
- Demonstrate procedural skills such as venipuncture and urinary catheterization.
This elective provides students with the capacity to:
- Integrate medical knowledge, clinical skills, and professional attitudes in patient-centered care.
- Establish rapport and communicate effectively with patients, families, and the healthcare team.
- Work collaboratively within an interdisciplinary healthcare team.
Learning Objectives (CanMEDS)
Medical Expert
- Preoperative, perioperative, and postoperative assessment.
- Diagnosis and management of postoperative complications and surgical problems.
Specific Surgical Problems
- Abdominal masses, groin masses, breast problems, gastrointestinal hemorrhage, jaundice, colorectal problems, etc.
- Establish rapport, trust, and a therapeutic relationship with patients and families.
- Listen effectively and convey relevant information to patients, families, and the healthcare team.
- Address challenging communication issues effectively.
- Demonstrate a team approach to healthcare and work effectively in an interprofessional team.
- Recognize and respect the diversity of roles, responsibilities, and competencies of other healthcare professionals.
- Employ information technology appropriately for patient care and allocate finite healthcare resources.
Health Advocate
- Show concern for the best interests of patients, identify health needs, and advocate for the patient when appropriate.
- Promote and participate in patient safety.
- Demonstrate continuous self-learning, critical evaluation of medical information, and appropriate presentation skills.
- Integrate critical appraisal conclusions into clinical care.
- Exhibit professional behaviors, including honesty, integrity, commitment, compassion, and respect.
- Recognize and respond appropriately to ethical issues encountered in practice.
This elective immerses students in the multidisciplinary approach to managing general surgical cases. Students participate in ward rounds, observe surgeries, attend service rounds, and engage in scheduled teaching sessions. The rotation focuses on various areas, including colorectal and minimal access surgery.
Offered throughout the academic year.
Contact UGME
St. Boniface General Hospital.
Call responsibility
Not provided in the text.
By the end of the elective period, students will
- Perform comprehensive preoperative, perioperative, and postoperative assessments.
- Manage postoperative complications and monitor patient progress effectively.
- Demonstrate proficiency in various procedural skills, such as venipuncture, urinary catheterization, and suturing.
- Establish rapport and effectively communicate with patients, families, and the healthcare team.
- Collaborate within interprofessional teams to optimize patient care.
- Engage in reflective learning and critically evaluate medical information.
- Uphold professional ethics and standards in patient care and interactions.
This elective provides students with the capacity to
- Integrate medical knowledge, clinical skills, and professional attitudes in patient-centered care.
- Employ a team-based approach to healthcare delivery.
- Advocate for patient safety and well-being.
- Contribute to the advancement of medical knowledge through lifelong learning and scholarly activities.
Learning Objectives (CanMEDS)
Medical expert
- Preoperative assessment: Includes risk assessment, pulmonary assessment, cardiovascular assessment, renal assessment, and metabolic assessment.
- Perioperative assessment: Covers components of informed consent, formulation of operative notes, efficacy of monitoring techniques, fluid/electrolyte management, hemostasis, and risk factors for alcohol withdrawal syndromes.
- Postoperative assessment: Encompasses pharmacologic actions/side effects of analgesics, epidural/nerve blocks, time to recovery of digestive function, wound healing characteristics, and postoperative nutritional/fluid/electrolyte requirements.
- Postoperative complications: Involves diagnosing and managing postoperative fever, wound infection, and fascial dehiscence/incisional hernia.
- Respiratory complications: Covers atelectasis, pneumonia, aspiration, pulmonary edema, ARDS, and pulmonary embolism.
- Renal complications: Includes diagnostic work-up/treatment of oliguria and various causes of pre-renal, renal, and post-renal causes.
- Postoperative hypotension: Addresses hypovolemia, sepsis, cardiogenic shock, and medication effects.
- Other postoperative issues: Management of chest pain, arrhythmias, abnormal bleeding, gastrointestinal disorders, metabolic disorders, and cognitive function alterations.
- Shock: Definition, pathophysiology, and management of hemorrhagic, septic, cardiogenic, neurogenic, and anaphylactic shock.
- Specific surgical problems: Evaluation and management of abdominal masses, common abdominal conditions, groin masses, abdominal wall masses, breast problems, gastrointestinal hemorrhage, and jaundice. Diagnosis and management of colorectal problems, including colorectal cancer, diverticular disease, and inflammatory bowel disease.
Upon completion of the B-Service General Surgery rotation, the clinical clerk will be proficient in:
- Conducting appropriate assessments of general surgical patients.
- Eliciting relevant and accurate histories.
- Performing focused and accurate physical examinations.
- Selecting medically appropriate investigations.
- Formulating differential diagnoses and effective management plans.
- Demonstrating proficiency in procedural skills such as venipuncture, intravenous insertion, nasogastric intubation, urinary catheterization, skin suturing, and removal of skin/subcutaneous lesions.
- Establish rapport and trust
- Active listening
- Elicit relevant information
- Convey information effectively
- Oral and written communication
- Maintain records
- Address challenging communication issues
- Informed consent
- Deliver bad news
- Disclosure of adverse events
- End-of-life discussions
- Organ donation discussions
- Address emotional responses
- Team approach
- Effective participation
- Respect for diversity
- Assessment and planning
- Care integration
- Employ information technology appropriately
- Allocate finite health care resources appropriately
Health advocate
- Concern for the best interest of patients
- Identifying health needs
- Promote and participate in patient safety
- Continuing self-learning
- Discuss the principles of surgery and the application of basic sciences
- Demonstrate appropriate presentation skills
- Critical evaluation of medical information
- Critical appraisal of evidence
- Integration of critical appraisal conclusions into clinical care
- Exhibit professional behaviors in practice, including honesty, integrity, commitment, compassion, respect, and altruism
- Demonstrate a commitment to delivering the highest quality care
- Recognize and respond appropriately to ethical issues encountered in practice
- Recognize and respect patient confidentiality, privacy, and autonomy
- Participation in peer review
- Manage conflicts of interest
- Maintain appropriate relations with patients
- Demonstrate awareness of industry influence on medical training
Gold Service (Trauma and Acute Surgical Care Service)
Students will gain exposure to early trauma patient resuscitation and diagnostic work-up. They will observe the management of common surgical emergencies and learn peri-operative treatment basics for patients requiring emergency laparotomy. Following patients from admission in the Emergency Department through their entire stay in the Service, including Operating Room, Step-Down Unit, Ward, and Out-Patient Clinic is expected.
Available throughout the academic year.
Contact UGME.
Health Science Centre (HSC), the designated provincial trauma center for Manitoba and Northwestern Ontario.
Call responsibility
Students will have night and weekend calls up to a maximum of 1-in-4, with in-hospital call responsibilities. On-call students are supervised by a resident.
By the end of the elective period, students will
- Understand the pathophysiology, diagnostic dilemmas, and management of trauma patients and patients with common acute general surgical conditions.
- Observe the management of complex trauma and surgical pathology.
- Develop management skills of complex patients collaboratively with other subspecialties.
- Learn effective communication skills with patients, families, and caregivers regarding complex surgical cases.
- Understand the chronic nature of trauma and observe areas within the patient population that lead to this status.
- Provide care to trauma/acute surgical patients in a professional manner.
This elective provides students with the capacity to
- Demonstrate basic knowledge of trauma resuscitation.
- Acquire clinical assessment skills for patients with acute general surgical conditions.
- Familiarize with radiological imaging indications in trauma and acute general surgery.
- Develop communication skills in dealing with patients and healthcare team members.
- Acquire technical skills like IV line insertion, skin suturing, Foley catheter insertion, and chest tube insertion.
Learning Objectives (CanMEDS)
Medical expert
- Provide an understanding of the pathophysiology, diagnostic dilemmas, and management of trauma patients and patients with common acute general surgical conditions.
- Offer opportunities to observe the management of complex trauma and surgical pathology.
- Develop management skills for complex patients collaboratively with other subspecialties.
- Learn effective communication skills with patients, families, and caregivers regarding complex surgical cases.
- Understand the chronic nature of trauma and observe areas within the patient population contributing to this status.
- Provide care to trauma/acute surgical patients professionally.
- Specific skills
- Demonstrate basic knowledge of trauma resuscitation following Advanced Trauma Life Support guidelines.
- Acquire basic knowledge of clinically assessing patients with acute general surgical conditions, especially the acute abdomen.
- Become familiar with indications for radiological imaging in trauma and acute general surgery.
- Develop communication skills for dealing with patients with trauma or acute surgical conditions, their relatives, and all healthcare team members involved in their care.
Technical skills
- IV line insertion
- Skin suturing
- Foley catheter insertion
- Chest tube insertion
- Establish rapport, trust, and a therapeutic relationship with patients and families.
- Listen effectively.
- Elicit relevant information and perspectives from patients, families, and the healthcare team.
- Convey relevant information and explanations to patients, families, and the healthcare team.
- Convey effective oral and written information about medical encounters.
- Maintain clear, accurate, appropriate, and timely records of clinical encounters and operative procedures.
- Address challenging communication issues effectively.
- Obtain informed consent.
- Deliver bad news.
- Disclose adverse events.
- Discuss end-of-life care.
- Discuss organ donation.
- Address anger, confusion, and misunderstanding using a patient-centered approach.
- Demonstrate a team approach to healthcare.
- Participate effectively in an interprofessional and interdisciplinary healthcare team.
- Recognize and respect the diversity of roles, responsibilities, and competencies of other healthcare professionals in managing surgical patients.
- Work with others to assess, plan, provide, and integrate care for surgical patients.
- Employ information technology appropriately for patient care.
- Allocate finite healthcare resources appropriately.
Health advocate
- Show concern for the best interests of patients.
- Identify health needs of individual patients and advocate for the patient when appropriate.
- Promote and participate in patient safety.
- Demonstrate the ability for continuous self-learning.
- Discuss the principles of surgery and the application of basic sciences to surgical treatment.
- Demonstrate appropriate presentation skills, including formal and informal presentations.
- Critically evaluate medical information and its sources and apply this appropriately to clinical decisions.
- Critically appraise evidence to address clinical questions.
- Integrate critical appraisal conclusions into clinical care.
- Exhibit professional behaviors in practice, including honesty, integrity, commitment, compassion, respect, and altruism.
- Demonstrate a commitment to delivering the highest quality care.
- Recognize and respond appropriately to ethical issues encountered in practice.
- Recognize and respect patient confidentiality, privacy, and autonomy.
- Participate in peer review.
- Manage conflicts of interest.
- Maintain appropriate relations with patients.
Green Service (Oncology)
The Surgical Oncology or Green Surgery service is part of the general surgery services located at the Health Sciences Centre. Clinics and surgeries also take place at St. Boniface General Hospital and the Breast Health Centre. With approximately 100 new and 300-400 follow-up cancer patients seen monthly, the service emphasizes a multidisciplinary approach to cancer patient diagnosis and management. It deals primarily with breast cancer, head and neck cancer, gastrointestinal malignancies, melanoma, and sarcoma.
The elective provides exposure to a variety of outpatient clinics, mainly disease site-specific, allowing students to become proficient in the history, examination, and management of each clinic’s focus within the rotation time frame. Students participate in biopsy techniques and various surgical procedures, including those for breast cancer, thyroid surgery, melanoma surgery, gastrointestinal resections, neck dissections, head and neck resections, and sarcoma surgery.
Dependent on availability
- Health Sciences Centre
- St. Boniface General Hospital
- CancerCare Manitoba
- Breast Health Centre
Call responsibility
Maximum 1-in-4 in-hospital call rotation
By the end of the elective period, students will
- Understand the surgeon’s role in multidisciplinary cancer management
- Demonstrate proficiency in prevention, diagnosis, treatment, and palliation of cancer
- Participate in outpatient clinics and operating room activities
- Perform biopsy techniques and various surgical procedures
Learning Objectives (CanMEDS)
Medical Expert
- Integrate medical knowledge, clinical skills, and professional attitudes in patient-centered care
- Understand the management of specific malignancies
- Establish rapport, trust, and therapeutic relationships
- Effectively convey information to patients, families, and the healthcare team
- Work effectively within the surgical team
- Participate in interprofessional and interdisciplinary healthcare teams
- Contribute to a vision of high-quality healthcare
- Take responsibility for excellent patient care
Health Advocate
- Use expertise and influence to advance health and well-being
- Identify and advocate for patient health needs
- Demonstrate lifelong commitment to reflective learning
- Apply medical knowledge to clinical decisions
- Practice ethically with honesty, integrity, and compassion
- Deliver high-quality care and manage conflicts of interest
Orange Service
The Orange Service rotation at the Health Sciences Centre focuses on hepatobiliary/pancreatic and gastrointestinal (GI) surgery. This rotation provides exposure to a wide range of surgical procedures and emphasizes endoscopy and laparoscopy techniques. Students will participate in preoperative assessments, perioperative care, and postoperative management of patients undergoing various surgical procedures related to the liver, pancreas, biliary tract, stomach, duodenum, small bowel, and colorectal areas. Additionally, students will have opportunities to refine their communication and collaboration skills through interactions with patients, families, and the healthcare team.
Offered throughout the academic year.
Contact UGME for details.
- Health Sciences Centre, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
By the end of the elective period, students will:
- Perform appropriate assessments of general surgical patients.
- Elicit relevant and accurate medical histories.
- Conduct focused physical examinations.
- Select medically appropriate investigations.
- Formulate effective management plans.
- Demonstrate proficiency in procedural skills such as venipuncture, intravenous insertion, nasogastric intubation, urinary catheterization, and skin suturing.
This elective provides students with the capacity to:
- Gain comprehensive knowledge and skills in hepatobiliary/pancreatic and GI surgery.
- Understand the CanMEDS roles and apply them in clinical practice.
- Develop effective communication, collaboration, leadership, advocacy, scholarship, and professionalism skills.
Call responsibility
- Students are on-call in-hospital, with a maximum frequency of 1-in-4.
- On-call duties involve consult calls and operating room (OR) assistance, rather than ward call.
- An on-call room is provided for students' convenience.
Learning Objectives (CanMEDS)
Medical Expert
- Preoperative assessment, including risk assessment, pulmonary assessment, cardiovascular assessment, renal assessment, and metabolic assessment.
- Perioperative assessment, including components of informed consent, formulation of operative/procedure note, postoperative orders, postoperative note, indications/efficacy of monitoring techniques, fluid/electrolyte management, and hemostasis/use of blood products.
- Postoperative assessment, including providing adequate postoperative analgesia, postoperative nutritional/fluid/electrolyte requirements, and managing postoperative complications.
- Diagnosis and management of various postoperative complications and disorders.
Clinical Clerk Specific Areas of Knowledge (Orange Surgery Rotation)
- Liver: Jaundice, cirrhosis, hepatitis, liver abscesses, liver masses, etc.
- Pancreas: Pancreatitis, neoplastic lesions, etc.
- Biliary Tract: Gallstone disease, biliary tract obstruction, tumors, etc.
- Stomach/Duodenum: Gastritis/duodenitis, peptic ulcer disease, tumors, etc.
- Small Bowel: Obstruction, inflammatory bowel disease, tumors, etc.
- Colorectal: Colorectal polyps, colorectal cancer, inflammatory bowel disease, etc.
- Establish rapport, trust, and a therapeutic relationship with patients and families.
- Listen effectively and convey relevant information to patients, families, and the healthcare team.
- Address challenging communication issues effectively.
- Demonstrate a team approach to healthcare and work effectively in an interprofessional team.
- Recognize and respect the diversity of roles, responsibilities, and competencies of other healthcare professionals.
- Employ information technology appropriately for patient care and allocate finite healthcare resources.
Health Advocate
- Show concern for the best interests of patients, identify health needs, and promote patient safety.
- Demonstrate continuous self-learning, critical evaluation of medical information, and appropriate presentation skills.
- Integrate critical appraisal conclusions into clinical care.
- Exhibit professional behaviors, including honesty, integrity, commitment, compassion, and respect.
- Recognize and respond appropriately to ethical issues encountered in practice.
The Pediatric General Surgery elective at the University of Manitoba provides comprehensive care for infants, children, and adolescents up to seventeen years old who require surgical assessment and treatment for congenital and acquired conditions. Based at the Children's Hospital within the Health Sciences Centre, this elective offers exposure to a wide range of pediatric surgical problems through ambulatory care, day surgery, emergency room, and ward consultation services. Students will participate in the pre-, intra-, and post-operative care of children requiring surgery, as well as the management of conditions such as abdominal pain and 'lumps and bumps.' They will develop skills in completing focused surgical history and physical exams, determining relevant investigations, and formulating management plans. Effective communication and collaboration within the healthcare team are emphasized.
Available throughout the academic year.
Contact the department.
Children's Hospital, Health Sciences Centre
Call responsibility
- The pediatric surgery clerk is on-call 1-in-4, responding promptly to calls from surgical wards, emergency departments, pediatric wards, and referring physicians.
- Students will act as the first responder and carry a functioning beeper.
- Backup support from residents or attending surgeons is available through hospital paging.
- Nurse Practitioner on Pediatric General Surgery is also accessible for assistance.
By the end of the elective period, students will understand
- Assessment and Management of Pediatric Surgical Cases
- History Taking and Physical Examination
- Investigations and Diagnosis
- Management and Documentation
- Communication
- Teamwork
- Emergency Response
This elective provides students with the capacity to
- Provide comprehensive care for children requiring surgical interventions, encompassing preoperative, intraoperative, and postoperative management.
- Evaluate and manage pediatric patients presenting with abdominal pain.
- Assess and manage pediatric patients with various "lumps and bumps," particularly focusing on inguinal and scrotal swellings.
- Gain exposure to a diverse range of pediatric surgical conditions.
- Conducting thorough and focused surgical histories and physical examinations in pediatric patients.
- Determine the appropriate investigations necessary for pediatric surgical conditions.
- Develop a comprehensive and accurate differential diagnosis for pediatric surgical cases.
- Understand and implement management plans for pediatric surgical patients, including writing accurate orders.
- Maintain precise and detailed records and notes regarding patient care.
- Demonstrate effective verbal and written communication skills when interacting with patients, families, and healthcare team members.
- Collaborate effectively as a member of the care team to ensure optimal patient outcomes.
- Acquire the skills to act as a first responder by being prepared to handle first "on-call" pages efficiently.
Learning Objectives (CanMEDS)
Medical Expert
- Assessment and Management of Pediatric Surgical Cases
- History Taking and Physical Examination
- Investigations and Diagnosis
- Management and Documentation
- Establishing Rapport
- Active Listening
- Eliciting Relevant Information
- Effective Communication
- Documentation
- Addressing Communication Challenges
- Team Approach
- Interprofessional Engagement
- Respect for Diversity
- Integrated Care
- Strategic Decision-Making
- Resource Management
- Collaborative Leadership
Health Advocate
- Patient-Centered Care
- Addressing Health Disparities
- Championing Patient Safety
- Continuing Self-Learning
- Understanding Surgical Principles
- Effective Presentation Skills
- Critical Evaluation of Medical Information
- Appraisal of Evidence
- Integration of Critical Appraisal
- Exemplary Behavior
- Commitment to Quality Care
- Ethical Awareness
- Confidentiality and Autonomy
- Participation in Peer Review
- Conflict Management
- Patient Relations
- Awareness of Industry Influence
- Recognition of Limitations
General Surgery - Thoracic
The Thoracic Surgery selective at Health Sciences Centre provides a comprehensive exposure to the practice of Thoracic Surgery, focusing on conditions such as lung cancer, esophageal cancer, and other thoracic malignancies. Students engage in outpatient and inpatient care, consultation, pre-operative, and post-operative care. Activities include participation in daily ward rounds, outpatient clinics, surgeries, and teaching sessions.
Offered throughout the academic year.
Contact UGME.
Health Sciences Centre.
Call responsibility
Medical students will be assigned second call, enhancing educational opportunities, especially in procedures. First calls go to residents or attending surgeons on call, with appropriate guidance provided to medical students during consults.
By the end of the elective period, students will:
- Conduct thorough history and physical examinations, emphasizing outpatient assessment.
- Formulate differential diagnoses and management plans for common surgical problems.
- Participate in post-operative care of thoracic surgical patients.
- Develop familiarity with common thoracic operations.
- Gain insights into advanced cancer care, including palliative care and end-of-life discussions.
This elective provides students with the capacity to:
- Integrate medical knowledge, clinical skills, and professional attitudes in patient-centered care.
- Perform basic surgical procedures under supervision.
- Interpret diagnostic imaging and laboratory procedures relevant to thoracic diseases.
- Communicate effectively with patients, families, and the healthcare team.
- Collaborate within interprofessional healthcare teams to optimize patient care.
Learning Objectives (CanMEDS)
Medical Expert
- Conduct a thorough history and physical examination, with a focus on outpatient assessment.
- Write regular progress notes.
- Formulate a differential diagnosis for common surgical problems.
- Formulate a comprehensive plan of management for common surgical problems, including investigation and treatment.
- Recognize and manage acutely ill or injured patients systematically.
- Gain familiarity with common thoracic operations.
- Participate in post-operative care of thoracic surgical patients.
- Acquire familiarity with issues related to the care of patients with advanced cancer, including palliative care, resuscitation, and delivering difficult news.
During this selective, students will be exposed to most of the following:
- Anatomy and physiology of the lungs, pleural space, and esophagus.
- Diagnostic imaging of the chest, including CT and CXR interpretation.
- Laboratory procedures used in the diagnosis of chest diseases, including endoscopy and lung/esophagus function studies.
- Pharmacology of drugs commonly used in managing thoracic diseases, including neoplastic diseases.
- Infectious diseases, particularly as they relate to Thoracic Surgery.
- Principles of oncology, including radiation therapy and chemotherapy.
Students will have the opportunity to learn:
- General conduct of a surgical procedure, including scrubbing and sterile technique.
- Placement of chest tubes or pigtail catheters.
- Thoracentesis.
- Basic suturing.
- Knot-tying.
Students will see and work up some or most of these disease presentations:
- Solitary pulmonary nodule.
- Pleural effusion.
- Hemoptysis.
- Airway obstruction/stridor.
- Dyspnea.
- Thoracic malignancies.
- Dysphagia.
Students will see and work up some or most of these specific disease entities:
- Carcinoma of the lung, including staging, pathology, and management.
- Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.
- Pneumothorax, hemothorax, and pleural effusions.
- End-stage lung disease, including lung transplantation.
- Infections of the thorax, including pneumonia, bronchitis, empyema, lung abscess, and mediastinitis.
- Penetrating and blunt chest trauma.
- Mediastinal neoplasms.
- Esophageal carcinoma.
- Esophageal motility disorders.
- Gastroesophageal reflux disease.
- Establish rapport, trust, and a therapeutic relationship with patients and families.
- Listen effectively.
- Elicit relevant information and perspectives from patients, families, and the healthcare team.
- Convey relevant information and explanations to patients, families, and the healthcare team.
- Communicate effectively both orally and in writing about medical encounters.
- Maintain clear, accurate, appropriate, and timely records of clinical encounters and operative procedures.
- Address challenging communication issues effectively.
- Obtain informed consent.
- Deliver difficult news.
- Disclose adverse events.
- Discuss end-of-life care.
- Discuss organ donation.
- Address anger, confusion, and misunderstanding using a patient-centered approach.
- Demonstrate a team approach to healthcare.
- Participate effectively in an interprofessional and interdisciplinary healthcare team.
- Recognize and respect the diversity of roles, responsibilities, and competencies of other healthcare professionals in the management of surgical patients.
- Work with others to assess, plan, provide, and integrate care for surgical patients.
As Leaders, students will participate in the activities of the surgical service, making decisions, allocating resources, and contributing to the effectiveness of the healthcare team by:
- Appropriately employing information technology for patient care.
- Allocating finite healthcare resources.
Health Advocate
- Demonstrate concern for the best interest of patients.
- Identify health needs of individual patients and advocate for the patient when appropriate.
- Promote and participate in patient safety.
- Demonstrate a commitment to continuing self-learning.
- Discuss the principles of surgery and the application of basic sciences to surgical treatment.
- Demonstrate appropriate presentation skills, including formal and informal presentations.
- Critically evaluate medical information and its sources and apply this appropriately to clinical decisions.
- Critically appraise evidence to address clinical questions.
- Integrate critical appraisal conclusions into clinical care.
As Professionals, students are committed to the health and well-being of individuals through ethical practice, profession-led regulation, and high personal standards of behavior by:
- Exhibiting professional behaviors in practice, including honesty, integrity, commitment, compassion, respect, and altruism.
- Demonstrating a commitment to delivering the highest quality care.
- Recognizing and responding appropriately to ethical issues encountered in practice.
- Recognizing and respecting patient confidentiality, privacy, and autonomy.
- Participating in peer review.
- Managing conflicts of interest.
- Maintaining appropriate relations with patients.
- Demonstrating awareness of industry influence on medical training and practice.
- Recognizing personal and clinical limitations.
Contact us
Undergraduate Medical Education (UGME)
260 Brodie Centre, 727 McDermot Avenue
University of Manitoba, Bannatyne Campus
Winnipeg, MB R3E 3P5 Canada