• Portrait of Xi Yang
  • Professor 

    Max Rady College of Medicine
    421 Apotex Centre - 750 McDermot Avenue
    University of Manitoba
    Winnipeg, Manitoba R3E 0T5

    Phone: 204-789-3304




Research themes

Research interests

Research groups

Research summary

The research program in Yang laboratory focuses on the cellular and molecular basis of immune responses in allergy, chlamydial infection and cancer.

Focus one: to study on hygiene hypothesis related to allergy/asthma.

Focus two: To study of the protective immunity and immunopathology to chlamydial infection. The objective of the study is to dissect the cellular and molecular basis for chlamydial protective immunity and pathology, with a recent focus on the modulating effect of NKT/NK on the function of dendritic cells.

Focus three: To study the role of SND1 in oncogenicity and tumour development, particularly its influence on antigen presentation and T cell activation.


Dr. Xi Yang is an assistant professor in the department of medical microbiology and infectious diseases at the University of Manitoba with a cross-appointment in the department of immunology in 1997. He was promoted to associate professor with tenure in 2000 and to full professor in 2005. He served as the head of the department of immunology 2013-2019.

His research focuses on the immune regulation mechanisms of allergy, infection and cancer. His research has been continuedly supported by multiple CIHR grants.

He received his MRC fellowship in 1994, and his MRC Scholarship in 1997.  He was awarded Canada Research Chair in Infection and Immunity by Canadian government since 2002.

He is a past president of the Association of Chinese Professors in Manitoba.

He has been serving as a panel member in numerous national and international research funding review panels including CIHR, CRC and NIH, and as editor/reviewer for multiple international scientific journals.




Contact us

Max Rady College of Medicine
Apotex Centre
Room 471, 750 McDermot Avenue
University of Manitoba (Bannatyne campus)
Winnipeg, MB R3E 0T5 Canada
