• Profile of Jiuyong Xie.
  • Professor

    Max Rady College of Medicine
    Physiology and Pathophysiology
    Room 440 – Basic Medical Sciences Building
    745 Bannatyne Avenue
    University of Manitoba
    Winnipeg, MB, R3E 0J9

    Phone: 204-975-7774
    Fax: 204-789-3934

Research achievements

Research summary

Dr. Jiuyong Xie’s research program has centered on RNA splicing in biology and diseases using molecular, cellular, genomic and transcriptomic approaches, and is currently focused on the regulation of a novel group of introns identified by lab members, in generating mRNA or protein diversity or causing human genetic diseases. Unlike the conventional ones, these introns contain regulatory RNA elements particularly G tracts that separate the polypyrimidine tract and 3' AG (REPAG). They have made it possible to trace intronic regulatory RNA elements in distant species such as lancelets for the emergence of vertebrate elements and splice variants, as well as provided evidence for potentially novel regulatory mechanisms of splicing regulation. They are also found to cause aberrant splicing and human genetic diseases if mutated.

Research themes

  • Molecular and cellular physiology
  • Alternative splicing of pre-messenger RNA
  • Adaptive splicing in neurons and endocrine cells
  • Mutation effect on aberrant splicing in human genetic diseases


  • RNA biology
  • Alternative splicing
  • Aberrant splicing
  • Neurodegenerative diseases
  • Cancer
  • Genetic diseases
  • Genome/transcriptome analysis

Research groups

Research groups include:

  • Principal investigator, RNA biology, Max Rady College of Medicine
  • Manitoba RNA group
  • Terry Fox Research Institute Prairie Node

Research affiliations

Research affiliations include:

  • Division of Endocrinology and Metabolic Diseases, Max Rady College of Medicine


Dr. Xie obtained his bachelor of science in microbiology at Wuhan University and his PhD in medical genetics at the Peking Union Medical College.

He then conducted postdoctoral studies on gene regulation by stress hormones at Cornell University in Ithaca, New York, and later on the molecular basis of alternative pre-mRNA splicing in the Howard Hughes Medical Institute at the University of California Los Angeles.

Dr. Xie's research with colleagues on alternative pre-mRNA splicing has yielded several seminal discoveries.

He is the first to demonstrate the regulation of alternative splicing by stress hormones in vivo (STREX), and to isolate a transferable signal-responsive RNA element in splicing control (CaRRE).

He is also the first to propose the fine-tuning of cellular electrophysiological properties through activity-dependent splicing control, now known to be important phenomena in neuronal adaptation or maturation or part of the hormone production control.

His more recent research has revealed a novel group of introns that contribute to the emergence of splice variants and protein diversity in vertebrates (REPAG).

His current research interest is mainly on the potential novel mechanisms of action by the RNA elements in biology and human genetic diseases.

Besides sharing joys among students and postdoctoral fellows in scientific discoveries, the Xie laboratory has a tradition of exploring the wonders of the Canadian Shield lakes near Winnipeg over the weekends.


  • Postdoctoral fellow, Howard Hughes Medical Institute, University of California Los Angeles (2003)
  • Postdoctoral fellow, Cornell University (1998)
  • PhD (medical genetics), Peking Union Medical College (1995)
  • Bachelor of science (microbiology), Wuhan University (1988)


  • CIHR New Investigator Salary Award (2004-2009)
  • Manitoba Research Chair (2013-2018)

Contact us

Physiology and Pathophysiology
432 Basic Medical Sciences Building
745 Bannatyne Avenue
University of Manitoba
Winnipeg, MB R3E 0J9 Canada
