• Adrienne Meyers portrait.
  • Adjunct professor

    Max Rady College of Medicine
    Medical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases
    Max Rady College of Medicine
    745 Bannatyne Avenue
    University of Manitoba (Bannatyne campus)
    Winnipeg, MB R3E 0J9 Canada

    Phone: 204-789-6481

Cross appointments

Does not hold any cross appointments.

Research achievements

Research summary

Interests include HIV disease progression, STBBI, epidemiology and virus surveillance, disease acquisition and progression, innovative approaches to community-based testing for infectious disease, emerging virus pathogenesis and host-pathogen interactions.


  • Emerging viruses
  • HIV
  • Virus pathogenesis
  • Vulnerable populations


Dr. Meyers is the associate director of the National Sexually-Transmitted, Blood-Borne Infection (STBBI) Laboratory for Underserved Population Health at the Public Health Agency of Canada.

She is also adjunct professor in the department of medical microbiology and infectious disease at the University of Manitoba.

Dr. Meyers is recognized in Canada and abroad for her work in molecular virology and immune pathogenesis with specific expertise in Level 4 viruses, HIV and influenza.

Prior to joining the director’s office, Dr. Meyers spent several years leading a strong team with significant experience in training and assisting individuals and organizations around the globe to achieve reliable and consistent testing capacities for HIV in support of patient care and management.

She helped focus efforts to support those in resource-challenged settings to build local capacity and develop skills to implement their own independent programs in-country.

Dr. Meyers was involved in the development of the Government of Canada’s Five Year Action Plan on STBBI, announced by the federal minister of health in the summer of 2019.

Her most recent work has focused on directing the development of innovative HIV and STBBI testing strategies and facilitating their use by vulnerable and underserved populations in Canada.

Dr. Meyers works to help reduce health inequities in Indigenous populations and eliminate stigma and discrimination by providing new ways for individuals to access testing for important pathogens.

During the COVID19 response, Dr. Meyers has worked with community leadership to reduce health inequities and strengthen access to diagnostic testing as part of the community-based testing (CBT) implementation for the Northern, Remote and Isolate (NRI) initiative.


PhD, medical microbiology-molecular virus pathogenesis, University of Manitoba – Special Pathogens Program of the National Microbiology Laboratory (2006)

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Special Pathogens Branch, Atlanta, GA (2004)

Doctoral studies, molecular virology, University of Alberta (1998-2002)

Master of science, pharmacology and therapeutics, University of Manitoba (1998)

Bachelor of science (hons), University of Winnipeg (1996)


PHAC Creativity, Innovation and Service Delivery Award for the Northern, Remote and Isolated (NRI) Communities Initiative (2021)

Young Investigator Award, ASTMH, Atlanta Georgia (2006)

SARS Outbreak Investigation Team, NML, PHAC (2003)

Contact us

Medical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases
Max Rady College of Medicine
Room 543 - 745 Bannatyne Avenue
University of Manitoba (Bannatyne campus)
Winnipeg, MB R3E 0J9 Canada
