Front desk reception are at Manitoba Centre for Health Policy (MCHP). A person sits at the front desk working in front of 2 computer monitors. An MCHP banner off to the side.

Annual report 2023-2024

A message from Dr. Nathan Nickel, MCHP Director

I am grateful to our team for their creative thinking, dedication to excellence, and commitment to promoting a healthy and thriving society.
Dr. Nathan Nickel Director, MCHP

As I reflect on the 2023/24 fiscal year, I am honoured and humbled to be part of such an incredible team. This report provides an overview of some of MCHP’s key accomplishments during the past year. It highlights our team’s commitment to excellence and our successes in collaborating with government and community to co-create evidence to support a healthy and thriving society.

In Manitoba, across Canada, and around the globe, health and social services systems continue to rely on high-quality, relevant evidence to inform efforts to improve service delivery and care. MCHP continues to provide this much-needed evidence through our work with government, independent peer-reviewed research MCHP scientists produce, analytic services we provide to community organizations and the broader research community, and capacity building for population-based research and analytics within trainees, community, and the public sector.

MCHP scientists and staff secured nearly $7M in funding last year, published over 130 peer-reviewed publications in some of the field’s most preeminent journals including JAMA and CMAJ, the quality of our trainees was recognized through national and international awards including CIHR, Vanier Awards and SSHRC doctoral awards, and our deliverable reports were downloaded nearly 200,000 times from our website. Looking ahead, there are several exciting milestones on the horizon for MCHP, including the release of our 2024-2027 Strategic Plan.  

Our continued success as a centre would not be possible without the exceptional staff that work here. I am grateful to our team for their creative thinking, dedication to excellence, and commitment to promoting a healthy and thriving society. The achievements in this report reflect their efforts.  They inspire and invigorate me daily.


Nathan Nickel 


MCHP Highlights

  • 133+

    peer-reviewed publications

  • $6.6M

    in funding

  • 4

    commissioned research

  • 159

    data users (81 MCHP users, 78 remotes access users)

  • 98

    datasets in Manitoba Population Research Data Repository

  • 6

    research partnerships

  • 7+

    knowledge mobilizations events

  • 194,750

    downloads of deliverable reports, summaries and infographics

  • 98

    metadata data descriptions

  • 409

    metadata concepts

  • 2,756

    metadata glossary terms

  • 1.6M

    repository page visits


MCHP conducts two types of research using administrative data housed in the Manitoba Population Research Data Repository: contracted research for agreed upon deliverables and grant-funded research. Our team of research scientists, data analysts, and research support staff carry out dozens of research projects each year across a range of topics related to the health and social wellbeing of Manitobans.    

MCHP is growing and cultivating its expertise in the use of administrative data methodologies grounded in Indigenous ways of knowing and Data Equity. Dr. Amanda Fowler-Woods joined the MCHP team of researchers this year leading a vibrant research program focused on Indigenous methodologies within health research. Dr. Tammy Taillieu joined our team of scientists leading work that is centering the voices of community within research focused on youth mental health and substance use. Their research is taking MCHP into the future and is ensuring that the work we do aligns with MCHP’s and the University of Manitoba’s organizational values. Find out more about their work below: 

Dr. Tammy Taillieu

Dr. Tamara Taillieu comes from a diverse background of both lived experience and extensive research expertise. 

About Tammy's research

Tammy joins us from the department of Community Health Sciences at the University of Manitoba where she previously worked as an Instructor and Research Assistant. During graduate studies, Tammy’s areas of research included family violence, intimate partner violence, child maltreatment and adverse childhood experiences (ACEs). Her PhD research explored the association between intimate partner violence (IPV) during pregnancy and maternal and child outcomes from the prenatal period to 5-years post-delivery using the administrative databases housed at MCHP.  Since completing her PhD, she has transitioned her focus to the epidemiology of mental health disorders, substance use, and addictions. Tammy was awarded grant funding totaled more than $80,000 to complete projects related to cannabis use in Manitoba. She will be exploring cannabis use among correctional workers in Canada, funded through the University of Manitoba Research Grants Program, and she was also awarded $75,000 from CIHR to explore the public health impacts of recreational cannabis legalization on children and youth in Manitoba. 

Tammy’s pivot to substance use and mental health research, particularly among youth, is directly related to her personal experience. Tammy has lived experiences with addictions and has been a member of the recovery community for more than two decades. In 2018, Tammy’s niece tragically died following an accidental fentanyl poisoning; a loss that had devastating impacts on her entire family.  Since this loss, Tammy has been involved in advocacy efforts aimed at preventing and reducing toxic drug poisoning deaths – deaths that are largely preventable.  She has also shifted her research focus to the prevention, intervention, and treatment of problematic substances, including the integration of harm reduction policies and practices as being an essential component in the continuum of care.    

Tammy is dedicated to producing research to improve the system and advocate for policy changes to better support youth struggling with mental health and substance use issues.  

We are fortunate to have Tammy on our team! 

Recent publications


Dr. Amanda Fowler-Woods

Dr. Amanda Fowler-Woods joined MCHP this past Fall after completing her PhD in the Department of Community Health Sciences at the University of Manitoba.  

About Amanda's research

Amanda’s graduate studies research focused on the perspectives and experiences of Indigenous Peoples in Manitoba with racial, ethnic, and Indigenous identifier data collection at point of contact within the healthcare system. Since joining our research team, Amanda is developing a program aimed at creating and applying Indigenous knowledge and methodologies to health and health services research, including the need to broaden understanding of the administrative data housed in the Manitoba Population Research Data Repository. 

We are so pleased to welcome Amanda to our team and are looking forward to how she pushes MCHP to new innovations.  

Recent publications

Courses taught

This past year, Dr. Fowler-Woods taught two graduate level courses. During the Summer 2023 term, she co-taught Indigenous People, Health and Research: Doing research in a good way. This course allowed students to explore health, healthcare, and research from an Indigenous worldview and Indigenous experiences, while integrating ceremony, land-based learning opportunities and knowledge from Indigenous Knowledge Keepers and scholars. In the Winter 2024 term, Dr. Fowler-Woods taught Health and Health Services of First Nations, Inuit, and Métis Peoples. Elder Gramma (Gerladine) Shingoose was the Elder-Facilitator for this course. This course provided students with an introduction into the historical, structural and political contexts that effect health, as well as access to and experiences of healthcare for First Nations, Inuit and Métis Peoples in Canada, and examined factors impacting health and illness among this population pre-and-post-contact with the Europeans. Amanda has been nominated for a teaching award by her students for this class. 


Dr. Fowler-Woods has also been a recipient of several prestigious awards this year including: 

  • CIHR Patient Oriented Research – Transition to Leadership Fellowship Phase 2 

    This is a funding opportunity through the SPOR Capacity Development Initiative. The goal of this award is to support the career launch of the next generation of patient-oriented researchers. 


  • The Winnipeg Foundation Martha Donovan Women’s Leadership Development Award 

    The Winnipeg Foundation Martha Donovan Fund is intended to support leadership development for women in the Rady Faculty of Health Sciences at the University of Manitoba. 


  • 2024 CAME Rising Star – Certificate of Excellence (Graduate Student) 

    This award recognizes students who show a commitment to medical education through research, curriculum or workshop development, leadership, and/or advocacy and have made a positive impact in the health professions education community at their school. 

Recent MCHP research


Students are integral to MCHP and contribute to research through paper and grant writing support, project coordination and more. Our researchers are active in the University of Manitoba community and teach classes at the Max Rady College of Medicine. Drs. Marni Brownell, Malcolm Doupe, Amanda Fowler-Woods, Nathan Nickel and Marcelo Urquia all teach graduate courses in the department of Community Health Sciences. MCHP researchers also supervise master's and doctoral students, as well as post-doctoral fellows. MCHP offers two awards each year to students with an interest in population-based research who use data housed in the Manitoba Population Research Data Repository. Awards include: 

Evelyn Shapiro Award for Health Services Research 

Financial support of up to $5,000 awarded to students who are enrolled in the graduate program at the University of Manitoba (preferably in the Faculty of Community Health Sciences) and whose thesis research uses the Manitoba Population Research Data Repository. The winners of this award in 2023 were: Md Ashiqul Haque & Deborah Balogun. 

Learn more: UM Faculty of Graduate Studies - Graduate Awards Database ( 

Roos Prize for Best Publication in Population Health

The Roos Prize is awarded to a recent full or part-time graduate student who published a paper incorporating research results using data from the Manitoba Population Research Data Repository. This prize was not awarded in 2023. 

Learn more: UM Faculty of Graduate Studies - Graduate Awards Database ( 

Other MCHP student award recipients:

  • Darrien Morton, Vanier Scholar, smiling in front of a treed background

    Darrien Morton

    Vanier Scholar, supervised by Dr. Nathan Nickel

  • Hera Casidsid on a white background smiling at the camera.

    Hera Casidsid

    Faculty of Graduate Studies Research Completion Scholarship ($5000)

    Travel Award – CIHR-IGH 2024 Summer Institute in Sex and Gender+ Science 2024 ($1,000)

  • Maria Godoy smiling, standing in front of an indoor garden.

    Maria Godoy

    SSHRC Doctoral Fellowship, supervised by Dr. Marcelo Urquia

  • Kathleen Kenny smiling with a playground and trees out of focus in the background.

    Kathleen Kenny

    CIHR postdoctoral fellowship, supervised by Drs. Marcelo Urquia and Marcia Anderson

  • Emily Brownell smiling on a white background

    Emily Brownell

    Research Manitoba – Children's Hospital Master’s Studentship ($17,850)


People at a SPECTRUM workshop sitting around a table listening intently to Knowledge Keeper Leslie Spillett Elder

Health Data Research Network Canada

MCHP is a founding member of Health Data Research Network Canada (HDRN Canada) Canada, a pan-Canadian non-profit organization connecting data centres and individual partners in collaboration and knowledge sharing. MCHP staff and researchers are contributing and leading several projects within the network: 

  • Data Access Support Hub (DASH): 

    MCHP staff support the DASH program offered by HDRN Canada. DASH is a data access service that connects researchers with administrative data centres across the country and facilitates access to health data held in repositories managed by HDRN Canada member organizations. DASH services are provided by a coordination team who streamline the data access process for those seeking to use data from multiple repositories. 

    Learn more about the DASH project  


  • Inclusion, Diversity, Equity & Accessibility (IDEA) 

    Dr. Amy Freier is leading work with MCHP and HDRN Canada to advance principals of Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, and Accessibility and data equity methodologies within the work we do. IDEA is a set of concepts guiding actions to address systemic, historical and contemporary inequities across populations. The IDEA team at HDRN Canada, led by Dr. Freier, was established to promote IDEA-informed change on a variety of issues, including the collection, access, use and dissemination of administrative data. In 2023/2024 the team has been working on developing an IDEA Strategy that will embed IDEA throughout the network and drive data research practices and processes to be more inclusive, diverse, equitable, and accessible. Four goals that will be worked on over the next 2 years include:  

  1. Learning and Unlearning 

  2. Facilitating IDEA in Data Research  

  3. Cultivating Trust and Reciprocity with Community Partners 

  4. Providing Leadership and Advocacy to Drive IDEA  

    These goals will be integrated into HDRN Canada’s strategic plan and delivered by working groups throughout the network. More information will be available Fall 2024.  

    Learn more about the IDEA project  


SPECTRUM is a partnership between academics, community organizations and government with the goal of co-developing solutions to complex social policy challenges through research and program evaluation. Led by MCHP Senior Research Scientist Dr. Marni Brownell, SPECTRUM focuses its research around four intersecting themes: children in care, mental health and substance use, housing and homelessness, and basic income.  

This year, the partnership received a Partnership Grant from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) for $2.5 million that will fund SPECTRUM through to 2031. The partnership also completed research on the Demonstration Project, which explores outcomes of children involved in Child and Family Services (CFS) in Manitoba. This population-wide study is the first of its kind in Canada to isolate the impact on children’s outcomes of being taken into care. A paper based on the findings is currently being peer-reviewed, with other knowledge mobilization products being planned with SPECTRUM partners.  

Spectrum workshops: 

SPECTRUM coordinates workshops throughout the year to engage with partners and exchange ideas and knowledge. Workshops took place in Spring 2023, Summer 2023, Fall 2023, and Spring 2024. 

SPECTRUM core team & student fellows: 

Core team: 

  • Dr. Laura Bowler, MCHP 

  • Dr. Marni Brownell, MCHP 

  • Elizabeth Decaire, First Nations Health & Social Secretariat of Manitoba 

  • Dr. Jennifer Enns, MCHP 

  • Dr. Amy Freier, MCHP 

  • Dr. Karine Levasseur, University of Manitoba, Political Studies 

  • Dr. Nathan Nickel, MCHP 

  • Scott Sinclair, Government of Manitoba, Deputy Minister, Manitoba Health 

  • Dr. Stephanie Sinclair, First Nations Health and Social Secretariate of Manitoba 

  • Dr. Lorna Turnbull, University of Manitoba, Faculty of Law 

Student fellows: 

  • Sana Amjad, University of Manitoba, Community Health Sciences 

  • Emily Brownell, University of Manitoba, Community Health Sciences 

  • Hera Casidsid, University of Manitoba, Community Health Sciences 

  • Delaney Coelho, University of Manitoba, Political Studies 

  • Nyla Comeau, University of Manitoba, Social Work 

  • Aine Dolin, University of Saskatchewan 

  • Jess Duris, University of Manitoba, Psychology 

  • Anita Durksen, University of Manitoba, Community Health Sciences 

  • Soomin Han, McGill University 

  • Mikayla Hunter, Community Health Sciences, University of Manitoba 

  • Stephaney Patrick, University of Manitoba, Peace and Conflict Studies 

  • Jamie Pfau, University of Manitoba, Community Health Sciences 

SPECTRUM partners: 


  • Aboriginal Health and Wellness Centre 

  • Autism Alliance of Canada 

  • Boys & Girls Clubs of Winnipeg 

  • First Nations Family Advocate Office 

  • First Nations Health and Social Secretariate of Manitoba 

  • Harvest Manitoba 

  • Island Lake Anishiniew Okimawin 

  • Leading 4 Impact 

  • Manitoba Métis Federation 

  • Onashowewin Justice Circle 

  • Peguis First Nation 

  • Public Interest Law Centre 

  • United Way Winnipeg 

  • Winnipeg Chambers of Commerce 

Government departments: 

  • Economic Development, Investment, Trade & Natural Resources 

  • Education and Early Childhood Learning 

  • Families 

  • Finance 

  • Health, Seniors & Long-Term Care  

  • Indigenous Reconciliation 

  • Justice 

  • Housing, Addictions & Homelessness 

  • Municipal & Northern Relations and Indigenous Economic Development 


Learn more about SPECTRUM Manitoba ( 

Providing access to data

The Manitoba Population Research Data Repository is a rich source of population-based administrative data from Manitobans’ interactions with health and social services. Linkable at the individual level and over time, these data contain a range of information on the health and wellbeing of Manitobans across multiple sectors including health, justice, education and more. Currently, the Repository holds 98 datasets: 62 from Health, 22 from Social, 8 from Education, 3 from Justice and 6 Registries. Between April 1, 2023 and March 31, 2024, several new datasets were added to the Repository: 

Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) - Rehabilitation Centre for Children

Provides a record of clients diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder, including demographics and date of diagnoses, who have received services from Rehabilitation Centre for Children over time.  

Cerebral Palsy (CP) - Rehabilitation Centre for Children

Provides a record of clients with cerebral palsy who have received services from Rehabilitation Centre for Children over time. Also includes demographics information, a Gross Motor Function Classification System score, and client’s feeding method. 

Canadian Index of Multiple Deprivation (CIMD)

The purpose of Canadian Index of Mutiple Deprivation data is to describe differences in deprivation between areas to better understand inequalities in socio-economic characteristics for geographical areas or population groups. These data provide an area-based index derived from 2016 Census of Population microdata to measure several key dimensions of deprivation and marginalization at the dissemination area (DA) level. These dimensions include residential instability, situational vulnerability, economic dependency and ethno-cultural composition. In addition to the national index, information has been created at the provincial and regional levels.  

Knowledge translation

The Knowledge Translation team ensures MCHP research reaches the right people at the right time to maximize the impact of our work. Our qualified team of knowledge brokers, a graphic designer, event planner and a technical writer assist researchers, staff and partners in knowledge translation planning and strategy, and the creation of knowledge mobilization products to target audiences who need to know about our research the most. This year, some of our team members attended a knowledge translation certification program in Toronto, and the whole team has taken training in making communication materials accessible for all, as a commitment to continued learning and professional development.  

Knowledge Translation team responsibilities

  • Social media content creation  

  • Social media monitoring 

  • Event planning 

  • Website management 

  • Internal communication materials 

  • Graphic design 

  • Knowledge translation planning and strategy for deliverable and peer-reviewed research 

  • KT planning support for grant applications 

  • Acting as liaison with the Rady Marketing and Communications Office 

  • Creation of knowledge mobilization products including primers, infographics, lay summaries 

MCHP social media highlights

  • 775 posts across all MCHP platforms 

  • 1,085 new followers across all MCHP platforms 

  • 135,010 post impressions across all MCHP platforms 

  • 32,316 users reached posts across all MCHP platforms 

  • Creation of MCHP LinkedIn profile 

  • 180 posts on LinkedIn 

  • 1,515 post clicks on LinkedIn 

  • 20,238 connections on LinkedIn 


We are fortunate to have a team of highly skilled faculty and staff including research scientists and associates, data analysts and managers, research support, knowledge translation, finance, and IT. Below is a list of all those who worked with us at any point between April 1, 2023 and March 31, 2024. 


  • Nathan Nickel – Director; Associate professor; Senior research scientist 

  • Marni Brownell – Associate director, research; Professor; Senior research scientist 

  • Charles Burchill – Associate director, repository, data access and use 

  • Selena Randall – Associate director, planning and development 


  • Malcolm Doupe – Associate professor; Senior research scientist 

  • Amanda Fowler-Woods Assistant professor; Research scientist 

  • Alan Katz – Professor; Senior research scientist 

  • Lisa Lix – Professor; Senior research scientist 

  • Leslie Roos – Founding director; Senior research scientist 

  • Noralou Roos – Founding director; Professor emerita 

  • Tamara Taillieu – Assistant professor; Research scientist 

  • Marcelo Urquia Associate professor; Senior research scientist 

  • Chelsea Ruth – Assistant professor; Research scientist 

Research associates and postdoctoral fellows

  • Jennifer Enns – Research associate 

  • Amy Freier – Research associate 

  • Jill Hnatiuk – Lead research associate 

  • Kathleen Kenny – Postdoctoral fellow 

Data managers and data analysts

  • Wendy Au – Data analyst 

  • Matt Dahl – Data analyst 

  • Roxanna Dragan – Data analyst 

  • Shelley Derksen – Information technologist 

  • Gilles Detillieux – Data analyst 

  • Oke Ekuma – Data analyst; Statistical consultant 

  • Isuru Dharmasena – Data analyst 

  • Abhishek Dhankar – Natural language specialist 

  • Lisa Flaten Data analyst 

  • Kevin Friesen – Data analyst 

  • Say Hong – Data management analyst 

  • Kun Liu – Data analyst 

  • Scott McCulloch – Data analyst 

  • Heather Prior – Lead data analyst 

  • Michael Reimer - Metadata dictionary developer 

  • Sathi Saha – Data management analyst   

  • Joykrishna Sarkar – Data analyst 

  • Monica Sirski – Data analyst 

  • Qier (Angela) Tan - Data Analyst 

  • Carole Taylor – Data analyst 

  • Dave Towns – Senior data management analyst 

  • Ken Turner – Repository data analyst 

  • Randy Walld – Data analyst 

  • Marina Yogendran – Data analyst 

Research support

  • Amber Arnold – Repository access and administrative assistant 

  • Eileen Boriskewich – Project Manager and outreach officer “Get your Benefits” 

  • Umer Bin Faiz Research and repository access support 

  • John-Michael Bowes – Repository access and administrative assistant 

  • Laura Bowler – Data equity specialist 

  • Susan Burchill – Repository access and administrative support coordinator 

  • Lindsey Dahl – Research project coordinator 

  • Theresa Daniuk – Repository project coordinator 

  • Audrey Du Research support 

  • Hudson DuResearch support dog 

  • Kara Dyck – Repository access coordinator; Executive assistant; Office manager 

  • Diane Gordon PappasResearch program manager 

  • Aaron Goss – Knowledge broker 

  • Ashley GreenEvent planner 

  • Cara Jonasson – Graphic designer 

  • Emily Jones – Repository access coordinator 

  • Ina Koseva – Lead research project coordinator 

  • Chelsey McDougall – Research project manager 

  • Hannah Owczar – Technical writer 

  • Danielle Saj – Research project coordinator 

  • Basirat Shittu – Research coordinator 

  • Ruth-Ann Soodeen – Lead research coordinator 

Finance and information technology

  • Nellie Bodnar – HR-Finance office assistant

  • Sophie Buternowsky – Senior grants accountant 

  • Ying-Jiun Chen (Jeannie) - Grant accountant 

  • Darrin Halabuza – Information technology support 

  • Rod McRae – Information technology manager 

  • Princess Santarin - Finance assistant 

  • Jo-Anna Wichenko - Finance assistant 

Advisory board members

Dr. Brian Postl, Professor Emeritus, Dean Emeritus, Rady Faculty of Health Sciences 

Dr. Nathan Nickel, Director, Manitoba Centre for Health Policy   

Mr. Scott Sinclair, Deputy Minister, Manitoba Health, Seniors and Long-Term Care 

Dr. Michelle Driedger, Head, Department of Community Health Sciences, Rady Faculty of Health Sciences 

Dr. Sharon Bruce, Head, Department of Community Health Sciences, Rady Faculty of Health Sciences 

Dr. Peter Nickerson, Dean and Vice-Provost, Rady Faculty of Health Sciences 

Drs. Noralou Roos and Leslie Roos, Founding Directors 

Ms. Dana Rudy, Deputy Minister, Economic Development, Investment, Trade and Natural Resources 

Ms. Ainsley Krone, Deputy Minister, Indigenous Reconciliation and Northern Relations  

Ms. Jan Forster, Deputy Minister, Advanced Education and Training 

Ms. Michelle Dubik, Deputy Minister, Families 

Mr. Silvester Komlodi, Deputy Minister, Finance 

Mr. Brian O’Leary, Deputy Minister, Education and Early Childhood Learning 

Dr. Michael Schull, President and CEO, Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences 

Dr. Mario Pinto, Vice-President, Research and International 

Ms. Carly Leggett, Interim Executive Director, George and Fay Yee Centre for Healthcare Innovation 

Dr. Kimberlyn McGrail, Scientific Director, Health Data Research Network Canada  

Dr. Marcia Anderson, Vice-Dean Indigenous Health, Social Justice and Anti-Racism  

Dr. Ruth Gilbert, Professor of Clinical Epidemiology, Population, Policy and Practice, University College London 

Dr. Terry Klassen, Academic Director, George and Fay Yee Centre for Healthcare Innovation 

Phil Jarman, Executive Director and Chief Data Officer, Information Management & Analytics, Manitoba Health 

Dr. Selena Randall, Associate Director, Planning and Development, MCHP 

Dr. Amy Freier 

Charles Burchill, Associate Director, Repository, MCHP 

Dr. Marni Brownell, Associate Director of Research, MCHP 

Kara Dyck, Executive Assistant 

MCHP funding sources

  • $3,078,183.13

    Additional Funds

  • $165,061.23

    Endowed Gifts

  • $3,057,637.31

    Province of MB

  • $328,440.00


  • Grand Total: $6,664,321.67

    for 2023-2024

Contact us

Manitoba Centre for Health Policy

Community Health Sciences, Max Rady College of Medicine

Rady Faculty of Health Sciences, 
Room 408-727 McDermot Ave.
University of Manitoba
Winnipeg, MB  R3E 3P5 Canada
