Major newspapers

The Libraries takes a selective approach to the acquisition of newspapers, providing access to major Winnipeg and national Canadian newspapers (in English and French), and a selection of the major English- and French-language international papers. The Elizabeth Dafoe Library is the main repository of historical newspapers in physical media for research purposes.

Specialized or foreign-language or non-major newspapers

The Libraries does not typically collect foreign-language newspapers. Through the Libraries’ membership in the Center for Research Libraries, patrons are able to borrow large numbers of microfilm of newspapers from all over the world that are not held locally for generous loan periods. However, some exceptions regarding foreign-language newspapers will apply: 

  • Foreign language papers may be acquired for language programs.
  • Some foreign language papers are acquired for the Icelandic and Slavic Collections. Depending on their rarity, the paper may be retained if microfilm is not reliably received.

Manitoba newspapers

The Libraries does not collect newspapers for municipalities outside of Winnipeg, but rather depends on the holdings of local libraries for access to these current papers. The Libraries works with these same libraries to provide electronic access to historical Manitoba papers, especially through digitization initiatives for the Libraries’ Digital Collections and Manitobia.

If you have any questions, contact the Associate University Librarian, Collections

Approved: 1998-04
Revised: 2024-11