Discarding is the official withdrawal of library materials (and the attendant library records) from a library collection because they are unfit for further use or are no longer needed. When properly done, discarding of library materials is a positive activity and allows the Libraries’ collections to better support the University’s teaching and research goals.

The discarding of library materials will be guided by the following principles:

  • No materials should be discarded before consultation with the primary liaison librarian for the subject or division.
  • The discarding of an item consists of three processes: identifying items for removal, removing the item from the catalogue, and physical disposal. All of these processes must be carried out to properly discard an item.
  • Not all criteria will necessarily apply in the same way to each part of the Libraries' collections.
  • Criteria for the selection of material to be discarded from the collection include, but are not limited to:
    • relevance to the University of Manitoba's teaching and research programs
    • physical condition of the item
    • circulation history
    • monetary value
    • duplication of the material in other copies or other formats
    • availability of the material elsewhere or in newer editions
    • resource-sharing obligations
    • language of publication
    • coverage of the item in indexes and abstracts, as well as its citation frequency
    • retention of the last best copy

If you have any questions, contact the Associate University Librarian, Collections.

Approved: 2017-11-30
Revised: 2023-06-26