- Julian Brown
- Abhinav Dhingra
- Eric Epp
- Kali Faingold
- Kaylee Furber
- Dominique Gibson
- Keelin Griffin
Dean's Honour List 2023-24
Being on the Dean's Honour List is a prestigious recognition, signifying exceptional academic achievement.
About the award
The Dean's Honour List for each year, based on weighted grade point averages, shall comprise the top ten percent of full-time students enrolled in each year as at May 31. A student who defers or receives an extension, or who completes an incomplete grade, or who successfully appeals a grade, shall be added supernumerary in the event that the student’s ultimate grade point average is at least as high as that of the lowest ranking student placed on the Dean’s Honour List in May. A half-time student shall be added supernumerary to the Dean's Honour List in the event that the student's grade point average after completion of a year is at least as high as that of the lowest ranking student placed on the Dean's Honour List in that year.
Third year 3L
- Ryan Hall
- Noah Lesiuk
- April Lount
- Seth Lozinski
- Melinda Moch
- Ashley Slagerman
Second year 2L
- Jessica Blatta
- Cody Buhay
- Alec Borger
- Steven Csincsa
- Skylar Ferbers
- Connor Giesbrecht
- Lisa Haydey
- Julia Kwasnica
- Nicholas Ly
- Sydney Newman
- Brent Tichon
- Tobey Xiang
First year 1L
Dena Aminzadeh
Allison Byram
Jim Cheng
Sameer Harris
Erin Jeon
Cori Lee
Erin McIntyre
Marianna Pozdirca
Tesia Romaniw
Gilad Stitz
Derek Zaporzan