Staff Relations:

Labour Relations
Labour relations is responsible for the negotiation and administration of UM’s three academic and three support staff collective agreements.
2025 Updates on collective bargaining
Negotiations are underway to seek renewal of the collective agreement between the University of Manitoba and the University of Manitoba Faculty Association (UMFA).
Update for February 6, 2025
Update on UMFA Strike Authorization Voting
On Tuesday, February 4, UMFA held a vote to determine whether to proceed with a strike authorization vote. According to a statement released by UMFA, that initial vote passed, and the official strike authorization vote is now underway, taking place over three days—February 5,6 and 7.
If passed, a strike authorization would give the UMFA executive the ability to call a strike if they choose, but it does not mean that a strike will happen. The university continues to bargain in good faith with UMFA, with the intention of reaching a collective agreement without a labour disruption.
Update for January 28, 2025
UM Strengthens Compensation Proposal
The University of Manitoba has provided the University of Manitoba Faculty Association (UMFA) with an updated compensation proposal that makes significant advancement towards the 25th percentile of the U15.
In December, new data from Statistics Canada showed UMFA professoriate had fallen further from the 25th percentile of our peer research-intensive institutions. The university agrees that this trend needs to be addressed and has made changes to its salary proposal to reflect this.
To ensure accuracy and transparency, we have updated the salary calculator, which has been endorsed by the actuarial consulting firm, Eckler Ltd. This tool allows faculty members to see how UM’s compensation proposal could affect their individual salaries over time.
The 25th percentile benchmark was set to help ensure that the university remains competitive in attracting and retaining high-caliber faculty while balancing financial sustainability and maintaining below-average tuition fees. This approach reflects the unique economic context of Manitoba, which currently has the lowest inflation rates in the country and is among the most affordable provinces in Canada.
Those who are interested in the details of UM’s financial health can learn more on our Financial Services website, or review detailed presentations from UM’s annual budget town halls.
We remain committed to working collaboratively with UMFA to reach a fair and equitable agreement that supports our faculty and enhances the University of Manitoba’s standing within the U15.
What is UM’s salary proposal to UMFA?
General Salary Increases (GSIs) of 11.25% over 4 years:
Year 1 + 2.50%
Year 2 + 2.75%
Year 3 + 3.00%
Year 4 + 3.00%
Structural Adjustments: (these are increases in addition to the GSIs)
Professor rank, increase of $8,000 to maximum in YR1 plus up to $3,000 special adjustment for those below rank maximum.
Associate Professor rank increase of $2,000 to maximum in YR1
Assistant Professor rank increase of $1,000 to maximum in YR1
Floors adjusted to maintain 40% spread (from floor to maximum)
Increments adjusted to maintain 10 between floor and maximum
Increase of GSI plus 5% in YR1 & YR2 for administrative stipends
Summer Session 1 & 2 Stipend Increases
Where can I learn more?
UM faculty and staff can access the university’s presentations and proposals on UM Intranet. These include the salary calculator and examples of how salaries will be impacted over the course of the proposed agreement. The broader community can continue to access bargaining updates on this site.
Update for January 9, 2025
Meetings continue for bargaining teams and ESA working group
As we begin the New Year, we want to update you that the university and UMFA bargaining teams have resumed meeting and have dates confirmed into February as we work toward a fair and competitive agreement that supports our faculty and the long-term sustainability of the university.
In addition, a university working group has been established to negotiate an Essential Services Agreement (ESA) with UMFA. The agreement is required in response to recent changes to The Labour Relations Act. The updated legislation introduces limits on the use of replacement workers (including those within the bargaining unit) during a strike or lockout, with exceptions permitted only in limited circumstances. An ESA is required to clarify these special circumstances and what constitutes essential services at UM during a lockout or strike. The university working group, which includes representatives from Human Resources, Vice-President (Research and International) and the Provost’s Office, is actively meeting to ensure alignment with these requirements.
We remain committed to open and constructive dialogue and will continue to provide updates as discussions progress.
Update for November 21, 2024
UM and UMFA discuss compensation proposals
On November 18th, representatives from the University of Manitoba and the University of Manitoba Faculty Association (UMFA) continued discussions focused on compensation.
To help support transparency and clarity, UM has developed a salary calculator, which has been endorsed by the actuarial consulting firm, Eckler Ltd. This tool allows faculty members to see how UM’s compensation proposal could affect their individual salaries over time.
Faculty and staff can access the salary calculator and the full details of the university’s compensation package on UM Intranet.
We remain committed to negotiating a fair and competitive agreement that supports our faculty and the long-term sustainability of the university. Further updates will be provided as the discussions progress.
Update for November 15, 2024
The bargaining teams for the University of Manitoba and the University of Manitoba Faculty Association (UMFA) have met several times since exchanging proposals to speak to their intentions and ask clarifying questions. As a result of these discussions, the parties have identified several areas where there is notional agreement, and the University was able to present responsive proposals in relation to Reconciliation and Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion. For those with access to UM Intranet, you can find the University’s responsive proposal here. The University and UMFA will continue negotiations over the next few weeks with the view to reaching tentative agreement on the renewal of the collective agreement.
Update for October 17, 2024
UM proposal to UMFA available on UM Intranet
As part of our commitment to transparency and open communication during the collective bargaining process, the University of Manitoba has posted its latest proposal to the University of Manitoba Faculty Association (UMFA) on UM Intranet, accessible to our faculty and staff. For those with access to UM Intranet, you can find the proposal here. While the specifics of the offer are being shared internally only at this time, updates on the bargaining process will continue to be posted on this site for the broader community.
Update for October 15, 2024
The University and the University of Manitoba Faculty Association (UMFA) have signed a joint protocol document that outlines expectations for those who attend bargaining meetings as an observer. The parties will now move forward with exchanging proposals on Wednesday, October 16, 2024. The University’s proposal to UMFA will be made available on the UM intranet the afternoon of Thursday, October 17. Additional meetings have been booked to continue constructive dialogue as we work towards a renewed collective agreement for UMFA members.
Update for September 24, 2024
In late August, UMFA advised the University that it was prepared to proceed with exchange of proposals. A key point of discussion has been the presence of observers at bargaining sessions. While some progress has been made, there remains a need for further discussion on outstanding process issues. The University submitted its proposals to UMFA electronically on August 28. UMFA has acknowledged receipt of these proposals but has expressed that they do not consider them to be tabled until they are presented in person with observers present. The bargaining teams continue to meet with the intent to resolve process concerns regarding the presence of observers and to begin in-person bargaining as soon as possible.
The parties have held dates into the fall and the University remains committed to productive dialogue and working towards achieving a new collective agreement
Update for July 15, 2024
The University of Manitoba has prepared its proposals to negotiate revisions to the UM-UMFA collective agreement and looks forward to exchanging proposals with UMFA as soon as the union is ready.
UMFA first provided the university with a notice to bargain on January 19, 2024. The university offered dates to meet beginning in March, with additional meeting dates offered in April, May, June and throughout July and August. The parties met on March 18, May 10, June 4, and July 4, and UM looks forward to exchanging proposals with the union with the view to reach an agreement.
The university is committed to supporting good faith bargaining that offers stability for the university community and a fair deal for UMFA. We acknowledge UMFA’s commitment to these principles as well and we anticipate a productive bargaining process.
Update for May 24, 2024
The University of Manitoba Faculty Association (UMFA) and the University of Manitoba officially entered their bargaining period in January 2024 and the University looks forward to productive negotiations. UMFA represents approximately 1,300 full-time professors, lecturers, instructors, and academic librarians. The negotiating teams have met to discuss the process for bargaining, and the teams have agreed to dates over the summer to continue discussions.
Bargaining units
University of Manitoba employees are represented by six unions and their respective collective agreements.
Note: Recent changes to The Labour Relations Act, effective November 7, 2024, have introduced significant updates affecting all unionized workplaces in Manitoba, including the University of Manitoba (UM). The Province has outlined the amendments as follows:
Automatic Union Certification: enabling automatic certification if a union demonstrates that at least 50% of the employees support joining the union
Restrictions on Replacement Workers: prohibiting the use of replacement workers during a lockout or strike, except in limited circumstances, including to prevent threats to life, health or safety
Essential Services During Labour Disputes: ensuring that essential services continue during a lockout or strike and that any resulting meaningful interference with collective bargaining is addressed by the Manitoba Labour Board or by arbitration
UM will engage in discussions with unions on the potential impacts of these amendments. The legislation strictly limits the use of replacement workers (including those within the bargaining unit) during strikes or lockouts, allowing exceptions only under specific circumstances.
Collective agreements by union
CUPE Local 1482 (Engineering)
CUPE Local 3909 (Students - Unit 1)
CUPE Local 3909 (Sessionals - Unit 2)
UMFA (University of Manitoba Faculty Association)
Unifor Local 3007
Collective agreement
A collective agreement is a written contract negotiated by the University of Manitoba and its unions and regulates the terms and conditions of employment. This includes wages, benefits and duties of an employee and the duties of and responsibilities of UM as an employer.
Collective bargaining
Collective bargaining is the process of negotiation of employment terms between the university and unions with the goal of coming to a collective agreement. Through collective bargaining, UM seeks agreements that are equitable, responsible, and sustainable.
Strike vote
A strike vote is taken among unionized employees to decide whether they are willing to initiate a strike. If a majority of a union’s members vote to strike, the union is provided with a strike mandate, but this does not mean a strike will happen nor does it mean negotiations will halt. An agreement can be reached at any time after a vote.
Ratification vote
This is the process in which members of the bargaining unit vote to accept or reject the terms of the collective agreement negotiated by the university and a union. When the tentative agreement is approved, it is signed and becomes the new collective agreement.
When an independent third party helps both sides in an attempt to reach a collective agreement.
When an independent third party imposes language on outstanding issues that the parties were not able to resolve through bargaining.
"Strike" includes:
(a) a cessation of work, or
(b) a refusal to work, or
(c) a refusal to continue to work, or
(d) a refusal to continue the standard cycle or normal pattern of operation in a place of employment, or
(e) a slow down of work, or
(f) an activity in relation to their work that is designed to restrict or limit output,
by or on the part of employees in combination or in concert or in accordance with a common understanding for the purpose of compelling their employer to agree to terms or conditions of employment or to aid other employees in compelling the employer of those other employees to agree to terms or conditions of employment.
"Lockout" includes
(a) the closing of a place of employment, or
(b) a suspension of work, or
(c) a refusal by an employer to continue to employ a number of his employees, or
(d) a substantial alteration by an employer in the standard cycle or normal pattern of operation in a place of employment,
done or made to compel their employees, or to aid another employer to compel their employees, to agree to terms or conditions of employment.
Collective bargaining
The collective bargaining process is as follows:
- Preparation for negotiation
- Identification of issues for bargaining
- Presentation of proposals by both parties
- Negotiation between the bargaining teams
- Presentation of the tentative agreement to the membership
- Ratification of agreement
- Implementation of agreement
Most collective bargaining concludes without any disruptions, but if the union and employer are unable to reach an agreement, it can lead to mediation, arbitration, a strike or a lockout (see definitions above).
How to receive information about collective bargaining
You can refer this page (Labour Relations) for the latest information.
Past updates
CUPE 3909
Update for November 13, 2024
CUPE 3909 Ratifies New Four-Year Collective Agreements
The University of Manitoba is pleased to share that the membership of CUPE 3909, Unit 1 (Students) and Unit 2 (Sessional Instructors), have ratified new four-year collective agreements. These agreements, covering the period from 2022 to 2026, reflect our shared commitment to supporting the students and sessional instructors who play vital roles in our university community. We are grateful for the efforts of everyone involved in the negotiation process.
Update for November 5, 2024
Tentative Agreement Reached with CUPE; Membership Vote Scheduled
The University of Manitoba is pleased to share that tentative agreements have been reached with CUPE 3909 for Unit 1 (Students) and Unit 2 (Sessionals). The union will be presenting these agreements to the memberships for a vote this week. We appreciate the dedication and commitment shown by both bargaining teams throughout this process. The University remains focused on fostering a supportive and collaborative working environment for all members of our campus community. Further updates will be provided following the ratification votes.
Update for September 4, 2024
The University of Manitoba and CUPE 3909 Unit 1 (Students) and Unit 2 (Sessionals) have met regularly and with increasing frequency over the summer, with the aim of concluding collective bargaining. Negotiations are going well and the parties are working towards reaching a tentative agreement in the near future.
Update for May 24, 2024
The University of Manitoba and CUPE 3909 Unit 1 (Students) and Unit 2 (Sessionals) have been meeting regularly to negotiate a renewal of their collective agreements. They continue to engage in productive negotiations to reach agreement.
Unifor 3007
Update for October 24, 2024
Unifor Membership Vote to Ratify Four-year Agreement
The University of Manitoba is pleased to share that Unifor 3007 membership voted on October 23, 2024 to ratify their new collective agreement. Unifor 3007 represents caretakers, general service employees, power engineers, tradespersons, and dining services employees. The university thanks both bargaining teams for working together to achieve the four-year agreement, which takes effect April 7, 2024 until March 24, 2028. This agreement reflects the university’s and union’s shared commitment to foster a supportive and productive work environment for Unifor members.
Update for October 11, 2024
The University of Manitoba is pleased to announce that a tentative agreement has been reached with Unifor 3007, pending ratification by the union’s membership. We appreciate the efforts of both bargaining teams in reaching this agreement and acknowledge the valuable contributions of Unifor employees to our university community. Further updates will be provided following the ratification process.
Update for July 24, 2024
The bargaining teams for the University of Manitoba and Unifor Local 3007 met over a period of eight days in June and made progress in a number of areas. The University looks forward to continuing discussions with Unifor Local 3007, with the view to reaching a tentative agreement. UM and Unifor Local 3007 will be meeting again in late August and early September to continue negotiations.
Update for May 24, 2024
The University of Manitoba and Unifor Local 3007 have begun collective bargaining to achieve a negotiated renewal of the collective agreement. Unifor represents approximately 490 active caretakers, general service employees, power engineers, tradespersons, and dining services employees. The University looks forward to productive negotiations between the parties.
Updates prior to 2024
CUPE 1482 (Engineering) ratifies revised collective agreement
On Jan. 10, 2023, a revised collective agreement between the University of Manitoba and CUPE 1482 (Engineering) was ratified by union membership.
Unifor ratifies revised collective agreement
On Nov. 29, 2022, a revised collective agreement between the University of Manitoba and Unifor was ratified by the Unifor membership.
AESES ratifies revised collective agreement
On April 28, 2022, a revised collective agreement between the University of Manitoba and the Association of Employees Supporting Education Services (AESES) was ratified by AESES membership.
Arbitrator shares decision with UM and UMFA
President Benarroch committed to stability for students and rebuilding relationships.
March 29, 2022: Arbitrator shares decision with UM and UMFA
The binding interest arbitration process between the University of Manitoba and the University of Manitoba Faculty Association (UMFA) that began on March 11, 2022 has concluded with arbitrator William Kaplan providing his decision. The 22-page award document, which addressed several outstanding issues from the last round of collective bargaining, was shared with both parties on March 28, 2022.
President and Vice-Chancellor, Michael Benarroch shared the following response:
“The university fully respects and supports Mr. Kaplan's decisions and thanks him for his ruling.
I agree with recent comments from UMFA president Orvie Dingwall that we need to provide stability for students and rebuild the relationship between the union and administration.
We have an opportunity now to reflect on our negotiation process. As we move forward, we must commit to communicate openly, listen to one other, and engage in respectful dialogue.
I am deeply committed to this and will work with UMFA and university leadership to provide the outstanding work and learning environment that our faculty, staff and students deserve.
UM is Manitoba’s research-intensive university, and I am pleased to see that this ruling brings UM more in line with the 25th percentile of the U15. This will make us more competitive as we support the economic, cultural and social success of our province and its people.”
March 9, 2022: UM and UMFA begin binding interest arbitration process
On March 11, 2022, the University of Manitoba and the University of Manitoba Faculty Association (UMFA) will begin binding interest arbitration in relation to outstanding issues from the last round of collective bargaining, including outstanding salary issues and return to work issues.
In a binding interest arbitration, both parties have agreed to put these outstanding issues to a neutral, third-party arbitrator, who will review each party’s positions and make a final decision that will be binding on both parties. The arbitrator’s decision is made independently and will be informed by the parties’ submissions and legal principles.
The arbitration proceedings take place on March 11 to 13 at 8:30 a.m.
Please note that recording of either or both of the audio or video of this hearing is strictly prohibited. All forms of Zoom recording have been disabled.
December 7, 2021: UMFA ratifies agreement: classes resume Tuesday
Last night, UMFA members voted to ratify an agreement with the university to enter into binding arbitration. This means the strike has ended and classes will resume today.
More detailed information about classes, exams and student support services will be emailed directly to students.
December 6, 2021: Classes anticipated to resume Tuesday; UM and UMFA reach tentative agreement
Over the weekend, the University of Manitoba and the University of Manitoba Faculty Association (UMFA) reached a tentative agreement to enter into binding arbitration.
UMFA Executive will be recommending acceptance of the agreement to its members, who will vote today. Classes are expected to resume Tuesday, December 7 if the agreement is ratified. Take a look at the full story on UM Today.
December 3, 2021: UM and UMFA meeting summary
The university continued to meet with UMFA this week and bargaining is expected to continue over the weekend. Although committed to bargaining in good faith, the university maintains that the best path forward is to accept the mediator's recommendation of moving to arbitration.
November 28, 2021: UM and UMFA continue talks
Over the weekend, the university and UMFA met in several sessions to discuss key issues. Discussions took place on Saturday and Sunday and will continue on Monday morning.
November 26, 2021: Status of the University of Manitoba/UMFA collective agreement negotiations
Early this morning, the mediator advised the University of Manitoba and UMFA of his final recommendation to move all outstanding bargaining issues to binding interest arbitration. The university has agreed to accept the mediator’s recommendation.
UM-UMFA mediation final recommendation (PDF)
November 22, 2021: University outlines its support for arbitration
This weekend, the mediator working with the University of Manitoba and UMFA on negotiating a new collective agreement recommended binding arbitration as the path to resolving the strike and getting students back to class in a timely way.
“We know that this ongoing work stoppage is detrimental to our entire community, especially our students, and that is why we accept the mediator’s recommendation for moving to binding arbitration. At this time, this is the best path forward to end the strike, get students back to classes and reach a fair collective agreement,” says Michael Benarroch, University of Manitoba President and Vice-Chancellor.
The university accepted the mediator’s recommendation for binding arbitration for these main reasons:
- It gets students back to into the classroom. Once both parties agree to arbitration, they will conclude a Return-to-Work Agreement as soon as possible and UMFA will terminate the strike.
- The arbitrator is fully independent. The arbitrator makes all decisions independently and is not required to comply with any government mandates or direction.
- All proposals from both parties will be carefully considered. The mediator has recommended that proposals be considered by the arbitrator on their merits, with a view to achieving a fair and reasonable result for both parties, instead of defaulting to status quo determinations for both monetary and non-monetary issues.
- Negotiations can continue to take place. Both parties can continue to bargain and work with the mediator while waiting for arbitration to begin. The arbitrator will consider all issues that remain unresolved at the time of arbitration.
The university and UMFA have used binding arbitration in the past to reach collective bargaining agreements.
“We’ve heard from students, the community and many faculty members that we need to work to resolve this strike and resume classes and research support for all students,” says President Benarroch. “We agree with the mediator that binding arbitration is the best course of action to end the strike and settle a fair agreement.”
November 21, 2021: UM accepts mediator's recommendation for binding arbitration, UMFA does not
This weekend, the mediator advised the parties of his view that there is no likelihood that the parties will reach a settlement of outstanding differences without a protracted strike continuing. He recommended binding interest arbitration as the best path forward to end the strike and reach a fair collective agreement for UMFA members.
The University of Manitoba accepted mediator Arne Peltz’ recommendation to move to binding arbitration to settle outstanding issues and end the strike. UMFA indicated that they are unwilling to accept the Mediator’s recommendation to refer all outstanding differences to arbitration.
UMFA advised that they would meet to try to come up with a modified version of the recommendation and get back to the parties as soon as they have something.
November 20, 2021: UM responds to UMFA's latest offer, asks mediator for advice on next steps
UM has carefully reviewed UMFA’s latest proposal and worked with the union to ensure both parties understand how each offer is costed. There is still significant distance between the offers, both on monetary and non-monetary. With significant distance remaining between the respective offers, the university is asking the mediator for advice on how to move forward to resolve the strike and reach a fair settlement for UMFA members.
November 18, 2021: UM seeks clarification on counter-offer
The university is working with UMFA to ensure shared understanding of their most recent counter-offer presented on Nov. 16.
November 15, 2021: UM tables new monetary offer to UMFA
The university presented a new three-year monetary offer to UMFA. The previous proposal was a two-year deal. The new proposal includes a 1.75 per cent General Salary Increase (GSI) in year 3, an increase of a minimum seven per cent to floors and maximas for all ranks and a second batch of targeted market payments aimed at those that were previously receiving only GSIs under the previous proposal. The other elements of the previous offer remain unchanged.
We’ve updated the recent article explaining the monetary proposal to include this third year.
November 14, 2021: UM and UMFA meet to discuss cost of proposals and will resume mediation
On Saturday, a small group of University of Manitoba bargaining team members met with UMFA representatives to clarify the numbers and calculations that make up the university’s and UMFA’s monetary offers. UMFA confirmed that the university has calculated the actual cost of the proposals accurately, although there continues to be disagreement on how to report those numbers.
The university and UMFA will be back at the bargaining table on Monday to continue mediation as they work on a new collective agreement. The university will also be tabling an updated monetary offer.
November 8, 2021: UM responds to UMFA's latest offer
The University of Manitoba and the University of Manitoba Faculty Association (UMFA) returned to mediation on Nov. 4. UMFA presented a new offer which included higher salary increases than those requested in their previous proposal of October 31. The university sees this as moving further away from agreement and maintains its previous offer presented on Nov. 1.
Background: The university presented a strong offer to UMFA on Nov. 1. The offer fully utilized the mandate determined by the university’s Board of Governors.
November 4, 2021: UMFA rejects UM's latest offer and moves to strike
The Mediator has invited both parties back to the table and meetings will resume today. The offer UM presented on Monday is still on the table.
November 1, 2021: UMFA rejects UM's latest offer and moves to strike
UM presented UMFA with a strong offer that included a two-year monetary proposal with 5.9 per cent increases from both general salary increases across the board and changes to the salary structure that would increase total salaries an average of 9.5 per cent over two years and substantially increase lifetime earnings of members.
The offer would allow UM to recruit new faculty with more competitive offers, support faculty retention, and ensure faculty wages remain competitive with their U15 counterparts as they advance in their careers.
UM has expressed that it is willing to go back to the bargaining table at any time.
Please note: On Nov. 15, the university presented a revised monetary offer to UMFA that is a three-year deal. Read the details on the offer here.