• icon audience

    Available to

    Students, staff, faculty

  • icon money


    No cost

  • icon steps


    A valid student ID or employee number (see Getting Started)

Getting started

A student who accepts their offer of admission can activate their UMNetID after 48 hours. Employees must be processed through Human Resources.

Follow the instructions on this page to claim your UMNetID.

If you receive the message, "You have already claimed your identity...", visit Reset or change password.

Written steps

To claim your UMNetID: 

  1. Visit signUM and choose Claim Your ID.  
  2. Enter your Last Name, Student or Employee Number, and your Date of Birth.
  3. Click Submit
  4. Read and accept the Usage Agreement. Note: The I Agree button will not activate until you have scrolled to the bottom of the agreement text. 
    • Students will also need to accept the Office 365 Usage Agreement.
  5. Enter a password that meets the following conditions: 
    • Consist of a minimum of 10 characters (max 30) 
    • Contain at least three of the following character types: 
      • Upper case characters 
      • Lower case characters 
      • Numerical characters 
      • Special characters _ # $ %  ( ) . ^ { } ~ ! - 
    • Be different than your previous five passwords.
    • Cannot contain your name or UMNetID

Your password may be in the form of a passphrase, for example, "IamGr8erthanu." To ensure the security of your personal information, do not share your password. 

  1. Set your security questions in case you need to reset your password in the future.
  2. Once you select Submit, you should see a screen that will provide you with your UMNetID and email address.
    • An employee email ends with @umanitoba.ca
    • A student email ends with @myumanitoba.ca

You will get access to your default computer accounts 10 to 20 minutes after completing these steps.

You may request access to additional applications or systems in signUM

Video steps

Claim UMNetID for students

Claim UMNetID for employees


How to reaccept Usage Agreement in signUM

Claim additional computer services available to students

Screenshots + written steps

To claim your UMNetID: 

  1. Visit signUM and choose Claim Your ID.
    Circle annotating the claim your ID link.
  2. Enter your Last NameStudent or Employee Number, and your Date of Birth.
    Page for entering last name, student or employee number, and birth date.
  3. Click Submit
  4. Read and accept the Usage Agreement. Note: The I Agree button will not activate until you have scrolled to the bottom of the agreement text. 
    Pointing to agree button for usage agreement.
    Students will also need to accept the Office 365 Usage Agreement.
    Pointing to agree button for Office 365 usage agreement.
  5. Enter a password that meets the following conditions: 
    • Consist of a minimum of 10 characters (max 30) 
    • Contain at least three of the following character types: 
      • Upper case characters 
      • Lower case characters 
      • Numerical characters 
      • Special characters _ # $ %  ( ) . ^ { } ~ ! -
    • Be different than your previous five passwords. 
    • Cannot contain your name or UMNetID

Your password may be in the form of a passphrase, for example, "IamGr8erthanu." To ensure the security of your personal information, do not share your password. 

  1. Set your security questions in case you need to reset your password in the future.
    Page for setting password and security questions.
  1. Once you select Submit, you should see a screen that will provide you with your UMNetID and email address.
    • An employee email ends with @umanitoba.ca
    • A student email ends with @myumanitoba.ca
Confirmation page for updating information and displaying UMNetID.

You will get access to your default computer accounts 10 to 20 minutes after completing these steps. To see which accounts you have access to, visit Managing your accounts

You may request access to additional applications or systems in signUM.

Request assistance with claiming UMNetID

Create an IT ticket to request assistance with claiming your UMNetID. Select Log in as a Guest.

Request assistance

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Contact us

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Call 204-474-8600 or Chat now
To report a critical system outage after hours or on weekends and holidays, call 204-474-8600 and press 2.

IST Service Desk walk-in service
123 Fletcher Argue
University of Manitoba, Fort Garry
Hours: Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Join the queue: Fort Garry WaitWell or text your name to 431-631-0844

230 Neil John Maclean Library
University of Manitoba, Bannatyne
Hours: Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Join the queue: Bannatyne WaitWell or text your name to 431-631-6555