2024 3MP Winners

The 2024 3MP Winners:

1st Place - Carmine Slipski, Medical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases

2nd Place and People's Choice - Titus Olukitibi, Medical Microbiology and Infecitous Diseases

3rd Place - Abhay Srivastava, Physiology and Pathophysiology

3MP (Three Minute Postdoc)

The 3MP is modelled after the 3MT (Three Minute Thesis) competition held in universities worldwide.

2024 3MP Challengers

Daniel Zogona -Food Science
Bioactive compounds in cereals and their potential health benefits

Titus Olukitibi - Medical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases
Immune markers associated with the natural clearance of HPV

Kaustav Dey - Electrical and Computer Engineering
Stability analysis of controller hardware-in-loop electro-magnetic transient simulations

Minoo Dabiri Golchin - Occupational Therapy
An overlooked human right: Play

Abhay Srivastava - Physiology and Pathophysiology
Nanotechnology can direct cellular fuel burn and fight inflammation!!!

Carmine Slipski - Medical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases
Development of a rapid saliva test for detection of oral health

Illia Roskoshnyi - Law
Legal technological unemployment in the age of AI

Nicola Gasparre - Food Science
Green technology for upcycling protein industry co-products into high value food ingredients


First Place $500
Second Place $250
Third Place $100
People's Choice Certificate


Dr. Loren Oschipok, PhD, Director, Partnerships, Knowledge Mobilization and Innovation

Dr. Iain Crozier, Director, Programs, North Forge Technology Exchange

Anam Ara, PhD Candidate, University of Manitoba, 2024 3MT Winner, UM


This is a university-wide competition where competitors have 1 static slide and 3 minutes to explain the breadth and significance of their postdoctoral research and to highlight their research to a broad and diverse non-specialist audience.   

This event is modelled after the UBC 3-Minute Postdoc Slam,  USask 3MP and the Three Minute Thesis event (with a few adjustments). Three Minute Thesis originated at the University of Queensland in 2008. 

  • All active UM Postdoctoral scholars are eligible to apply to compete in the 3MP competition
  • Challengers must apply through the link below, the application includes a 30 second video
  • Presentations must be based on research that is directly related to the postdoctoral research on campus

Past Winners


First Place: Dr. Oladipupo Olatunde, Food Science
Research Title: Novel and ecofriendly methods for sustainable protein production

Second Place: Dr. Abhay Srivastava, Physiology and Pathophysiology
Research Title: Stem cell based personalized drug selection platform can help choose the most effective therapy for patients with rare genetic disorders.

Third Place and People's Choice: Dr. Niketa Sareen, Physiology and Pathophysiology
Research Title: Modulating immunogenicity of stem cells to enhance their post transplantation survival.

Meet the challengers here.
2023 Event Program
Watch the event recording here.
Read about the event and winners here.


Distinguished Postdoctoral Fellow Awards

2024 marks the inaugural offering of the Distinguished Postdoctoral Fellow Awards by the Faculty of Graduate Studies at the University of Manitoba. This initiative aims to celebrate and support the exceptional work of early-career researchers across the university. By recognizing postdoctoral fellows with innovative research programs and outstanding contributions to knowledge creation and mentorship, the awards represent the university’s commitment to fostering academic excellence and advancing research in health sciences, natural sciences and engineering, and social sciences and humanities.

Distinguished Postdoctoral Fellow Award Nomination Details

University of Manitoba Distinguished Postdoctoral Fellow Award

Nominations can be submitted to pdfellows@umanitoba.ca by January 31st, 2025.

The Faculty of Graduate Studies at the University of Manitoba offers up to three Distinguished Postdoctoral Fellow Awards to current/recent UM Postdoctoral Fellows. The goal of this award is to recognize and celebrate Postdoctoral Fellows with innovative research programs who are making outstanding contributions to one or both of knowledge creation and mentorship of junior researchers.

Each calendar year, one award will be offered in each of the following categories: Health Sciences, Natural Sciences and Engineering, and Social Sciences and Humanities. A certificate will be offered in each of the three categories to Postdoctoral Fellows who are/were current Postdoctoral Fellows in the calendar year of the award (i.e. between January 1 and December 31 of the previous calendar year).

Each nomination package must include:
(i) a letter of nomination from the principal investigator who supervises the Postdoctoral Fellow describing the reasons for the nomination, and highlighting the impact of the nominee's contributions (2 page maximum);
(ii) a current curriculum vitae for the nominee; and
(iii) a letter of support from the unit/department head where the Postdoctoral Fellow is appointed. 

The Faculty of Graduate Studies will verify the eligibility of nominees submitted. One application from each department can be submitted, and in order to broaden the impact of these awards, previous winners are not eligible to be nominated again. The selection committee will be named by the Dean of the Faculty of Graduate Studies (or designate) and will include an Associate Dean of the Faculty of Graduate Studies, three Associate Deans of Research/Graduate Programs from the three areas identified above, and one current Postdoctoral Fellow who is not under consideration for the award in the current competition.


2024 Recipients

Dr. Alireza Shamkhalchian and Dr. Ricardo Mantilla

Dr. Alireza Shamkhalchian

Dr. Shamkhalchian’s research in computational hydraulics models addresses challenges related to flood inundation problems, which are particularly important to the province of Manitoba. His work directly addresses the pressing challenges posed by the escalating frequency and intensity of flooding events, making a significant impact on the field and contributing to the safety and resilience of communities in the region, and worldwide.

Dr, Amani Hamad and Dr. Lisa Lix

Dr. Amani Hamad

Dr. Hamad is incorporating machine learning methods to conduct international multi-generational studies about mental illnesses and other chronic conditions.Her work focuses on constructing family health histories for the entire Manitoba population and characterizing the intergenerational transfer of mental illnesses using administrative data housed at the Manitoba Centre for Health Policy.