Host students with UM credentials and experience

Extended Education Industry Placement students are international students and working professionals studying Applied Business Analysis, Applied Business Management or Applied Human Resource Management with UM Extended Education. They complete their UM credentials in the first 10 months of their intensive program package, and their Industry Placement in the last two months.

Many bring a wealth of international experience from previous careers including accounting and finance, architecture and engineering, education and health care and human resources and administration.

Provide a professional opportunity

As an Industry Placement host, you provide a professional or paraprofessional role in your business or organization for our students. You also provide a place for tomorrow’s business and human resources professionals to learn and grow, enhancing their workplace skills and conduct with hands-on experience and networking.

An Industry Placement benefits both you and our students. You provide our students with regular supervision, guidance and feedback, and they support your business.

How to become a host

We work with local organizations, large and small. Our Industry Placement Coordinator will work with you to initiate and coordinate placements, providing support throughout.

Let’s discuss the possibilities. If your business or organization would like to provide an opportunity for our students, please contact us.

Learn more about Industry Placements

  • Chris Ronson

    Chris Ronson

    "The Industry Placement program is a fantastic opportunity for businesses in Manitoba to get direct access to talent in the province. MicroAge Manitoba has hosted several placements. We have been extremely grateful for the contributions of the students, improving business process and offering new perspectives. I'd highly recommend exploring the program. It’s a win-win for everyone!"

    Director of Sales, MicroAge Manitoba

  • Julie Rempel

    Julie Rempel

    "Vexxit has benefitted from having industry placement students from University of Manitoba Extended Education work with us several times. Each time, these students bring fresh perspectives and new ideas, invigorating the company with their enthusiasm and energy. As a result, we have offered many of the students permanent positions at Vexxit, where they continue to contribute to the company’s success."

    Chief Revenue Officer, Vexxit

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Student insights

  • Ren (Leon) Hongyang

    “It was a great opportunity to have an Industry Placement. This experience enhanced my ability to adapt to Canadian work culture, prioritize effectively, and collaborate with team members. It was a valuable learning journey that helped me further refine my skills and broaden my expertise.”

    Applied Business Management Grad

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  • Ren (Leon) Hongyang

Request more information

If you have questions about the industry placement, please use this form to let us know.

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Contact us

Extended Education
185 Extended Education Complex
University of Manitoba (Fort Garry campus)
Winnipeg, MB R3T 2N2 Canada

Toll free: 1-888-216-7011