Distinguished Professor and Acting Department Head for Earth Sciences,
Director, Earth Materials and Archaeometry Center (EMAC)
Department of Earth Sciences and Center for Earth Observation Science (CEOS)
240 Wallace Building
125 Dysart Road
Winnipeg, MB
R3T 2N2
Office: 204-474-7982
Cell: 480-599-0360
Academic Background
Ph.D., University of Saskatchewan (1996) - Stable and Radiogenic Isotope Geochemistry
B.Sc. Honors, Carleton University (1989) - Geology and Chemistry
GEOL 4300 - Mineral Deposits
GEOL 4280 - Instrumental Techniques in Geology
GEOL 7540 - Isotope Geology and Geochronology
GEOL 7790 - Advanced Instrumental Techniques in Geology
Research Interests
A. Geofluids and Ore Systems Use light and heavy stable isotopes to trace element cycling between the Earth’s crust, the hydrosphere, and biosphere. Apply in situ analytical and synchrotron techniques to study tectonics, the timing of fluid-rock interactions in sedimentary environments, base- and precious-metal deposits, and the geochronology of uranium deposits and natural fission reactors. Study actinide migration in near surface environments and the kinetics of light stable isotope exchange in minerals.
B. Anthropogenic Geochemistry Using isotope systems to trace micro-contaminants in environmental settings and for forensic purposes.
C. Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry Developing new techniques and applications for forensics research, the geosciences, and archaeometry.
D. Archaeometry The application of isotopic tracers in archaeological studies. For example using stable isotopes to identify and track Mesoamerican turquoise trade routes.
Recent and Significant Publications
Krishnamurthy, A., Nguyen, T., Fayek, M., Shabaga, B., Kroeker, S., 2020. Network Structures and Dissolution Properties of Phosphate-Doped Borosilicate Glasses. J. Phys. Chem., v. 124, p. 21184-21196
Eglington, B., Fayek, M., Kyser, T.K., 2019. Applied Isotope Geochemistry. Mineralogical Association of Canada, Topics in Mineral Science, v.48, 191p. ISSN 2561-6374, ISBN 978-0-921294-62-7.
Fayek, M., Shabaga, B.M., Sharpe, R., Quirt, D., 2019. U-Pb and Pb-Pb geochronology of U-ore minerals by SIMS. In Applied Isotope Geochemistry, Mineralogical Association of Canada (Eds. B. Eglington, M. Fayek, T.K. Kyser), v. 48, p. 59-76.
Beller, J.A., Greenfield, H.J., Fayek, M., Shai, I., & Maeir, A.M. 2019. Raw material procurement and variety of the EB III ground stone assemblage at Tell es- Safi/Gath, Israel. In Stone Tools in the Ancient Near East and Egypt: Ground Stone Tools, Rock-cut Installations and Stone Vessels from the Prehistory to Late Antiquity (Squitieri, A., & Eitam, D., eds). Archaeopress: Oxford, UK. p. 121- 150.