Associate Professor
Environment and Geography

ORCID: 0000-0001-9325-9131 

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Academic Background

PhD - University of Guelph (2015) - Environmental Biology / Toxicology
MSc - Universidad Rey Juan Carlos (Spain) (2008) - Environmental Science and Technology
BSc (Hons) Universidad Rey Juan Carlos (Spain) (2006) - Environmental Science


Data Science with R for Environmental Research
Ecotoxicological Risk Characterization

Research Interests

Currently, my main research interests are: 1) The characterization of traditional and novel stressors acting towards aquatic ecosystems; 2) Understanding the effect of these multiple stressors on the structure and function of these systems; and 3) the development of methodologies to better incorporate the previous points into regulatory and management frameworks.

The bulk of my research takes place at the IISD - Experimental Lakes Area where i carry out ecosystem-scale studies using mesocosms or whole lakes to characterize the fate and effects of contaminants in aquatic ecosystems.

Recent and Significant Publications

Desrochers, D., Prosser, R.S., Hanson, M.L., Rodríguez-Gil, J.L., 2024. Exposure Assessment of Pesticides in Surface Waters of Ontario, Canada Reveals Low Probability of Exceeding Acute Regulatory Thresholds. Bull. Environ. Contam. Toxicol. 112, 53.

Mozas-Blanco, S., Rodríguez-Gil, J.L., Kalman, J., Quintana, G., Díaz-Cruz, M.S., Rico, A., López-Heras, I., Martínez-Morcillo, S., Motas, M., Lertxundi, U., Orive, G., Santos, O., Valcárcel, Y., 2023. Occurrence and ecological risk assessment of organic UV filters in coastal waters of the Iberian Peninsula. Mar. Poll. Bull. 196, 115644.

Rodriguez-Gil, J.L., Prosser, R.S., Duke, S.O., Solomon, K.R., 2021a. Ecotoxicology of Glyphosate, Its Formulants, and Environmental Degradation Products. In: Knaak, J.B. (Ed.), Rev. Environ. Contam. Toxicol. Springer International Publishing.

Rodriguez-Gil, J.L., Stoyanovich, S., Hanson, M.L., Hollebone, B., Orihel, D.M., Palace, V., Faragher, R., Mirnaghi, F.S., Shah, K., Yang, Z., Black, T.A., Cederwall, J., Mason, J., Patterson, S., Timlick, L., Seguin, J.Y., Blais, J.M., 2021b. Simulating diluted bitumen spills in boreal lake limnocorrals - Part 1: Experimental design and responses of hydrocarbons, metals, and water quality parameters. Sci. Tot. Environ. 790, 148537.

Stubblefield, W.A., Barron, M., Bragin, G., DeLorenzo, M.E., de Jourdan, B., Echols, B., French-McCay, D.P., Jackman, P., Loughery, J.R., Parkerton, T.F., Renegar, D.A., Rodriguez-Gil, J.L., 2023. Improving the design and conduct of aquatic toxicity studies with oils based on 20 years of CROSERF experience. Aquat. Toxicol. 261, 106579.