I want my graduate program to give me...

An interdisciplinary focus: I want to learn how to apply ecology, economics and human social well-being to natural resources and environmental management.
A thesis and courses: I want the in-depth research experience of my own thesis and the knowledge gained from a broad range of graduate courses.
An applied education to prepare me for my successful career.
Teaching and mentorship by internationally successful professors.
Outstanding personalized supervision to help me achieve my goals.

I want to learn about...

Human dimensions of natural resources management
Economic dimensions of natural resources management
Ecological dimensions of natural resources management
Legal, policy, and conservation elements of natural resources management
Environmental impact assessments, food security, environmental health and community-based management
Quantitative and qualitative research methods
Working with communities and stakeholders
… and many more topics related to conservation, environment and natural resources management.

I want to do research in these places...

Manitoba, or…
Canada, or…
the World, including countries such as Bangladesh, India, Brazil, Kenya, Tanzania, and many more
… and I want the academic supervision to help me make my research a success.

I want a community with...

An intellectually challenging academic atmosphere.
An internationally diverse selection of professors.
Internationally diverse students.
Respectful mentorship and leadership.
Friendly and supportive academic and social relationships with other students.

We're at the NRI because...

“The NRI has supported a collaborative, participatory research approach that has been integral to my current forestry-related career. Though my Graduate studies, I forged connections within my research community that have led to a wealth of employment opportunities directly related to my work.” Mike, MNRM student

“I'm at the NRI because I want to gain interdisciplinary skills, and conduct practical and applicable research.” Allison, MNRM student

“I chose the NRI over other programs mainly for the interdisciplinarity. I wanted my master’s to be a well rounded program that put me in a learning environment with students of many other disciplines.” Nic, MNRM student

“I'm at the NRI because it allowed me to dive deeper into my interest in ecology, but also allowed me to broaden my knowledge with the interdisciplinary nature of the coursework. I think it is important to have a strong understanding of your chosen field, but also an understanding of the broad impacts of your research, which is what you get at the NRI.” Maggi, MNRM student

“I'm at the NRI because I found a research project here that I believed to be important, worthwhile, and would help me pursue my scientific interests in a completely new way.” Emily, MNRM student