Environment and Geography
470 Wallace Building
University of Manitoba
R3T 2N2
(204) 480-1052
Academic Background
PhD, University of Toronto, Atmospheric Physics
MSc, University of Toronto, Atmospheric Physics
BSc, University of Manitoba, Physics
GEOG 2300 - Atmospheric Thermodynamics, Clouds and Precipitation
GEOG 2540 - Weather and Climate
GEOG 4390 / GEOG 7010 - Global Climate Change
GEOG 4780 / GEOG 7780 - Storms and Mesoscale Meteorology
Research Interests
Extremes associated with weather and climate are a major concern to us all. They lead to enormous damages and often loss of life, society is becoming more vulnerable to such events, and there is mounting evidence that their occurrence may increase in the future. The general focal points of my group's research on extremes are storms and their precipitation (mainly winter but not exclusively), droughts, storm-climate interactions, mountain weather and future changes in these features. In regards to storms, we are currently examining the nature of the various forms of winter precipitation across Canada, the coupled interaction between this precipitation and its associated environment, and the structure of winter and summer storms over several regions. In regards to future conditions, we are applying the knowledge being gained within the above topics to consider possible changes in the occurrence of extremes across many regions. We utilize observations and models in our research. In particular, we utilize operational satellite, radar, sounding and surface observations, we carry out field experiments with research radar, precipitation-sampling equipment as well as other sensors, we develop models of key processes, and we often use large scale model products including those from convection permitting climate models.
Recent and Significant Publications
Mekis, E., R.E. Stewart, J.M. Theriault, B. Kochtubajda, B.R. Bonsal and Z. Liu, 2020: Near 0°C surface temperature and precipitation type patterns across Canada. Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci., 24, 1741–1761
Stewart, R.E., K.K. Szeto, B.R. Bonsal, J.M. Hanesiak, B. Kochtubajda, Y. Li, J.M. Theriault, C.M. DeBeer, B.Y. Tam, Z. Li, Z. Liu, J.A. Bruneau, P. Duplessis, S. Marinier and D. Matte, 2019: Summary and synthesis of Changing Cold Regions Network (CCRN) research in the interior of western Canada: Part I – Projected climate and meteorology. Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci., 23, 3437–3455
Kochtubajda, B., R.E. Stewart, M. Flannigan, B. Bonsal, C. Cuell and C. Mooney, 2019: An assessment of surface and atmospheric conditions associated with the extreme 2014 wildfire season in Canada's Northwest Territories. Atmos.-Ocean, 57, 73-90
Almonte, J. and R.E. Stewart, 2019: Precipitation transition regions over the southern Canadian Cordillera during January–April 2010 and under a pseudo-global warming assumption. Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci., 23, 3665–3682
Stewart, R.E., J. Theriault and W. Henson, 2015: On the characteristics of and processes producing winter precipitation types near 0°C. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 96, 623-639.