Assistant Professor
Canada Research Chair in Arctic Marine Biogeochemistry
Centre for Earth Observation Science
Department of Environment and Geography
530 Wallace Building
University of Manitoba
R3T 2N2

Academic Background

PhD, Oceanography, University of British Columbia
BSc, Biology and Earth and Ocean Sciences, University of Victoria


Research Interests

I'm fascinated by the role of freshwater in the Polar ocean carbon cycle. I use different types of geochemical tracers to determine freshwater sources and pathways in the marine system, in particular along the coasts where river inputs directly intersect areas of sea ice melt. My research questions bridge the earth and ocean sciences - following carbon sources, trajectories, and transformation along the land-ice-ocean continuum. My recent focus has been on the Kitikmeot region of the southern Canadian Arctic Archipelago and I am currently working with partners in Nunavut to conduct year-round monitoring in local river and coastal systems.

Current and Recent Graduate Students

Click the ORCID number to visit that student's ORCID page

Tognotti, OysterMsc0009-0000-6652-4905

Recent and Significant Publications

McLennan, D., K. Brown, R. Scharien, B. Else, K.  Wilson, E.  Humphreys, and P. Marsh. (2022). Environmental Change in the Kitikmeot Region of western Nunavut and Ulukhaktok region of eastern Northwest Territories. Polar Knowledge: Aqhaliat Report. Volume 4.

Bluhm, B.A., K. Brown, L. Rotermund, W. Williams, S. Danielson, and E. C. Carmack (2022), New distribution records of kelp in the Kitikmeot Region, Northwest Passage, Canada, fill a pan-Arctic gap, Polar Biology,

Lannuzel, D., L. Tedesco, M. van Leeuwe, K. Campbell, H. Flores, B. Delille, L. Miller, J. Stefels, P. Assmy, K. A. Brown, J. Bowman, G. Castellani, M. Chierici, O. Crabeck, E. Damm, B. Else, A. Fransson, F. Fripiat, N.-X. Geilfus, E. Jones, H. Kaartokallio, M. Kotovitch, K. Meiners, S. Moreau, D. Nomura, I. Peeken, J.-M. Rintala, N. Steiner, J.-L. Tison, M. Vancoppenolle, F. Van der Linden, M. Vichi, P. Wongpan, (2020) The future of Arctic sea-ice biogeochemistry and ice-associated ecosystems, Nature Climate Change, doi: 10.1038/s41558-020-00940-4

Brown, K.A., J. M. Holding, & E. C. Carmack, (2020) Understanding Regional and Seasonal Variability is Key to Gaining a Pan-Arctic Perspective on Arctic Ocean Freshening. Front. Mar. Sci. 7:606. doi: 10.3389/fmars.2020.00606

Brown, K.A., W. J. Williams, E. C. Carmack, G. Fiske, R. Francois, D. McLennan, B. Peucker-Ehrenbrink, (2020) Geochemistry of Small Canadian Arctic Rivers with Diverse Geological and Hydrological Settings, JGR-Biogeosciences, doi:10.1029/2019JG005414