Professor Emeritus
Geological Sciences
Wallace Building
University of Manitoba
Winnipeg, Manitoba
R3T 4M4
204 269 3851
Academic Background
B.S., University of Cincinnati, 1962, Geology
M.Sc., Ohio State University, 1964, Geology
Ph.D., University of Cincinnati, 1970, Geology
Research Interests
I study the Earth's recent geological history (the Quaternary period). My research focuses on changes of past climate by examining sediments deposited in lakes and rivers and by glaciers. A major effort has been studying glacial Lake Agassiz, once the world's largest lake, and what impact its overflow had on continental and ocean systems and on global climate change. I also study lakes in arid regions. My research has been done on every continent.
Recent and Significant Publications
Teller, J.T., and Owen, L.A., 2021, Age of the Gimli beach of Lake Agassiz based on new OSL dating: Journal of Quaternary Science, v. 36, p. 56-65.
Teller, J., Boyd, M., LeCompte, M., Kennett, J., West, A., Telka, A., Diaz, A., Adedeji, V., Batchelor, D., Mooney, C., Garcia, R., 2020, A multi-proxy study of changing environmental conditions in a Younger Dryas sequence in southwestern Manitoba, Canada, and evidence for an extraterrestrial (ET) event: Quaternary Research, v. 94, p. 60-87.
Teller, J.T., McGinn, R.A., Rajapara, H.M., Shukla, A.D., and Singhvi, A.K., 2018, Optically-Stimulated Luminescence dates from the Lake Agassiz basin in Manitoba: Quaternary Research, v. 89, p. 478-493.
Leydet, D.J., Carlson, A.E., Teller, J.T., Breckenridge, A., Barth, A., Ullman, D., Sinclair, G., Milne, G., Cuzzone, J., and Caffee, M., 2018, Opening of glacial Lake Agassiz's eastern outlets by the start of the Younger Dryas cold period: Geology, v. 46, p. 155-158.
Teller, J.T., Ruhland, K.M., Smol, J.P., Mellors, T.J., and Paterson, A.M., 2018, Holocene history of Lake of the Woods: Ontario, Manitoba, and Minnesota: Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 130, p. 3-23.