building entrance

The Department of Engineering Education supports departments and programs in the Price Faculty of Engineering by delivering the core professional practice courses in the curriculum and its partners with departments to pursue opportunities for interdisciplinary and interdepartmental efforts including micro-credentials. The Department houses the Engineers-in-Residence program, which brings industry perspectives and knowledge into courses, extra-curricular activities, and research and development. The Department of Engineering Education advances research in the discipline of engineering education, exploring engineering epistemologies, engineering culture and identity, engineering knowledge and competencies, and the scholarship of teaching and learning in engineering.


  • Graduate Specialization in Engineering Education

    The Graduate Specialization in Engineering Education (GSEE) is an M.Sc. and PhD option in the Department of Biosystems Engineering with integral contributions and support from the Department of Engineering Education. It is open to students with diverse backgrounds and experiences who wish to pursue graduate studies in the discipline of engineering education.

    Learn more about the GSEE Program

  • aerial view of circle of students in forest for land-based learning
  • Excellence in Engineering Leadership Program

    The Price Excellence in Engineering Leadership (excEL) Program is a FREE co-curricular program for undergraduate engineering students that aims to provide you with the tools and skills needed to excel as an engineering leader of the future.

    Learn more about the excEL Program

  • excel ven diagram
  • Designing Your Engineering Life

    Students in the Price Faculty of Engineering Co-op/IIP have exclusive access to the Designing Your Engineering Life Certificate program (DYEL). The program, adapted from the Designing Your Life Courses at Stanford University in California, helps engineering students discover the career path that interests them and gives them the tools to make it happen. Grounded in the Engineering Design Process this unique way of thinking about where you want to be and taking concrete steps in a path that will get you there helps reduce anxiety and gives students confidence about their future.

  • A group of students holding certificates
  • Project Management Essentials

    Project Management Essentials is a micro-credential for engineering graduate students that provides them with the tools they need to successfully manage their research work from a project management perspective.

  • E2
  • UMIDEA program

    We administer the UM Innovative Design for Engineering Applications program, which brings together the requirements and expertise of the local industry with the innovative potential of engineering students.

    Learn more about the IDEA program

  • A graphic outlining the details of a bicycle mechanism allowing riders to exercise their legs or be pushed like a wheelchair.

Courses for industry participants

The Price Faculty of Engineering offers opportunities for your company and your employees to participate in courses and programs led by our engineers-in-residence. These are offered to industry participants as non-credit courses delivered concurrently as technical electives with senior undergraduate students.

Applied Aerospace Instrumentation

The Applied Aerospace Instrumentation course will provide you with a practical understanding of the role that measurement plays in today’s technologically advanced world. Though geared towards aerospace test system instrumentation (with a particular focus on the gas turbine engine industry), this course is of interest to anyone who wants to learn more about the design, implementation and analysis of the measurement chain. The goal of this course is to introduce you to the design and deployment of measurement systems and all elements of the measurement chain – from sensors, to signal conditioning, to data display. Through practical, industry-based projects, you will gain an understanding of how to apply a measurement system design methodology and how to measure system accuracy. Participation is via a per-seat fee. For details, contact engineer-in-residence Kathryn Atamanchuk.

Operational Excellence

In the Operational Excellence course, participants methodically apply operational excellence and engineering principles and theory to address real industry problems. The emphasis is on the data and fact-based engineering method of problem solving. The course is grounded in the Plan-Do-Study-Act system, covering the seven-step problem solving method (Problem Definition, Examine the Current Situation, Root Cause Analysis, Action Planning and Testing, Study the Results, Standardize the changes and Draw Conclusions), applied statistical concepts (Lean Six Sigma Management), and the fundamentals of teamwork, team dynamics and change management applied to current engineering problems. Participation is via a multi-year funding agreement between the University and your organization, by which you can then send two employees per year to the course and have student teams work on your internal operational excellence challenges. For details, contact engineer-in-residence Vern Campbell.


The Tetra Tech CAD Technology Centre (E2-210 EITC) and the Digital Fabrication Laboratory (FABlab) (E2-220 EITC) are complementary design spaces that allow students to develop a hands-on understanding of how to conceptualize, design, prototype, and communicate design ideas.

The CAD and FAB Labs are used in formal course instruction while also supporting open access time for students in upper year design courses and design competition teams. 

CAD lab

In the CAD Lab, students use state of the art CAD and other design tools to develop and design engineering solutions to engineering problems in a variety of disciplines and applications. The facility is comprised of a 40-seat computer (teaching) lab, with a multitude of design and analysis software applications available for use, including:

  • Full Solidworks Suite 
  • Autodesk Autocad 
  • Autodesk 3D Studio Max 
  • Autodesk Civil 3D 
  • Autodesk Inventor 
  • Ansys Workbench 
  • ArcGIS 
  • Geo Studio 
  • Maple 
  • Matlab 
  • Mastercam 
  • Arduino IDE 
  • Adobe Photoshop (Elements) 
  • Ansys Workbench 

FAB lab

In the FABLab, students use a mix of industrial and open source fabrication tools with an emphasis on digital fabrication technologies to prototype and develop designs. The facility is composed of a wide range of fabrication equipment with a custom designed room that features active ventilation and workflow management to allow students to come and go and develop their designs. Some of the fabrication equipment students have access to include:

  • 7 FDM 3D printers set up to print in PLA/ABS/TPU and a variety of materials 
  • 1 Continuous-Fibre-Reinforced 3D printer to print Nylon with fibreglass, Kevlar or carbon reinforcement 
  • 3 desktop SLA printers set up for resin and castable materials
  • 2 Laser Cutters (50-watt) set up for wood, plastic, foams, paper 
  • 5 Axis Dental CNC milling machine set up for metal/plastic prototypes 
  • 2 industrial laser scanners for reverse engineering (photometric) 
  • Various surface treatment stations (vapor, ultrasonic, abrasive media) 
  • Small scale injection molding machine for small prototype runs 
  • Vacuum form machine for over molding (styrene core) or straight forming 
  • Manual machining equipment (gunsmith lathe, knee mill) set up for precision prototypes 
  • A variety of manual manufacturing equipment (presses, brakes, rolls, saws, drills) for specialty work 

Contact us

Department of Engineering Education
Price Faculty of Engineering
SP-341 Stanley Pauley Engineering Building
97 Dafoe Road
University of Manitoba (Fort Garry campus)
Winnipeg MB, R3T 5V6
