About us
Future students
We encourage students to balance academic and social opportunities.
Academic opportunities
The university has a wide range of classes in many disciplines to choose from, although some courses cannot be audited.
Students are encouraged to choose courses based on their interests and goals. Once courses are selected, the coordinator approaches the professor or instructor and requests permission for the student to audit the course. If permission is granted, the student is then assisted through the registration process.
On a student’s first day of classes, a Campus Life tutor accompanies them and briefly explains the Campus Life program to the class. The tutor also recruits a volunteer note-taker. As the student continues to attend classes, Campus Life tutors and the director provide academic support by shaping the course content and adapting assignments to meet the student’s unique needs and abilities during regular individual-tutoring sessions.
Social opportunities
in addition to academic pursuits, Campus Life supports students to develop their interests, to work, to volunteer, to stay fit, and to meet others with similar interests. The opportunity to develop friendships and other connections at university is an important aspect of the program.
Who can apply?
Campus Life is designed to support students with intellectual and developmental disabilities who otherwise would be excluded from post-secondary education.
Prior academic achievement is not a prerequisite for admission to Campus Life. However, the applicant’s motivation to learn and the support of family and friends are important factors.
Students are not excluded due to the severity of their disability. However, resource limitations may delay the intake of new students.
What will it cost?
Students pay the normal auditing fee for each semester (usually a half tuition). They also are responsible for paying for their own transportation, student fees, books, supplies, and incidental expenses.
How do I apply?
Trevi Freeze
Campus Life program director
Room 423
71 Curry Place
University of Manitoba
Winnipeg, MB R3T 5V6 Canada
Current students
Tutors will help guide, support, and assist you. At the start of each term, they will help access and acquire the tools, systems, and materials you need to attend class and study at the University of Manitoba.
New students will need to acquire the following:
Student ID card
- University of Manitoba email account, and
- Access to online university resources (if required for the course).
All students will need to do the following at the beginning of both fall and winter terms:
- Purchase the required texts and materials needed for your course(s),
- Pay your tuition,
- Obtain a locker (if needed), and
- Schedule appointments with your tutor.
New students
Beginning in the fall term, new students will participate in the two-day University 1 orientation.
Class attendance
Regular attendance is required of all students.
Tutor session attendance
Campus Life students are required to attend tutoring sessions regularly.
Getting involved on campus
Getting involved on campus is a great way to meet people and enhance your resume. Let us help you explore your options. Here are some activities to consider:
Join a student group or club,
Volunteer on campus,
Attend organized university events (barbecues, sporting events, etc.), and
Sign up for an intramural sport.
Convocation requirements
Students will be recommended for convocation if he or she has successfully completed 30-60 credit hours as an auditing student (the range of credit hours reflects the range of abilities of the Campus Life students).
Each student must declare to the Campus Life director in writing his or her intent to complete his or her program by Feb. 1 for May convocation.
The director will determine if a student has successfully completed his or her course work by assessing:
- Bi-weekly reports from the student’s tutor,
- Professor feedback,
- Completion of assignments and exams, and
- Consistent attendance.
After determining that a student has successfully completed his or her program, the director will recommend the student to the dean of the Faculty of Education (or his or her designate) who will make arrangements for his or her inclusion in the convocation ceremony.
Tutoring support
Tutors help students to achieve their academic and social goals by:
- Adapting and shaping course materials to meet the individual interests, needs, and abilities of students;
- Arranging for academic accommodations (recruiting volunteer note-takers, providing oral exam options, etc.);
- Ensuring that students receive helpful feedback and evaluations;
- Providing support and guidance in areas such as purchasing textbooks, accessing the library and computer labs, paying tuition, etc.;
- Helping students to explore and become involved in student groups, athletic opportunities, university services, and volunteer and employment opportunities, etc., and acting as role models.
For instructors and professors
The collaboration of UM professors and instructors is an important component of Campus Life. Without their continued support this program could not exist.
What can I expect on the first day of classes?
On the first day of class a tutor will accompany the student to class and introduce the student and ask for a volunteer note taker/class liaison. In some instances the tutor may also recruit a volunteer to help facilitate the student’s participation in the classroom.
How is the student supported outside the classroom?
Outside of class the tutor will:
- Go over class notes received from the note taker,
- Refine and highlight textbook materials,
- Refine and modify assignments, and
- Refine and modify tests.
Where will students take the tests and exams?
Tests and exams can be completed in class or out of class with a tutor.
Some students opt to take the test or exam in a private space; whereas some students prefer to take the adapted version of test or exam in the classroom. Whether or not the student takes the test or exam in the classroom with the other students, is your decision.
The director and tutor will also determine the student's readiness before a decision is made to take a test or exam in class.
How does the tutor adapt or modify assignments and exams?
Tutors have the freedom to adapt and modify assignments and tests because, as auditing students, they do not receive course credit for their work.
Professors and instructors sometimes provide the tutors with old tests, so the questions from that exam can be extracted and modified for the student.
Some instructors or professors choose to develop a separate set of questions for the student to answer. If you choose, the tutor can develop the questions based on the textbook and class notes.
Our tutors are instructed to request tests for modification; however, professors are under no obligation to provide them.
Our tutors destroy any copies of tests or exams, given to us by professors, once they have completed the necessary modifications for the student.
If you have any questions on concerns about this please do not hesitate to contact me at 204-474-4946 or Trevi.Freeze@umanitoba.ca
How are assignments and exams evaluated?
We understand the importance of maintaining the security of tests and exams provided to us. In addition, Campus Life follows the University of Manitoba regulations for auditing students. Under those regulations professors have no obligation to assign or mark the work of an auditing student.
Our students are seeking an authentic university experience. As a result, willing professors and instructors are invited to provide feedback or evaluate exams and assignments. Feedback is expected to enhance academic growth, keeping in mind that students are auditing the course.