Michelle Porter, PhD

Director, Centre on Aging
Professor, Faculty of Kinesiology and Recreation Management
Twitter: @CoAPorter

More about Michelle Porter


As Director of the Centre on Aging, Michelle Porter oversees all of the activities of the Centre. In addition to being the Director she is a professor in the Faculty of Kinesiology and Recreation Management. For more information on her research, go to the following link.

Michelle received her Ph.D. (Kinesiology) from the University of Western Ontario; her Master of Science Degree (Community Health) from the University of Toronto; and her Bachelor Degree (Physical and Health Education) from Laurentian University. She spent her Post-Doctoral fellowship in Boston and Sweden.

Michelle’s work with older adults extends back to her undergraduate studies, where she volunteered and worked with older adults at residences and hospitals; and at academic research centres including the Dr. Paul Schwann Centre at the University of Regina, and the Centre for Activity and Ageing at the University of Western Ontario.

The multidisciplinarity of her research is matched by the diversity of her administrative experience at the University of Manitoba serving as: Associate Dean (Research); Acting Dean; Graduate Program Chair; and Acting Director of two research institutes, including the Centre on Aging (2003–2004).

Nicole Dunn, MA

Associate Director, Centre on Aging

More about Nicole Dunn


As Associate Director, Nicole Dunn facilitates the research of Centre on Aging Research Affiliates; assists the Director and Research Affiliates with grant applications; conducts Centre-based research with the Director, staff/students of the Centre, Research Affiliates as well as with or for community/government; and produces reports or fact sheets on aging for the Centre and its stakeholders.

Nicole has a Bachelor of Arts Degree (Advanced) with a Major in Psychology and a Minor in Sociology, as well as a Bachelor of Recreation Studies, from the University of Manitoba. She completed her Master of Arts at the University of Georgia, where she studied therapeutic recreation and leisure education in older adults. Nicole most recently worked with the Faculty of Kinesiology and Recreation Management in the Health, Leisure and Human Performance Research Institute as Associate Director (Administration), a position she held for five years.

Her prior research experience includes being: a Research Project Manager at St. Boniface Research Centre, Research Director at the Wellness Institute, a Survey Research Coordinator/Program Coordinator for the Wellness Institute Services Evaluation Research (W.I.S.E.R.) program, and a Research Associate at the Centre on Aging where she was involved in the evaluation of Adult Day Care in Manitoba.

Rachel Ines, BA, Dipl.(Hons.)

Administration and Communications Coordinator

More about Rachel Ines


As the Administration and Communications Coordinator, Rachel is responsible for developing and overseeing the communications strategy for the Centre on Aging including disseminating Centre research and the contributions of the Centre’s research affiliates through the Centre’s biweekly updates, newsletters, web site, and social media; developing reports and communication materials; coordinating the annual Spring Research Symposium; and providing support for the Students Targeting Aging Research (STAR) group supported by the Centre.
Within the area of gerontology, she has over 14 years’ experience working on project teams focusing on aging issues in the areas of age-friendly communities and gerontology. Her experience developing communication materials for 15 years includes designing and distributing dissemination materials to project partners and the general public. Rachel has served as newsletter editor for four organizations (academic and non-profit) and has developed a variety of documents for academic, non-profit, and government audiences.

She completed her certificate in Graphic Communications, and received her Technical Communications Diploma (Honours) from Red River College Polytechnic. Prior to that Rachel completed her Bachelor of Arts Degree (Anthropology) at the University of Winnipeg.

Advisory board members

The Advisory Board serves as advisory to the Director on matters relating to policy for the Centre. The Board is constituted of individuals recommended by the Director of the Centre to the Vice-President (Research and International) of the University.

  • Dr. Michelle Porter
    Director, Centre on Aging
    Professor, Faculty of Kinesiology and Recreation Management
    University of Manitoba

  • Dr. Annemieke Farenhorst
    Associate Vice-President (Research) 
    University of Manitoba

  • Dr. Judith G. Bartlett, C.M.
    Community representative

  • Dr. Heather Campbell-Enns
    Associate Professor of Psychology
    Canadian Mennonite University

  • Dr. Stephen Cornish

    Associate Dean, Undergraduate Education; Associate Professor, Faculty of Kinesiology & Recreation Management
    University of Manitoba

  • Dr. Christine Kelly
    Associate professor, Max Rady College of Medicine, Community Health Sciences
    University of Manitoba

  • Dr. Celine Latulipe
    Professor, Department of Computer Science, Faculty of Science
    University of Manitoba

  • Mr. Joe Puchniak
    Provincial Clinical Service Lead, Health System Integration & Quality, Shared Health
    Provincial representative

  • Dr. Kristin Reynolds
    Assistant Professor, Departments of Psychology and Psychiatry
    University of Manitoba

  • Dr. Philip St. John
    Professor, Max Rady College of Medicine, Internal Medicine, Section: Geriatric Medicine
    University of Manitoba

  • Dr. Genevieve Thompson
    Professor, College of Nursing, Rady Faculty of Health Sciences; Research Chair in Person-Directed Living with Riverview Health Centre
    University of Manitoba

  • Ms. Brenda Tonn
    Community Representative
    Membership Coordinator and Consultant, Age Friendly Manitoba
    Manitoba Association of Senior Centres 

  • Ms. Bronte Vollebregt, PhD (c)
    Graduate student, STAR co-lead
    University of Manitoba

Coalition for Healthy Aging in Manitoba

The Coalition for Healthy Aging in Manitoba (CHAM) began as a standalone coalition in 2016 to champion the vision outlined in the World Health Organization's (WHO) Global Strategy and Action Plan on Ageing and Health; a vision that includes: creating age-friendly environments; better aligning health and long term care systems to the needs of older people; and, improving monitoring, measurement and research on healthy aging. The WHO recognizes the wisdom of older people and encourages their voice and active participation in realizing the vision outlined in their Global Strategy.

For a variety reasons, it became apparent that the Coalition needed a home organization for its support and long-term viability. In December 2017, it was decided that CHAM would become an official committee of the Centre on Aging, at the University of Manitoba.


Community and academic partners working together to promote collaboration and synergies that support Healthy Aging in Manitoba.

CHAM Lead working group membership

CHAM remains committed to its mandate for engaging key players in Manitoba, in support of the WHO vision. This includes the active participation of older Manitobans and the organizations they work with.

Dr. Michelle Porter (Chair)
Dr. Malcolm Doupe
Mr. Jim Hamilton
Ms. Connie Newman
Mr. Dave Schellenberg
Dr. Philip St. John
Dr. Cornelia van Ineveld

CHAM activities

From 2016–2019, CHAM held ten workshops in various communities in Manitoba. The purpose of the workshops was to gain perspectives on healthy aging in the province of Manitoba.

CHAM workshops

In 2016 and 2017, CHAM held workshops in Winnipeg and Brandon. These workshops focused on the Global Strategy and Action Plan. The purpose of the workshops was to gain perspectives on healthy aging in the province of Manitoba.

In 2018–2019, CHAM facilitated a series of eight workshops in Manitoba communities.

Participants were asked to discuss what Manitoba is doing well and what could be improved with each of the following three strategic areas from the Global Strategy and Action Plan: age-friendly environments, health systems, and long-term care.

For the 2018 events, almost 100 participants contributed their input at the 2.5 hour workshops. Those attending the events included: older adults, health care practitioners, policy makers, employees from regional health authorities, and those working with organizations associated with older people.

CHAM reports

Healthy Aging in Manitoba A Report of the Coalition for Healthy Aging in Manitoba (report link)
Published January 29, 2020
This report summarizes feedback from consultations on the World Health Organization's (WHO) Global Strategy and Action Plan on Ageing and Health (GSAP) from across Manitoba communities.

Challenges faced by senior women
Submission to the Standing Committee on the Status of Women 
CHAM submission: March 29, 2019

2018 Provincial Consultations on Healthy Aging
Published January 28, 2019
This report summarizes the comments received across all 2018 sites for each of the strategic areas from the Global Strategy and Action Plan: age-friendly environments, health systems, and long-term care.

Submission for the Advancing inclusion and quality of life for seniors
CHAM submission: October 12, 2017

Report submitted to the Standing Committee on Human Resources, Skills and Social Development and the Status of Persons with Disabilities